New Coal Regulations Will Kill Jobs, Boost Energy Bills

"Physicians for Social Responsibility"...Are you fucking kidding. Get that liberal clap trap the fuck out of here.
You stupid liberals really do think you can exist is a federally mandated plastic bubble free of all risk.
One major volcanic eruption can emit more pollution than 10,000 coal fired plants. For Christ's sake..A volcanic eruption in Iceland last year shut down air travel to and above Europe for three weeks. What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Are you that eager to have government take over your very being?

Perhaps you're too young to remember what it used to be like when corporations and manufacturing businesses didn't have much in the way of any significant legal requirements on how (or even whether) they handled toxic waste and other pollution by products. They dumped them in the rivers and lakes. Of course, that killed fish and polluted water supplies used for human consumption, as well as contaminating the food chain.

Since there was no legal requirement to deal responsibly with the waste, individual businesses could and did make an argument that requiring individual businesses to clean up their waste put them at an economic disadvantage with other companies in the same business who didn't have the same requirement. It's a good argument, but it's not a good argument to do nothing.

Aside from that, it's a public safety issue. Even to this day, some companies dump toxic waste late at night in empty fields. What are YOU going to do about it? If you found out that was happening near where you live, do you think you would have the necessary power to put an end to it? Chances are pretty good that if and when you confronted company representatives about it, they would politely tell you to mind your own business. So, what entity could you POSSIBLY turn to in order to force businesses to deal responsibly with their toxic waste? I wonder.
There are reasonable, and unreasonable demands for cleaner industry. I know that you used to tell what color paper they were making by the color of the river in my home town because the effluent was flushed directly into the river which loaded the area with CPBs (now cleaned and sequestered).

That being said, there needs to be a cost-effect analysis of EVERY environmental regulation to see both it's practicality and effectiveness before implementation. Too often, we are protecting the goddamn worthless darter snail at the expense of 50k jobs and billions of dollars in profits for areas that are hurting economically. I know personally that the Sierra Club is suing to prevent a bridge across the St. Croix River because of the VIEW among other worthless challenges. The truth of it is that they want control over human development, not the view. Why? Because if you suggested a tunnel, they would have similar gripes and 'reasons' in which to prevent it.

We sacrifice the quality of OUR life for that of a worthless species that really adds such an insignificant amount to the biomass it's pointless to even mention.

You cannot go back to hunter gatherer society (but with all the conveniences of modern life) as you propagandize as possible. It is anti-intelligent, and anti-human.
Nothing more needs to really be said here except those that will give lesser life forms priority over that of a Himan life? Arrogance on my part? *YOU BET*

If they cannot adapt? Screw them...same goes for that fucking lizard in Texas that has halted drilling...
ROFL! I knew you were going to try the tired and true leftwing tactic of attacking the messenger. So what if is an advocate for these corporations? Who do you expect to pay him, the Sierra Club? The EPA?

The clique of EPA-*‐funded "scientists" who produced the justification for the EPA's attack on our economy are employees belong to a private organization called the Health Effects Institute which is 50% funded by the EPA. To date, there have been only very limited independent analyses of the PM2.5 data — all which contradict the EPA’s position11 — because the EPA’s researcher clique, with the assistance of the EPA, refuses to make the data available to the public. In 1997, the agency even refused to provide the data to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

#1... it's Tardtard. Don't expect any sense from him.

#2. Leftist paid scientists are agenda free and pure as the driven snow who would NEVER be compromised by who signs their paychecks or manufacture results to assure a fat wage for those who get results they desire.

To say otherwise is SCANDALOUS and a slur against all good commies... err... scientists everywhere... (good as long as they're communist of course supporting the leftist causes otherwise they're crazed anti-warmists who should be burnt at the stake).
Steve Milloy, a paid advocate for Phillip Morris, ExxonMobil and other corporations?

ROFL! I knew you were going to try the tired and true leftwing tactic of attacking the messenger. So what if is an advocate for these corporations? Who do you expect to pay him, the Sierra Club? The EPA?

The clique of EPA-*‐funded "scientists" who produced the justification for the EPA's attack on our economy are employees belong to a private organization called the Health Effects Institute which is 50% funded by the EPA. To date, there have been only very limited independent analyses of the PM2.5 data — all which contradict the EPA’s position11 — because the EPA’s researcher clique, with the assistance of the EPA, refuses to make the data available to the public. In 1997, the agency even refused to provide the data to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

These are what you call credible scientists. They refuse even to allow the public to see their data, yet you have the balls to attack the independence and credibility of Steven Milloy.

