New photos of the exposed tunnle

How nice that the Pal'istanians accept their welfare fraud money being spent on Islamic terrorist infrastructure as opposed to schools, libraries, paved roads, flush toilets.
Pointless building anything that will get bombed a week later.

You would think they would have realised by now that they get bombed every time they fire illegal weapons at Israel. They are almost as stupid as the welsh
As known, IDF exposed a Hamas tunnle near Nahal Oz two days ago, and in new photos we can take a better look at their findings.

Okay. So a bunch of European Colonists are finding the people who they stole land from are digging tunnels under it so they can strike at them.

Why is this my problem, again?

Because by LYING you are making it your problem of course. The only colonists were the illegal arab muslim migrants who had no legal rights to be there.
Didn't say it was.

It will be even less of a problem when we decide to bomb these tunnles with every last person that's inside them

I imagine the Nazis saying the same thing about the Warsaw Ghetto in 1944.

Yes, because the Jews planned to die under the sand in order to target German women and children.

That comparison is pathetic.

What do you expect from a pathetic Nazi POS like joe
Yes, because the Jews planned to die under the sand in order to target German women and children.

That comparison is pathetic.

Not really. YOu are occupying their land. they are fighting back. You are murdering them for fighting back.

Not seeing the difference.

Still waiting for your evidence to show that it was arab muslim land, what treaty granted them the land after they signed it away in 1917 and 1921 ?
How many Jews "occupy" Gaza, exactly?

so this is your argument, you've stolen 90% of their land, but you are letting them keep the shittiest 10% and they should be happy with that and not attack you, or you'll blow up women and children.

Hey, the Germans did that with Poland. They took about half the country and made the other half a puppet state.

Strange that as Israel is less than 0.01% of land in the M.E. so how does that equate to 90%. And if yiu look at International law the land was granted to the Jews in 1923 by the LoN who owned it all at that time.
The only women and children that get blown up are those that are human shields, which according to international law makes them valid military targets. They could always fight from the 50% of gaza that is prime arable land heavy with crops.

No comparison at all unless you are comparing the Palestinians with the Germans, because they are just the same ideologically speaking
You seem to have trouble with facts.

A The Israeli's are not all Europeans

Most of them are. The Zionist Entity is a vestige of the British Empire.

B They are not colonists, its their ancestral land

sorry, no, it isn't. The people who lived there in the past were the ancestors of the Palestinians. The Europeans only hold a religion in common with them. The European Jews are no more "Israelis" than the Ethiopian Jews are.

C They didn't steal anything any more than the Syrians or the Jordanians did when their countries were formed.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement - by Europeans - determined the borders and names of nations. Not the will of the people.

D The tunnels are a direct breach of international peace

Was there a peace treaty between the Palestinians and Zionists none of us heard about?

E Every country has a right to defend itself as specified in both the UN charter and the Geneva Conventions.

Do we really want to hold the Zionists to the standards of international law? I would LOVE to get Bibi in front of a court at the Hague.

You might think of actually studying the issues rather than just miming the Arab Muslim propaganda

I have studied the issue. ANd at the end of the day, we have a bunch of people acting like assholes because an Imaginary Pixie in the Sky told them to.

Wrong as Zionism was around before Britain was invented

And in both cases the Jews were found to have direct DNA links to the bodies in the Jewish cemeteries. So now unless the arab muslims found some bodies from the same period and salted the cemeteries this proves that European and Ethiopean Jews are the same people.

As was the law in those days, and the Syles Picot agreement was also made with the arab muslims if you look.
Yet another moron that wants to use 1990 international laws retrospectively to meet with their POV.

Try the UN charter which the Palestinians are signatories to, and the many UN resolutions that say the same thing.

On what charges as the ICJ/ICC has already stated that they cant bring any charges against Israel, or would you trump up some charges as your fellow Nazis/Marxists have done in the past to rid the world of the Jews.

While that Jews try and get on with their lives as the assholes fire illegal weapons and commit war crimes every day.
As known, IDF exposed a Hamas tunnle near Nahal Oz two days ago, and in new photos we can take a better look at their findings.

Okay. So a bunch of European Colonists are finding the people who they stole land from are digging tunnels under it so they can strike at them.

Why is this my problem, again?

Didn't say it was.

It will be even less of a problem when we decide to bomb these tunnles with every last person that's inside them:)

. Hey I'd have tunnels everyone under Gaza for bomb shelters, of course Israel has buildings right, and the Iron Dome.

If only Gaza had an airport, oh wait, Israel would bomb that as well. So can't fish, can't fly, can't leave Gaza, and no where to go when bombed, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.
As known, IDF exposed a Hamas tunnle near Nahal Oz two days ago, and in new photos we can take a better look at their findings.

