New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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And come on Joe if any war was a righteous war it was beating the shit out of AQ camps in Afghanistan.
So far in the almost 50 pages of this thread, I have seen nothing but abject liberal desperation in trying to deflect away from the topic. First it was Bush, then it morphed into his dealings with Saddam Hussein and WMD, then it was whether or not Obama said "act of terror" or not, then it went to Reagan, then it was BUSH AND REAGAN.

Sigh. I should find a liberal thread and do stuff like this. I wonder how it would be received?

In order for your main argument to hold any water, you first have to acknowledge that 9/11 was not an act of terror.

Have you done that yet?

You can either address the OP, or you will get no further responses from me. Are we clear?

You initially brought up the 'act of terror' canard 2 days ago. You made it part of the topic.

Now tell us whether or not 9/11 was an 'act of terror'.

It's a yes or no question.
Just an aside AND HEY I LIKE BILL..

The Arkansas Supreme Court suspended Clinton's Arkansas law license in April 2000. On January 19, 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension and a $25,000 fine in order to avoid disbarment and to end the investigation of Independent Counsel Robert Ray (Starr's successor). On October 1, 2001, Clinton's U.S. Supreme Court law license was suspended, with 40 days to contest his disbarment. On November 9, 2001, the last day for Clinton to contest the disbarment, he opted to resign from the Supreme Court Bar, surrendering his license, rather than facing penalties related to disbarment.

In the end, Independent Counsel Ray said:

"The Independent Counsel’s judgment that sufficient evidence existed to prosecute President Clinton was confirmed by President Clinton’s admissions and by evidence showing that he engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice."
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We've gone over this before, snopes is MISLEADING at best! :badgrin:

The yellowcake, according to snopes was guarded by U.N. Inspectors, and we KNOW that all U.N. inspectors were pulled out of Iraq a few days before the war started, leaving ALL THAT YELLOWCAKE UNGUARDED, and some of it was actually pilfered by nearby townspeople! Even YOU aren't dumb enough to claim UNGUARDED YELLOWCAKE, the material essential to make nuclear bombs, was present in Iraq!
Obama gets his own Medal of Honor presented by him to himself for "personally" killing UBL.

But of course, he had nothing to do with 4 Americans dying in Libya or the increasing numbers of dead Americans in Afghanistan ever since he started playing Hitler from the WH.
I love and adore Carville. I can admire my enemies. I don't get you libs at all. Well thats why I left you I guess.
Obama didn't put those soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bush did.

Now, one could argue whether that was a good strategy. I personally think Afghanistan became a lost cause when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

But your complaint is that Obama played the hand Bush dealt him instead of folding?

Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you full fledged Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Sorry, Obama gave the order to surge into Afghanistan. Bush had practically pulled everyone out. Most of the fighting in Afghanistan was Special Forces and the Northern Alliance, not all of the units Obama put there. Bush almost completely pulled everyone out of Afghanistan when he went into Iraq.

WASHINGTON — After ordering a troop increase in Afghanistan, President Obama eventually lost faith in the strategy, his doubts fed by White House advisers who continually brought him negative news reports suggesting it was failing, according to his former defense secretary Robert M. Gates. In a new memoir, Mr. Gates, a Republican holdover from the Bush administration who served for two years under Mr. Obama, praises the president as a rigorous thinker who frequently made decisions “opposed by his political advisers or that would be unpopular with his fellow Democrats.” But Mr. Gates says that by 2011, Mr. Obama began criticizing — sometimes emotionally — the way his policy in Afghanistan was playing out.

The WSJ posted a story about Obama ordering the surge but strangely it isn't available anymore.......I wonder.....Obama Bets Big on Troop Surge -

This is the USAToday story about Obama's Afghanistan policy, not the Bush policy: Gates: Obama lost faith in his Afghanistan policy

Thank you cuz!

Whats Obama at now?

He's talking about stiff consequences through rough sanctions.

Cross this line, I dare you!!!!

Okay, you crossed that line, but this line here, don't you dare cross this one, this one I swear will result in consequences!!!
Actually, he underestimated just how low Obama would stoop to prove a point, including lie and conspire with the moderator ahead of time to trip him up.

Romney didn't expect Obama to be such a sleaze.

