New photos of the exposed tunnle

Yikes, you do seem to be having trouble with the basics. First little jewel in that crown of crap was the part about "stole their land". I always get a bang out of that one. Now can you explain to the class how it is that land lost in war is somehow still owned by the defeated party ? Or more accurately, was it ever owned, in this case, by the Arab Muslims in the first place ?

Guy, you really need to get out of your 19th Century thinking. Just because the Jews hold the land by military force now doesn't mean they will forever.

Just ask the South Africans how that works out.

You see, here's the biggest problem you all have. The Arabs are fucking. The Jews aren't. And a lot of young Israelis have gotten over the Hitler thing and would probably rather live in Europe where people don't want to kill them.

so trying to pretend the Palestinians aren't really from Palestine or trying to prevent the "right to return" or playing games with Gaza and the West bank doesn't take away from the fact that if you had one person, one vote, the zionist entity would be no more.
Yikes, you do seem to be having trouble with the basics. First little jewel in that crown of crap was the part about "stole their land". I always get a bang out of that one. Now can you explain to the class how it is that land lost in war is somehow still owned by the defeated party ? Or more accurately, was it ever owned, in this case, by the Arab Muslims in the first place ?

Guy, you really need to get out of your 19th Century thinking. Just because the Jews hold the land by military force now doesn't mean they will forever.

Just ask the South Africans how that works out.

You see, here's the biggest problem you all have. The Arabs are fucking. The Jews aren't. And a lot of young Israelis have gotten over the Hitler thing and would probably rather live in Europe where people don't want to kill them.

so trying to pretend the Palestinians aren't really from Palestine or trying to prevent the "right to return" or playing games with Gaza and the West bank doesn't take away from the fact that if you had one person, one vote, the zionist entity would be no more.

So you have abandoned all logical or factual discourse and are instead going to ramble on about how unfair the world is.

Brilliant argument

Let us know how that works out for you


Meanwhile back on topic

So you have abandoned all logical or factual discourse and are instead going to ramble on about how unfair the world is.

Brilliant argument

Let us know how that works out for you

I will tell you exactly how that will work out. Israel will go the way of Apartheid South Africa, because most of the world doesn't think a settler state treating the native people like second class citizens in their own country is morally acceptable.

If it weren't for inbred Christians in this country supporting Israel hoping Jesus will come back, you'd have no friends in the world at all.
So you have abandoned all logical or factual discourse and are instead going to ramble on about how unfair the world is.

Brilliant argument

Let us know how that works out for you

I will tell you exactly how that will work out. Israel will go the way of Apartheid South Africa, because most of the world doesn't think a settler state treating the native people like second class citizens in their own country is morally acceptable.

If it weren't for inbred Christians in this country supporting Israel hoping Jesus will come back, you'd have no friends in the world at all.


Well you certainly are following the standard Antisemitic playbook. Thats more than obvious.

So now we've moved on to another favorite, the apartheid accusation. Brilliant, you really have abandoned one failed argument after another. Its an obvious sign of just how desperate the Arab Muslim narrative is when this kinda thing occurs.

But sure, we can discuss the differences between the restrictions intended to prevent terrorism against Israeli citizens and the system of racial segregation in SA.

But a quick question. Since there are Arab Muslims completely free, to vote, participate in politics and enjoying all the protections and privileges of Israeli citizenship regardless of their faith or ethnicity where's the comparison at all.

I mean apartheid applied to all black people as enshrined in SA law, there is no such system in Israel. Israeli law applies equally to all citizens. Israel has a system of restrictions against "areas" were terrorist activities occur. Travel into and out of those areas is closely observed and in some cases restricted. But the restrictions are not based on race or religion they are based on location and applied to all equally. There is no racial consideration within the law.

