New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.

Yeah Clinton skated we have been over that many times. The democrats didn't do what the Republican did during Watergate. But he was fined and lost his law license for 5 years. Not exactly innocent.

Clinton was found in civil contempt because he did not tell the truth in answering a question that was immaterial to the Paula Jones case.

In other words, he lied about something that wasn't anyone's business to begin with but the judge held him in contempt for the simple act of lying.

See this?

It's not perjury you see. :lmao:
Clinton had a congress that wasn't out to make him look bad. You had Newt and Lott, now you have a Boner and Do by Harry....

Are you fucking kidding me?

Newt tried to IMPEACH CLINTON OVER A BLOW JOB! That was before making public all sorts of lurid stuff about his sex life, accusing him of rape and murder.

Now, come on, even I wouldn't have tried to make that kind of claim when I was a Republican.

^^^ Deluded Moonbat ^^^

Clinton was impeached for LYING and ABUSE OF POWER.

deluded rightwingnut. clinton was impeached for a blue dress
Liberal. It's just lying. Just simple lying. In a court case.

OMG you can't make this shit up!
Are you fucking kidding me?

Newt tried to IMPEACH CLINTON OVER A BLOW JOB! That was before making public all sorts of lurid stuff about his sex life, accusing him of rape and murder.

Now, come on, even I wouldn't have tried to make that kind of claim when I was a Republican.

^^^ Deluded Moonbat ^^^

Clinton was impeached for LYING and ABUSE OF POWER.

deluded rightwingnut. clinton was impeached for a blue dress

Oh bite me. No one cared about the President having an affair.

Well I always did wonder about the women who had not a problem with Bill getting down and dirty in his home with his wife and his daughter.

You see I can separate him "doing it in the Oval Office". But backing a man who would take that blow job with his wife and daughter sleeping in rooms above......

I get testy at that point. Obviously you don't,
Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.

The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

550 tons of Yellowcake shipped to Canada after the war says you lie!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

You took a long time to say that Clinton wasn't found guilty, which is what I said.
Oh wait.


Bush's Wars Of Choice:

Number of American service personal who have died in Afghanistan: 2313
Number of American service personal who have died in Iraq: 4487

That figure doesn't include contractors or other US citizens.

Benghazi: 4

Please neocon whiney fucks - don't start. You look silly


That's the number of military dead since Obama became president. Most of them in Afghanistan.

Ever hear about it from the media?

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Are you fucking kidding me?

Newt tried to IMPEACH CLINTON OVER A BLOW JOB! That was before making public all sorts of lurid stuff about his sex life, accusing him of rape and murder.

Now, come on, even I wouldn't have tried to make that kind of claim when I was a Republican.

^^^ Deluded Moonbat ^^^

Clinton was impeached for LYING and ABUSE OF POWER.

deluded rightwingnut. clinton was impeached for a blue dress

It was for a sloppy blow job, come on HillBillyJilly, you should know all about sloppy blow jobs!
Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.

The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

550 tons of Yellowcake shipped to Canada after the war says you lie!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

You took a long time to say that Clinton wasn't found guilty, which is what I said.

Try again, this time READ the highlighted part and then tell us he wasn't found guilty! Idiot, there was MORE than just being impeached, which, by the way, he WAS!
Since the OP was about emails linking the Obama White House to the doctoring of talking points it's hard to see how the "fat lady has sung", Carbineer. It seems like the orchestra is tuning their instruments and the curtain is about to rise. Obama was successful at stonewalling this investigation until after HE was reelected...but at some point in time the truth WILL come out.

i am wondering how you "doctor" talking points, exactly.

They were talking points. Different departments gave input on what message they want to convey.

Hey, remember when you wingnuts had Lara Logan prove Obama left those men to die.

Whatever happened to her, anyway?
Clinton was found not guilty.

They lied about WMD's all ways and every way. Someone was just talking about the lies about the aluminum tubes on tv. That was another lie that usually doesn't get brought up.

Yeah Clinton skated we have been over that many times. The democrats didn't do what the Republican did during Watergate. But he was fined and lost his law license for 5 years. Not exactly innocent.

Clinton was found in civil contempt because he did not tell the truth in answering a question that was immaterial to the Paula Jones case.

In other words, he lied about something that wasn't anyone's business to begin with but the judge held him in contempt for the simple act of lying.

Well just DAMN, he was found GUILTY OF LYING UNDER OATH...isn't that perjury's definition? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was also automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he chose to resign. Clinton's resignation was mostly symbolic and will have little practical effect. He has never practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to in the future. Clinton also was assessed a $90,000 fine by federal judge Susan Webber Wright for contempt of court. The Paula Jones lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000.

550 tons of Yellowcake shipped to Canada after the war says you lie!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

You took a long time to say that Clinton wasn't found guilty, which is what I said.