Um, Crowley and Obama didn't make the Weird Mormon Robot claim that Obama refused to call it terrorism when he obviously had.

Romney did that all on his own.

After the debate Crowley admitted that Mitt was correct.

Obama said terrorism once in his speech in the Rose Garden, but didn't specifically say any of the protests were terrorism. He was speaking of terrorism in general of course. Obama set Mitt up by saying he did mention terrorism. Mitt, of course called him on it, and Crowley, who was in on it, told Mitt he did. Well, he did "mention" terror, but he also called it a spontaneous protest for weeks later. So it can't be both.

The truth is he did NOT call 'IT' (Benghazi) an act of terror. He said "NO ACT OF TERROR", not that Benghazi was an act of terror. The only reason Crowley was prepared to back him up was because Obama and Crowley set it up. I know that doesn't seem possible, but their you have it. Obama did so poorly in the first debate that he rigged the second one.

[ame=""]Pres. Obama fact checks Mitt Romney's Epic Libya Fail - YouTube[/ame]


There's your answer.

We've gone over this before, snopes is MISLEADING at best! :badgrin:

The yellowcake, according to snopes was guarded by U.N. Inspectors, and we KNOW that all U.N. inspectors were pulled out of Iraq a few days before the war started, leaving ALL THAT YELLOWCAKE UNGUARDED, and some of it was actually pilfered by nearby townspeople! Even YOU aren't dumb enough to claim UNGUARDED YELLOWCAKE, the material essential to make nuclear bombs, was present in Iraq!

The tons of nuke material we found doesn't mean Saddam was planning on doing what Iran is doing today.

Nope, never.
Guilty is the outcome of a criminal charge.

And what is "CONTEMPT OF COURT"?.... A walk in the park? :badgrin:

Civil Contempt of Court - FindLaw

You're welcome.

Depending in which state you are found in civil contempt, it can be such as this in Utah...

Is a civil contempt of court a felony or misdemeanor in Utah?

In: Law & Legal Issues [Edit categories]

Contempt of court is any act involving disrespect to the court or failure to obey its rules or orders. Contempt of court carries a maximum of 30 days in jail. It is a misdemeanor.

You're welcome! :D

We've gone over this before, snopes is MISLEADING at best! :badgrin:

The yellowcake, according to snopes was guarded by U.N. Inspectors, and we KNOW that all U.N. inspectors were pulled out of Iraq a few days before the war started, leaving ALL THAT YELLOWCAKE UNGUARDED, and some of it was actually pilfered by nearby townspeople! Even YOU aren't dumb enough to claim UNGUARDED YELLOWCAKE, the material essential to make nuclear bombs, was present in Iraq!

LOLOL, they pulled out BECAUSE Bush was about to start the war? You are raising the looney bar very very very high.

btw, did you see today that one of your rightwing pals debunked your wacky retired general Benghazi story?

You guys are out-nutting each other now.

We've gone over this before, snopes is MISLEADING at best! :badgrin:

The yellowcake, according to snopes was guarded by U.N. Inspectors, and we KNOW that all U.N. inspectors were pulled out of Iraq a few days before the war started, leaving ALL THAT YELLOWCAKE UNGUARDED, and some of it was actually pilfered by nearby townspeople! Even YOU aren't dumb enough to claim UNGUARDED YELLOWCAKE, the material essential to make nuclear bombs, was present in Iraq!

The tons of nuke material we found doesn't mean Saddam was planning on doing what Iran is doing today.

Nope, never.

And what is "CONTEMPT OF COURT"?.... A walk in the park? :badgrin:

Civil Contempt of Court - FindLaw

You're welcome.

Depending in which state you are found in civil contempt, it can be such as this in Utah...

Is a civil contempt of court a felony or misdemeanor in Utah?

In: Law & Legal Issues [Edit categories]

Contempt of court is any act involving disrespect to the court or failure to obey its rules or orders. Contempt of court carries a maximum of 30 days in jail. It is a misdemeanor.

You're welcome! :D

We're not in Utah, Dorothy.
Obama gets his own Medal of Honor presented by him to himself for "personally" killing UBL.

But of course, he had nothing to do with 4 Americans dying in Libya or the increasing numbers of dead Americans in Afghanistan ever since he started playing Hitler from the WH.


