New photos of the exposed tunnle

I didnt think so.

The Arab Muslim narrative is so easily exposed, half truths and outright lies simply cannot stand up to even a rudimentary view through the eyes of history.

The Arab Muslims are the colonists,

And you have some evidence that these tens of thousands of Arab Muslim colonists came from the countryside ? And what constitutes the countryside ? Syria ? Iran ? Egypt ? Lebanon ?

What we do know is that there was a large increase in Arab Muslim population in the mandated area that would eventually become Israel far beyond what can be attributed to "natural increase".

How do we "Know", that? Because some lyin' ass Jew made that claim?

Here's what we do know.

1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1922 census of Palestine was the first census carried out by the authorities of the British Mandate of Palestine, on 23 October 1922.[1]

The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163Samaritans.[2]

Then we have the 1931 Census.

1931 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The population was divided by religion as follows: 759,717 Muslims, 174,610 Jews, 91,398 Christians, 9,148 Druzes, 350 Bahais, 182 Samaritans, and 421 "no religion".[3] A special problem was posed by the nomadicBedouin of the south, who were reluctant to cooperate. Estimates of each tribe were made by officers of the district administration according to local observation. The total of 759,717 Muslims included 66,553 persons enumerated by this method.[4] The number of foreign British forces stationed in Palestine in 1931 totalled 2,500.[5]

So in short, there were a LOT of Muslims in Palestine before WWII, and not so many Jews.
Speaking of tunnels, the Israelis have decided (hopefully), to be proactive and make an effort to destroy the Islamic terrorist infrastructure before an attack on Israeli civilians happens.

Otherwise, the relevant first world still stands idly by while the UNRWA welfare fraud continues to finance Islamic terrorism.

Netanyahu vows to press hunt for Gaza tunnels vows to press hunt for Gaza tunnels

Netanyahu vows to press hunt for Gaza tunnels


View photos

Israel accuses Hamas militants of using tunnels to launch deadly attacks from the Gaza Strip (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)
Jerusalem (AFP) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday Israel will not be deterred in its bid to destroy Hamas' tunnels after the worst flare-up of violence with Gaza's Islamist rulers in two years.

"Israel will continue to act as necessary to detect and prevent the threat of tunnels in the south," he told reporters at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

"We are not seeking escalation, but will not be deterred from doing what it required to maintain security," he said.


And you have some evidence that these tens of thousands of Arab Muslim colonists came from the countryside ? And what constitutes the countryside ? Syria ? Iran ? Egypt ? Lebanon ?

What we do know is that there was a large increase in Arab Muslim population in the mandated area that would eventually become Israel far beyond what can be attributed to "natural increase".

How do we "Know", that? Because some lyin' ass Jew made that claim?

Here's what we do know.

1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1922 census of Palestine was the first census carried out by the authorities of the British Mandate of Palestine, on 23 October 1922.[1]

The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163Samaritans.[2]

Then we have the 1931 Census.

1931 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The population was divided by religion as follows: 759,717 Muslims, 174,610 Jews, 91,398 Christians, 9,148 Druzes, 350 Bahais, 182 Samaritans, and 421 "no religion".[3] A special problem was posed by the nomadicBedouin of the south, who were reluctant to cooperate. Estimates of each tribe were made by officers of the district administration according to local observation. The total of 759,717 Muslims included 66,553 persons enumerated by this method.[4] The number of foreign British forces stationed in Palestine in 1931 totalled 2,500.[5]

So in short, there were a LOT of Muslims in Palestine before WWII, and not so many Jews.

Your ignorance is glaringly apparent.

Define what was considered palestine in both survey's and get back to us.

Hint, was Trans-Jordan included in the 1922 census ? But not in the 1931 census ?

How do you remove 75% of the land area and yet show zero increase in the Arab Muslim population less than ten years later ;--0

Sorry but your WIKI data simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny ;--)
Your ignorance is glaringly apparent.

Define what was considered palestine in both survey's and get back to us.