Gaza for instance is not a part of Israel and is in no way under Israeli control. In fact it went from Arab Muslim occupied LoN land to Arab Muslim occupied UN land to Arab Muslim occupied Egyptian land to Arab Muslim occupied Israeli land to Gaza. Gaza being an independent non entity fully able at any time to declare statehood except for one thing. The Gazan's are so hell bent on their hatred and racism they don't seem to have time to file the appropriate paperwork, or even form a governance effective enough to avoid the open sewers so common to the Strip.


but if you require a more detailed analysis of the differences between defensive restrictions and apartheid then no problem,d.amc,d.amc,d.amc,d.amc

So again your over emotional outbursts which are obviously following the Arab Muslim narrative quite closely simply don't stand up to even rudimentary review.

Ever wonder why the Israeli's are not tunneling into Gaza ? Ever wonder why the Egyptians have even tighter restrictions on the movement of Gazan's into Egypt ? Its a no brainer, a culture of hatred, racism, bigotry and violence is coming home to roost and until the terrorists who run Gaza realize that violence is not the way; no one will allow them to spread that violence to otherwise peaceful countries. Like Egypt and Israel
End Quote

Now what was it you were saying there Spiffy, about unsubstantiated claims ?

So you found a bunch of claims by White Europeans that White European Colonization is a good thing?.

White Zionist Europeans, please. Oh, and an Israeli Hasbasra blog "Israel Matzav".

Arab Muslim colonists who arrived mostly in the 2nd Arab Muslim colonial period of the [COLOR=#0000ff said:
early to mid 20th century.[/COLOR] A period of immigration which coincided with the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

I think it's funny given his words above, he provides citations from the 19th century, but what can you expect from somone who invents "Judaic People" and the mythical "Canaan Valley" where they live? Watching too much Game of Thrones or reading Tolkien, methinks.
End Quote

Now what was it you were saying there Spiffy, about unsubstantiated claims ?

So you found a bunch of claims by White Europeans that White European Colonization is a good thing?.

White Zionist Europeans, please. Oh, and an Israeli Hasbasra blog "Israel Matzav".

Arab Muslim colonists who arrived mostly in the 2nd Arab Muslim colonial period of the [COLOR=#0000ff said:
early to mid 20th century.[/COLOR] A period of immigration which coincided with the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

I think it's funny given his words above, he provides citations from the 19th century, but what can you expect from somone who invents "Judaic People" and the mythical "Canaan Valley" where they live? Watching too much Game of Thrones or reading Tolkien, methinks.

Well at least you've given up pretending to actually have any viable input and stuck to the pathetic personal attacks. Those sad pretenses of yours at debating the issues were weak at best.

So now you've moved on to the typical claims of hasbara, Another weak argument at best. Since it fails completely to address any issue with the actual argument and simply avoid it altogether.

Why am I not surprised.

OK then nothing to really respond to here people and since some of us actually work and live productive lives I guess I should be going.

Feel free to continue all the Israeli bashing, I could use the laughs at the end of a long tough day.

Oh and of course. Looks like those hundreds of millions in welfare money spent on tunnels isn't working out to well for yah now is it ;--)

Better go begging for more ;--),d.amc


This support for terrorism doesn’t end with hate speech. The Palestinian regime in Ramallah pays monthly stipends of between $400 and $3,500 to terrorists and their families, the latter of which is more than five times the average monthly salary of a Palestinian worker.

According to data from its budgetary reports, compiled in June 2014 by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the PA’s annual budget for supporting Palestinian terrorists was then roughly $75 million. That amounted to some 16% of the foreign donations the PA received annually. Overall in 2012 foreign aid made up about a quarter of the PA’s $3.1 billion budget. More recent figures are inaccessible since the Palestinian Authority is no longer transparent about the stipend transfers.

End Quote,d.amc

Why not put an end to all aid going through UNRWA and instead let the Arab Muslims in the mandated areas stand on the strength of their own hard work LOL. Maybe then they wouldn't have so much time to build tunnels into other countries.
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So you have abandoned all logical or factual discourse and are instead going to ramble on about how unfair the world is.

