New Poll Shows Trump Has Won The American Men !!


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2018

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic
Was the poll taken when he decided to run?

Because that's when he won the men.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic
So out of 1017 people polled Trump had a man?
Why do you keep playing identity politics?

Moreover, you have not said which men. There are men running against trump. There are women as well. You have a screw loose.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic
So out of 1017 people polled Trump had a man?

Um, the poll was sponsored by NPR/PBS.
Trump has the active duty men.. Active Duty is 1.3 mil
Trump has the well trained vets 20.3 mil in a landslide
Trump has the citizen men

Trump has the most powerful group ever in history white men in a landslide

Trump has the law enforcement

What does all of this above prove???

This proves its over for the deep state and democrats

The dominoes will now start its falling to bring down the crooked deep state

They are in a panic because of who are supporting trump
Why do you keep playing identity politics?

Moreover, you have not said which men. There are men running against trump. There are women as well. You have a screw loose.

The men who have a sack, specifically.

I assume that you mean by your reference to men who "have a sack" that men have testicles. Hate to inform you that these humans comprise approximentally one-half of the human population.I don't "have a sack," but if I choose to vote for Biden, Booker, or Buttigieg, I will be voting for an individual who has "a sack."

So what do you actually mean? Do scrotums have an ideology? I like some humans with testicles and dislike others with the same equipment.
  • Thanks
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Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

Let me educate you.

Will definitely vote for Trump 40%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 45%

Will definitely vote for Trump 27%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 63%

Men - White - Not College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 52%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 36%

Men - White - College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 44%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 43%

Women - White - Not College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 46%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 43%

Women - White - College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 25%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 67%

Not good numbers for Trump. You are clearly spinning.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That's because Trump IS a man, all man, not some sissified, pussified, politically castrated version that the democrats want him to be.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

Let me educate you.

How can an idiot jackass educate others in anything than their own version of stupidity to think they still have any CLUE based on some polling taken?
Trump has the active duty men.. Active Duty is 1.3 mil
Trump has the well trained vets 20.3 mil in a landslide
Trump has the citizen men

Trump has the most powerful group ever in history white men in a landslide

Trump has the law enforcement

What does all of this above prove???

This proves its over for the deep state and democrats

The dominoes will now start its falling to bring down the crooked deep state

They are in a panic because of who are supporting trump

You prove absolutely nothing. Law enforcement also includes both sexes, all races and ethnicities, and all religions. I live within five miles of the Pentagon. The people I see in the uniform of the military of the United States of America are an amazingly diverse group of people. Don't assume that any of these people is going to follow you.
Keep up the good work Trumpublicans. 49-47- split among men. 33-59 split among women.

You have it in the bag. No way he can loose. After all, he's a man.
Was the poll taken when he decided to run?

Because that's when he won the men.

With non stop news hammering trump. Trump still has the men

That means trump has the real power

They polled 1,017 people. Not exactly a comprehensive sample.

Of that sample, 30% were republican men. 92% of them approve of the job Trump is doing.
Of the same sample 34% were democrat men. 10% of them approve of the job Trump is doing.
And in the same sample, 35% were independent men. 42% of the men approve.

Trump has won republican men. He has not won democrat men or even independent men.

I do not see any place that lists the approval rating of veterans.

When asked about the Mueller investigation, 20% of republicans polled think there are still questions.

If you want to use a sample of 1017 Americans to start a coup, all I can say is "Good Luck".
Trump has the active duty men.. Active Duty is 1.3 mil
Trump has the well trained vets 20.3 mil in a landslide
Trump has the citizen men

Trump has the most powerful group ever in history white men in a landslide

Trump has the law enforcement

What does all of this above prove???

This proves its over for the deep state and democrats

The dominoes will now start its falling to bring down the crooked deep state

They are in a panic because of who are supporting trump

I think you need to understand that these polls you are reading are asking about whether or not they approve of the job Trump is doing. I doubt anyone is panicking.
Just a little FYI for the OP. Women make up 51% of the population.

And, it is quite possible to win the most votes but lose the election.

And many of the votes Trump got were from people who hated Hillary. They voted against Hillary as much as they were voting FOR Trump.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic
Thanks for posting that -- it reveals the less educated one is, the more they like trump.


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