New Lincoln Project Ad. What We've Lost Because of trump's Virus

They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virusO
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

I explained it in the post you quoted.

So who are "we?" You and the voices in your head? Why do you need the ego prop of imagining that many people are sitting on the edge of their chairs obsessing on your every word? You have some "performance" problems too?
You didn't explain anything, because all you have is bullshit and misdirection.

Thank you for admitting you're stupid. To reward your honesty, I colorized it for you
You can colorize all you want, shit-for-brains, but you still haven't explained how it is "the Biden virus".

What exactly did Biden do to own it? Or, are you really trying to say because Biden called trump what he is, a racist, that somehow makes Biden responsible for trump's mishandling of the trump virus from day one?

I'm not explaining it to you again since you're obviously stupid.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you.

Stupid as well as sick, you're suffering from mental sexual perversion where you think your enemy committing incest is what you want to be your self selected identity. It's some freaking shit
You never explained it in the first place, asshole. All you did was try to deflect away from the fact that trump has bungled the trump virus from day one.

And you are the one who seems to be hung up on sexual perversion, not me. You are the one who is sick and stupid.

I explained it to, pointed you to it then colorized it for you. I can't help you. You went to government schools, didn't you? So sad
Again, bullshit
I used to vote Reagan in the 80s and voted for Bush

I used to fly jets for the Navy. That's before I was an astronaut and flew missions to the moon for NASA. I invented a cryptography code at the NSA that still hasn't been cracked and I killed both Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
It's a fact that all Stolen Valors are rightwingers.

That was a joke. If you read the post I was responding to my point is clear. Damn Democrat are just flat out stupid. Is that why you like government schools? They are so easy?

What is wrong with you? Seriously? You don't get an obvious joke? How stupid are you exactly?

I'll give you a clue. I was making fun of "right" winger. My God you're stupid. Let your husband make your decisions for you. Seriously. I mean I'm not generally in favor of women doing that, but in your case it couldn't possibly be any worse.

Who in their right mind would post what you just did that you're stupid and you didn't get an obvious joke?
New York politicians called their own constituents "racist" when they indicated some trepidation early in the epidemic. Gov. Cuomo might be guilty of 3,000 deaths when he forced nursing homes to admit infected patients or lose their licenses. Meanwhile desperate democrats blame it all on Trump. Cities are set on fire by arsonists and criminals who disregard the hype about the epidemic and ignorant lefties seem freaking clueless as usual.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virusO
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

I explained it in the post you quoted.

So who are "we?" You and the voices in your head? Why do you need the ego prop of imagining that many people are sitting on the edge of their chairs obsessing on your every word? You have some "performance" problems too?
You didn't explain anything, because all you have is bullshit and misdirection.

Thank you for admitting you're stupid. To reward your honesty, I colorized it for you
You can colorize all you want, shit-for-brains, but you still haven't explained how it is "the Biden virus".

What exactly did Biden do to own it? Or, are you really trying to say because Biden called trump what he is, a racist, that somehow makes Biden responsible for trump's mishandling of the trump virus from day one?

I'm not explaining it to you again since you're obviously stupid.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you.

Stupid as well as sick, you're suffering from mental sexual perversion where you think your enemy committing incest is what you want to be your self selected identity. It's some freaking shit
You never explained it in the first place, asshole. All you did was try to deflect away from the fact that trump has bungled the trump virus from day one.

And you are the one who seems to be hung up on sexual perversion, not me. You are the one who is sick and stupid.

I explained it to, pointed you to it then colorized it for you. I can't help you. You went to government schools, didn't you? So sad
You didn't explain anything, moron. You are pathetic.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
What did Trumps travel ban prevent?

It wasn’t 4 million cases of TRUMPvirus

Whatever it cut, Biden told you he would have been worse. He called it racist to cut travel from China. Then he called it racist to cut flights from Europe. Biden owns the Biden virus now

4 million fucking people with TRUMPvirus
How could it be worse?

You would never see Biden mocking people who wear masks and socially distance.
You wouldn’t see Biden encouraging States to open up even if infection rates don’t meet CDC
You would never see Biden cancelling people’s insurance during an epidemic
You would never see Biden declaring war on the WHO

We would never see Biden send a tweet saying to liberate a state.

We would never see Biden treat red states the way trump has treated us blue states.

Nor would we see Biden spend so much time and effort to divide our nation with so much hate.

My God, Biden's vitriol is so extreme and yet you call him a uniter. You're supposed to sip the Democrat koo-aid, not chug it

Biden's vitriol?? LOL. Put down the crack pipe and take two steps backward. I don't think I've ever seen Biden even raise his voice.
Biden would have handled this pandemic yards better than Trump did. No contest. Deal with it.
Stand behind your guy warts and all. Own his mistakes and shortcomings.

