New Hampshire Primary Thread

It's amazing how many RWs don't understand how the primary process works. Must be the first time you've voted.
Hillary should be running away with this. WTF Liberals? Are you going to kick her to the curb again?? You spew venom at RWs who oppose her yet you treat her like dirt in the primaries. Grow a pair and elect her, goddamnit.
Lmao reading a msn article.....

In the group that cared about honesty, Sanders won by 92 percent to 6 percent for hillary, according to CNN

WOW!!! That should be the headline for the night!

Guess I should give the link and another interesting snip

BREAKING NEWS: News media project: Trump, Saunders win NH

Exit polls reported by CNN showed that Sanders had trounced Clinton among self-identified independents, winning that group by 72 percent. The two candidates evenly split voters who identified themselves as Democrats. Sanders also won all the ideological groups that the polls surveyed: Democratic voters calling themselves “very liberal,” “somewhat liberal,” and “moderate” all preferred him to Clinton.

Another telling detail: Clinton won handily among the voters who said the quality they wanted most in a candidate was “electability.” Her advantage among that group was 81 percent to 18 percent. But Sanders dominated in the group that said the most important quality was that the candidate “cares,” and in the group that said it was most important that the candidate was honest. In the group that cared about honesty, Sanders won by 92 percent to 6 percent, according to CNN.

Hillary should be running away with this. WTF Liberals? Are you going to kick her to the curb again?? You spew venom at RWs who oppose her yet you treat her like dirt in the primaries. Grow a pair and elect her, goddamnit.

Bill Clinton is biting his lip, he feels your pain..:itsok:
So Bernie gets 13 delegates and Hillary 7, now the totals are 392 to 42 with 2382 needed to win nomination. That is a lot of work for Bernie.
The good news: The Bitch got her fat ass beat by a significant amount.

The bad news: The Silly Communist won.
Washington Post is reporting and reportedly has a photo of the Clinton team in NH having piled a bunch of American flags up on the floor where they were to have their 'victory celebration'. All things considered, it is an appropriate display of what Hillary and her supporters really seem to think of the American flag.

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