New CBO report pretty good for Obamacare

Cuts to physician payments don't actually happen, yet the slowdown has already materialized.

Sorry, I quoted YOUR source as saying that this is how the reduction has been achieved.
No spin pop.

Exchange premiums aren't just 15% lower than expected (and thus the price tag of the law is lower than advertised), they're up to 20% cheaper than the premiums of comparable employer-based plans according to a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis:

We aren't talking about Employer provided plans, we are talking about the Individual Market, apples to oranges, sorry....and individual plans on average are UP 41%.
The Small Group Mkt is just starting to react to the changes....all hell is about to break loose, sorry.

If the risk corridors predictions turn out to be as "rosy" as their previous projections, then the savings to the federal government will be in the $10-14 billion range, not $8 billion.

LOL, the young aren't signing up pop, the law has caused an adverse risk situation......perhaps you know what that means?
Good to know you support the bail out of the insurances companies with Tax Dollars....they will be reimbursed for excess losses they were FORCED to take because of the law....and oh do realize that that a "savings" that is simply less expenditure than previously thought is NOT a "savings" at all...well except in a Liberal mind attempting to protect the King.

Having not showed up in any data on the actual hours people are working, it is in fact thus far a myth.

Poor Greenteeth, you don't get it both ways.....YOU call it a "myth" but your source says it's lose.

CBO is predicting that people will reduce the supply of labor offered. Unlike a demand-side effect, that doesn't mean depressed wages or fewer jobs, it means upward pressure on wages because the pool of labor is (voluntarily) smaller while employer demand is pretty much the same. Are those people who decide they don't need to work as much worse off? In general, no.

Nope sorry.
They are projecting that the very people NEEDING to work, those UNDER EMPLOYED will work less, only a shill like you would consider that a "good" thing.
How can them working less be good when THEY are the very ones you and others claim need a "living wage".
You aren't very good at this and YOU should have read the report.

Ultimately, I'm saying that all health spending, health care prices, and now apparently premiums, are rising slower than expected. Overall health spending and health prices are rising are just about the lowest rates ever recorded at present. We're at a historic juncture in the history of health care in the U.S.

Pop the AVERAGE rate for individuals has gone up at a 41% clip...that isn't good.

Now lastly......this is ALL speculation ad you spout it as gospel...VERY disingenuous of you....and that's a "charitable" observation.
Lol, Greenbeard... Trying so hard only to fail harder.

Reality is setting in and Obamacare is pissing most the population off, spin all you like... less and less people are listening to you.
The great Obama owns the lie of the year and it's about the ACA/Obamacare... It's quite possible by the end of his presidency he will be one of the least trusted Presidents in this countries history.
Medicare spending growth just keeps slowing down. Projected Medicare spending over the 2013-23 period is now $116 billion lower than the CBO projected last spring. As they put it, "the slowdown in Medicare cost growth during the past several years has been sufficiently broad and persistent to lead CBO to project that [Medicare cost] growth will be slower than usual for some years to come."

Spending for Medicare is constrained by a rate-setting
system—called the sustainable growth rate—to control
the fees that physicians receive for their services. If the
system is allowed to operate as currently structured, physicians’
fees will be reduced by about 24 percent in April
2014 and will increase by small amounts in subsequent
years, CBO projects.

Sorry pop.....they cut payments to Drs......there goes your spin.

Premiums are cheaper than they expected when determining the cost of the law This became obvious last year when the actual premiums were first released but, to their credit, the CBO copped to it in their first projection post-premiums being announced. As they say: "CBO and JCT lowered their estimate of average premiums for insurance coverage through exchanges in 2014 by about 15 percent on the basis of a preliminary analysis of plans offered through exchanges." Similarly, projections of federal subsidies per subsidized enrollee dropped by about 11% as costs turned out to be lower than expected.

49-State Analysis: Obamacare To Increase Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 41%

49-State Analysis: Obamacare To Increase Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 41% - Forbes

41% is "less" than expected...busted spinning again pop.

CBO now projects that, over the 2015-2017 period, risk corridor payments from the federal government to health insurers will total $8 billion and that the corresponding collections from insurers will amount to $16 billion, yielding net savings for the federal government of $8 billion. By contrast, in its baseline projections in May 2013, the agency estimated that payments and collections for risk corridors would roughly offset one another."

Speculation based on rosy predictions. They cannot project an accurate number because there are no loss ratios yet even IF they pay out less in REIMBURSEMENTS to insurance companies than they have "projected" there is no "savings" they STILL payed out TAX DOLLARS to BAIL out insurers. More bullshit spin.

The part-timer myth is just that. CBO has seen "no compelling evidence that part-time employment has increased as a result of the ACA." Turns out anecdotes don't translate into data

CBO estimates that the ACA
will reduce the total number of hours worked, on net,
by about 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent during the period
from 2017 to 2024, almost entirely because workers will
choose to supply less labor—given the new taxes and
other incentives they will face and the financial benefits
some will receive.

This is from your link, sorry, the part timer issue is not myth.....who will be hurt"

Because the largest declines in labor
supply will probably occur among lower-wage workers,
the reduction in aggregate compensation (wages, salaries,
and fringe benefits) and the impact on the overall economy
will be proportionally smaller than the reduction in
hours worked.

The very same people you scream to get a "living wage".

Now.....why is this loss of employment less than expected?

First, fewer people will receive
subsidies through health insurance exchanges in that
period, so fewer people will face the implicit tax that
results when higher earnings reduce those subsidies.

Second, CBO expects the unemployment rate to remain
higher than normal over the next few years,

[BThird, the ACA’s
subsidies for health insurance will both stimulate demand
for health care services and allow low-income households
to redirect some of the funds that they would have spent
on that care toward the purchase of other goods and services—
thereby increasing overall demand.][/B]

LOL, your cherry picking as usual makes you look stupid...of course you counted on NOBODY actually READING your source.


Yeah right--Medicare spending will be lower--with the largest generation in this nation's history (baby boomers) now entering Medicare--and whom will continue to do so for the next 15 years.

Now that's what I call FUZZY math--LOL

Furthermore corporations and business, including schools and government agencies are already cutting back on employee hours so they don't have to pay for employees medical insurance due to the Obamacare employer mandates.

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Greenbeard wins this thread, just by virtue of all the limp-dick responses and 'attacks' on him.

No way in Hades!

This is the first time he has shown his 'face' since the roll out date of Oct 1 2013.

Now, make me another sammich Doofus!

I want it on whole wheat bread toasted (Rye bread may be substituted) with thin sliced aged smoked Gouda (rind off unless the rind is tender) REAL mustard, the yellow crap doesn't cut it. Also thin sliced maters and purple onions, a smidgen of Hellmans on both slices of bread and last but not least, thin sliced turkey from the deli.


Simply amazing anyone would come out and spin so much propaganda for this new government entitlement which has enrolled almost 2 MILLION people into MEDICAD instead of having EVERYONE have skin the game

greeny should be ashamed to be Obama's stooge but we see he isn't, he is probably making MONEY off of it is why
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