Try again, this time READ the highlighted part and then tell us he wasn't found guilty! Idiot, there was MORE than just being impeached, which, by the way, he WAS!

Guilty is the outcome of a criminal charge.

That's the number of military dead since Obama became president. Most of them in Afghanistan.

Ever hear about it from the media?


Obama didn't put those soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bush did.

Now, one could argue whether that was a good strategy. I personally think Afghanistan became a lost cause when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

But your complaint is that Obama played the hand Bush dealt him instead of folding?

Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you full fledged Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Since the OP was about emails linking the Obama White House to the doctoring of talking points it's hard to see how the "fat lady has sung", Carbineer. It seems like the orchestra is tuning their instruments and the curtain is about to rise. Obama was successful at stonewalling this investigation until after HE was reelected...but at some point in time the truth WILL come out.

i am wondering how you "doctor" talking points, exactly.

They were talking points. Different departments gave input on what message they want to convey.

Hey, remember when you wingnuts had Lara Logan prove Obama left those men to die.

Whatever happened to her, anyway?

Doctoring is changing key words to change the context of the talking points.

Jeezus Joe, you really have to reach, don't you?

That's the number of military dead since Obama became president. Most of them in Afghanistan.

Ever hear about it from the media?


Obama didn't put those soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bush did.

Now, one could argue whether that was a good strategy. I personally think Afghanistan became a lost cause when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

But your complaint is that Obama played the hand Bush dealt him instead of folding?

Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you full fledged Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Sorry, Obama gave the order to surge into Afghanistan. Bush had practically pulled everyone out. Most of the fighting in Afghanistan was Special Forces and the Northern Alliance, not all of the units Obama put there. Bush almost completely pulled everyone out of Afghanistan when he went into Iraq.

WASHINGTON — After ordering a troop increase in Afghanistan, President Obama eventually lost faith in the strategy, his doubts fed by White House advisers who continually brought him negative news reports suggesting it was failing, according to his former defense secretary Robert M. Gates. In a new memoir, Mr. Gates, a Republican holdover from the Bush administration who served for two years under Mr. Obama, praises the president as a rigorous thinker who frequently made decisions “opposed by his political advisers or that would be unpopular with his fellow Democrats.” But Mr. Gates says that by 2011, Mr. Obama began criticizing — sometimes emotionally — the way his policy in Afghanistan was playing out.

The WSJ posted a story about Obama ordering the surge but strangely it isn't available anymore.......I wonder.....Obama Bets Big on Troop Surge -

This is the USAToday story about Obama's Afghanistan policy, not the Bush policy: Gates: Obama lost faith in his Afghanistan policy
Since the OP was about emails linking the Obama White House to the doctoring of talking points it's hard to see how the "fat lady has sung", Carbineer. It seems like the orchestra is tuning their instruments and the curtain is about to rise. Obama was successful at stonewalling this investigation until after HE was reelected...but at some point in time the truth WILL come out.

i am wondering how you "doctor" talking points, exactly.

They were talking points. Different departments gave input on what message they want to convey.

Hey, remember when you wingnuts had Lara Logan prove Obama left those men to die.

Whatever happened to her, anyway?

This was set up from the get go. And now we have to deal with it.

That's the number of military dead since Obama became president. Most of them in Afghanistan.

Ever hear about it from the media?


Obama didn't put those soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bush did.

Now, one could argue whether that was a good strategy. I personally think Afghanistan became a lost cause when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

But your complaint is that Obama played the hand Bush dealt him instead of folding?

Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you full fledged Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Sorry, Obama gave the order to surge into Afghanistan. Bush had practically pulled everyone out. Most of the fighting in Afghanistan was Special Forces and the Northern Alliance, not all of the units Obama put there. Bush almost completely pulled everyone out of Afghanistan when he went into Iraq.

WASHINGTON — After ordering a troop increase in Afghanistan, President Obama eventually lost faith in the strategy, his doubts fed by White House advisers who continually brought him negative news reports suggesting it was failing, according to his former defense secretary Robert M. Gates. In a new memoir, Mr. Gates, a Republican holdover from the Bush administration who served for two years under Mr. Obama, praises the president as a rigorous thinker who frequently made decisions “opposed by his political advisers or that would be unpopular with his fellow Democrats.” But Mr. Gates says that by 2011, Mr. Obama began criticizing — sometimes emotionally — the way his policy in Afghanistan was playing out.

The WSJ posted a story about Obama ordering the surge but strangely it isn't available anymore.......I wonder.....Obama Bets Big on Troop Surge -

This is the USAToday story about Obama's Afghanistan policy, not the Bush policy: Gates: Obama lost faith in his Afghanistan policy

Thank you cuz!

Whats Obama at now?
We get it....liberal scum only care about winning elections and killing off Americans is par for the course.

We should've seen this with their support of abortion...but they claim they aren't "humans." I guess those 4 dead Americans in Libya weren't humans.....
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