New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.

This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played
Funny how those who conducted the poll didn't come to the same conclusion as the Gateway Pundit.

Then again, 100% of those who believe GW Pundit are gullible AF.
This forum provides ample evidence of this.

These idiots are back to worshipping Rachel Maddow after she actually helped Trump with her tax return stunt last time.
The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.

This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played

We needed study like this to tell us what ought to be so obvious?
And the Fake Alt Right Media continues to make sensible Americans laugh.

I laugh at those that claim to be on the right but what they say clearly reveals they're so far left they're about to fall off the planet.

Not naming any names though :bye1:

But I'm still sure the poll is wrong, 92% seems low
The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.

This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played

haha. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Believe me.
They are uninformed because they are watching the Clinton/Obama/New York Media.....which, for example...has barely covered the recent revelations about the bias of the Mueller Team.

But, for Fox, you would have to be retired and watching TV all day to learn that this Strzox Cocksucker was the FBI Fixer for Hillary Clinton, and that he was fired for being so biased against Trump or that Mueller tried his damnedest to keep that fact from the Public.

You would never know that Congress is ready to hold the FBI and DOJ in Contempt because for months...they have refused to say whether the Clinton-Bought Bogus Dossier was used by the FBI to get FISA Warrants to spy on Clinton's opponent in the Presidential race.
The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.

This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played
No wonder you remain stupid.
It's the far left socialists who are ignorant, generally ill informed about the dangers of socialism and they eat up the gospel without knowing the risks. A massive shift that would ruin American. The center and center/left I can debate with and find some common ground, they at least believe in American Values, with varying degrees of government activities.
The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.

This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played

New poll? The Gateway Pundit?

The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.

This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played

They are uninformed because they are watching the Clinton/Obama/New York Media.....which, for example...has barely covered the recent revelations about the bias of the Mueller Team.

Same team led by LIFETIME REPUBLICAN where an agent got booted off for private texts showing bias - THAT TEAM?

Besides, Al Capone's prosecutors had a bias against Al Capone. So fucking what? Does that mean that the charges were not true? That in-justice was done against Al Capone? That we had to findsome Al Capone friendly people to conduct his case? :rolleyes:

Cases are built on EVIDENCE not politico opinions.

The right wing bubble totally lost it's sheepie fucking mind - denial through the roof, fake news every day and arguments are getting more and more detached from reality as Mueller's and congressional investigations are finding more and more something-burgers.
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The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.

This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played
Anyone who reads Gateway Pundit is easily played. The article is misinterpeting the poll. Yes, more Democrats believe 'Trump advisors had improper dealings with the Russians.' The article says there is no evidence of those dealings, but we already have people who have admitted to it and to lying to the FBI about it. The article is just more rightwing propaganda, and people who fall for propaganda, which is what Gateway Pundit always is, are people who are easily played.
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