New GOP Congressman Gets Destroyed By A CNN Host?? LOL

I don't think that supporters of Rep. Cawthorn watch CNN, so it really doesn't hurt him at all.

The fact that the distinguished gentleman from North Carolina is being attacked by the State Controlled media should actually help him.
I noticed you didn't refute the fact that he got destroyed tho...

Instead you decided to blame the woman for destroying him.....typical...

I didn't "blame" anyone here. Just observed that his own supporters didn't see it and wouldn't have cared less if they had.
She didn't attack him....the fact you think she did is proof of your own fragility.....
SHe brought up FRUAD five times. He never objected to the certification based on fraud. She's a nasty piece of work.
Except, he did object to it based on fraud....

and so did Trump and the army of gullible sycophants who STILL BELIEVE IT....

And the minute he had to prove this fraud -- he weasels out of it by claiming it was the "process" he objected to...and even then he was still destroyed because that "process" was the same process used in his OWN STATE
Except, he did objected to it based on fraud....

No he wasn't.

You, like that nasty CNN twat, were obviously not listening to him. He clearly stated that his vote to object to certification was based on Constitutional grounds, not on fraud. Go back to the beginning of the interview and listen to him.
Nobody watches CNN except brainwashed moonbats.
Deflection noted....

Now address the fact that this moron got dremolished by a CNN host even tho she went easy on him
I don’t watch CNN.
I don't watch OAN -- but I know they had to run a whole 90-second disclaimer before they aired that My Pillow Guy's goofy documentary...

Do you know why?? Because even OAN knows that all of those voter fraud conspiracies are full of shit..and not worth being sued out of existence for.....
Except, he did objected to it based on fraud....

No he wasn't.

You, like that nasty CNN twat, were obviously not listening to him. He clearly stated that his vote to object to certification was based on Constitutional grounds, not on fraud. Go back to the beginning of the interview and listen to him.
So to recap....

You are now agreeing that there was no massive voter fraud??

No Chinese Venezuelan plot using Smartmatic or Dominion voting machines??

No secret ballots being snuck in by unmarked vans??

To be clear, you are saying that millions of votes should be thrown out because of drop boxes??

And you say this like this doesn't still make you look like a moron
The fact that the distinguished gentleman from North Carolina is being attacked by the State Controlled media should actually help him.
"Distinguished gentleman from..."

Where? All I saw was some QOP head-case getting his ass handed to him for spewing nonsense.
I don't think that supporters of Rep. Cawthorn watch CNN, so it really doesn't hurt him at all.

The fact that the distinguished gentleman from North Carolina is being attacked by the State Controlled media should actually help him.
I noticed you didn't refute the fact that he got destroyed tho...

Instead you decided to blame the woman for destroying him.....typical...

I didn't "blame" anyone here. Just observed that his own supporters didn't see it and wouldn't have cared less if they had.
Yup..would have screamed fake newz...had they been trapped in a room with CNN blaring--with their hands clasped firmly over their ears!

"Madison Cawthorn, the youngest member of Congress; [also] the Hitler-admiring congressman is spending his first weeks in office continuing to peddle 2020 presidential election conspiracy theories — his reputation, credibility, or appearance on national television be damned. During an interview with CNN’s Pamela Brown, Cawthorn was asked to provide evidence of so-called election fraud. The result was as entertaining as it was damning. In response, Cawthron immediately backpedaled, claiming that he wasn’t objecting to the certification of President Joe Biden’s 2020 victory due to claims of [voter fraud] but due to ballot drop boxes."

This guy was decimated and you would have to be the most disingenuous and intellectually deficient person to not acknowledge that. This is precisely why these folks never stepped in a court room and tried to pass off any of this bullshit before a federal judge; because the minute any scrutiny is applied, these people fold like a cheap suit.

The part that really left a mark was when he was forced to have to admit that although his OWN STATE had similar drop boxes for ballots -- that election law was totally cool because the Democratic governor and Democratic election officials in his state did an awesome job of guaranteeing voter integrity -- but it's that Republican controlled state legislature in Wisconsin you gotta be worried about. I swear the more time goes by, the more these election fraud conspiracy theorists are going to be mocked and laughed at like folks who claimed Saddam had nukes....In fact, they will be so thoroughly mocked that they will magically disappear just like those "Saddam had nukes" folks did.

