New GOP Trump Defense: He's A Fool. He's A Toddler. He Doesn't Know Any Better. He's New To Politics

Trump is either a tyrant or totally clueless

Why not both?

When this thing finally breaks down it will turn out Trump aides acted inappropriately

It will turn out either Trump was fully aware of their actions and condoned them
Trump is a clueless leader who neither knows or cares what his people are doing in his name
When this thing finally breaks down it will turn out Trump aides acted inappropriately
Yeah, so fucking what!
Inappropriate... yes, let's talk about it!

Huma was removing security headers from emails
and replacing them with inconspicuous email headers....

forwarding these emails, to herself and stored on a laptop
found in possession of her scumbag estranged husband

You had Justine Cooper, who handled technology matters,
for Bill Clinton, assist Hillary aide, Monica Hanley
over the fucking phone, to remotely transfer the emails,
stored on the private server, Hillary had set up in her home,...
to a Clinton Foundation issued laptop and copied onto a thumb drive!

Both of which, were later found in Hanley's possession,
having stated...she forgot to provide the laptop and thumb drive
to Clinton's staff after the archives(copies)were completed...

Even though, those 2 items

Furthermore, the new server company Hillary hired,
transferred those emails(backup files) onto the server
by downloading the emails to a google gmail account

Neither was her husband acting appropriately
when he asked Lynch for help on the plane!
It will turn out either Trump was fully aware of their actions and condoned them
Trump is a clueless leader who neither knows or cares what his people are doing in his name
Don't fucking tell me, you have made politics your life,
and have been actively involved in politics for 30+ years,
NOT TO MENTION, was the FLotUS, for 8 years....
and want to be president yourself....

Nice attempt at deflection

Now, back to Trump
Nice attempt at deflection

Now, back to Trump
Enough with deflecting and denial already!

Back to Hillary, then we'll move on to Trump!
Arguing that Trump was a good choice for president because he has no experience in government is like

choosing your gardener to take out your appendix because someone with no medical experience is the best choice for the job.

A gardener has never screwed up an appendix operation while real surgeons have

Makes sense to go with the gardener. Look at the good job he did in the garden!

It's funny how you promote career politicians who never ever have to abide by there own laws..

Arguing that Trump was a good choice for president because he has no experience in government is like

choosing your gardener to take out your appendix because someone with no medical experience is the best choice for the job.

A gardener has never screwed up an appendix operation while real surgeons have

Makes sense to go with the gardener. Look at the good job he did in the garden!

It's funny how you promote career politicians who never ever have to abide by there own laws..

-------------------------- career politicians suck !!
Trump is either a tyrant or totally clueless

He's both. What's irritating is we have Republicans that are just as clueless as he is. They had to have this non-establishment Republican (even though there's not a conservative bone in his body) they overlooked--and ignored all the warnings on Trump to get their non-politician--(but at one hell of a price.) He is going to destroy the Republican party.

They ignored all the warnings, and they were coming in from EVERYWHERE. No one could have watched ANY of those debates, either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away thinking he won a single one of them, or believed that he was competent and qualified to be POTUS. If they tell you otherwise they're lying through their teeth. Nope--they thought others could control him. They've found out that NO ONE can control him. He's exactly as Hillary Clinton described him-- A loose canon.

It's not like they didn't see it--they just ignored it and went along to get along.



The RNC really scewed up also--because Trump is really an accidential nominee. Through a series of comical RNC errors---Trump ended up being the poster boy of the Republican party. Go to to link for an explanation.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
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Trump is giving Republicans exactly what they deserve.

Totally agree on that one. I am a former Republican and am totally disgusted with the ignorance, the hate, the racisim, the misogyny in this party--which is why I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they nominated this Ass Clowin.

They deserve everything coming their way--and I am going to sit back and enjoy every single second of it, because I too was sending out the warnings on Trump.

You folks wanted the Tasmanian Devil for your President, as the Leader of the Free World.

People aren't going to just sit there and watch him go, to see what shit he breaks.
You dumb asshole. You still don't understand why people voted for and support the president. After all this time. We aren't seeking the approval of malcontents. I like what he's done so far for the most part, wouldn't have like anything Hillary would have done and very few people could stand up to the horseshit you have in abundance.