We've gone over this before, snopes is MISLEADING at best! :badgrin:

The yellowcake, according to snopes was guarded by U.N. Inspectors, and we KNOW that all U.N. inspectors were pulled out of Iraq a few days before the war started, leaving ALL THAT YELLOWCAKE UNGUARDED, and some of it was actually pilfered by nearby townspeople! Even YOU aren't dumb enough to claim UNGUARDED YELLOWCAKE, the material essential to make nuclear bombs, was present in Iraq!

LOLOL, they pulled out BECAUSE Bush was about to start the war? You are raising the looney bar very very very high.

btw, did you see today that one of your rightwing pals debunked your wacky retired general Benghazi story?

You guys are out-nutting each other now.

That's correct, and left UNGUARDED! You have difficulty understanding that?

And which CIA tale of Benghazi did you agree with and which one was the lie? I asked in that thread and got no answer!
Um, Crowley and Obama didn't make the Weird Mormon Robot claim that Obama refused to call it terrorism when he obviously had.

Romney did that all on his own.

After the debate Crowley admitted that Mitt was correct.

Obama said terrorism once in his speech in the Rose Garden, but didn't specifically say any of the protests were terrorism. He was speaking of terrorism in general of course. Obama set Mitt up by saying he did mention terrorism. Mitt, of course called him on it, and Crowley, who was in on it, told Mitt he did. Well, he did "mention" terror, but he also called it a spontaneous protest for weeks later. So it can't be both.

The truth is he did NOT call 'IT' (Benghazi) an act of terror. He said "NO ACT OF TERROR", not that Benghazi was an act of terror. The only reason Crowley was prepared to back him up was because Obama and Crowley set it up. I know that doesn't seem possible, but their you have it. Obama did so poorly in the first debate that he rigged the second one.

[ame=""]Pres. Obama fact checks Mitt Romney's Epic Libya Fail - YouTube[/ame]


There's your answer.

That's simply false. He was talking ABOUT Benghazi just before he referenced acts of terror.

It's called context. Look it up.
We've gone over this before, snopes is MISLEADING at best! :badgrin:

The yellowcake, according to snopes was guarded by U.N. Inspectors, and we KNOW that all U.N. inspectors were pulled out of Iraq a few days before the war started, leaving ALL THAT YELLOWCAKE UNGUARDED, and some of it was actually pilfered by nearby townspeople! Even YOU aren't dumb enough to claim UNGUARDED YELLOWCAKE, the material essential to make nuclear bombs, was present in Iraq!

LOLOL, they pulled out BECAUSE Bush was about to start the war? You are raising the looney bar very very very high.

btw, did you see today that one of your rightwing pals debunked your wacky retired general Benghazi story?

You guys are out-nutting each other now.

That's correct, and left UNGUARDED! You have difficulty understanding that?

And which CIA tale of Benghazi did you agree with and which one was the lie? I asked in that thread and got no answer!

The yellowcake was secured until Bush's antics unsecured it you moron.
Sorry, Obama gave the order to surge into Afghanistan. Bush had practically pulled everyone out. Most of the fighting in Afghanistan was Special Forces and the Northern Alliance, not all of the units Obama put there. Bush almost completely pulled everyone out of Afghanistan when he went into Iraq.

The WSJ posted a story about Obama ordering the surge but strangely it isn't available anymore.......I wonder.....Obama Bets Big on Troop Surge -

This is the USAToday story about Obama's Afghanistan policy, not the Bush policy: Gates: Obama lost faith in his Afghanistan policy

Thank you cuz!

Whats Obama at now?

He's talking about stiff consequences through rough sanctions.

Cross this line, I dare you!!!!

Okay, you crossed that line, but this line here, don't you dare cross this one, this one I swear will result in consequences!!!

lol well done

Depending in which state you are found in civil contempt, it can be such as this in Utah...

Is a civil contempt of court a felony or misdemeanor in Utah?

In: Law & Legal Issues [Edit categories]


Contempt of court is any act involving disrespect to the court or failure to obey its rules or orders. Contempt of court carries a maximum of 30 days in jail. It is a misdemeanor.

Is a civil contempt of court a felony or misdemeanor in Utah

You're welcome! :D

We're not in Utah, Dorothy.

Just showing you that in some states it is a're welcome, again!

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