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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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the bigotry and racism Rev Wright spews from the pulpit has everything to do with his politics; left-wing politics; and nothing to do with the fact he has the title of Reverend in front of his name

seriously you're nothing but a clown lying to himself

You mean someone who probably got pulled over hundreds of times in his life merely for being black?

Yeah, i could kind of see how that would probably shape his opinions.

Sorry, i see a lot more bigotry from the religious right than the religious left.
Rice a a professional politician. Nothing unusual about going over the Talking Points.

Give up the ghost :eusa_boohoo:

Yeah nothing to see here, folks.
Except we know the White House coached her to repeat the line they had concocted: that a video was responsible for a riot. They concocted it because the truth--it was a terrorist attack on a poorly defended position--might cost Obama the election.
Yes, we know this. Yes, it's proven. Yes, it's criminal. Yes, people desperately want to dismiss it in one way or another but they can't. Because it's the truth.

No scandal on the scale of Nixon. However the lesson about the negative consequences of our interventionist policy is largely ignored.


If that were true every presidential press secretary for um, ever, would be in jail.

Anyway, she's smart and a practiced politician, I'm sure it only took a few minutes to go over the Talking Points, it not like they are a new concept. Not like the GOP candidate from 2008. Now that was a candidate that was in need of a lot of coaching.

I hope you're being sarcastic because this is a hundred times worse than Nixon. This resulted in the deaths of Americans and leaving our interests at risk from an enemy. That's near treason. Worst of all is that this generation's Woodward and Bernstein are in on it with R'Shard Nixon.
Lawsuit sued for emails specific to Benghazi. Not the overall Muslim world at the time which Carney says the released emails are about.

Judicial Watch: Carney is Wrong, We Sued for Benghazi Talking Points
Fitton: ‘Jay Carney is not credible’

Judicial Watch’s President Tom Fitton hit back at Jay Carney over false statements made by the White House press secretary during his heated exchange with ABC’s Jon Karl regarding newly released emails about Benghazi. The emails were only released by the White House after Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against them.

Carney said that talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice to recite on talk shows following the Benghazi attack centered around protests in the Middle East, not specifically pertaining to Benghazi.

Video Interview:

Judicial Watch: We Sued for Benghazi Talking Points | Washington Free Beacon

I usually feel sorry for Jay "Bagdad Bob" Carney. Today, all I could do is shake my head and wonder how stupid he thinks the American people are. Given the boy king was elected twice, I guess he's got all the proof he needs the American people are dumb enough to believe such outrageous lies.

Gotta love the doublespeak:

"The emails were not about Benghazi".

"You mean the emails that you withheld and were only released after a law suit forced you to release emails specific to Benghazi?"

"The emails were not about Benghazi."

"Oh, so these AREN'T the droids we're looking for?"

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In a sane nation, one not infected by liberalism, impeachment proceeding would begin.

The MSM is yawning...they will do all they can to carry BO's water.
Here's the gop's basic problem. We haven't had a consistent FP that made since BushI. So, we're left snipe shooting.

Slick screwed the pooch in Somalia, but not because he intervened. Intervention was consistent because we had intl support. It was screwed up because Slick, didn't back it up with overwhelming firepower. In fact, Somalia would have been a convenient place for terrorists, and ..... it is so today.

Kosovo? OMG, nation building is actually working when the EU pours in billions.

Rwanda? Slick's biggest regret. But it's hindsight. We neither had nations nearby backing us or an ability to put in massive firepower (no port)

BushII. Enough said.

Now we're split between McCain and the isolationists. ARMING the syraiian rebels was actually what McCain wanted.

But what's our policy? The lesson in Benghazi isn't about not enough security. Of course we didn't have enough. But for God's sake don't you think it'd have been great In Hindsight if BushII had shut down the airports, or fi Truman hadn't bungled the 42 parallel or if JFK had pulled the plug on the Bay of Pigs? But MISTAKES AREN'T WHAT ELECTIONS ARE ABOUT.

