New Lincoln Project Ad. What We've Lost Because of trump's Virus

You have it backward
Anyone who would support Trump is a RINO

REAL Republicans will try to save their party

Subhuman left wrong-wing pieces of shit do not get to define the Republican party.

Fuck you.

Hey Bob, if you want Trump to define conservatism and The Republican Party, then kiss it goodbye. ;)

What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.
Last edited:
God Bless the Lincoln Project

American Patriots

Yes they are.

They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.
HIV is a virus?

Whaddaya think the V stands for? :rolleyes-41:

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Technically, it can be eliminated. But humanity has played games with it for decades. The costs of it is immense and it keeps expanding. But it can be eliminated. In a harsh way it can be eliminated. Its all how we sell things. When your fascist masters are in power. They will eliminate it. For it will not be affordable anymore. And the purpose having been served, not needed anyway.

What in God's name are you talking about now Cid?
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 59/60. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

You do so love to bicker. I'm not the first to mention it, am I?

The Pogo posting method

1. Find some chickenshit thing to point out
2. Harp on it repeatedly as opposed to discuss the actual topic
3. Refuse to stay on topic
4. Claim victory due to going off on some stupid tangent
5. Rinse, repeat.
  • Love
Reactions: kaz
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.

You just said the same thing. You can't justify it.

And yes, Wiki is wrong. STOP THE PRESSES. It's fairly simple: if you have 44 of something, you by definition do not have 45 of something.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do sir?"
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.

You just said the same thing. You can't justify it.

And yes, Wiki is wrong. STOP THE PRESSES. It's fairly simple: if you have 44 of something, you by definition do not have 45 of something.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do sir?"

Everyone goes by the count Wiki does.

You type in 45th President of the United States in yahoo and google and you get Trump.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.

You just said the same thing. You can't justify it.

And yes, Wiki is wrong. STOP THE PRESSES. It's fairly simple: if you have 44 of something, you by definition do not have 45 of something.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do sir?"

Everyone goes by the count Wiki does.

You type in 45th President of the United States in yahoo and google and you get Trump.

Whelp, here we go back to the old grade school adage ---

If "everyone" jumped in the lake of fire would you jump in too? Even if you can see it's a lake of fire? Just because "everyone else" did?

How many is 44? There is only one answer.
God Bless the Lincoln Project

American Patriots

Yes they are.

They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

Hmmm.... Biden makes the claim he controlled the Ebola epidemic, that is a lie, he's also claimed he helped the middle class... Sure enough Obama/Biden not Joey bailed out GM, funded Solyndra, gave us Clunkers for Cash, and pushed more jobs to China...
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.

You just said the same thing. You can't justify it.

And yes, Wiki is wrong. STOP THE PRESSES. It's fairly simple: if you have 44 of something, you by definition do not have 45 of something.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do sir?"

Everyone goes by the count Wiki does.

You type in 45th President of the United States in yahoo and google and you get Trump.

Whelp, here we go back to the old grade school adage ---

If "everyone" jumped in the lake of fire would you jump in too? Even if you can see it's a lake of fire? Just because "everyone else" did?

How many is 44? There is only one answer.

Once again you just go off on a tangent and ignore the purpose of the OP. And once again you are wrong.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
What did Trumps travel ban prevent?

It wasn’t 4 million cases of TRUMPvirus
You advocated that Trump not have a Travel Ban to stop The China Wuhan Flu.

You must be shooting up with Chinese Heroin and growing weed from Chinese Seeds.

Hell, I bet your dirty underwear is Chinese.

Say what what? Stinky butt that's what!
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
God Bless the Lincoln Project

American Patriots

Yes they are.

They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

Hmmm.... Biden makes the claim he controlled the Ebola epidemic, that is a lie, he's also claimed he helped the middle class... Sure enough Obama/Biden not Joey bailed out GM, funded Solyndra, gave us Clunkers for Cash, and pushed more jobs to China...
You are wrong. Biden invented THE INTERNETS!

He also invented senility, pedophilia and extortion but who's counting?
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.

You just said the same thing. You can't justify it.

And yes, Wiki is wrong. STOP THE PRESSES. It's fairly simple: if you have 44 of something, you by definition do not have 45 of something.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do sir?"

Everyone goes by the count Wiki does.

You type in 45th President of the United States in yahoo and google and you get Trump.

Whelp, here we go back to the old grade school adage ---

If "everyone" jumped in the lake of fire would you jump in too? Even if you can see it's a lake of fire? Just because "everyone else" did?

How many is 44? There is only one answer.

Doc7505 "disagrees".

Okay. How many IS 44 then? Because if it isn't 44, then 57 states doesn't work.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.

You just said the same thing. You can't justify it.

And yes, Wiki is wrong. STOP THE PRESSES. It's fairly simple: if you have 44 of something, you by definition do not have 45 of something.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do sir?"

Everyone goes by the count Wiki does.

You type in 45th President of the United States in yahoo and google and you get Trump.

Whelp, here we go back to the old grade school adage ---

If "everyone" jumped in the lake of fire would you jump in too? Even if you can see it's a lake of fire? Just because "everyone else" did?

How many is 44? There is only one answer.

Doc7505 "disagrees".

Okay. How many IS 44 then? Because if it isn't 44, then 57 states doesn't work.

Trump is 45. 99% of people agree with that. That you found your chickenshit point to derail the thread with doesn't mean anything.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

Even Wikipedia disagrees with you.

List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The unique situation with Cleveland has him counted twice, as it was two separate administrations with another President in between.

................................................... And?

Are Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland not the same person?

Are Presidents not people?

On what basis do we suddenly decide in 1893, "yanno what, let's count by administrations instead of people" and then eight years later decide "nahh, let's go back to the old way"? Shall we declare we had three Bushes and five Roosevelts?

So Wikipedia is wrong?

Once again you take some chickenshit position and just latch onto it like a toddler gripping it's pacifier in its mouth.

The President in between his administrations is why they count him, and only him twice.

You just said the same thing. You can't justify it.

And yes, Wiki is wrong. STOP THE PRESSES. It's fairly simple: if you have 44 of something, you by definition do not have 45 of something.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do sir?"

Everyone goes by the count Wiki does.

You type in 45th President of the United States in yahoo and google and you get Trump.

Whelp, here we go back to the old grade school adage ---

If "everyone" jumped in the lake of fire would you jump in too? Even if you can see it's a lake of fire? Just because "everyone else" did?

How many is 44? There is only one answer.

Once again you just go off on a tangent and ignore the purpose of the OP. And once again you are wrong.

The purpose of the OP, which we generally call a "topic", has nothing to do with which POTUS Dubya was.

And yet, once again, he was the 42nd. I listed them all. WHO is missing?

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