New Poll: Most Uninsured Americans Ignoring Healthcare Exchange Sites


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
In a Gallup poll recently conducted, a whopping 78% of uninsured Americans are ignoring or avoiding the healthcare exchange websites altogether. Only 3 in 10 are familiar with them.


Most Uninsured Americans Ignoring Health Exchange Sites
I can recall how some liberals today were saying that it was 'a better deal' for Americans, or how 'Obama was doing the right thing' by instituting this law. Guess what? The damage has been done. Nobody will touch it.
Here is a little food for thought on December 7th 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked and war was on with Japan on December 11th 1941 Germany declared war on the U.S. after this the nation was able to mobilize and build ships, tanks, planes guns, bombs ammo ect for ourselves and our allies and in just under 4 years defeated both Japan and Germany but yet now in almost the amount of time we can not build a working webpage.
Here is a little food for thought on December 7th 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked and war was on with Japan on December 11th 1941 Germany declared war on the U.S. after this the nation was able to mobilize and build ships, tanks, planes guns, bombs ammo ect for ourselves and our allies and in just under 4 years defeated both Japan and Germany but yet now in almost the amount of time we can not build a working webpage.

And we had 3 years to plan. But in reality, we had one major handicap. We had a NO Bid Contract that was Michelle Obama's roommate from college website company designing the webpage.
This is not good. People who would naturally avoid signing up for a government program are the same people who would naturally avoid responding to opinion polls.
Here is a little food for thought on December 7th 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked and war was on with Japan on December 11th 1941 Germany declared war on the U.S. after this the nation was able to mobilize and build ships, tanks, planes guns, bombs ammo ect for ourselves and our allies and in just under 4 years defeated both Japan and Germany but yet now in almost the amount of time we can not build a working webpage.

And we had 3 years to plan. But in reality, we had one major handicap. We had a NO Bid Contract that was Michelle Obama's roommate from college website company designing the webpage.

Even that handicap does not excuse something as bad as thing is.

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