Yes, Biden's vitriol. Again, sip the Democrat kool-aid, don't chug it
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virusO
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

I explained it in the post you quoted.

So who are "we?" You and the voices in your head? Why do you need the ego prop of imagining that many people are sitting on the edge of their chairs obsessing on your every word? You have some "performance" problems too?
You didn't explain anything, because all you have is bullshit and misdirection.

Thank you for admitting you're stupid. To reward your honesty, I colorized it for you
You can colorize all you want, shit-for-brains, but you still haven't explained how it is "the Biden virus".

What exactly did Biden do to own it? Or, are you really trying to say because Biden called trump what he is, a racist, that somehow makes Biden responsible for trump's mishandling of the trump virus from day one?

I'm not explaining it to you again since you're obviously stupid.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you.

Stupid as well as sick, you're suffering from mental sexual perversion where you think your enemy committing incest is what you want to be your self selected identity. It's some freaking shit
You never explained it in the first place, asshole. All you did was try to deflect away from the fact that trump has bungled the trump virus from day one.

And you are the one who seems to be hung up on sexual perversion, not me. You are the one who is sick and stupid.

I explained it to, pointed you to it then colorized it for you. I can't help you. You went to government schools, didn't you? So sad
You didn't explain anything, moron. You are pathetic.

What if I act it out for you? Would that help?
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 55/56. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.
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Again, bullshit
I used to vote Reagan in the 80s and voted for Bush

I used to fly jets for the Navy. That's before I was an astronaut and flew missions to the moon for NASA. I invented a cryptography code at the NSA that still hasn't been cracked and I killed both Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
It's a fact that all Stolen Valors are rightwingers.

That was a joke. If you read the post I was responding to my point is clear. Damn Democrat are just flat out stupid. Is that why you like government schools? They are so easy?

What is wrong with you? Seriously? You don't get an obvious joke? How stupid are you exactly?

I'll give you a clue. I was making fun of "right" winger. My God you're stupid. Let your husband make your decisions for you. Seriously. I mean I'm not generally in favor of women doing that, but in your case it couldn't possibly be any worse.

Who in their right mind would post what you just did that you're stupid and you didn't get an obvious joke?
She doesn't have a husband. No man would have it. Not even the incels she dreams about.
  • Funny
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That's my point. You imagine that it's incest and you put it on your self selected self image, your avatar. Think about how sick that is
I wouldn't put anything past that scumbag trump. He has proven time and again what a lowlife he is.

I think this tells us a lot more about you, than it does about Mr. Trump or his relationship with his daughter.

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What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

"This article is about the 43rd president of the United States. "

You idiots are in the freaking internet. Learn to use Google. W is 43

Nope. 42. Go ahead and count 'em.

I'll let you bicker with historians who count Cleveland twice since his terms were not consecutive since you do oh so like to bicker.

Bush 43 was W, feel free to like it or not

Nope. He was the 42nd POTUS. If you want to count ADMINISTRATIONS, then W was #s 59/60. If you want to count PRESIDENTS he was #42. Otherwise you have to count Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, W and O'bama twice each, and FDR counts four. Amazing fun fact that a lot of people seem not to know: Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were the same person. You'd think the name would give it away. You'd think.

So 43 was .......... wait for it......... Barah Kobama. Much as I'd like the term "Cult 45" to work, it doesn't. We've only had, to date, 44 Prezzidents. But the good news is we'll get a 45th in a few months. Tops.

You do so love to bicker. I'm not the first to mention it, am I?
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 9.28.43 AM.png
  • Thanks
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God Bless the Lincoln Project

American Patriots

Useful idiots for the left, who will be discarded by the left when their usefulness has ended.
Amazing the number of Republicans who want to save their party
Maybe the best thing is a split...A Republican Party and a Trump Party.

If that happens the Republican Party won't ever be able to win another election again.

The normal and sane republicans need those bat crap crazy ones to win an election. They know this which is why the normal ones have coddled the crazy ones for such a long time.

Now it has come back to bite them in the butt.

They were warned.

Most of the ones we could care less about have already left. You are welcome to them.
Quite the blueprint for success trumpanzees people away.

Kind of like what Dems are doing with Police unions and other middle class unions?

Dems have the un-uniformed public sector unions locked up. However you notice the lack of support and enthusiasm from trade and industrial unions?

You might also keep the service unions, but lose the technical ones.
God Bless the Lincoln Project

American Patriots

Yes they are.

They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.
HIV is a virus?

Whaddaya think the V stands for? :rolleyes-41:

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Technically, it can be eliminated. But humanity has played games with it for decades. The costs of it is immense and it keeps expanding. But it can be eliminated. In a harsh way it can be eliminated. Its all how we sell things. When your fascist masters are in power. They will eliminate it. For it will not be affordable anymore. And the purpose having been served, not needed anyway.

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