New covid highly contagious variant detected in Vietnam

They were engineering viruses for over a 100 years ago or maybe more.

They didn't have the technology 100 years ago or even 50 years ago. The Chinese took this bat virus and engineered it to be more deadly and infectious. Supposedly the reason was they figured that it would eventually mutate to that, and if it did, they'd be starting from scratch to figure out a way to mitigate or destroy it. So they engineered Covid 19 to study the virus and how to deal with it in the future.

However several problems took place here: For one, the Wuhan lab has been cited in the past for unsafe practices. Two, we trained their scientists in the US that were monkeying around with this thing. Three, we helped fund it. Four, these labs have four levels 1 through 4, 4 being the safest They were fooling around with this thing in a lab safety 2 level. To give you an idea what lab safety 2 level is, it's what your dentist needs to provide to have a practice.

In 2017, Dr. Fauci publicly stated that President Trump will face a pandemic like we've never seen before. He didn't say might, or could be, he said "will" as if he knew for a fact this was going to happen, and he nor anybody did a thing about it.
If he was working with Fauci? He wouldn't came out bluntly and said it was the U.S. military that had brought the virus over there. He could have said that it wasn't his.
But the reason why he have kept it under wraps? It is because he was making a deal with Pres. Trump at the time that will help China economy. But if that would have came out during their discussion? That the deal would have been called off.
The globalist uses the country of China as a place to do experiments that are banned else where. China don't have or care about any regulations. As long as they can make money from it, they will not care about the environment. But Xi Jinping didn't thought that they will never put out a deadly virus in their country. It is because they have had pretended that they were afraid of him. Kissing up to him so that they can keep on doing research in China.
And so they have put Xi jinping on the spot.
He could have kept his mouth shut. But he didn't because he is not use to lying.
But I believe those so-called scientist that pretended to be executed by him in order to hush their mouths. That they worked for Fauci in order to set up Xi Jinping liked the way they have set up Pres. Trump on Jan 6.
The Globalist wants him to be removed because he will not ever trusted them again.


If he was working with Fauci? He wouldn't came out bluntly and said it was the U.S. military that had brought the virus over there. He could have said that it wasn't his.
But the reason why he have kept it under wraps? It is because he was making a deal with Pres. Trump at the time that will help China economy. But if that would have came out during their discussion? That the deal would have been called off.
The globalist uses the country of China as a place to do experiments that are banned else where. China don't have or care about any regulations. As long as they can make money from it, they will not care about the environment. But Xi Jinping didn't thought that they will never put out a deadly virus in their country. It is because they have had pretended that they were afraid of him. Kissing up to him so that they can keep on doing research in China.
And so they have put Xi jinping on the spot.
He could have kept his mouth shut. But he didn't because he is not use to lying.
But I believe those so-called scientist that pretended to be executed by him in order to hush their mouths. That they worked for Fauci in order to set up Xi Jinping liked the way they have set up Pres. Trump on Jan 6.
The Globalist wants him to be removed because he will not ever trusted them again.

Well when you have a reliable site that shows Trump working with Xi on the virus, you post it. The Chinese scientists were trained in the US since 2014 when DumBama was President. There were restrictions on working with such viruses until DumBama removed those restrictions just before he left. I seriously doubt Trump knew anything about them since he was spending time on the economy, border and defending himself from the non-stop attacks by the Democrats doing whatever they could to interfere with his efforts of success.

Now we uncovered emails from Fauci and it's clear he's a political hack, not just another bureaucrat who obeys orders from whoever is in charge.
If he was working with Fauci? He wouldn't came out bluntly and said it was the U.S. military that had brought the virus over there. He could have said that it wasn't his.
But the reason why he have kept it under wraps? It is because he was making a deal with Pres. Trump at the time that will help China economy. But if that would have came out during their discussion? That the deal would have been called off.
The globalist uses the country of China as a place to do experiments that are banned else where. China don't have or care about any regulations. As long as they can make money from it, they will not care about the environment. But Xi Jinping didn't thought that they will never put out a deadly virus in their country. It is because they have had pretended that they were afraid of him. Kissing up to him so that they can keep on doing research in China.
And so they have put Xi jinping on the spot.
He could have kept his mouth shut. But he didn't because he is not use to lying.
But I believe those so-called scientist that pretended to be executed by him in order to hush their mouths. That they worked for Fauci in order to set up Xi Jinping liked the way they have set up Pres. Trump on Jan 6.
The Globalist wants him to be removed because he will not ever trusted them again.

Well when you have a reliable site that shows Trump working with Xi on the virus, you post it. The Chinese scientists were trained in the US since 2014 when DumBama was President. There were restrictions on working with such viruses until DumBama removed those restrictions just before he left. I seriously doubt Trump knew anything about them since he was spending time on the economy, border and defending himself from the non-stop attacks by the Democrats doing whatever they could to interfere with his efforts of success.

Now we uncovered emails from Fauci and it's clear he's a political hack, not just another bureaucrat who obeys orders from whoever is in charge.
Obama had ran the military while Pres. Trump was in office. He even controlled of the Intelligence agencies. That is why he didn't have any help from any of those sectors.


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