Hint, was Trans-Jordan included in the 1922 census ? But not in the 1931 census ?

Are you making a statement, or do you have any evidence for this?

How do you remove 75% of the land area and yet show zero increase in the Arab Muslim population less than ten years later ;--0

Sorry but your WIKI data simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny ;--)

Except there was an increase-

589K Muslims in 1922
760K Muslims in 1933

in 1922, there were only 84K Jews in Palestine. But that ballooned up to 630K - mostly from Europe.

Point is, that you are avoiding, is that the "Land without a people" claim of the Zionists has ALWAYS Been a lie. That land wasn't settled, it was STOLEN.

And when the Jews are driven into the sea, no one will feel all that bad about it.
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Your ignorance is glaringly apparent.

Define what was considered palestine in both survey's and get back to us.

Hint, was Trans-Jordan included in the 1922 census ? But not in the 1931 census ?

Are you making a statement, or do you have any evidence for this?

How do you remove 75% of the land area and yet show zero increase in the Arab Muslim population less than ten years later ;--0

Sorry but your WIKI data simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny ;--)

Better than anything you came up with.

Could be a lot of reasons there wasn't much of a bump in 9 years. The surveys admitted that a lot of areas just plain old didn't cooperate.

Point is, that you are avoiding, is that the "Land without a people" claim of the Zionists has ALWAYS Been a lie. That land wasn't settled, it was STOLEN.

And when the Jews are driven into the sea, no one will feel all that bad about it.

Nonsense and more nonsense.

So you are claiming that not only did no population growth exist within that ten year period but you can't even define the borders of where that population was counted.

When there is mountains of evidence to support massive population growth in Jerusalem

Sorry but as usual the Arab Muslim hasbara simply doesn't' wash
Nonsense and more nonsense.

So you are claiming that not only did no population growth exist within that ten year period but you can't even define the borders of where that population was counted.

Uh, no, go back and read the numbers. I took your word for it the first time wit hout checking my figures... The Arab population in Palestine (the borders of which were defined in 1922) was 589K in 1922 and 760K in 1933.

The Jewish population 84K in 1922 and 175K in 1933. Mostly due to vigorous efforts by the Brits to resettle Europe's Jews, because, frankly, who wants to live next to them.

But even then, they weren't too keen on going, until Hitler turned a bunch of them into lampshades and bars of soap. Then it ballooned up to 630K in 1947 while the Arab population increased to 1.181M. But you know what, MUSLIMS were still in the majority.

The Jews stole Arab Land. Period. That's why they are still fighting today.
Point is, that you are avoiding, is that the "Land without a people" claim of the Zionists has ALWAYS Been a lie. That land wasn't settled, it was STOLEN.

And when the Jews are driven into the sea, no one will feel all that bad about it.

So, for those participating in the "criticism/anti-zionism/anti-semitism" discussion, the first sentence above is an example of anti-zionism which may or may not be sourced in some sort of anti-semitism.

The second sentence is anti-semitism, plain and simple.
So, for those participating in the "criticism/anti-zionism/anti-semitism" discussion, the first sentence above is an example of anti-zionism which may or may not be sourced in some sort of anti-semitism.

The second sentence is anti-semitism, plain and simple.

The zionists are from Europe.

The Palestinians are from the "Levant".

Not that i buy Bible Fairy Tales for a second, but if anyone is a "Semite' in this discussion, it's the Palestinians, not the Europeans who decided to pick a loser religion.

Seriously, if you are going to waste you life worshipping imaginary men in the sky who never produce anything in this life, you probably should at the very least get the promise of something in the next one..

I mean, the Xians get the whole Puppies and Sunshine, and the Muzzies get their 76 hopefully not ugly virgins.

Hey, maybe just to be fair, I should insult the Bhuddists as well. Wouldn't want them to feel left out.
Nonsense and more nonsense.

So you are claiming that not only did no population growth exist within that ten year period but you can't even define the borders of where that population was counted.