Brilliant argument

Let us know how that works out for you

I will tell you exactly how that will work out. Israel will go the way of Apartheid South Africa, because most of the world doesn't think a settler state treating the native people like second class citizens in their own country is morally acceptable.

If it weren't for inbred Christians in this country supporting Israel hoping Jesus will come back, you'd have no friends in the world at all.


Well you certainly are following the standard Antisemitic playbook. Thats more than obvious.

So now we've moved on to another favorite, the apartheid accusation. Brilliant, you really have abandoned one failed argument after another. Its an obvious sign of just how desperate the Arab Muslim narrative is when this kinda thing occurs.

But sure, we can discuss the differences between the restrictions intended to prevent terrorism against Israeli citizens and the system of racial segregation in SA.

But a quick question. Since there are Arab Muslims completely free, to vote, participate in politics and enjoying all the protections and privileges of Israeli citizenship regardless of their faith or ethnicity where's the comparison at all.

I mean apartheid applied to all black people as enshrined in SA law, there is no such system in Israel. Israeli law applies equally to all citizens. Israel has a system of restrictions against "areas" were terrorist activities occur. Travel into and out of those areas is closely observed and in some cases restricted. But the restrictions are not based on race or religion they are based on location and applied to all equally. There is no racial consideration within the law.

Gaza for instance is not a part of Israel and is in no way under Israeli control. In fact it went from Arab Muslim occupied LoN land to Arab Muslim occupied UN land to Arab Muslim occupied Egyptian land to Arab Muslim occupied Israeli land to Gaza. Gaza being an independent non entity fully able at any time to declare statehood except for one thing. The Gazan's are so hell bent on their hatred and racism they don't seem to have time to file the appropriate paperwork, or even form a governance effective enough to avoid the open sewers so common to the Strip.


but if you require a more detailed analysis of the differences between defensive restrictions and apartheid then no problem,d.amc,d.amc,d.amc,d.amc

So again your over emotional outbursts which are obviously following the Arab Muslim narrative quite closely simply don't stand up to even rudimentary review.

Ever wonder why the Israeli's are not tunneling into Gaza ? Ever wonder why the Egyptians have even tighter restrictions on the movement of Gazan's into Egypt ? Its a no brainer, a culture of hatred, racism, bigotry and violence is coming home to roost and until the terrorists who run Gaza realize that violence is not the way; no one will allow them to spread that violence to otherwise peaceful countries. Like Egypt and Israel


Then he cites Michael Oren, the ADL, Jake Beaumont, from (Dis)Honest Reporting, and the sell out Benjamin Pogrund, who fought against South African Apartheid and now shills for the Zionist paradise, like he does.

He contiues with his BS with a photo of a street in a Gaza strip village after seasonal floods inundated the area from Wadi Gaza. Unfortunatly the flooding is exacerbated by lack of fuel so restricting how much water can be pumped out of flood-stricken areas. Fuel shortages caused by the Zionist seige which also restricts other kinds of machinery related to pumping and sewage management that could help Gazans combat the floods..
I mean apartheid applied to all black people as enshrined in SA law, there is no such system in Israel. Israeli law applies equally to all citizens. Israel has a system of restrictions against "areas" were terrorist activities occur. Travel into and out of those areas is closely observed and in some cases restricted. But the restrictions are not based on race or religion they are based on location and applied to all equally. There is no racial consideration within the law.

you know, the Racists in South Africa made similiar arguments, and no one bought them.
I think it's funny given his words above, he provides citations from the 19th century, but what can you expect from somone who invents "Judaic People" and the mythical "Canaan Valley" where they live? Watching too much Game of Thrones or reading Tolkien, methinks.

The Zionists cite the BIble to bolster their claims to Palestine, but that same book contains giants, sea monsters, unicorns, satyrs, talking snakes and talking donkeys.
<SNIP>, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

If Israel really wanted to push them out to the sea and destroy them, they would have already done it a long long long long long long long long time ago. Long ago.
<SNIP>, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

If Israel really wanted to push them out to the sea and destroy them, they would have already done it a long long long long long long long long time ago. Long ago.