You are under the impression that there was NO voter fraud? Youre fucking stupid if you think there isnt a tremendous amount of fraud in every election.

Here are several stories of fraud from this election....

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She said "you have Wisconsin"?

I thought he was fairly professional as was she. She was speaking fraud and he was speaking procedure. They were speaking two different languages. Neither looked bad IMO.
Like I said...only the most intellectually deficient people would think he wasn't completely humiliated by facts

Got it. We stoopid, you smart, Orange man bad.

We're done.
^ Hissy Fit ^

You folks have so wrapped up your own identities into politicians that you believe if one of them are making a fool of themselves, this means you were made a fool of too...

And this is why when shit like this happens, instead of acknowledging it -- you double down on stupid because you are so sycophantic, you think you are one with these folks....
She said "you have Wisconsin"?

I thought he was fairly professional as was she. She was speaking fraud and he was speaking procedure. They were speaking two different languages. Neither looked bad IMO.
"You have Wisconsin" what??

He didn't have Wisconsin.....Wisconsin was thrown out on "LACK OF MERIT" by Trump's own judges...

She THEN went on to expose his bullshit by pointing out that HIS OWN STATE had the same provision Wisconsin did
I don't think that supporters of Rep. Cawthorn watch CNN, so it really doesn't hurt him at all.

The fact that the distinguished gentleman from North Carolina is being attacked by the State Controlled media should actually help him.
"attacked"? The poor baby.
She said "you have Wisconsin"?

I thought he was fairly professional as was she. She was speaking fraud and he was speaking procedure. They were speaking two different languages. Neither looked bad IMO.
"You have Wisconsin" what??

He didn't have Wisconsin.....Wisconsin was thrown out on "LACK OF MERIT" by Trump's own judges...

She THEN went on to expose his bullshit by pointing out that HIS OWN STATE had the same provision Wisconsin did
She said "You have Wisconsin" I am quoting her you stupid ass leftist. I thought he handled himself well as did she.
Madison Cawthorne is in wayyyy over his head, as the Charlotte Observer has duly noticed. You can see the numerous examples of why this is true from visiting the link: There really is a relationship to someone's stupidity versus their support for Trump, as these freshman congressmen and women are proving every day.

We’re all for public officials being attentive to the “public” part of their title. It’s good for everyone when elected representatives explain what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. But on behalf of a whole lot of North Carolinians, we have a request regarding one of those officials:

Can someone please keep Madison Cawthorn away from the cameras? And the microphones? And really, most situations in which he publicly tries to turn words into meaningful thoughts?

The first-term, District 11 U.S. House member has been an embarrassment to the institution, to his party, and to his state. In the last month alone, he:

Read more here:
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"Madison Cawthorn, the youngest member of Congress; [also] the Hitler-admiring congressman is spending his first weeks in office continuing to peddle 2020 presidential election conspiracy theories — his reputation, credibility, or appearance on national television be damned. During an interview with CNN’s Pamela Brown, Cawthorn was asked to provide evidence of so-called election fraud. The result was as entertaining as it was damning. In response, Cawthron immediately backpedaled, claiming that he wasn’t objecting to the certification of President Joe Biden’s 2020 victory due to claims of [voter fraud] but due to ballot drop boxes."

This guy was decimated and you would have to be the most disingenuous and intellectually deficient person to not acknowledge that. This is precisely why these folks never stepped in a court room and tried to pass off any of this bullshit before a federal judge; because the minute any scrutiny is applied, these people fold like a cheap suit.

The part that really left a mark was when he was forced to have to admit that although his OWN STATE had similar drop boxes for ballots -- that election law was totally cool because the Democratic governor and Democratic election officials in his state did an awesome job of guaranteeing voter integrity -- but it's that Republican controlled state legislature in Wisconsin you gotta be worried about. I swear the more time goes by, the more these election fraud conspiracy theorists are going to be mocked and laughed at like folks who claimed Saddam had nukes....In fact, they will be so thoroughly mocked that they will magically disappear just like those "Saddam had nukes" folks did.

Dang i would love 10 minutes on live TV with this lying idiot.

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