New Hampshire Primary Thread

The message appears to be established party leaders are in trouble. Hillary is not doing well in the under 30 group, but can survive quite a while into the primaries. Indicators she is faltering? Major staff changes, decreased contributions and more Bill.
Exactly...I agree with this statement...People are angry about the same old shit from these dynasty's

And...arent a couple of others thinking about jumping in the race? Ex Mayor of NYC, Biden, etc?

The only way either could get the nod is if the convention become brokered. The paperwork deadline to file for most state primaries have already passed.
I got this weird feeling Hillary is going to take it to the convention. Make it a brokered one.
She is not going to give up, that is for sure! I could see that, too. And watch the mud fly, even if it is false!

Not just Hillary who is going to be fighting for it too. I see crazy uncle Joe jumping in cause Sanders isn't establishment on the demos side. Democrat establishment types can easily push Sanders to the side. That'll be excellent.
Trump/Kasich could be a ticket. Trump knows business and negotiation...and he supports torture and carpet bombing. Kasich know government mechanics inside out.

I like that a lot...

What about a Bernie / Clinton ticket ? Could that happen?

I like that...they would get the assisted living vote...for sure.

I'm thinking Sanders would choose Lieawatha


Yeah, the left loons like her for some odd reason
Extended Obamaism.
I got this weird feeling Hillary is going to take it to the convention. Make it a brokered one.
She is not going to give up, that is for sure! I could see that, too. And watch the mud fly, even if it is false!

Not just Hillary who is going to be fighting for it too. I see crazy uncle Joe jumping in cause Sanders isn't establishment on the demos side. Democrat establishment types can easily push Sanders to the side. That'll be excellent.
Who is this Biden. Lol
Un Oh. Trump is finished. He is over. He has had it. LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!

So much for all the super-intelligent Left-Wingbats and their predictions. Victory is so sweet.
Un Oh. Trump is finished. He is over. He has had it. LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!

So much for all the super-intelligent Left-Wingbats and their predictions. Victory is so sweet.

It is sweet!!!! Sweet SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:
Bush 3rd???

This does not surprise me. People are fed up. It's bad on all sides. But Bush has one thing going for him...he looks presidential, speaks presidential, and has two backups in help if he gets flustered. I think folks are looking at that aspect of him.
When I heard him say, "Please clap." I thought Oh no, don't let him get the nominee! Can you imagine a sad, impotent president?

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