Zone1 New poll shows Americans' confidence and belief in the Bible is at all-time low

Its a book of fairy tales written by desert savages.
Its about time.
That is not an accurate assessment. The accounts from the peoples of early cultures deserve, at the least, to be properly understood from their perspective. No one has to agree with their conclusions or their beliefs, but they should be respectfully and correctly presented.
That is not an accurate assessment. The accounts from the peoples of early cultures deserve, at the least, to be properly understood from their perspective. No one has to agree with their conclusions or their beliefs, but they should be respectfully and correctly presented.
Yeah, in the same way people respect the crazy beliefs of the ancient Mayans or Incans.
Yeah, in the same way people respect the crazy beliefs of the ancient Mayans or Incans.
Are you picking and choosing among their beliefs as well? I don't understand that need to deride and make fun of earlier cultures. Because we are 'modern' we equate that with knowing it all when we know so little--mostly because instead of research and study, so much more pleasurable to admire our conclusions and to scoff at our ancestors. We are the idiots and we are the ones who don't know any better.
Are you picking and choosing among their beliefs as well? I don't understand that need to deride and make fun of earlier cultures. Because we are 'modern' we equate that with knowing it all when we know so little--mostly because instead of research and study, so much more pleasurable to admire our conclusions and to scoff at our ancestors. We are the idiots and we are the ones who don't know any better.
We have grown from the beliefs of the azteks. We no longer sacrifice children. We have grown from the beliefs of the Incas. We no longer sacrifice people to volcanos.
We havent grown from the abrahamic religions. We still believe in fairy tales and try to base National and state policies off of it. I am just glad we no longer genocide babies and queers.
I love ancient history and beliefs. That doesnt mean i wont make fun of it. Especially when people havent learned from their mistakes. I will most definitely call them out. Except for my late grandmother. I never said a word to her lol.
Wrong. Have you ever read it? He does it countless times
1 Samuel 15:3-4
Exodus 11
Want more?

Worthy of the death penalty? You defend that bullshit?

And you defend that? And you claim to have fucking morals?
I missed the post.
1 Sam
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God. Amalekites we’re todays NAZIS. At what age would you not kill? Keep in mind a Philly 10 year old gangbanger just murdered a man for fun. Then whatever age just leave them in the desert to die? Can’t take them in you know.

Killing of the first born. Plague 1-9 had been ignored. This was 10 of 10. Egypt was killing all Jewish male babies, so…..
Pharaoh was told what the 10th plague would be. He chose poorly for his people. And God protected all who believed in him.

And yes, I have no issue with a death penalty for adultery.
I missed the post.
1 Sam
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God. Amalekites we’re todays NAZIS. At what age would you not kill? Keep in mind a Philly 10 year old gangbanger just murdered a man for fun. Then whatever age just leave them in the desert to die? Can’t take them in you know.

Killing of the first born. Plague 1-9 had been ignored. This was 10 of 10. Egypt was killing all Jewish male babies, so…..
Pharaoh was told what the 10th plague would be. He chose poorly for his people. And God protected all who believed in him.

And yes, I have no issue with a death penalty for adultery.
So, he killed the fucking babies for the sins of the father. Goddamn dude :rolleyes:
We have grown from the beliefs of the azteks. We no longer sacrifice children. We have grown from the beliefs of the Incas. We no longer sacrifice people to volcanos.
We havent grown from the abrahamic religions. We still believe in fairy tales and try to base National and state policies off of it. I am just glad we no longer genocide babies and queers.
I love ancient history and beliefs. That doesnt mean i wont make fun of it. Especially when people havent learned from their mistakes. I will most definitely call them out. Except for my late grandmother. I never said a word to her lol.
How is Canaanites sacrificing babies to Baal less sophisticated than sacrificing babies to the god of me, myself and I?
Your intellectual dishonesty only validates what I said.
Mine? Are you serious? :rofl:
First you deny he killed babies, then admitted it. Then justified it. You justified the murder of innocents. The "children" you disingenuously care so much about when it comes to abortion.
Apparently they deserved it because someone worshipped a different god. Or the dad liked a penis in his mouth.
You are a fuckin nutter. Inconsistent, but a nutter all the same.
Why isnt your ass out wanting all the sinning mothers to abort their children?
Again ignore what I said. I expect as much.
WM = "so god killed the babies"
TN = Thank you so i was right when i said god killed the babies"
WM = god didnt kill the babies. He killed the babies of sinners"
This is about hwo this convo is going. Because you are such a nutter, you will say ANYTHING.
WM = "so god killed the babies"
TN = Thank you so i was right when i said god killed the babies"
WM = god didnt kill the babies. He killed the babies of sinners"
This is about hwo this convo is going. Because you are such a nutter, you will say ANYTHING.
So you don't believe God exists because God is mean?
So you don't believe God exists because God is mean?
Among many other things. Like the only source of him is full of consistencies and fables.
But if something was so powerful and intelligent to create everything we know today, it wouldnt be vengeful, jealous and genocidal.
Those are the not the qualities of an intelligent being.
Among many other things. Like the only source of him is full of consistencies and fables.
But if something was so powerful and intelligent to create everything we know today, it wouldnt be vengeful, jealous and genocidal.
Those are the not the qualities of an intelligent being.
Intelligent beings do mean things all the time. Seems like a poor reason for not believing intelligence created existence. Besides... you aren't even reading it right.


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