New Islamic State Video Calls for Attacks on the American Homeland, Promises Another 9/11

The Tea Party is praying for the day there s another terrorist attack because it serves two purposes.

1. It will give them more opportunity to blame Obama, call him Muslim and remind everyone that he is black

2. It is a step towards the destruction of America...which they hate and want to destroy. The OP is nothing mre than a teaper wet dream.
So, ISIS says until America stops attacking Muslims, its essentially on.

I must of missed that memo



“We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it,” he said, according to the confidential minutes of a conference call he held with the experts. “We have not defeated the idea. We do not even understand the idea.”

General Nagata’s frustration is shared by other American officials. Even as President Obama and his top civilian and military aides express growing confidence that Iraqi troops backed by allied airstrikes have blunted the Islamic State’s momentum on the ground in Iraq and undermined its base of support in Syria,other officials acknowledge they have barely made a dent in the larger, longer-term campaign to kill the ideology that animates the terrorist movement.


New Islamic State Video Calls for Attacks on the American Homeland Promises Another 9 11 PJ Tatler
It's truly time we gave them their own 9/11.
Level Tehran in one day. Air fuel rockets, a hundred of them.
They want to play with the big boys with big toys. Show em.
Why not a nuke over ISIS-stan, if it ever comes to be?

Maybe they can broadcast it live, and hand out popcorn.
What is needed is a new crusade without any of the political correctness and nonsense about "democracy" and "freedumbs". Go back into Iraq and install a dictator who will protect the Christian minority and keep the oil steady and flowing by bringing these ISIS animals to task with no mercy.

Then we tell that welfare state Israel to fuck off and align with Assad in Syria to destroy ISIS there, while at the same time shifting towards and alliance with Iran. At the moment, Iran is the only major power keeping ISIS at bay and effectively fighting this Wahhabi radicalism. They make a valued geopolitical partner in the region in fighting this surge of Sunni Islamism which attacks christians, ethnic minorities, shias, and moderate sunnis alike. Also, doesn't hurt to have another source of cheap oil, not to mention they would be dependent on our refinement facilities since they have no capacity themselves. This puts us in the advantageous position in the relationship to dictate policy. In the long run, with their large population and natural resources, they are a much more viable ally economically once sanctions are lifted, certainly more so than Israel who pretty can provide little value in comparison.
If we aren't willing to take aggressive foreign policy action against ISIS, than we need to beef up internal security(meaning securing the borders and banning islamic immigration) and provide asylum to the christian minority of the middle east to resettle in the West.

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