New Chairman Of Joint Chiefs Of Staff Wants To Get Cozy With The Chinese


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
So they hire this guy and all of the sudden he's talking to the CCP like they're best buddies.


File this under "Republicans cannot be pleased".

What could you possibly have to be upset about our military communicating with China.
File this under "Republicans cannot be pleased".

What could you possibly have to be upset about our military communicating with China.

They are an enemy nation and have been playing us for fools for years all for the Benjamins.
So he is doing what trump did. Being friends with the enemy.
So we have the Ds supporting it, and the Rs against it.
Color me shocked.
You people let politics rot your brains.
Dumbass affirmative action Negro that Ole Potatohead hired as part of his DEI destruction of the military.

"Hey, lets have a dumbass low IQ Negro be Secretary of Defense and another dumbass low IQ Negro be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, what could possibly go wrong?
LOL! Old man Biden can't even defeat Russia with the unlimited money you keep giving him. Our woke "military" wouldn't stand a chance against China. They're more concerned with pronouns and sex change surgeries than with weapons and tactics. Our government hasn't won a war in 30+ years, mostly because of people like you.
Are you under the impression that our military has engaged Russia in Ukraine?

You can't possibly believe that. If we did, it would be game over. There is no one in the world better at combined arms warfare than us.
China only worked with American DEM to create and launch man-made virus during Trumps' term to kill the Country.

So are they discussing the next one? Or NOT to ever do that again? Compensation for the damages? WTH?
Sure it matters. Communication with foreign militaries helps prevent wars.

Do you want war with China?

War with China is inevitable under their current regime. Our communication with them is irrelevant. You're a fool if you think otherwise. You sound like Neville Chamberlain. They are a brutal regime and have been an aggressor in that part of the world for several years. They have every intention of retaking Taiwan, who is a major player in the world economy, especially to the western world. Once that happens (and it will) all hell is going to break loose. Multiply that with Russia's assault on Eastern Europe, the reignited crisis in Israel, and you have a real WWIII on your hands. We should have ceased all trading and relations with China years ago, especially after they threatened withholding vital components needed for the COVID vaccine when we pushed them for transparency on the virus's origins. We have been giving them the funds to build up their military for a long time. Instead we should have starved them into bankruptcy.
War with China is inevitable under their current regime. Our communication with them is irrelevant. You're a fool if you think otherwise. You sound like Neville Chamberlain. They are a brutal regime and have been an aggressor in that part of the world for several years. They have every intention of retaking Taiwan, who is a major player in the world economy, especially to the western world. Once that happens (and it will) all hell is going to break loose. Multiply that with Russia's assault on Eastern Europe, the reignited crisis in Israel, and you have a real WWIII on your hands. We should have ceased all trading and relations with China years ago, especially after they threatened withholding vital components needed for the COVID vaccine when we pushed them for transparency on the virus's origins. We have been giving them the funds to build up their military for a long time. Instead we should have starved them into bankruptcy.
The more dependent our economies are on each other, the less likely war will break out between us.

You know our military communicated with the Soviet military during the Cold War, right?

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