Uh, no, go back and read the numbers. I took your word for it the first time wit hout checking my figures... The Arab population in Palestine (the borders of which were defined in 1922) was 589K in 1922 and 760K in 1933.

The Jewish population 84K in 1922 and 175K in 1933. Mostly due to vigorous efforts by the Brits to resettle Europe's Jews, because, frankly, who wants to live next to them.

But even then, they weren't too keen on going, until Hitler turned a bunch of them into lampshades and bars of soap. Then it ballooned up to 630K in 1947 while the Arab population increased to 1.181M. But you know what, MUSLIMS were still in the majority.

The Jews stole Arab Land. Period. That's why they are still fighting today.

Well at least your racism is obvious.

Most people are too embarrassed and ashamed to admit they wouldn't want to live next to someone simply based on race.

I take it you would equally as readily admit to other Nazi virtues ?

Your numbers are impossible when it comes to Arab Muslim population. The pop numbers for Jerusalem are based on a number of surveys and first hand reports over time.

While the numbers for Jewish returnees are well documented the Arab Muslims on the other hand refused to acknowledge that immigration was even occurring as they insisted the entire middle east was Muslim and wouldn't even consider movement from say Syria to what would become Israel as immigration.

The fact is that while the Judaic people were returning to their native homeland, Judaea, the Arab Muslims were simply a second wave of colonists in an area well outside their native lands on the Arabian peninsula

Might want to check some facts before you post again as your racist views are skewing the facts of history
Well at least your racism is obvious.

Most people are too embarrassed and ashamed to admit they wouldn't want to live next to someone simply based on race.

I take it you would equally as readily admit to other Nazi virtues ?

Hey, guy, I'm honestly sick and tired of you FOOLS playing the Hitler Card every time someone points out what a bunch of shits you are. Your Hitler Card expired a long time ago.

It's not a racial issue, guy. It's a religious one. The idea that you are God's own very special people and that entitles you to act like kind of an asshole is the problem.

Your numbers are impossible when it comes to Arab Muslim population. The pop numbers for Jerusalem are based on a number of surveys and first hand reports over time.

The thing is, you cherry picked one figure for one city. I pointed out figures from several ones for the whole region. So, um, no.

The fact is that while the Judaic people were returning to their native homeland, Judaea, the Arab Muslims were simply a second wave of colonists in an area well outside their native lands on the Arabian peninsula

Guy, the only reason why they went back to their "homeland' is that their actual homeland, Europe, tried it's level best to eliminate them. (And yes, everyone in Europe was pretty willing to help.) NOw, that's sad and all, I guess (although you don't see the Poles using the Holocaust as an excuse to act like a bunch of douchebags), but the fact remains, they stole the land from the people who had it.

And then tried to pretend they weren't living there.

We don't show sympathy to ax murderers just because their mommies beat them, and we shouldn't show sympathy to the Zionists because of something the Nazis did to their ancestors.
Well at least your racism is obvious.

Most people are too embarrassed and ashamed to admit they wouldn't want to live next to someone simply based on race.

I take it you would equally as readily admit to other Nazi virtues ?

Hey, guy, I'm honestly sick and tired of you FOOLS playing the Hitler Card every time someone points out what a bunch of shits you are. Your Hitler Card expired a long time ago.

It's not a racial issue, guy. It's a religious one. The idea that you are God's own very special people and that entitles you to act like kind of an asshole is the problem.

Your numbers are impossible when it comes to Arab Muslim population. The pop numbers for Jerusalem are based on a number of surveys and first hand reports over time.

The thing is, you cherry picked one figure for one city. I pointed out figures from several ones for the whole region. So, um, no.

The fact is that while the Judaic people were returning to their native homeland, Judaea, the Arab Muslims were simply a second wave of colonists in an area well outside their native lands on the Arabian peninsula

Guy, the only reason why they went back to their "homeland' is that their actual homeland, Europe, tried it's level best to eliminate them. (And yes, everyone in Europe was pretty willing to help.) NOw, that's sad and all, I guess (although you don't see the Poles using the Holocaust as an excuse to act like a bunch of douchebags), but the fact remains, they stole the land from the people who had it.

