New Poll: Catholics want birth control coverage: Catholic women side with Obama


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012

Contrary to what the r-wing talking-heads and media will have you believe... Catholics overall, and especially Catholic women side with President Obama on this issue. I knew it! :clap2:

Catholics want birth control coverage: New surveys

Pundits and bishops warn President Obama he could lose the white Catholic vote over requiring a contraception option for insurance plans. But Catholic women side with Obama on this, a new survey says.

The pivot point is how you see this. Is it a battle over birth control -- used by 98% of U.S. women at some time in their lives -- or over government intrusion into the right of religious organizations to live by their teachings?

The Catholic bishops, backed by conservative evangelicals, say the federal government should not include contraception coverage as part of free preventive care options in employers' health insurance plans.

Hence the showdown: As our editorial Monday says, religious liberties fight or, as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says, a free choice issue.

And here's where the Catholic women come in. According to the Public Religion Research Institute poll released today,

A majority (55%) of Americans agree that "employers should be required to provide their employees with health care plans that cover contraception and birth control at no cost." Four-in-ten (40%) disagree with this requirement. the rest of the article from the link provided.
I don't have a problem with birth control, as long as the definition of "birth control" does NOT include INFANTICIDE.

The Catholics have always been HYPOCRITES anyway. Gambling and womanizing and all other vices are OK with the catholics, as long as you attend your local parrish regularly, and go to the confessional to get your "hail marys" and absolution.

So what exactly is your point, "kidrocks"? You seem so "tickled" with this survey. You must be a Catholic.

Contrary to what the r-wing talking-heads and media will have you believe... Catholics overall, and especially Catholic women side with President Obama on this issue. I knew it! :clap2:

Catholics want birth control coverage: New surveys

Pundits and bishops warn President Obama he could lose the white Catholic vote over requiring a contraception option for insurance plans. But Catholic women side with Obama on this, a new survey says.

The pivot point is how you see this. Is it a battle over birth control -- used by 98% of U.S. women at some time in their lives -- or over government intrusion into the right of religious organizations to live by their teachings?

The Catholic bishops, backed by conservative evangelicals, say the federal government should not include contraception coverage as part of free preventive care options in employers' health insurance plans.

Hence the showdown: As our editorial Monday says, religious liberties fight or, as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says, a free choice issue.

And here's where the Catholic women come in. According to the Public Religion Research Institute poll released today,

A majority (55%) of Americans agree that "employers should be required to provide their employees with health care plans that cover contraception and birth control at no cost." Four-in-ten (40%) disagree with this requirement.

Key breakdowns

•58% of all Catholics agree employers should be required to provide their employees with health care plans that cover contraception. That slides down to 52% for Catholic voters, 50% for white Catholics.
•61% of religiously unaffiliated Americans say employer plans should cover contraception.
•50%of white mainline Protestants want the coverage however for evangelical Protestants, that drops to 38%.
And perhaps of greater note among election-watchers:

Women are significantly more likely than men to agree that employers should be required to provide health care plans that cover contraception (62% vs. 47% respectively).

A second poll, also released today from Public Policy Polling, has similar findings. This poll, conducted at the request of Planned Parenthood, finds

...a majority of voters, including a majority of Catholics, don't believe Catholic hospitals and universities should be exempted from providing the benefit.

...Independent voters support this benefit by a 55/36 margin; in fact, a majority of voters in every racial, age, and religious category that we track express support. In particular, a 53 percent majority of Catholic voters, who were oversampled as part of this poll, favor the benefit, including fully 62 percent of Catholics who identify themselves as independents.

Of course, no church takes its doctrines from public opinion polling so these polls will have no impact on the views from bishops who see requiring contraception coverage, as Sister Mary Ann Walsh memorably commented, like requiring a Jewish deli to sell pork chops.

But the numbers might bring pause to pundits mulling on the "Catholic vote."

show me in the piece where it specifies this figure is Catholic women.
How convenient. The left hate the First Amendment. Obama hates the Constitution.

I'm gonna cut a check this month to a pro life charity. LOL
How convenient. The left hate the First Amendment. Obama hates the Constitution.

I'm gonna cut a check this month to a pro life charity. LOL

Of course you will because you hate freedom of choice, blacks, and America by association.

So being against murdering black babies for convenience is an indication of hatred toward blacks, liberty, and America?

Congratulations! That's the dumbest post today. Of course, the day is young.
How convenient. The left hate the First Amendment. Obama hates the Constitution.

I'm gonna cut a check this month to a pro life charity. LOL

Of course you will because you hate freedom of choice, blacks, and America by association.

So being against murdering black babies for convenience is an indication of hatred toward blacks, liberty, and America?

Congratulations! That's the dumbest post today. Of course, the day is young.

It's true... hatred of black babies by r-wing extremists begins at birth.
Of course you will because you hate freedom of choice, blacks, and America by association.

So being against murdering black babies for convenience is an indication of hatred toward blacks, liberty, and America?

Congratulations! That's the dumbest post today. Of course, the day is young.

It's true... hatred of black babies by r-wing extremists begins at birth.

i think the rocks in your name are actually in your head.
Let me know when you have decent studies, not telephone polls of 1,000 people.

There is no real value in these polls - they don't tell us anything.... other than Planned Parenthood are anti-Catholic.
I think PETA lovers are big fans of Obama's gun control measures as well.
Doesn't make it less unconstituitional.
Let me know when you have decent studies, not telephone polls of 1,000 people.

There is no real value in these polls - they don't tell us anything.... other than Planned Parenthood are anti-Catholic.

Let me know when your disapproval of this poll and your approval of that poll and your disapproval of this poll and your approval of that poll don't collide so much.

Hypocrisy much?
Let me know when you have decent studies, not telephone polls of 1,000 people.

There is no real value in these polls - they don't tell us anything.... other than Planned Parenthood are anti-Catholic.

Let me know when your disapproval of this poll and your approval of that poll and your disapproval of this poll and your approval of that poll don't collide so much.

Hypocrisy much?

Hypocrisy, no. Critical thought, yes. Anyone with half a brain (admittedly that would exempt you), would look at the questions.... because depending on how you frame the question, you skew the results. This is not rocket science.
How convenient. The left hate the First Amendment. Obama hates the Constitution.

I'm gonna cut a check this month to a pro life charity. LOL

Of course you will because you hate freedom of choice, blacks, and America by association.

So being against murdering black babies for convenience is an indication of hatred toward blacks, liberty, and America?

Congratulations! That's the dumbest post today. Of course, the day is young.

I'm sure all we'll have to do is wait.

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