Well the world is watching now, so its too late. They tried a long long time ago and they just didn't succeed.
As known, IDF exposed a Hamas tunnle near Nahal Oz two days ago, and in new photos we can take a better look at their findings.

Okay. So a bunch of European Colonists are finding the people who they stole land from are digging tunnels under it so they can strike at them.

Why is this my problem, again?

Didn't say it was.

It will be even less of a problem when we decide to bomb these tunnles with every last person that's inside them:)

. Hey I'd have tunnels everyone under Gaza for bomb shelters, of course Israel has buildings right, and the Iron Dome.

If only Gaza had an airport, oh wait, Israel would bomb that as well. So can't fish, can't fly, can't leave Gaza, and no where to go when bombed, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

You know what happens when you build shelters in gaza, the big brave terrorists kick all the women and children out so they can hide behind them.
The answer is to stop firing illegal weapons and committing war crimes.
<SNIP>, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

If Israel really wanted to push them out to the sea and destroy them, they would have already done it a long long long long long long long long time ago. Long ago.

Well the world is watching now, so its too late. They tried a long long time ago and they just didn't succeed.

And the world has seen the truth after the journalists reported the use of women and children as human shields by hamas, the use of foreign nationals to protect their illegal weapons and the use of UN schools to store illegal weapons. So the world has stopped the handouts to gaza and the Palestinians are whining again.
<SNIP>, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

If Israel really wanted to push them out to the sea and destroy them, they would have already done it a long long long long long long long long time ago. Long ago.

Well the world is watching now, so its too late. They tried a long long time ago and they just didn't succeed.

What a fucking cull! NO. They fought the invading Arabs and kicked their asses to the point that the Arabs realized they had to stop fighting and go for some sort of peace agreement otherwise they wouldn't be in any part of that land, and worse.

You folks don't get it, do you. You claim that Israel wants all of the Middle East, from the Nile to the Euphrates. HA! If that were the case, every time that they have fought back the invading Arab armies and the Arabs started to cry 'uncle' they would have kept up and done just that. They had the Sinai. They could have marched all the way to Amman. They had Beirut. They have knocked on Damascus' door.

But they just want to live in peace in their land.
I think it's funny given his words above, he provides citations from the 19th century, but what can you expect from somone who invents "Judaic People" and the mythical "Canaan Valley" where they live? Watching too much Game of Thrones or reading Tolkien, methinks.

The Zionists cite the BIble to bolster their claims to Palestine, but that same book contains giants, sea monsters, unicorns, satyrs, talking snakes and talking donkeys.

Good point, although I don't recall reading about unicorns and satyrs. Unfortunately the Zionists have been repeating their fantasies so often the gullable think they're true.

As William James famously quoted, "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it." or more pithily, by Lenin, ""A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

Given most early Zionists were originally Russian...
<SNIP>, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

If Israel really wanted to push them out to the sea and destroy them, they would have already done it a long long long long long long long long time ago. Long ago.

Well the world is watching now, so its too late. They tried a long long time ago and they just didn't succeed.

What a fucking cull! NO. They fought the invading Arabs and kicked their asses to the point that the Arabs realized they had to stop fighting and go for some sort of peace agreement otherwise they wouldn't be in any part of that land, and worse.

You folks don't get it, do you. You claim that Israel wants all of the Middle East, from the Nile to the Euphrates. HA! If that were the case, every time that they have fought back the invading Arab armies and the Arabs started to cry 'uncle' they would have kept up and done just that. They had the Sinai. They could have marched all the way to Amman. They had Beirut. They have knocked on Damascus' door.

But they just want to live in peace in their land.