And then tried to pretend they weren't living there.

We don't show sympathy to ax murderers just because their mommies beat them, and we shouldn't show sympathy to the Zionists because of something the Nazis did to their ancestors.

LOL so you respond to facts with a rant. Thats classic.

Couple little misses in that whole thing ;--)

I'm not Jewish. I'm native American.

I'm 100% for native rights.

You seem to be all about the Arab muslim colonists who never really owned the land anyway. Or the Ottomans who did own it and signed it over. Either way you are sniveling on about colonists rights and I'm not buying it.

Or more likely simply another racist ass who can't keep their hatred and bigotry under wraps long enough to post on the internet.

Little fact that kinda screws up your entire argument. The Judaic people had a constant presence in their native lands despite the many Arab Muslim pogroms to annihilate them and are simply returning to it.

Interesting part you of course are incapable of acknowledging is that they were peacefully BUYING land from WILLING Arab Muslim sellers right up until the racist and bigots among the Arab Muslims decided to attack their new neighbors and LOST.

At which point SOME Arab Muslim colonists turned tail and ran, abandoning the land they'd formerly inhabited.

Abandon land around here and 3 short years later it reverts to the state. Same in Israel. Same in most places.

So whats your problem ?

The rest of that nonsense is hardly worth my time ;--)
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I'm not Jewish. I'm native American.

I'm 100% for native rights.

You seem to be all about the Arab muslim colonists who never really owned the land anyway.

I find this little bit of interesting.

So you are upset that your Imaginary Native American tribe got wiped out, but it's okay to do that the Palestinians because they never "owned" the land.

Neither did Native Americans. The concept of "Land ownership" is largely a western on.

Interesting part you of course are incapable of acknowledging is that they were peacefully BUYING land from WILLING Arab Muslim sellers right up until the racist and bigots among the Arab Muslims decided to attack their new neighbors and LOST.

Yeah, the Jews were so peaceful. That's why they came in with guns.
I'm not Jewish. I'm native American.

I'm 100% for native rights.

You seem to be all about the Arab muslim colonists who never really owned the land anyway.

I find this little bit of interesting.

So you are upset that your Imaginary Native American tribe got wiped out, but it's okay to do that the Palestinians because they never "owned" the land.

Neither did Native Americans. The concept of "Land ownership" is largely a western on.

Interesting part you of course are incapable of acknowledging is that they were peacefully BUYING land from WILLING Arab Muslim sellers right up until the racist and bigots among the Arab Muslims decided to attack their new neighbors and LOST.

Yeah, the Jews were so peaceful. That's why they came in with guns.

Interesting that you attempt to dictate Native American beliefs to a Native American. Kinda reminds me of a lot of other revisionist history.

But whatever, you are miles off topic.

Although I did find that comment about an imaginary Native American tribe pretty funny. kinda makes me curious as to what tribe you are referring.

Our subject however is the Arab Muslim colonists who arrived mostly in the 2nd Arab Muslim colonial period of the early to mid 20th century. A period of immigration which coincided with the economic boom of the Zionist movement. Laborers were after all in short supply and the Zionists were buying and building fast at this time.

A careful review of all records show that the Arab Muslim population in Jerusalem went from a paltry few thousand to nearly a hundred thousand in just a few years. Certainly not something that can be attributed to simple fecundity

Yet you blither on about Native American beliefs.

Something you clearly know nothing about
Our subject however is the Arab Muslim colonists who arrived mostly in the 2nd Arab Muslim colonial period of the early to mid 20th century. A period of immigration which coincided with the economic boom of the Zionist movement. Laborers were after all in short supply and the Zionists were buying and building fast at this time.

