New Poll Shows Trump Has Won The American Men !!

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That he does not have women proves how terribly women vote. TERRIBLY. Horribly. With their FEEEELLLLINGS.

Do better, women.


And the women's right to vote is now hanging by a thread

A compromise will come with a high logic test for voters

All unwise and emotional voters now will be stopped voting world wide !!

China has already done this

Our founders once did this also to bring the greatest nation

Uh, no. And I hope you're not endorsing Chinese tactics

China copied our wise founders who only let the wise vote

Stopped the emotional women getting fooled by crooks and would not let the women vote

China copied that success and why they are now progressing fast

The progress comes from stopping the unwise from voting

I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That he does not have women proves how terribly women vote. TERRIBLY. Horribly. With their FEEEELLLLINGS.

Do better, women.


And the women's right to vote is now hanging by a thread

A compromise will come with a high logic test for voters

All unwise and emotional voters now will be stopped voting world wide !!

China has already done this

Our founders once did this also to bring the greatest nation

Uh, no. And I hope you're not endorsing Chinese tactics

China copied our wise founders who only let the wise vote

Stopped the emotional women getting fooled by crooks and would not let the women vote

China copied that success and why they are now progressing fast

The progress comes from stopping the unwise from voting

I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

The dominoes are falling to make this happen world wide

The big gender gap in voting is the big clue here that will make this happen

In other words men have seen enough and will not allow the unwise to vote in crooks to destroy the nation

A logic test for voting will be the compromise

World wide

Rhodesia and South Africa got destroyed by this gender difference

More Americans killed than all the wars combined


And this monster imbalance of young to old has come to give big problems
Science has come on strong to now say abortion is murder of a us citizen

Educators who are suppose to go with science today do not and they just lie to brainwash students

All 18 yr olds should be voting against abortion since they are recent grads of schools that follow science

Just shows how uterlly crooked the educators are

With the men's polling it is showing men have had enough
That he does not have women proves how terribly women vote. TERRIBLY. Horribly. With their FEEEELLLLINGS.

Do better, women.


And the women's right to vote is now hanging by a thread

A compromise will come with a high logic test for voters

All unwise and emotional voters now will be stopped voting world wide !!

China has already done this

Our founders once did this also to bring the greatest nation

Uh, no. And I hope you're not endorsing Chinese tactics

China copied our wise founders who only let the wise vote

Stopped the emotional women getting fooled by crooks and would not let the women vote

China copied that success and why they are now progressing fast

The progress comes from stopping the unwise from voting

I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

The dominoes are falling to make this happen world wide

The big gender gap in voting is the big clue here that will make this happen

In other words men have seen enough and will not allow the unwise to vote in crooks to destroy the nation

A logic test for voting will be the compromise

World wide

Rhodesia and South Africa got destroyed by this gender difference

More Americans killed than all the wars combined


And this monster imbalance of young to old has come to give big problems

So you want to start an insurrection because of abortion? Women voting? Minorities voting? Exactly what is it that you want?

And the women's right to vote is now hanging by a thread

A compromise will come with a high logic test for voters

All unwise and emotional voters now will be stopped voting world wide !!

China has already done this

Our founders once did this also to bring the greatest nation

Uh, no. And I hope you're not endorsing Chinese tactics

China copied our wise founders who only let the wise vote

Stopped the emotional women getting fooled by crooks and would not let the women vote

China copied that success and why they are now progressing fast

The progress comes from stopping the unwise from voting

I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

The dominoes are falling to make this happen world wide

The big gender gap in voting is the big clue here that will make this happen

In other words men have seen enough and will not allow the unwise to vote in crooks to destroy the nation

A logic test for voting will be the compromise

World wide

Rhodesia and South Africa got destroyed by this gender difference

More Americans killed than all the wars combined


And this monster imbalance of young to old has come to give big problems

So you want to start an insurrection because of abortion? Women voting? Minorities voting? Exactly what is it that you want?

Get some help

Read the polls

The big gender gap proves what's coming

Foolish low logic losers cannot predict

Where one side has all the power the other side will fold like a house of cards
Uh, no. And I hope you're not endorsing Chinese tactics

China copied our wise founders who only let the wise vote

Stopped the emotional women getting fooled by crooks and would not let the women vote

China copied that success and why they are now progressing fast

The progress comes from stopping the unwise from voting

I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

The dominoes are falling to make this happen world wide

The big gender gap in voting is the big clue here that will make this happen

In other words men have seen enough and will not allow the unwise to vote in crooks to destroy the nation

A logic test for voting will be the compromise

World wide

Rhodesia and South Africa got destroyed by this gender difference

More Americans killed than all the wars combined


And this monster imbalance of young to old has come to give big problems

So you want to start an insurrection because of abortion? Women voting? Minorities voting? Exactly what is it that you want?

Get some help

Read the polls

The big gender gap proves what's coming

Foolish low logic losers cannot predict

Where one side has all the power the other side will fold like a house of cards

The power is in the voting booth. Everyone has the same power.