Steve Milloy, the former lobbyist for major corporations and trade organizations which have poisioning or polluting problems?

What they have is an EPA problem. All your saying here is that anyone who questions the EPA isn't credible simply because he questions the EPA.

Sorry, but that dog won't hunt except for servile boot licking EPA toadies like you.

That sounds like a perfectly reasonable hypothesis to me. Only a servile government shill would claim it didn't deserve to be considered.

You know, you take the cake for THE most extreme right winger on the board. You parrot nothing but right wing extreme propaganda. There can be no rational discussion with you because you are completely brainwashed.

Thanks for the complement. However, I'm not here to have a "rational discussion" with boot licking communist EPA propagandists. I'm here to debunk your propaganda.

To claim that no deaths or illnesses occur because of ingesting coal burning emissions is complete ignorance.

Really? Then produce some evidence of one. I challenge you to prove that a single person in this country has ever died from the emissions of coal burning power plants. All you need to do is find a single documented case. That should be a piece of cake if your claims are true.

We know the negative health effects of chemicals, carcinogens and heavy metals emitted by coal burning power plants. We know those coal burning power plants emit those chemicals, carcinogens and heavy metals.

We also know the health problems of people living close to those coal burning power plants is much higher than the rest of society.

A reasonable adult would be able to comprehend that coal burning power plants are a hazard to people's health.

But let's take your side for a moment. You claim no one has ever gotten sick or died from the emissions from coal burning power plants. So it would be fair to say that you claim those chemicals, carcinogens and heavy metals are not dangerous to human health. So there is no need for any pollution control of coal burning power plants.

Is THAT what you are saying?
We know the negative health effects of chemicals, carcinogens and heavy metals emitted by coal burning power plants. We know those coal burning power plants emit those chemicals, carcinogens and heavy metals.

Yes, we now that at certain concentrations the chemicals emmitted by coal burning power plants can be harmful. However, the atmospheric concentration of those chemicals is far, far, far lower than the amounts shown to be harmful. A chemical can be harmful at one concentration and utterly benign or even benificial at another concentration. Salt is a classic example. Too much of it will kill you, but you need a certain amount of it in your diet every day or you will die.

No one has ever demonstrated that the concentrations currently in our atmosphere of chemicals emitted by coal fired power plants is harmful. In fact, methymercury is used in vaccines.

We also know the health problems of people living close to those coal burning power plants is much higher than the rest of society.

ROFL! Do we know that? I know of two coal fired power plants in the middle of Denver that are surrounded by thousands of homes. I have never seen any news story that said anyone was ever sick or ill as a result of living so close to these facilities. I challenge you to produce a single case of a person suffering an illness as a result of living near a power plant.

A reasonable adult would be able to comprehend that coal burning power plants are a hazard to people's health.

No, a reasonable adult would not conclude that, especially from the utter lack of evidence you have presented. All you have posted are suppositions, not fact, not empirical data. That's pretty much all the EPA has to defend its position as well.

But let's take your side for a moment. You claim no one has ever gotten sick or died from the emissions from coal burning power plants. So it would be fair to say that you claim those chemicals, carcinogens and heavy metals are not dangerous to human health. So there is no need for any pollution control of coal burning power plants.