Obama didn't troune McCain on for policy because Bushii didn't effecitively prosecute the Iraq war. He trounced him because NEOCON POLICY STARTED THE WAR.

The issue is OBAMA"S entire FOR POLICY. The gop has two options. 1) Rand Paul. Let's go home and do a bong. 2) McCain. Choose the best option, and give em anything less than nukes and chem weapons. And pray.

When McCain and Obama agree on anything, do the opposite. :cuckoo:
Here's the gop's basic problem. We haven't had a consistent FP that made since BushI. So, we're left snipe shooting.

Slick screwed the pooch in Somalia, but not because he intervened. Intervention was consistent because we had intl support. It was screwed up because Slick, didn't back it up with overwhelming firepower. In fact, Somalia would have been a convenient place for terrorists, and ..... it is so today.

Kosovo? OMG, nation building is actually working when the EU pours in billions.

Rwanda? Slick's biggest regret. But it's hindsight. We neither had nations nearby backing us or an ability to put in massive firepower (no port)

BushII. Enough said.

Now we're split between McCain and the isolationists. ARMING the syraiian rebels was actually what McCain wanted.

But what's our policy? The lesson in Benghazi isn't about not enough security. Of course we didn't have enough. But for God's sake don't you think it'd have been great In Hindsight if BushII had shut down the airports, or fi Truman hadn't bungled the 42 parallel or if JFK had pulled the plug on the Bay of Pigs? But MISTAKES AREN'T WHAT ELECTIONS ARE ABOUT.

Obama didn't troune McCain on for policy because Bushii didn't effecitively prosecute the Iraq war. He trounced him because NEOCON POLICY STARTED THE WAR.

The issue is OBAMA"S entire FOR POLICY. The gop has two options. 1) Rand Paul. Let's go home and do a bong. 2) McCain. Choose the best option, and give em anything less than nukes and chem weapons. And pray.

When McCain and Obama agree on anything, do the opposite. :cuckoo:

Same with Boehner and Obama...especially dirty deeds done on the golf course.
I usually feel sorry for Jay "Bagdad Bob" Carney. Today, all I could do is shake my head and wonder how stupid he thinks the American people are. Given the boy king was elected twice, I guess he's got all the proof he needs the American people are dumb enough to believe such outrageous lies.


Gotta love the doublespeak:

"The emails were not about Benghazi".

"You mean the emails that you withheld and were only released after a law suit forced you to release emails specific to Benghazi?"

"The emails were not about Benghazi."

"Oh, so these AREN'T the droids we're looking for?"


What's appalling about that video, Willie is that the Obama Administration actually thinks something that ridiculous will pass muster. Now they're claiming that Rice wasn't being briefed on Benghazi before those Sunday talk show appearances and that she was talking about protests "generally" in the Muslim world rather than Benghazi in particular? Really? I'm trying to picture this crew of White House wonks sitting around a big table and coming up with THAT as the best explanation for the lies that they told back then and the obvious stonewalling of the investigation that the withholding of this email clearly demonstrates.

You wonder why these people can't run the country? It's obvious that they aren't very smart.
Whilst driving a short while ago I heard part of an interview with a female journalist who is being persecuted by The Obama Regime and who apparently has a book coming out in a few months. Wish I caught her name, I think it was something like "Atkinson", and I couldn't tell you who was doing the interview as I had to turn the radio off abruptly due to heavy traffic demanding immediate attention.

What I caught was that she had asked The White House press office for access to all the photographs taken of Obama & his playmates while the Benghazi "unpleasantness" was playing out. At first, they being official and meant to be public property, she was told they'd be prepared and she'd have them in a few days. But they never arrived. When she pressed the matter she was kicked up the chain and told she couldn't have them.

The belief - and it's just that, a belief - is that there were multiple sets of photos taken, each posed according to a possible outcome. We've seen the ones seeming so deliberative and concerned. But, if others exist, we should also be allowed to see the ones that might include The Big Zero posed doing His happy dance in the event that nobody died and everybody could rejoice in His manly resolve.

