New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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If Obama's FDA fucked up and allowed poison to get into baby food and knew about it, but invented a story they didn't know when 4 babies were killed from the tainted would stupid fuck liberals defend your black messiah????
Are you fucking kidding me?

Newt tried to IMPEACH CLINTON OVER A BLOW JOB! That was before making public all sorts of lurid stuff about his sex life, accusing him of rape and murder.

Now, come on, even I wouldn't have tried to make that kind of claim when I was a Republican.

^^^ Deluded Moonbat ^^^

Clinton was impeached for LYING and ABUSE OF POWER.

Yes. About a BLOWJOB.

But Muddy was trying to claim that Newt wasn't trying to make Clinton look bad. That in fact, he was trying to save Clinton from himself.

Did anyone really have to "try" to make Clinton look bad? Gifted man but flawed. The person that made Clinton look bad was Bill Clinton. The definition of "is"...really? :lol::lol::lol:
Bush's Wars Of Choice:

Number of American service personal who have died in Afghanistan: 2313
Number of American service personal who have died in Iraq: 4487

That figure doesn't include contractors or other US citizens.

Benghazi: 4

Please neocon whiney fucks - don't start. You look silly

Comparing two wars vs Benghazi is as whacked out as comparing Vietnam to 9/11.

War vs terrorist attack is apples vs oranges.

Not when looking at cause and effect it's not...

It's not for this thread now is it? You checked out the rules for this forum lately?

Clinton was impeached for perjury. They also had strong suspicions he had sold secrets to the Chinese. Clinton is the only president impeached in the 20th century. So of course he's a hero to the Left.

If they thought he sold secrets to the Chinese, they should have impeached him for that.

But impeaching him for lying about an affair when half these guys had mistresses themselves, that just smacks of hypocrisy.

So let's get the logic straight here.

Lie about a blow job- Impeachable.

Lie about weapons of mass destruction, leading to a war that killed 5000 Americans and half a million Iraqis. Not impeachable.

Am I getting this right, Rabbid?

First : Clinton was impeached for perjury.

Second : You can't prove he lied about WMDs when you refuse to look at the evidence they did find.

Third : It's up to you to prove that he knew before we went in that they weren't there. Otherwise you're pulling that shit out of your backside.

Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.
I'm just picking up that Boehner's going for the throat. YAY! He's picked Rep. Gowdy to lead the Benghazi panel.

Gowdy of Mayberry? lol, another Goober from the Land of the Inbred. Just proof that they didn't have to go very far up the food chain to find someone less awful than Issa.
So far in the almost 50 pages of this thread, I have seen nothing but abject liberal desperation in trying to deflect away from the topic. First it was Bush, then it morphed into his dealings with Saddam Hussein and WMD, then it was whether or not Obama said "act of terror" or not, then it went to Reagan, then it was BUSH AND REAGAN.

Sigh. I should find a liberal thread and do stuff like this. I wonder how it would be received?

In order for your main argument to hold any water, you first have to acknowledge that 9/11 was not an act of terror.

Have you done that yet?

You can either address the OP, or you will get no further responses from me. Are we clear?

You can surrender any time you like, or, you can hold out like some old Japanese soldier on a Pacific island 20 years after WWII is over. I don't give a fuck either way.

Now that I've forced you into having to deny that 9/11 was an act of terror in order to keep your argument on life support,

I'd say the fat lady has sung.
If they thought he sold secrets to the Chinese, they should have impeached him for that.

But impeaching him for lying about an affair when half these guys had mistresses themselves, that just smacks of hypocrisy.

So let's get the logic straight here.

Lie about a blow job- Impeachable.

Lie about weapons of mass destruction, leading to a war that killed 5000 Americans and half a million Iraqis. Not impeachable.

Am I getting this right, Rabbid?

First : Clinton was impeached for perjury.

Second : You can't prove he lied about WMDs when you refuse to look at the evidence they did find.

Third : It's up to you to prove that he knew before we went in that they weren't there. Otherwise you're pulling that shit out of your backside.

Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.

Yeah Clinton skated we have been over that many times. The democrats didn't do what the Republican did during Watergate. But he was fined and lost his law license for 5 years. Not exactly innocent.
I'm just picking up that Boehner's going for the throat. YAY! He's picked Rep. Gowdy to lead the Benghazi panel.

Gowdy of Mayberry? lol, another Goober from the Land of the Inbred. Just proof that they didn't have to go very far up the food chain to find someone less awful than Issa.

How disgustingly bigoted of you.

Clinton had a congress that wasn't out to make him look bad. You had Newt and Lott, now you have a Boner and Do by Harry....

Are you fucking kidding me?

Newt tried to IMPEACH CLINTON OVER A BLOW JOB! That was before making public all sorts of lurid stuff about his sex life, accusing him of rape and murder.