Okay. So a bunch of European Colonists are finding the people who they stole land from are digging tunnels under it so they can strike at them.

Why is this my problem, again?

Didn't say it was.

It will be even less of a problem when we decide to bomb these tunnles with every last person that's inside them:)

. Hey I'd have tunnels everyone under Gaza for bomb shelters, of course Israel has buildings right, and the Iron Dome.

If only Gaza had an airport, oh wait, Israel would bomb that as well. So can't fish, can't fly, can't leave Gaza, and no where to go when bombed, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

Right on! Screw those Zionists in Israel for their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions instead of helping to free the captive Palestinians back to their native homelands.
As known, IDF exposed a Hamas tunnle near Nahal Oz two days ago, and in new photos we can take a better look at their findings.

Okay. So a bunch of European Colonists are finding the people who they stole land from are digging tunnels under it so they can strike at them.

Why is this my problem, again?

Didn't say it was.

It will be even less of a problem when we decide to bomb these tunnles with every last person that's inside them:)

. Hey I'd have tunnels everyone under Gaza for bomb shelters, of course Israel has buildings right, and the Iron Dome.

If only Gaza had an airport, oh wait, Israel would bomb that as well. So can't fish, can't fly, can't leave Gaza, and no where to go when bombed, Israel wants to push Gazans into the sea, on foot. Out door prison it is. You know what they say, people will try to break out of prison.

Right on! Screw those Zionists in Israel for their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions instead of helping to free the captive Palestinians back to their native homelands.

Your right, with treatment like those who needs better prison guards.

The racism is just oozing out of you.

about 35% of all Israeli's today are returnees from Europe.

Your nonsense about the Canaan area is just that, nonsense. The judiac people developed in that exact area from at least the early bronze age, if not earlier. It is without question, their native land.

Well, that's questionable. Since a dozen faiths evolved from the Abrahamic religion, including Islam and Christianity, just saying, "Well, our faith is closer to what they originally practiced"

There was no such thing as an Arab Muslim until about the 7th century and no such thing as an Arab Muslim palestinian until the late 1960s when Assofat invented the hasbara, using a term previously understood to mean Judaic people in reference to the Arab Muslims who had recently arrived in Israel in the second Arab Muslim colonial period of the early to mid 20th century.

Right. YOu see, that place was a desert and no one was living there. The Zionist Lie.

Actually what defined Israel's borders was war, the UN gave up on the partition plan and bailed out. The Israeli's were just kind enough to honor some of the earlier borders.

No, what happened was the Jews stole Arab land. We need to not be involved in it.
Strange that as Israel is less than 0.01% of land in the M.E. so how does that equate to 90%. And if yiu look at International law the land was granted to the Jews in 1923 by the LoN who owned it all at that time.

The league of nations didn't own jack shit.

YOu can come up with all sorts of excuses why White People said it was okay to steal land from brown people, but the land is stolen, nonetheless.

Until they take it back.
How many Jews "occupy" Gaza, exactly?

so this is your argument, you've stolen 90% of their land, but you are letting them keep the shittiest 10% and they should be happy with that and not attack you, or you'll blow up women and children.

Hey, the Germans did that with Poland. They took about half the country and made the other half a puppet state.

How about Jews held onto 100% of the land, called "The Complete Land of Israel" and were left with less than a third of it.

If we're into the comparison of land losing.

And the subject here is tunnles of Gaza, you blame us for "occupation", then I ask again, how many Jews occupy Gaza nowdays?

Are you incapable of answering to the point?

The racism is just oozing out of you.

about 35% of all Israeli's today are returnees from Europe.

Your nonsense about the Canaan area is just that, nonsense. The judiac people developed in that exact area from at least the early bronze age, if not earlier. It is without question, their native land.

Well, that's questionable. Since a dozen faiths evolved from the Abrahamic religion, including Islam and Christianity, just saying, "Well, our faith is closer to what they originally practiced"

There was no such thing as an Arab Muslim until about the 7th century and no such thing as an Arab Muslim palestinian until the late 1960s when Assofat invented the hasbara, using a term previously understood to mean Judaic people in reference to the Arab Muslims who had recently arrived in Israel in the second Arab Muslim colonial period of the early to mid 20th century.

Right. YOu see, that place was a desert and no one was living there. The Zionist Lie.

Actually what defined Israel's borders was war, the UN gave up on the partition plan and bailed out. The Israeli's were just kind enough to honor some of the earlier borders.

No, what happened was the Jews stole Arab land. We need to not be involved in it.

LOL so now you are confused about history and religion as well. Thats brilliant.