You'll have to excuse him, BoSton1's bought in to the Joan Peters myth completely, but never provides any evidence to back his assertions, which, like Peters' drivel, has been debunked time after time on this forum. :rolleyes:
A careful review of all records show that the Arab Muslim population in Jerusalem went from a paltry few thousand to nearly a hundred thousand in just a few years. Certainly not something that can be attributed to simple fecundity

jerusalem wasn't all of Palestine. I'm not sure why we have to keep repeating this to you.

1922 and 1931 Censuses- Muslims were in the Majority, until the Jews stole their land.
Our subject however is the Arab Muslim colonists who arrived mostly in the 2nd Arab Muslim colonial period of the early to mid 20th century. A period of immigration which coincided with the economic boom of the Zionist movement. Laborers were after all in short supply and the Zionists were buying and building fast at this time.

You'll have to excuse him, BoSton1's bought in to the Joan Peters myth completely, but never provides any evidence to back his assertions, which, like Peters' drivel, has been debunked time after time on this forum. :rolleyes:

Ah our local ten year old debating team captain. Spoken like a true hypocrite, notice the previous was stated without a shred of supporting evidence ;--)

Lets just review and see what we have.

from looks at the Middle East, Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and related topics from the perspective of an American with a Ph.D. in medieval Middle East history who now heads a current-affairs think tank, the Middle East Forum.


How odd that such last names as al-Masri (the Egyptian,), al-Djazair (the Algerian), el-Mughrabi (the Moroccan), al-Yamani (the Yemenite) and even al-Afghani are so common among those claiming to be "Palestinians."

Today's Palestinians are immigrants from many nations: "Balkans, Greeks, Syrians, Latins, Egyptians, Turks, Armenians, Italians, Persians, Kurds, Germans, Afghans, Circassians, Bosnians, Sudaneese, Samaritans, Algerians, Motawila, Tartars, Hungarians, Scots, Navarese, Bretons, English, Franks, Ruthenians, Bohemians, Bulgarians, Georgians, Syrians, Persian Nestorians, Indians, Copts, Maronites, and many others." (DeHass, History, p. 258. John of Wurzburg list from Reinhold Rohricht edition, pp. 41, 69).

There are villages populated wholly by settlers from other portions of the Turkish Empire in the 19th century. There are villages of Bosnians, Circassians, and Egyptians. -Parkes, James William, History of the Peoples of Palestine, Hammondsworth, Great Britain, 1970, p. 212.

There are very large contingents from the Mediterranean countries, especially Armenia, Greece, and Italy, Turkomen settlers, a fairly large Afghan colony, Motawila, immigrants from Persia, tribes of Kurds, a Bosnian colony, Circassian settlements, a large Algerian element, Sudanese… -Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1911 ed.

[Ibrahim Pasha, the 1831 Egyptian conquerer of Palestine] "left behind him permanent colonies of Egyptians at Besian, Nablus, Irbid, Acre, and Jaffa. Into Jaffa alone, "at least 2,000 people have been imported." -Ernst Frankenstein, Justice For My People, London, Nicholson and Watson, 1943, p. 127.

In 1860, entire Algerian tribes immigrated en masse to Safed. The Muslims of Safed, are "mostly descended from these Moorish settlers and from Kurds that came earlier to the city."

-De Haas, Jacob, History of Palestine, The Last Two Thousand Years, New York, 1934, p. 425.

"I learn of the arrival of about 6,000 of the Beni Sukhr Arabs at Tiberias who are very seldom seen this side of the Jordan."

-British Consul James Finn in apers Relating to the Distubances in Syria, no. 2, June 1860, p. 35.

After 1870, "the [Turkish] forward policy included…the planting of Circassian colonies in the country."

-Smith, CG in Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period, Jerusalem, 1975, p. 93.

"The Arabs would have sat in the dark forever had not the Zionist engineers harnessed the Jordan river for electrification. Now they swarm into Palestine in seeking the light."

- Winston Churchill, 1922 "A Peace to End All Peace"

"This illegal [Arab] immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery."

