New Lincoln Project Ad. What We've Lost Because of trump's Virus

What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.

Why not? We do it for everybody else.


Washington is the first POTUS. When he's re-elected in 1792, he's STILL the first POTUS, because he's still Washington. He's not two Washingtons.

After that Adams is the second POTUS, because "John Adams" does not equal "George Washington", therefore he's 2. Then Jefferson the third (not the third and fourth or fourth and fifth) because Thomas Jefferson does not equal John Adams. Nobody with two or more terms is counted more than once, nor should they be. WHEN they were elected is irrelevant to the fact that they're still the same person.

Again, it's the number system used, that you think its wrong doesn't make it wrong.

Correct. It's not wrong because I think it's wrong. It's wrong because it's wrong. It's wrong because Grover Cleveland is the same thing as Grover Cleveland.

I had forgotten Cleveland was not elected in succession. Then I looked up the list of presidents and saw wow, I was wrong.

I had no problem with admitting it. It is wrong to count a president twice even if the presidency wasn't in succession.

You even made the distinction between presidents and administrations. Yes there were 45 administrations but there were only 44 presidents as you said.

You have to remember when you deal with trump supporters you are dealing with people who are a very special kind of stupid.

Only on USMB could you get somebody to argue that 44 does not equal 44 huh?

What they seem to be doing is counting administrations in the case of Cleveland, while for every other one they count people. That's just inconsistent.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

See what I mean? Lobotomized.

What is really sad, they chose to be so stupid.

LOL, you're as stupid as it gets honey.
I had forgotten Cleveland was not elected in succession. Then I looked up the list of presidents and saw wow, I was wrong.

I had no problem with admitting it. It is wrong to count a president twice even if the presidency wasn't in succession

Valid point. On the other hand, who gives a shit?
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.

Why not? We do it for everybody else.


Again, it's the number system used, that you think its wrong doesn't make it wrong.

You're both wrong. There were 10 'Presidents of the United States' under the articles of Confederation that neither of you counted:

It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Senators also

The Stink of Trump will permeate down ballot

I sure hope so.

They all deserve to lose. We need to send a message to the republicans to clean up their party or they will not be a party anymore.

All those republicans who enabled and helped trump with all his destruction need to go.

If anyone needs to clean up their party, it's the Dims. They are all scumbags. Every last one of them.

Nice people are the ones who hate it when "End Racism" is stenciled on football fields.

Ironic since Democrats are the racists and they are the ones fighting racism. All the inner city violence is nothing but Democrats from the mayor to the counsel to the voters to the looters and rioters, every one a Democrat.

So yeah, end racism. It's easy for you since it's all in your hands to deal with it

It's funny to watch the irony of the party that now welcomes the con-federate and NAZI flags calling others racist.
What link? You have never voted Republican, never belonged to the Party. You don't get to call the shots, Chief.

I am currently registered as a Republican.
I voted for Reagan and Bush 43 twice each.

Got out of the party when Newt Gingrich ruined it

And I'm a ballerina. I am also in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit addition every year because I have the most amazing legs you've ever seen. I live on the moon and commute every day to earth, I like the quiet.

BTW, Bush 43 is W. I think you meant to lie that you voted for his father, no? That was pretty funny. You don't know which Bush you "voted" for, LOL

Actually W is 42, so you're both wrong. :smoke:

I'm sorry but the bush boy is number 43.

View attachment 368707

I'm afraid that's erroneous. I'll prove it.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
  40. Bush I
  41. Clinton
  42. Bush II
  43. O'bama
  44. Rump
44 people, 59 administrations. But yeah I'm sorry too. That is a sorry lot.

You're right. Grover Cleveland was president twice but not in succession. He's listed as numbers 22 and 24.

You're right to count him only once.

Yes they are a sorry lot.

No one else does. Go to google and type in 45th President of the United States, up pops Trump. Type in 43, up pops GWB, type in 44, you get Obama.

They count Cleveland as two "different" Presidents because he was the only one with two different administrations, not continuous.

Technically the reason they count him twice is that he was the "22nd" President of the United States. if he won a second consecutive term, he'd have still been the "22nd" President.

By losing then winning again, he became the 24th President as well.

Except he didn't, because when he won the election in 1892 he was still...... wait for it.....
.......... Grover Cleveland.

Grover Cleveland equals Grover Cleveland, just like 44 equals 44. Because they can't equal anything else.

Again, 44 men have been president, but there have been 45 Presidents of the United States.

They couldn't go back and count him as his first number after the gap Presidency.

Why not? We do it for everybody else.


Again, it's the number system used, that you think its wrong doesn't make it wrong.

You're both wrong. There were 10 'Presidents of the United States' under the articles of Confederation that neither of you counted:

:rock: :spinner:
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Senators also

The Stink of Trump will permeate down ballot

I sure hope so.

