New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

What if I told you that nobody cares if some rando contrarian is not convicned?
Seems that Johnson has triggered the left, that is my point.
He's not a roll over like McCarthy was, and every democrat voted to
remove McCarthy. That is priceless.
Johnson couldn't have happened without the democrats blessing.
Now they are upset? :auiqs.jpg:
Seems that Johnson has triggered the left, that is my point.
He's not a roll over like McCarthy was, and every democrat voted to
remove McCarthy. That is priceless.
Johnson couldn't have happened without the democrats blessing.
Now they are upset? :auiqs.jpg:

Most I know are happy at him being there, he is almost guaranteed to hand the House back to the Dems
It’s the utter lack that’s suspicious. Does he live with mom? Does he live off his wife? Lack of evidence can be damning
LOL Like ya'll chanting NO EVIDENCE any time anyone raises Simp Joey's criminality?
After we saw Pelosi's husband's phony real estate deals and insider stock tips the left wants to talk about Johnson's records?
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

He lives in the basement of his Mama's house.
It’s the utter lack that’s suspicious. Does he live with mom? Does he live off his wife? Lack of evidence can be damning, because who would believe it? If a Dem was this sketchy, you’d be all over it.

Worry about it.

It’s the utter lack that’s suspicious. Does he live with mom? Does he live off his wife? Lack of evidence can be damning, because who would believe it? If a Dem was this sketchy, you’d be all over it.

you clowns are a hoot.
Seems that Johnson has triggered the left, that is my point.
He's not a roll over like McCarthy was, and every democrat voted to
remove McCarthy. That is priceless.
Johnson couldn't have happened without the democrats blessing.
Now they are upset?
Well that's a useless and childish point. But thanks for chiming in.

More to the point that would be that his lies don't trigger the cult, and for obvious reasons.
That would be the correct motorcycle. actually, their true anger is due to not having anything to rant about, so they rant about that.
So, you do not find it weird that he has no checking account to pay his bills?

Or is he purposely hiding his assets for some kind of reason? Maybe he thinks it is wrong for we the people to know? Or maybe he didn't understand the disclosure? Or just lazy?

Disclosure is required by laws governing them for a reason....

Where does his paycheck get deposited? Or who continually cashes it for him? Does he and family not own a home? Which is very possible, I suppose?

And yeah, any thinking mind would wonder why he has zero assets at this stage in life with a law degree, or wonder why he obviously is simply lying about having no assets? OR appears to be hiding something?

Yes, of course some partisan looked in to it and wanted and hoped to find something, but that does not quell the questions on it, that have risen from it!


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