You contradict yourself nicely there, and completely overlook the fact that the US (when it still could), UN (world opinion) and USSR (threat of WW3) kept the Zionists in check. Their ambitions remain the same, however, "From the Euphrates to the sea". Iraq and Syria are curently "destabilised" and the Zionists are working on their "bitch", the US to recognise their annexation of the Golan, just another a step on their road to Damascus then Baghdad. looks at the Middle East, Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and related topics from the perspective of an American with a Ph.D. in medieval Middle East history who now heads a current-affairs think tank, the Middle East Forum.

Other views of Daniel Pipes include:

In The Nation, Brooklyn writer Kristine McNeil describes Pipes as an "anti-Arab propagandist" who has built a career out of "distortions... twist[ing] words, quot[ing] people out of context and stretch[ing] the truth to suit his purpose".

James Zogby argues that Pipes possesses an "obsessive hatred of all things Muslim", and that "Pipes is to Muslims what David Duke is to African-Americans".

Christopher Hitchens, a fellow supporter of the Iraq War and critic of political Islam, also criticized Pipes, arguing that Pipes pursued an intolerant agenda, and was one who "confuses scholarship with propaganda", and "pursues petty vendettas with scant regard for objectivity". Daniel Pipes is not a man of peace.

How odd that such last names as al-Masri (the Egyptian,), al-Djazair (the Algerian), el-Mughrabi (the Moroccan), al-Yamani (the Yemenite) and even al-Afghani are so common among those claiming to be "Palestinians."

Not really, these are all British surnames Top 1000 Surnames

"I learn of the arrival of about 6,000 of the Beni Sukhr Arabs at Tiberias who are very seldom seen this side of the Jordan."

-British Consul James Finn in apers Relating to the Distubances in Syria, no. 2, June 1860, p. 35.

Yup the Beni Sakhr were a nomadic tribe, if 6000 appeared at Tiberias in 1860 that's no big deal. Where does "British Consul James Finn" state they settled there?

Oh, also noticed this snippet on the Daniel Pipes website,

"From the 7th century onwards, LOI was an ARAB-SPEAKING country. That does not mean that the people living there were "real Arabs". They were not. They were, in fact, descendants of the original Jewish population and of the Greek speaking population that the Byzantines imported to Christianiize the Land."--Schlomo Sherman

Even Daniel Pipes' website contributors agree with me. :D

Boston1 said:
Maybe you should give up on the utter BS which is the Arab Muslim narrative and actually read up on a little history for a change ;--)

Maybe you should take your own advice and give up on the utter BS which is has been the Zionist Hasbara narrative and actually read up on a little factual history for a change?
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A careful review of all records show that the Arab Muslim population in Jerusalem went from a paltry few thousand to nearly a hundred thousand in just a few years. Certainly not something that can be attributed to simple fecundity

jerusalem wasn't all of Palestine. I'm not sure why we have to keep repeating this to you.

1922 and 1931 Censuses- Muslims were in the Majority, until the Jews stole their land.

Yikes, you do seem to be having trouble with the basics. First little jewel in that crown of crap was the part about "stole their land". I always get a bang out of that one. Now can you explain to the class how it is that land lost in war is somehow still owned by the defeated party ? Or more accurately, was it ever owned, in this case, by the Arab Muslims in the first place ?

Aside from the fact that there has never been a state called palestine or that the area of the British Mandate was previously owned by the Ottomans who signed off on it in a treaty to the LoN who then handed it over to the UN who suggested divisions based on religious preferences rather than country of origins, for a reason ;--) . However those suggestions were never employed since those pillars of humanity the Arabs decided to make every effort to "slaughter every last jew from the river to the sea".

Which brings us right back to awaiting your explanation of how a group of Arab Muslims who don't own the land they may be occupying start a war, lose, and cry foul when they discover just how badly they screwed up. The Zionists were peacefully buying land from willing Arab Muslim sellers when the rhetoric, racism and bigotry of those Arab Muslims remaining led them to war.

Its really quite basic. The Arab Muslims started a war over land they didn't own and lost. Making them doubly defeated.