They all deserve to lose. We need to send a message to the republicans to clean up their party or they will not be a party anymore.

All those republicans who enabled and helped trump with all his destruction need to go.

If anyone needs to clean up their party, it's the Dims. They are all scumbags. Every last one of them.

Nice people are the ones who hate it when "End Racism" is stenciled on football fields.

Ironic since Democrats are the racists and they are the ones fighting racism. All the inner city violence is nothing but Democrats from the mayor to the counsel to the voters to the looters and rioters, every one a Democrat.

So yeah, end racism. It's easy for you since it's all in your hands to deal with it

It's funny to watch the irony of the party that now welcomes the con-federate and NAZI flags calling others racist.

When are you going to stop lying?
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Senators also

The Stink of Trump will permeate down ballot

I sure hope so.

They all deserve to lose. We need to send a message to the republicans to clean up their party or they will not be a party anymore.

All those republicans who enabled and helped trump with all his destruction need to go.

If anyone needs to clean up their party, it's the Dims. They are all scumbags. Every last one of them.

Nice people are the ones who hate it when "End Racism" is stenciled on football fields.

Ironic since Democrats are the racists and they are the ones fighting racism. All the inner city violence is nothing but Democrats from the mayor to the counsel to the voters to the looters and rioters, every one a Democrat.

So yeah, end racism. It's easy for you since it's all in your hands to deal with it

It's funny to watch the irony of the party that now welcomes the con-federate and NAZI flags calling others racist.

When are you going to stop lying?

Irony alert.
  • Funny
Reactions: 007
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Senators also

The Stink of Trump will permeate down ballot

I sure hope so.

They all deserve to lose. We need to send a message to the republicans to clean up their party or they will not be a party anymore.

All those republicans who enabled and helped trump with all his destruction need to go.

If anyone needs to clean up their party, it's the Dims. They are all scumbags. Every last one of them.

Nice people are the ones who hate it when "End Racism" is stenciled on football fields.

Ironic since Democrats are the racists and they are the ones fighting racism. All the inner city violence is nothing but Democrats from the mayor to the counsel to the voters to the looters and rioters, every one a Democrat.

So yeah, end racism. It's easy for you since it's all in your hands to deal with it

It's funny to watch the irony of the party that now welcomes the con-federate and NAZI flags calling others racist.

The confederates were Democrats, good choice for the racist Democrat party. And Nazis? Kind of early for blow isn't it?
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Senators also

The Stink of Trump will permeate down ballot

I sure hope so.

They all deserve to lose. We need to send a message to the republicans to clean up their party or they will not be a party anymore.

All those republicans who enabled and helped trump with all his destruction need to go.

If anyone needs to clean up their party, it's the Dims. They are all scumbags. Every last one of them.

Nice people are the ones who hate it when "End Racism" is stenciled on football fields.

Ironic since Democrats are the racists and they are the ones fighting racism. All the inner city violence is nothing but Democrats from the mayor to the counsel to the voters to the looters and rioters, every one a Democrat.

So yeah, end racism. It's easy for you since it's all in your hands to deal with it

It's funny to watch the irony of the party that now welcomes the con-federate and NAZI flags calling others racist.

The confederates were Democrats, good choice for the racist Democrat party. And Nazis? Kind of early for blow isn't it?

The Confederates literally had no political parties.

Prove me wrong.

I don't get why y'all just keep pulling stuff out of your ass when The Googles are so handy. Seems to me the latter would be less work. :dunno:
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus

For the #nth time, no one called him a racist for it. Biden called him neither racist or xenophobic for it. Biden's xenophobic comment had to do with Trump's need to always find a scapegoat.
A blown response to the pandemic. 150K+ people dead. Almost 4.5 million infected. An economy on the verge of ruin.
All laid at Trump's feet. He doesn't get the blame for the virus but he does get the blame for the response.

Those are facts you can't run from.

Gotcha. So Biden was just pointing out that blocking people from coming from CHINA to stop a virus that came from CHINA was scapegoating CHINA.

My God you're stupid

Biden was talking about Trump calling Corona virus the Kung Flu, the Chinese Virus etc instead of covid and that's what was his racist comment, not at all the ban on China flights.... the democratic complaint on the China travel ban, was that it was likely too late to stop the spread of the virus here..... And it turns out, they were right.
I have a small glimmer of hope for the future of the ideology of conservatism when I see that there are still people like this fighting for it. The Republican Party has sold out to Trump..or been beaten into submission to bow to him. I'm glad that there are still some real conservatives left out there willing to fight for those ideals without the demagoguery that characterizes Trump and the people who support him.

You couldn't be wronger, as wrong as Krugman!

Trump is the absolute best thing for the Republican Party and America- in forever!

He's the first President in 100 years who acknowledges the Progressive Jihad on the Constitution and has vowed to roll it back.

We LOVE that he tells you people to Fuck Off!
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