Why would I defend that claim since I haven't made it? What I have said is that coal fired power plants are clean enough. There is no justification for these onerous new regulations that would impose a heavy financial burden on low and middle income families.
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Liberals..... They think they're helping the environment by forcing manufacturing overseas to less developed countries were the environmental regs are none, actually making the situation worst. They shut down our farmers in an attempt to save a small fish, so we can also get more of our food from foreign countries, They shut down our own oil production in the gulf while foreign countries drill there, and we send money to other countries so they can drill, and we can buy oil off of them, they are backwards clueless idiots who will destroy this country if allowed to do so.
Liberals..... They think they're helping the environment by forcing manufacturing overseas to less developed countries were the environmental regs are none, actually making the situation worst. They shut down our farmers in an attempt to save a small fish, so we can also get more of our food from foreign countries, They shut down our own oil production in the gulf while foreign countries drill there, and we send money to other countries so they can drill, and we can buy oil off of them, they are backwards clueless idiots who will destroy this country if allowed to do so.
But think how good they'll feel about themselves.
Liberals..... They think they're helping the environment by forcing manufacturing overseas to less developed countries were the environmental regs are none, actually making the situation worst. They shut down our farmers in an attempt to save a small fish, so we can also get more of our food from foreign countries, They shut down our own oil production in the gulf while foreign countries drill there, and we send money to other countries so they can drill, and we can buy oil off of them, they are backwards clueless idiots who will destroy this country if allowed to do so.
But think how good they'll feel about themselves.
Yes... the "I suck but I feel good about it" Brigade is large.
Liberals..... They think they're helping the environment by forcing manufacturing overseas to less developed countries were the environmental regs are none, actually making the situation worst. They shut down our farmers in an attempt to save a small fish, so we can also get more of our food from foreign countries, They shut down our own oil production in the gulf while foreign countries drill there, and we send money to other countries so they can drill, and we can buy oil off of them, they are backwards clueless idiots who will destroy this country if allowed to do so.
But think how good they'll feel about themselves.
Yes... the "I suck but I feel good about it" Brigade is large.
Hugely LARGE...:lol:
Liberals..... They think they're helping the environment by forcing manufacturing overseas to less developed countries were the environmental regs are none, actually making the situation worst. They shut down our farmers in an attempt to save a small fish, so we can also get more of our food from foreign countries, They shut down our own oil production in the gulf while foreign countries drill there, and we send money to other countries so they can drill, and we can buy oil off of them, they are backwards clueless idiots who will destroy this country if allowed to do so.
But think how good they'll feel about themselves.
Yes... the "I suck but I feel good about it" Brigade is large.
Luckily, they get medals just for participating.
Is there any question where Barry is trying to lead the Country? He appointed a communist with no experience other than leading an arson and looting rampage to his "green jobs" board when there aren't any green jobs not to mention any other jobs. Barry held America hostage to the fake science of "global warming" while the US was weakened with an economic crisis. What does that tell you about his agenda? Obama refered to the US Chamber of Commerce as a sinister tool of the Republican party. Doesn't that give you a hint that his motivation ain't exactly along the lines of traditional capitalism? We used to depend on the media to force politicians into making a stand about their political objectives. It would be refreshing if B. Hussein made a stand and we had the clear choice about voting for a socialist.
yes... The "i suck but i feel good about it" brigade is large.
luckily, they get medals just for participating.
woo hoooo!!!!! Participant!

Palin loves the smell of the emissions. I'm sure she'd like to abolish the EPA.

YouTube - ‪Palin loves smell of emissions‬‏

Who wouldn't like to abolish the EPA unless they are a devote communist? Name one thing the EPA does that states could not regulate themselves. It's just another fascist government entity to help bypass states rights and kill production.
Emissions cross state lines.
And that's the excuse to let the feds go violate the constitutions and enumerated powers they have and tell a state how it can comport itself? Sorry, but that's for states to work out between themselves. The same way all the great lake states formed a council on how to deal with the shared resources, the feds need not be involved in emissions.
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For you I quess its easy to poisin children today to make a quick buck.

I guess for you distroying mountains and streams that belong to our children and their children too is easy for a quick buck.

Money isnt everything, sometimes people need clean air and water.

OUr grandchildren may have NO need of coal but you can bet your ass they will need healthy bodies clean streams and clean air.

You want to have them stand and look at the distroyed landscape and say " gee I quess grandpa couldnt do anything else for a living but cut down mountians and distroy the very land his grandfather left him".

Its not just YOUR mountains you greedy POS.

Exactly!!! Some things need to be protected that aren't going to generate a profit. Protecting our health and the coal miners health is one of them. I know republicans have no hearts or families of there own but actually sit down and think for one second. Is pollution good for me to Breath in?
Exactly!!! Some things need to be protected that aren't going to generate a profit. Protecting our health and the coal miners health is one of them. I know republicans have no hearts or families of there own...
Wait for it...
...but actually sit down and think for one second.
Is pollution good for me to Breath in?
No. Who said it was?

Oh, yeah. Nobody.
Standard ecofascist hyperbole. If you don't agree with my desire for filtered pure air in nature at all times, you want to kill me by breathing in raw pollution.

I guess it's too scary to allow people the chance to make different life choices than they would.
Exactly!!! Some things need to be protected that aren't going to generate a profit. Protecting our health and the coal miners health is one of them. I know republicans have no hearts or families of there own...
Wait for it...

Is pollution good for me to Breath in?
No. Who said it was?

Oh, yeah. Nobody.
Standard ecofascist hyperbole. If you don't agree with my desire for filtered pure air in nature at all times, you want to kill me by breathing in raw pollution.

I guess it's too scary to allow people the chance to make different life choices than they would.
People who "think" that way believe most people are too dumb to be allowed to make their own decisions. That kind of mindless arrogance led to the USSR.

And we all know what a rousing success THAT was. :cool:

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