New January 6th footage shows Officer Sicknick walking around the Capitol hours after the Democrats and the media claimed he died there

He died because of what happened that day.

Funny, because nobody has ever provided evidence of that - which blows a massive hole in your entire argument.

Please supply us with the evidence.

And then also explain how the other four police officers committing suicide long after JANUARY 6TH!!! is comparable to dying that very day.

Also, is Jan 6th worse than Pearl Harbor?

The worst attack on America since the Civil War?

As bad as 9/11?

Hint: The answer to all of these is no, and it's easily provable.

But make your case.
If that activity that I see going on in that tweet happened after he was involved in that tussle? I believe your statement is factually incorrect.

You are gaslighting.

Nope. Died of "natural causes," means he'd be dead, whether or not he went to the job that day, or not.

The establishment is using his death for a political agenda, just as you are. Now you have video evidence, and you are STILL refusing, to see what the entire society with brains can see for themselves.


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Except that's not quite the whole story. And that's the problem with trying to sanitize his death. It happened as a direct result of that day. And two humps are in prison because of it.

Funny, because nobody has ever provided evidence of that - which blows a massive hole in your entire argument.

Please supply us with the evidence.

And then also explain how the other four police officers committing suicide long after JANUARY 6TH!!! is comparable to dying that very day.

Also, is Jan 6th worse than Pearl Harbor?

The worst attack on America since the Civil War?

As bad as 9/11?

Hint: The answer to all of these is no, and it's easily provable.

But make your case.
Hmmm. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were originated by and carried out by forces OUTSIDE of this country.
January 6th was carried out by US CITIZENS on their native the place where our democracy takes place!!

So yeah... our own citizens perpetrating it makes it the worst attack since the Civil War...which was a war of 4 years...not just one attack, like Pearl Harbor..which also resulted in a 4 year war.
Except that's not quite the whole story. And that's the problem with trying to sanitize his death. It happened as a direct result of that day. And two humps are in prison because of it.

I am not sanitizing anything, that NPR article is spinning his death as associated with the riot.

Post the medical examiner's report that proves a link. . . OR? Get lost with the establishment propaganda. There is none. I just saw him walking around after that tussle and he was fine. There is no link.
I am not sanitizing anything, that NPR article is spinning his death as associated with the riot.

Post the medical examiner's report that proves a link. . . OR? Get lost with the establishment propaganda. There is none. I just saw him walking around after that tussle and he was fine. There is no link.
No one (besides Tucker) is spinning anything. He died because of what he had to endure on January 6th. So..yes..his death is associated with the riot. That's not gaslighting. That's just stating fact.
The only reason you'd be attempting to pass his death off this way is if you agreed that the rioters that day were just peaceful tourists...which they weren't. The majority of Americans don't believe it either.
Hmmm. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were originated by and carried out by forces OUTSIDE of this country.
January 6th was carried out by US CITIZENS on their native the place where our democracy takes place!!

So who is going to be charged with Insurrection then?

And was the Jan. 6th riot anywhere near as violent as the riot in DC of May 2020 when Trump was in office?

Or that entire summer of cities being burnt?

You're utterly intellectually dishonest.

Minus the intellect.
No one (besides Tucker) is spinning anything. He died because of what he had to endure on January 6th. So..yes..his death is associated with the riot. That's not gaslighting. That's just stating fact.
The only reason you'd be attempting to pass his death off this way is if you agreed that the rioters that day were just peaceful tourists...which they weren't. The majority of Americans don't believe it either.

That's a lie.
So who is going to be charged with Insurrection then?

And was the Jan. 6th riot anywhere near as violent as the riot in DC of May 2020 when Trump was in office?

Or that entire summer of cities being burnt?

You're utterly intellectually dishonest.

Minus the intellect.
Wasn't that the night your brave savior retreated to his bunker...because he was a pussy-assed bitch? :auiqs.jpg:
When no one breached the gates of the White House. And wasn't that around the time your savior had his minions use tear gas
to clear a street by a church so he could walk there and hold a bible upside down? :)

We've been all over these talking points, Henry.
Your schtick is getting stale.

Oh, reported by the lying scum idiots who are hemorrhaging viewers so fast that even Fox is laughing at them.

There, there, now. Time for you to plug your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable back in for more lies -- I mean life-sustaining social and intellectual nutrition.

You're a liar but your posts are all so thought provoking.

Wasn't that the night your brave savior retreated to his bunker...because he was a pussy-assed bitch? :auiqs.jpg:
When no one breached the gates of the White House. And wasn't that around the time your savior had his minions use tear gas
to clear a street by a church so he could walk there and hold a bible upside down? :)

We've been all over these talking points, Henry.
Your schtick is getting stale.

You fell for every lie the corporate media told. Dumb ass.

Oh, reported by the lying scum idiots who are hemorrhaging viewers so fast that even Fox is laughing at them.

There, there, now. Time for you to plug your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable back in for more lies -- I mean life-sustaining social and intellectual nutrition.

You're a liar but your posts are all so thought provoking.

You asked for a link. I gave you one.
If your posts were thought provoking, I'd applaud..because it would the first've posted something thought provoking.
You asked for a link. I gave you one.
If your posts were thought provoking, I'd applaud..because it would the first've posted something thought provoking.

Ooh! Ouch!

That one hurt!


I lied. I loved it.

Keep trying. It's entertaining as hell, as well as thought provoking.


Ooh! Ouch!

That one hurt!


I lied. I loved it.

Keep trying. It's entertaining as hell, as well as thought provoking.

You don't have much, do you? I mean, it's not like you say anything worthwhile.

I own you. I know it. You know it. Getting under your skin makes me smile. :)

Now, if you want to go scream at the sky, feel free.
You asked. I delivered.
Nobody has ever said such a thing
Actually, all the reports say exactly that. Even in the trials, they say that. My post triggered another hyper-partisan response from JackOfNoTrades, and even HE quoted an NPR piece, which used that precise language, this is what we have been told. . . they have repeated to the public, "such a thing," exactly this phrase, "natural causes."

But? No matter where you go, NYT, NPR, PBS, WaPo, it doesn't matter, none of them will give you link to, or let you see the actual medical examiner's report.

This is how you know it was a lie. And now? Now we have actual video of Brian Sidnick, walking around, hours after the supposed tussle that, "gave," him the stroke? :dunno:

Nope, it's just propaganda. The two are completely unrelated obviously.

. . . unless they want to publicly make available the medical examiner's report? But? Of course not, that would be too simple.
Link it for me if YOU can find it. . . I cannot.

For example;

If you were working someplace, and then, late at night, after you went home, had a heart attack, there is no way you could claim "workerman's compansation," and that your job caused your heart attack, hours after your shift ended, and you had been seen, walking around, chatting with folks, having lunch, etc.


GTFO of here with this crap. For me, this is not partisan, it is just logic. I don't care about anyone's politics, I really don't. Just don't treat me like I am five. Please.

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