New Lincoln Project Ad. What We've Lost Because of trump's Virus

What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

Zackly. If you count Cleveland twice then you also have to count Washington, Jefferson (etc etc etc) twice. And you have to count FDR four times even though he's only got three letters.

If they asked on Jeopardy who was the 43rd President of the United States and you answered Obama, you would be wrong.

It's how they count it. It's the answer.

It's the wrong answer. Doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's the same amount of wrong.

44 is not 45. It's 44.

So if they asked me on Jeopardy and I said O'bama and they said I was wrong, THEY would be wrong. Provably.

What's more I believe Alex Trebek could figure this out. He's Canadian you know. And they have metric heads of state.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

See what I mean? Lobotomized.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

Zackly. If you count Cleveland twice then you also have to count Washington, Jefferson (etc etc etc) twice. And you have to count FDR four times even though he's only got three letters.

If they asked on Jeopardy who was the 43rd President of the United States and you answered Obama, you would be wrong.

It's how they count it. It's the answer.

It's the wrong answer. Doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's the same amount of wrong.

44 is not 45. It's 44.

So if they asked me on Jeopardy and I said O'bama and they said I was wrong, THEY would be wrong. Provably.

What's more I believe Alex Trebek could figure this out. He's Canadian you know. And they have metric heads of state.

Trump is 45, Obama is 44, GWB is 43. I have documented proof on my side. You have a theory.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

Zackly. If you count Cleveland twice then you also have to count Washington, Jefferson (etc etc etc) twice. And you have to count FDR four times even though he's only got three letters.

If they asked on Jeopardy who was the 43rd President of the United States and you answered Obama, you would be wrong.

It's how they count it. It's the answer.

It's the wrong answer. Doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's the same amount of wrong.

44 is not 45. It's 44.

So if they asked me on Jeopardy and I said O'bama and they said I was wrong, THEY would be wrong. Provably.

What's more I believe Alex Trebek could figure this out. He's Canadian you know. And they have metric heads of state.

Trump is 45, Obama is 44, GWB is 43. I have documented proof on my side. You have a theory.

No, I have a list. Already posted it. It says 44. And it's NOT MISSING ANYBODY.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

Shut up dumba*s. You're just lying hack kid.

About President Barack Obama
Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.

Few presidents have walked a more improbable path to the White House. Born in Hawaii to a mother from Kansas and a father from Kenya, Obama was raised with help from his grandparents, whose generosity of spirit reflected their Midwestern roots. The homespun values they instilled in him, paired with his innate sense of optimism, compelled Obama to devote his life to giving every child, regardless of his or her background, the same chance America gave him.

What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

I'm only saying how they counted him. I just don't care if he was 42, 43 or 59. Just explaining the counting.

I know that May 24 comes after May 23 in our calendaring system, that doesn't mean I have a position on it.

Pogo is just a troll, you should stop feeding him. No one cares whether W is 42 or 43, including Pogo
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

Zackly. If you count Cleveland twice then you also have to count Washington, Jefferson (etc etc etc) twice. And you have to count FDR four times even though he's only got three letters.

If they asked on Jeopardy who was the 43rd President of the United States and you answered Obama, you would be wrong.

It's how they count it. It's the answer.

It's the wrong answer. Doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's the same amount of wrong.

44 is not 45. It's 44.

So if they asked me on Jeopardy and I said O'bama and they said I was wrong, THEY would be wrong. Provably.

What's more I believe Alex Trebek could figure this out. He's Canadian you know. And they have metric heads of state.

Trump is 45, Obama is 44, GWB is 43. I have documented proof on my side. You have a theory.

No, I have a list. Already posted it. It says 44. And it's NOT MISSING ANYBODY.

It's the wrong list. even if 44 men have been president, there are 45 Presidents as per the official count.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

I'm only saying how they counted him. I just don't care if he was 42, 43 or 59. Just explaining the counting.

I know that May 24 comes after May 23 in our calendaring system, that doesn't mean I have a position on it.

Pogo is just a troll, you should stop feeding him. No one cares whether W is 42 or 43, including Pogo

Agreed, I just like increasing my post count by showing him to be wrong.
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

Zackly. If you count Cleveland twice then you also have to count Washington, Jefferson (etc etc etc) twice. And you have to count FDR four times even though he's only got three letters.

If they asked on Jeopardy who was the 43rd President of the United States and you answered Obama, you would be wrong.

It's how they count it. It's the answer.

It's the wrong answer. Doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's the same amount of wrong.

44 is not 45. It's 44.

So if they asked me on Jeopardy and I said O'bama and they said I was wrong, THEY would be wrong. Provably.

What's more I believe Alex Trebek could figure this out. He's Canadian you know. And they have metric heads of state.

Trump is 45, Obama is 44, GWB is 43. I have documented proof on my side. You have a theory.

No, I have a list. Already posted it. It says 44. And it's NOT MISSING ANYBODY.

It's the wrong list. even if 44 men have been president, there are 45 Presidents as per the official count.


What "office" would this be then?
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

Zackly. If you count Cleveland twice then you also have to count Washington, Jefferson (etc etc etc) twice. And you have to count FDR four times even though he's only got three letters.