So go home.

There's lots of Arab Muslim countries for them to return to, which of course I'd fully support as someone who respects native rights. Assuming of course they embrace their native heritage which inevitably wouldn't be Arab or Muslim since the ONLY area those descriptives are native to is the Arabian Peninsula.

So either looking at these issues through the lens of history or the lens of logic we still can't find much if any supporting evidence for the Arab Muslim narrative, which you little treasures spew with exactly no viable supporting evidences. Instead what we have are rather infantile rants concerning personal issues which certainly appear to be brought on by the childlike frustration so evident in your failed arguments.

Maybe you should give up on the utter BS which is the Arab Muslim narrative and actually read up on a little history for a change ;--)

But do go on


and the jews there now, where are they from?? 1st generation, aka the new Hebrews. Most of them never returned from the Babylon exile when they could of, and at no time did they own Israel , Judea and Israel use to fight all the time. The civil war in 66 AD was the beginning of the destruction of the temple, by their own hand, and Rome finally put an end to it, till the Kitos war, only a handful of them are even remotely from the Levant, those that never left, AKA Palestinians Jews.
So you have abandoned all logical or factual discourse and are instead going to ramble on about how unfair the world is.

Brilliant argument

Let us know how that works out for you

I will tell you exactly how that will work out. Israel will go the way of Apartheid South Africa, because most of the world doesn't think a settler state treating the native people like second class citizens in their own country is morally acceptable.

If it weren't for inbred Christians in this country supporting Israel hoping Jesus will come back, you'd have no friends in the world at all.


Well you certainly are following the standard Antisemitic playbook. Thats more than obvious.

So now we've moved on to another favorite, the apartheid accusation. Brilliant, you really have abandoned one failed argument after another. Its an obvious sign of just how desperate the Arab Muslim narrative is when this kinda thing occurs.

But sure, we can discuss the differences between the restrictions intended to prevent terrorism against Israeli citizens and the system of racial segregation in SA.

But a quick question. Since there are Arab Muslims completely free, to vote, participate in politics and enjoying all the protections and privileges of Israeli citizenship regardless of their faith or ethnicity where's the comparison at all.

I mean apartheid applied to all black people as enshrined in SA law, there is no such system in Israel. Israeli law applies equally to all citizens. Israel has a system of restrictions against "areas" were terrorist activities occur. Travel into and out of those areas is closely observed and in some cases restricted. But the restrictions are not based on race or religion they are based on location and applied to all equally. There is no racial consideration within the law.

Gaza for instance is not a part of Israel and is in no way under Israeli control. In fact it went from Arab Muslim occupied LoN land to Arab Muslim occupied UN land to Arab Muslim occupied Egyptian land to Arab Muslim occupied Israeli land to Gaza. Gaza being an independent non entity fully able at any time to declare statehood except for one thing. The Gazan's are so hell bent on their hatred and racism they don't seem to have time to file the appropriate paperwork, or even form a governance effective enough to avoid the open sewers so common to the Strip.


but if you require a more detailed analysis of the differences between defensive restrictions and apartheid then no problem,d.amc,d.amc,d.amc,d.amc

So again your over emotional outbursts which are obviously following the Arab Muslim narrative quite closely simply don't stand up to even rudimentary review.

Ever wonder why the Israeli's are not tunneling into Gaza ? Ever wonder why the Egyptians have even tighter restrictions on the movement of Gazan's into Egypt ? Its a no brainer, a culture of hatred, racism, bigotry and violence is coming home to roost and until the terrorists who run Gaza realize that violence is not the way; no one will allow them to spread that violence to otherwise peaceful countries. Like Egypt and Israel

Oh how destructive the Zionist are, and nightly they continue to bulldoze homes in the West Bank to build their settlements. They have never got along with other people and for some reason they just hate everyone and think the world owes them, what I don't know. It just makes me sick that the US stands with Israel.

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