-Palestine Royal Commission Report, London: 1937

"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population."

-Winston Churchill, 1939.

End Quote


Even Yasser Arafat, the most famous "Palestinian" and leader of the P.L.O terrorist organization, was not native to Judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" but spoke Arabic with an Egyptian accent. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956! His full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. "Al-Qudwa" tribe origin?

Yasser Arafat also proudly stated in his authorized biography that, "If there is any such thing as a Palestinian people, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them."

End Quote

You might also enjoy this little tidbit


...because the 'Palestinians' by their own admission are a fiction created by that Arab narrative.

The term "Palestina" was invented by the Roman emperor Hadrian. The Romans wanted to rename Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) after the Philistines, the longtime enemy of the Jews. Hadrian believed that by renaming the Jewish homeland after the Jews' archenemy, he would be able to forever break the bond between the Land of Israel and the Jewish people.

But even the name of the Philistines, from which the term "Palestine" was adopted, is completely alien to the Land of Israel.

The name Philistines in Hebrew is plishtim, which comes from the Hebrew verb polshim (foreign invaders).

Arabs only came to the Land of Israel in large numbers after the Jews returned in the 20th century and started to rebuild the nation, thereby creating economic and employment opportunities for Arab immigrants.

Prior to 1870, when Jews started to return to the Holy Land in large numbers, there were fewer than 100,000 Arabs living in what is today the State of Israel - including Yesha (the Hebrew acronym for Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District).

This small number of nomadic, tribal Arabs who lived in the Holy Land before the modern Jewish return never considered themselves to be a separate people or nation.

The Arabs who lived in the Land of Israel were not "Palestinians" but Arabs - part of a huge Arab people with 22 very large independent nations that control one-ninth of the land mass on the planet Earth...


End Quote

Now what was it you were saying there Spiffy, about unsubstantiated claims ?
A careful review of all records show that the Arab Muslim population in Jerusalem went from a paltry few thousand to nearly a hundred thousand in just a few years. Certainly not something that can be attributed to simple fecundity

jerusalem wasn't all of Palestine. I'm not sure why we have to keep repeating this to you.

1922 and 1931 Censuses- Muslims were in the Majority, until the Jews stole their land.

Yikes, you do seem to be having trouble with the basics. First little jewel in that crown of crap was the part about "stole their land". I always get a bang out of that one. Now can you explain to the class how it is that land lost in war is somehow still owned by the defeated party ? Or more accurately, was it ever owned, in this case, by the Arab Muslims in the first place ?

Aside from the fact that there has never been a state called palestine or that the area of the British Mandate was previously owned by the Ottomans who signed off on it in a treaty to the LoN who then handed it over to the UN who suggested divisions based on religious preferences rather than country of origins, for a reason ;--) . However those suggestions were never employed since those pillars of humanity the Arabs decided to make every effort to "slaughter every last jew from the river to the sea".

Which brings us right back to awaiting your explanation of how a group of Arab Muslims who don't own the land they may be occupying start a war, lose, and cry foul when they discover just how badly they screwed up. The Zionists were peacefully buying land from willing Arab Muslim sellers when the rhetoric, racism and bigotry of those Arab Muslims remaining led them to war.

Its really quite basic. The Arab Muslims started a war over land they didn't own and lost. Making them doubly defeated.

So go home.

There's lots of Arab Muslim countries for them to return to, which of course I'd fully support as someone who respects native rights. Assuming of course they embrace their native heritage which inevitably wouldn't be Arab or Muslim since the ONLY area those descriptives are native to is the Arabian Peninsula.

So either looking at these issues through the lens of history or the lens of logic we still can't find much if any supporting evidence for the Arab Muslim narrative, which you little treasures spew with exactly no viable supporting evidences. Instead what we have are rather infantile rants concerning personal issues which certainly appear to be brought on by the childlike frustration so evident in your failed arguments.

Maybe you should give up on the utter BS which is the Arab Muslim narrative and actually read up on a little history for a change ;--)

But do go on

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