New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

Cherry picking or being a hypocrite is engaging in a war against conservative women, but all the while ignoring the liberal women that are killing their unborn babies in wholesale fashion among many other tragic things they are doing. MTG speaks truth to power, and you knuckleheads hate it with a passion.

Truth to power?

Claiming forest fires were set by Jewish Space Lasers is speaking truth to power?

Talking about Nancy Pelosi's Gazpacho Police is speaking truth to power?

Suggesting that joining the military is like throwing your life away is speaking truth to power?

Saying that global warming is good for us is speaking truth to power?

The woman is a lunatic and a loose cannon.
Rainbow flags are not about religion, and have no connotations of forced conversion and such, which the theocratic crap he's flying does,
Rainbow flags are not about religion, and have no connotations of forced conversion and such, which the theocratic crap he's flying does,
In other words, what you believe in vs what someone else believes in.
Truth to power?

Claiming forest fires were set by Jewish Space Lasers is speaking truth to power?

Talking about Nancy Pelosi's Gazpacho Police is speaking truth to power?

Suggesting that joining the military is like throwing your life away is speaking truth to power?

Saying that global warming is good for us is speaking truth to power?

The woman is a lunatic and a loose cannon.
All lies or leftist interpretation that attempts to paint the leftist enemy as a loon, but by now the gig is up for you on the left, because anyone that don't know who the real loons are now, then they need to seek help immediately.
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