Repeating your nonsense over and over and over and over expecting it to become a hardened fact in people's mind only works on those already brainwashed.

lol, what has he done so far?
mornin Oreo , hows Carly doing eh ?? Anyway , feck the whole rino republican moderate wing of humanity know as 'repub rino' bush family people Oreo !!
Trump is giving Republicans exactly what they deserve.

Totally agree on that one. I am a former Republican and am totally disgusted with the ignorance, the hate, the racisim, the misogyny in this party--which is why I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they nominated this Ass Clowin.

They deserve everything coming their way--and I am going to sit back and enjoy every single second of it, because I too was sending out the warnings on Trump.

---------------------------------- read the tears of Oreo , a Carly and anyone but Trump supporter . His / her / Oreos words and tears make me smile :afro: !!
Trump is giving Republicans exactly what they deserve.

Totally agree on that one. I am a former Republican and am totally disgusted with the ignorance, the hate, the racisim, the misogyny in this party--which is why I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they nominated this Ass Clowin.

They deserve everything coming their way--and I am going to sit back and enjoy every single second of it, because I too was sending out the warnings on Trump.

---------------------------------- read the tears of Oreo , a Carly and anyone but Trump supporter . His / her / Oreos words and tears make me smile :afro: !!

It's not me that's crying--LOL. Trump is going down and he is going to destroy the Republican party in the process.

If Republiicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution


Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.
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Trump is giving Republicans exactly what they deserve.

Totally agree on that one. I am a former Republican and am totally disgusted with the ignorance, the hate, the racisim, the misogyny in this party--which is why I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they nominated this Ass Clowin.

They deserve everything coming their way--and I am going to sit back and enjoy every single second of it, because I too was sending out the warnings on Trump.

---------------------------------- read the tears of Oreo , a Carly and anyone but Trump supporter . His / her / Oreos words and tears make me smile :afro: !!

It's not me that's crying--LOL. Trump is going down and he is going to destroy the Republican party in the process.

If Republiicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution


Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

I agree.
I'm not sure what is more comical - Trump himself or the levels his sycophants stoop to in order to defend him.
Nobody in the republican party ever called the President a "fool or a toddler". It's left wing spin disguised and promoted as fake news. You gotta wonder about the short memories of democrats when they lost the biggest mid term landslide and the presidency and most governors in less than ten years and they still didn't get the message. All you get from the leaderless angry and borderline psychotic left is whining and obstructionism.
GOP’s New Defense of Trump: The Guy’s A Toddler, He Doesn’t Know Any Better.

From taking sides in the Qatar dispute to leaning on an FBI director to drop an investigation, Trump’s blunders should be excused, the argument goes.

WASHINGTON – Republicans attempting to explain President Donald Trump’s behavior appear to be trying out a novel approach: He ought not to be blamed for his mistakes because he doesn’t know any better.

“He’s new at government and so, therefore, I think that he’s learning as he goes,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Thursday, explaining how Trump could have thought it was OK to lean on the FBI director to drop a criminal investigation.

Call it the toddler defense. Trump cannot be expected to understand appropriate behavior for a president because he is a businessman, not a politician, and is still only learning.

“Trump is like a parasite that invaded the body politic, and the part that is most rotten right now is the RNC,” said John Weaver, who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s presidential campaign last year. “They should be ashamed of themselves.”

Weaver added that in addition to being wrong, reflexively defending Trump was bad politics. “Handcuffing yourself to a president who’s at 34 percent and sinking is not a good strategy,” he said.

More: GOP's New Defense of Trump: The Guy's A Toddler, He Doesn't Know Any Better

So, he doesn't know any better? We all remember how Trump campaigned against being "politically correct" and how his supporters applauded and cheered him on. Therefore, Trump and his supporters cannot now plead ignorance as an excuse by saying this is all new to Trump since he had no prior political background.
But this is the inside the establishment excuse. Trump will maintain something like 35-40% approval because the base WANTS him trash Nato, fire Justice officials who tell him he can't do something, ban Muslims, etc
Nobody in the republican party ever called the President a "fool or a toddler". It's left wing spin disguised and promoted as fake news. You gotta wonder about the short memories of democrats when they lost the biggest mid term landslide and the presidency and most governors in less than ten years and they still didn't get the message. All you get from the leaderless angry and borderline psychotic left is whining and obstructionism.

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