If they asked on Jeopardy who was the 43rd President of the United States and you answered Obama, you would be wrong.

It's how they count it. It's the answer.

It's the wrong answer. Doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's the same amount of wrong.

44 is not 45. It's 44.

So if they asked me on Jeopardy and I said O'bama and they said I was wrong, THEY would be wrong. Provably.

What's more I believe Alex Trebek could figure this out. He's Canadian you know. And they have metric heads of state.

Trump is 45, Obama is 44, GWB is 43. I have documented proof on my side. You have a theory.

No, I have a list. Already posted it. It says 44. And it's NOT MISSING ANYBODY.

It's the wrong list. even if 44 men have been president, there are 45 Presidents as per the official count.


What "office" would this be then?

It's how they are introduced, it's how they are listed. It's the official numbering of the number of Presidencies, even if Cleveland gets two of them.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.

Why not? We do it for everybody else.

Your first sentence contradicts itself.
Last edited:
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

Zackly. If you count Cleveland twice then you also have to count Washington, Jefferson (etc etc etc) twice. And you have to count FDR four times even though he's only got three letters.

If they asked on Jeopardy who was the 43rd President of the United States and you answered Obama, you would be wrong.

It's how they count it. It's the answer.

It's the wrong answer. Doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's the same amount of wrong.

44 is not 45. It's 44.

So if they asked me on Jeopardy and I said O'bama and they said I was wrong, THEY would be wrong. Provably.

What's more I believe Alex Trebek could figure this out. He's Canadian you know. And they have metric heads of state.

Trump is 45, Obama is 44, GWB is 43. I have documented proof on my side. You have a theory.

No, I have a list. Already posted it. It says 44. And it's NOT MISSING ANYBODY.

It's the wrong list. even if 44 men have been president, there are 45 Presidents as per the official count.


What "office" would this be then?

It's how they are introduced, it's how they are listed. It's the official numbering of the number of Presidencies, even if Cleveland gets two of them.

Pogo is an Idiot with a capital I.

About President Barack Obama
Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.

Few presidents have walked a more improbable path to the White House. Born in Hawaii to a mother from Kansas and a father from Kenya, Obama was raised with help from his grandparents, whose generosity of spirit reflected their Midwestern roots. The homespun values they instilled in him, paired with his innate sense of optimism, compelled Obama to devote his life to giving every child, regardless of his or her background, the same chance America gave him.

The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama
As President Obama has said, the change we seek will take longer than one term or one presidency. Real change—big change—takes many years and requires each generation to embrace the obligations and opportunities that come with the title of Citizen.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.

Why not? We do it for everybody else.


Again, it's the number system used, that you think its wrong doesn't make it wrong.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

See what I mean? Lobotomized.

What is really sad, they chose to be so stupid.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.

Why not? We do it for everybody else.


Washington is the first POTUS. When he's re-elected in 1792, he's STILL the first POTUS, because he's still Washington. He's not two Washingtons.

After that Adams is the second POTUS, because "John Adams" does not equal "George Washington", therefore he's the second. Then Jefferson is the third (not the third and fourth or fourth and fifth) because Thomas Jefferson does not equal John Adams and never will regardless how many times he's elected. Nobody with two or more terms is counted more than once, nor should they be. WHEN they were elected is irrelevant to the fact that they're still the same person.

Again, it's the number system used, that you think its wrong doesn't make it wrong.

Correct. It's not wrong because I think it's wrong. It's wrong because it's wrong. It's wrong because Grover Cleveland is the same thing as Grover Cleveland.
Last edited:
And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

See what I mean? Lobotomized.

What is really sad, they chose to be so stupid.

Choosing to be stupid is you idiots not getting my mocking you for calling it the "Trump" virus. You two dumb asses don't have half a brain between you.

Calling it the Biden virus makes every bit as much sense as calling it the Trump virus.

This country has a serious problem and you idiots can't get off the politicization of it trying to win an election. You're garbage
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.

Why not? We do it for everybody else.


Washington is the first POTUS. When he's re-elected in 1792, he's STILL the first POTUS, because he's still Washington. He's not two Washingtons.

After that Adams is the second POTUS, because "John Adams" does not equal "George Washington", therefore he's 2. Then Jefferson the third (not the third and fourth or fourth and fifth) because Thomas Jefferson does not equal John Adams. Nobody with two or more terms is counted more than once, nor should they be. WHEN they were elected is irrelevant to the fact that they're still the same person.

Again, it's the number system used, that you think its wrong doesn't make it wrong.

Correct. It's not wrong because I think it's wrong. It's wrong because it's wrong. It's wrong because Grover Cleveland is the same thing as Grover Cleveland.

I had forgotten Cleveland was not elected in succession. Then I looked up the list of presidents and saw wow, I was wrong.

I had no problem with admitting it. It is wrong to count a president twice even if the presidency wasn't in succession.

You even made the distinction between presidents and administrations. Yes there were 45 administrations but there were only 44 presidents as you said.

You have to remember when you deal with trump supporters you are dealing with people who are a very special kind of stupid.

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