Now were the lady told there were no other photos there would have been plausible deniability - but to be told she can't have them says they are some and they might be, at the very least, embarrassing.

I guess I'll have to wait for the book.


Wait for the "most open and transparent administration in history" to open the window just a crack. Could be a long wait. Unless, of course, Congressional investigations after 2014's elections jimmy them up a tad.
Obama lied and four people died.
Bush lied and 3,000 people died on 9/11 and nearly a half million died related to Iraq war. Based on another lie.
Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized

On May 1 the CIA said that a terrorist group in the U.S. was planning an attack.

On June 22 it warned that this attack was "imminent."

On June 29 the brief warned of near-term attacks with "dramatic consequences" including major casualties.

On July 1, the briefing said that the terrorist attack had been delayed but "will occur soon."

On July 24, the president was told again that the attack had been delayed but would occur within months.

Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider

The Deafness Before the Storm

On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified review of the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda
Bush administration ignored more terror warnings before 9/11 than previously thought
In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush officials attempted to deflect criticism that they had ignored C.I.A. warnings by saying they had not been told when and where the attack would occur. That is true, as far as it goes, but it misses the point. Throughout that summer, there were events that might have exposed the plans, had the government been on high alert. Indeed, even as the Aug. 6 brief was being prepared, Mohamed al-Kahtani, a Saudi believed to have been assigned a role in the 9/11 attacks, was stopped at an airport in Orlando, Fla., by a suspicious customs agent and sent back overseas on Aug. 4. Two weeks later, another co-conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, was arrested on immigration charges in Minnesota after arousing suspicions at a flight school. But the dots were not connected, and Washington did not react.

NYT: Bush administration ignored more terror warnings before 9/11 than previously thought | MSNBC
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I can't connect the dots between Bush and the Benghazi email...

That's because only liberals can understand that Bush was still president when Obama & his little playmates cowered in the basement wondering WTF was coming down. And I don't mean the delivery pizza.
Watching Jay Carney at today's White House Press conference was more amusing than usual. Jay's facial expression during most of it was that of a man who was just forced to take a big bite out of a shit sandwich.

Sucks being the mouthpiece for an Administration that lies as often as this one does...

Still trying to launch that meme, huh? :lol:
Watching Jay Carney at today's White House Press conference was more amusing than usual. Jay's facial expression during most of it was that of a man who was just forced to take a big bite out of a shit sandwich.

Sucks being the mouthpiece for an Administration that lies as often as this one does...

Still trying to launch that meme, huh? :lol:

It was painful to watch.

He was nailed......big-time.....and seemed extremely close to walking out of there.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60]Bush Caught Lying About September 11th - YouTube[/ame]
I can't connect the dots between Bush and the Benghazi email...
Why is Bush not held accountable for war crimes but you wingnuts want to hang Obama because he was lied to about Benghazi and four people died?

War Tribunal Finds Bush, Cheney Guilty of War Crimes


Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack

Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack - Salon.com
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Beware phone calls and/or e-mails from Kuala Lumpur seeking contributions to prosecute Bush.

But if you're a liberal, please give until it hurts!

I mean really, really hurts! You'll feel better for it - if only because you're rid of all your ill-got money.
The White House press conference that just ended had to be seen to be believed. Bagdad Bob was in top form in asking the reporters to suspend reality and swallow his latest spin. After repeatedly saying Rice got her talking points from the CIA, Judicial Watch has made it clear they came from the White House. Not from the CIA. Not from the Pentagon.

The truly devoted who have sold their soul to this charlatan in the White House will do anything to protect the fantasy of the boy king. They are so delusional, if they looked out a window and saw Obama slaughtering his daughters, they'd blame the window for being transparent.