Now, come on, even I wouldn't have tried to make that kind of claim when I was a Republican.

^^^ Deluded Moonbat ^^^

Clinton was impeached for LYING and ABUSE OF POWER.

He was found not guilty. I'm surprised you don't know that. Well, no I'm not, you're retarded. My sister's retarded stepchild doesn't know that either.
If the POTUS will lie about a terrorist attack, downplaying the event even allowing the Americans under attack to die in order to downplay the event.....that piece of shit should be impeached for manslaughter and high treason, nevermind perjury.

If the public is lied to about a terrorist attack in order to win an election, then anything is fair game for him.

Take a quick look out your window. I'm about to give you rep. Actually you would be surprised. We agree on almost all topics. Just not the Ukraine. :eusa_angel:

And I still want to know where that son of a bitch was while his men were under attack. Where Hillary was. The one question Pannetta was never nailed with.

Why did you not even contact the Secretary of State? Ive not seen that question in any testimony that has been released.

And think about it. We're having to sue to get this information. I spit bullets every time I think about this bullshit.

Not once during an American Consulate under a full scale terror attack? Not once did anyone think to pick up the phone to let the Secretary of State know her Ambassador was being killed. Dragged thru the streets?

No one called Hillary???????????????????

Oh this goes deep.

Now maybe it was asked. It's just not that we have been given THAT information.

Anyways. Pigs are flying. Here comes your rep.

Since the OP was about emails linking the Obama White House to the doctoring of talking points it's hard to see how the "fat lady has sung", Carbineer. It seems like the orchestra is tuning their instruments and the curtain is about to rise. Obama was successful at stonewalling this investigation until after HE was reelected...but at some point in time the truth WILL come out.
Perjury. Obstruction of Justice. This is all on the record.

Perjury in a civil lawsuit that never went to trial.

Anyone who loses in court is a liar now. I see - maybe that makes sense to you, but to me it seems like a good way to dispose of a political enemy.

OMG the left wing likes to rewrite history. He lied to you when he shook his finger in your face and said he didn't have sex with that woman.... He lied caused he didn't think he would get caught but that woman did him in with the blue dress. He lied then, he lied under oath robbing a woman of her constitutional rights. That is fact. It is also fact that the democrats don't have the moral backbone to vote to remove him.
Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.

The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

550 tons of Yellowcake shipped to Canada after the war says you lie!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
First : Clinton was impeached for perjury.

Second : You can't prove he lied about WMDs when you refuse to look at the evidence they did find.

Third : It's up to you to prove that he knew before we went in that they weren't there. Otherwise you're pulling that shit out of your backside.

Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.

Yeah Clinton skated we have been over that many times. The democrats didn't do what the Republican did during Watergate. But he was fined and lost his law license for 5 years. Not exactly innocent.

Clinton was found in civil contempt because he did not tell the truth in answering a question that was immaterial to the Paula Jones case.

In other words, he lied about something that wasn't anyone's business to begin with but the judge held him in contempt for the simple act of lying.
If Obama's FDA fucked up and allowed poison to get into baby food and knew about it, but invented a story they didn't know when 4 babies were killed from the tainted would stupid fuck liberals defend your black messiah????

Grow up ... who's calling you a stupid fuck? Please act your age or leave the tread, It isn't necessary for you to personally attack anyone, we just disagree about an issue ... that's all.

I'm not quite getting your analogy here, are you saying that Obama knew about the attack in advance and did not alert the military? That's quite preposterous.
I'm just picking up that Boehner's going for the throat. YAY! He's picked Rep. Gowdy to lead the Benghazi panel.

Gowdy of Mayberry? lol, another Goober from the Land of the Inbred. Just proof that they didn't have to go very far up the food chain to find someone less awful than Issa.

Aren't you a bigotted piece of shit. Nice to see you just throw it out there.

Whoa. For all I've seen you post. I would not have thought this of you. Unreal.
Are you fucking kidding me?

Newt tried to IMPEACH CLINTON OVER A BLOW JOB! That was before making public all sorts of lurid stuff about his sex life, accusing him of rape and murder.

Now, come on, even I wouldn't have tried to make that kind of claim when I was a Republican.

^^^ Deluded Moonbat ^^^

Clinton was impeached for LYING and ABUSE OF POWER.

He was found not guilty. I'm surprised you don't know that. Well, no I'm not, you're retarded. My sister's retarded stepchild doesn't know that either.

Considering you need a 2/3rds vote in both the House and Senate to impeach a sitting President it shouldn't shock anyone that Clinton wasn't impeached. The House did vote him guilty on obstruction of justice and perjury charges and the Senate voted along party lines so I believe it was almost a 50/50 split on guilty and not guilty. Not exactly a RINGING not guilty verdict!
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