Religion has nothing to do with native rights. Native heritage has to do with native rights. The Judaic people <------ Jews or not. Developed in Judaea, Arabs and more importantly Arab Muslims developed in Arabia.

Or do you need geography lessons as well ?

virtually all todays Arab Muslims in Israel came there in the second Arab Muslim colonial period as a response to the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

Or do you need economic lessons too.

The people you incorectly refer to as palestinians are in fact nothing more than any other Arab Muslim colonists from Arabia in the middle east.

So riddle me this, whats the difference between Jordanians and those who you incorrectly call palestinians ? 100' of river ?

The term palestine was applied as an insult to the Judaic people from Judaea by a Roman emperor thousands of years before there even were Arab Muslim colonists in the area. Assofat and his hasbara machine seems to have fooled you with the misuse of the term. Palestinians were Jewish for thousands of years right up until they proudly became Israeli's.

Assofat simply picked up the leftover name and figured stupid people could be fooled into believing it somehow represented a race other than Judiac

Really, you should go educate yourself a bit before embarrassing yourself further
How about Jews held onto 100% of the land, called "The Complete Land of Israel" and were left with less than a third of it.

If we're into the comparison of land losing.

And the subject here is tunnles of Gaza, you blame us for "occupation", then I ask again, how many Jews occupy Gaza nowdays?

Are you incapable of answering to the point?

I've already answered the point. The Jews need to go back to Europe where they came from. If the Palestinians dig a tunnel to Europe to mess with them, then they have a complaint. But as long as they are in PALESTINE, they should expect that PALESTINIANS are going to attack them.
virtually all todays Arab Muslims in Israel came there in the second Arab Muslim colonial period as a response to the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

Bullshit. They had lived their for centuries.

"A land without a people for a people without a land" has been the Zionist lie for a century.

Israel is an apartheid state, a vestige of European colonialism as much as South Africa under the Bothas.
virtually all todays Arab Muslims in Israel came there in the second Arab Muslim colonial period as a response to the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

Bullshit. They had lived their for centuries.

"A land without a people for a people without a land" has been the Zionist lie for a century.

Israel is an apartheid state, a vestige of European colonialism as much as South Africa under the Bothas.


They colonized the area starting in about the early 20th century as a response to the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

Again, I'd recommend you get an education in middle east studies before you continue to embarrass yourself

For instance, clearly you don't know what the term apartheid means if you insist on likening the restrictions Israel is forced to place against the hostile Arab Muslims with apartheid. In the case of the S Africans, they had no choice, in the case of the Arab Muslims, its 100% their choice when the Israeli's can start lifting defensive restrictions.

They colonized the area starting in about the early 20th century as a response to the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

Again, I'd recommend you get an education in middle east studies before you continue to embarrass yourself

well, maybe if you didn't take a mater's course in "Lying with Graphs", you'd have a point. You are taking a graph from ONE CITY at a time period when ALL CITIES were seeing a spike in population.

Hey, were do you think all those Arabs were living before 1920? They were living in the countryside..

For instance, clearly you don't know what the term apartheid means if you insist on likening the restrictions Israel is forced to place against the hostile Arab Muslims with apartheid. In the case of the S Africans, they had no choice, in the case of the Arab Muslims, its 100% their choice when the Israeli's can start lifting defensive restrictions.

Or they can drive the Zionists into the sea. That would be good, too. and the world will rejoice when they do it.

They colonized the area starting in about the early 20th century as a response to the economic boom of the Zionist movement.

Again, I'd recommend you get an education in middle east studies before you continue to embarrass yourself

well, maybe if you didn't take a mater's course in "Lying with Graphs", you'd have a point. You are taking a graph from ONE CITY at a time period when ALL CITIES were seeing a spike in population.

Hey, were do you think all those Arabs were living before 1920? They were living in the countryside..

For instance, clearly you don't know what the term apartheid means if you insist on likening the restrictions Israel is forced to place against the hostile Arab Muslims with apartheid. In the case of the S Africans, they had no choice, in the case of the Arab Muslims, its 100% their choice when the Israeli's can start lifting defensive restrictions.

Or they can drive the Zionists into the sea. That would be good, too. and the world will rejoice when they do it.


And you have some evidence that these tens of thousands of Arab Muslim colonists came from the countryside ? And what constitutes the countryside ? Syria ? Iran ? Egypt ? Lebanon ?

What we do know is that there was a large increase in Arab Muslim population in the mandated area that would eventually become Israel far beyond what can be attributed to "natural increase".

But if you want to lie about it all, go right ahead. Virtually the entire Arab Muslim narrative is based on half truths and lies anyway. So its not like you're breaking new ground or anything ;--)

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