Carney, Karl in Heated Exchange Over Rice’s Benghazi Talking Points

On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and ABC News White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl engaged in a heated back and forth over the emails recently uncovered that relate to the White House preparing National Security Advisor Susan Rice to discuss the attack on a consulate in Benghazi in 2012. Carney told Karl that the White House urged Rice to focus on an inflammatory video because the focus of her appearances was going to be on the protests around the Muslim world sparked by that video.

“You knew full well that these Sunday show appearances were going to be dominated by the attacking Benghazi, as they were,” Karl asserted after Carney insisted that Rice’s talking points were geared toward addressing region-wide protests as well as the Benghazi attack.

Carney said that those protests have been largely forgotten, and the talking points were created for members of Congress who were interested in them. Karl shot back that former CIA director Michael Morell contradicted Carney’s claim in testimony before Congress last month.

“You stood there, time after time, and said that she was referring to talking points created by the CIA,” Karl recalled. “Now we see a document that comes from the White House, not from the CIA, attributing the protests to the video.”

Carney insisted that the protests outside of American embassies throughout the Muslim world were also a “big story,” and the White House prepared talking points to address that situation.

“I know that you and I both are in a different time zone right now,” Carney told Karl, “But we are still in April of 2014.”

He added that Rice “went out there with the best information that we had at the time.”

Watch the clip below via The White House:


A Right-Wing Mole at ABC News

Jonathan Karl and the success of the conservative media movement

Conservatives don’t just complain loudly, endlessly and inaccurately about liberal media bias. They also train right-leaning journalists to make their way into the supposedly hostile terrain of Beltway media. And one of the most famous alums of a conservative media training program is now a major star at a network news outlet: ABC’s senior political correspondent Jonathan Karl.

Karl came to mainstream journalism via the Collegiate Network, an organization primarily devoted to promoting and supporting right-leaning newspapers on college campuses (Extra!, 9-10/91)—such as the Rutgers paper launched by the infamous James O’Keefe (Political Correction, 1/27/10). The network, founded in 1979, is one of several projects of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which seeks to strengthen conservative ideology on college campuses. William F. Buckley was the ISI’s first president, and the current board chair is American Spectator publisher Alfred Regnery. Several leading right-wing pundits came out of Collegiate-affiliated papers, including Ann Coulter, Dinesh D'Souza, Michelle Malkin, Rich Lowry and Laura Ingraham (Washington Times, 11/28/04).

The Collegiate Network also provides paid internships and fellowships to place its members at corporate media outlets or influential Beltway publications; 2010-11 placements include the Hill, Roll Call, Dallas Morning News and USA Today. The program’s highest-profile alum is Karl, who was a Collegiate fellow at the neoliberal New Republic magazine.

After a stint at the New York Post, Karl soon found his way to CNN, but he was still connected to ideological pursuits; he was a board member at the right-leaning youth-oriented Third Millennium group and at the Madison Center for Educational Affairs—which, like the Collegiate Network, seeks to strengthen young conservative journalism. After moving to ABC in 2003, Karl contributed several pieces to the neo-con Weekly Standard, such as his April 4, 2005 article praising Bush Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as out to “make her mark with the vigorous pursuit of the president’s freedom and democracy agenda.”​
Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack
In a diplomatic cable in June, the U.S. ambassador to Libya cited the rise of “Islamic extremism” and displays of “the Al-Qaeda flag” over buildings outside the city of Benghazi, where he and three other Americans would be killed in a terrorist attack on Sept. 11.

Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack - Washington Times

why was he still there when others were evacuating???
Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
CAIRO — In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.

Why Stevens, who died of smoke inhalation in the first of two attacks that took place late Sept. 11 and early Sept. 12, 2012, would turn down the offers remains unclear. The deteriorating security situation in Benghazi had been the subject of a meeting that embassy officials held Aug. 15, where they concluded they could not defend the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi. The next day, the embassy drafted a cable outlining the dire circumstances and saying it would spell out what it needed in a separate cable.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/05/...-twice-said-no-to-military.html#storylink=cpy

At some times we are responsible for our own safety. Ambassador Stevens had that responsibility, He was there.
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