If there is a gender gap for who votes for who, then the bigger voter turnout makes it all even (or close).

But as for going beyond voting, you are absolutely wrong.
China copied our wise founders who only let the wise vote

Stopped the emotional women getting fooled by crooks and would not let the women vote

China copied that success and why they are now progressing fast

The progress comes from stopping the unwise from voting

I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

The dominoes are falling to make this happen world wide

The big gender gap in voting is the big clue here that will make this happen

In other words men have seen enough and will not allow the unwise to vote in crooks to destroy the nation

A logic test for voting will be the compromise

World wide

Rhodesia and South Africa got destroyed by this gender difference

More Americans killed than all the wars combined


And this monster imbalance of young to old has come to give big problems

So you want to start an insurrection because of abortion? Women voting? Minorities voting? Exactly what is it that you want?

Get some help

Read the polls

The big gender gap proves what's coming

Foolish low logic losers cannot predict

Where one side has all the power the other side will fold like a house of cards

The power is in the voting booth. Everyone has the same power.

If there is a gender gap for who votes for who, then the bigger voter turnout makes it all even (or close).

But as for going beyond voting, you are absolutely wrong.

Foolish loser is now in panic mode

Always follows me around here

A person that needs serious help

I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

The dominoes are falling to make this happen world wide

The big gender gap in voting is the big clue here that will make this happen

In other words men have seen enough and will not allow the unwise to vote in crooks to destroy the nation

A logic test for voting will be the compromise

World wide

Rhodesia and South Africa got destroyed by this gender difference

More Americans killed than all the wars combined


And this monster imbalance of young to old has come to give big problems

So you want to start an insurrection because of abortion? Women voting? Minorities voting? Exactly what is it that you want?

Get some help

Read the polls

The big gender gap proves what's coming

Foolish low logic losers cannot predict

Where one side has all the power the other side will fold like a house of cards

The power is in the voting booth. Everyone has the same power.

If there is a gender gap for who votes for who, then the bigger voter turnout makes it all even (or close).

But as for going beyond voting, you are absolutely wrong.

Foolish loser is now in panic mode

Always follows me around here

A person that needs serious help


I follow you around? I guess you only want people who agree with yuou in your threads? lol Too funny.

I have seen 2 threads that you have put up. Both are on the same topic.

Why not answer my questions?

The voters will decide. Nothing simpler.
I don't know that I would prohibit groups of people based on stereotypes, but I would be behind having every voter pass a test before being allowed to vote. It would be a very simple test that anybody who is aware of what's going on in our country be able to answer.

Just basic questions like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Which party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Are we debt? How much (multiple choice) debt?

I think Republicans would welcome such a thing with open arms. The Democrats? Riots in the streets.

The dominoes are falling to make this happen world wide

The big gender gap in voting is the big clue here that will make this happen

In other words men have seen enough and will not allow the unwise to vote in crooks to destroy the nation

A logic test for voting will be the compromise

World wide

Rhodesia and South Africa got destroyed by this gender difference

More Americans killed than all the wars combined


And this monster imbalance of young to old has come to give big problems

So you want to start an insurrection because of abortion? Women voting? Minorities voting? Exactly what is it that you want?

Get some help

Read the polls

The big gender gap proves what's coming

Foolish low logic losers cannot predict

Where one side has all the power the other side will fold like a house of cards

The power is in the voting booth. Everyone has the same power.

If there is a gender gap for who votes for who, then the bigger voter turnout makes it all even (or close).

But as for going beyond voting, you are absolutely wrong.

Foolish loser is now in panic mode

Always follows me around here

A person that needs serious help


Here is something that will scare you. In the 2016 presidental election, only 58% of the eligible voters voted. That means more people didn't vote than voted for either candidate. Imagine if we get 75% or 80%?
Science has come on strong to now say abortion is murder of a us citizen

Educators who are suppose to go with science today do not and they just lie to brainwash students

All 18 yr olds should be voting against abortion since they are recent grads of schools that follow science

Just shows how uterlly crooked the educators are

With the men's polling it is showing men have had enough

Wow...................."abortion is murder of a us citizen"? What if the abortion is performed in Ireland (it's legal there now)? Wouldn't that negate your claim that it is "murder of a us citizen"? Might wanna ease up on the foaming at the mouth rhetoric.
Science has come on strong to now say abortion is murder of a us citizen

Educators who are suppose to go with science today do not and they just lie to brainwash students

All 18 yr olds should be voting against abortion since they are recent grads of schools that follow science

Just shows how uterlly crooked the educators are

With the men's polling it is showing men have had enough

Wow...................."abortion is murder of a us citizen"? What if the abortion is performed in Ireland (it's legal there now)? Wouldn't that negate your claim that it is "murder of a us citizen"? Might wanna ease up on the foaming at the mouth rhetoric.

Modern science now says that the fetus has its own unique DNA

Modern science says the fetus has a heartbeat at 7 or 8 weeks

Ultra sound shows that the fetus is a baby

So modern science is screaming abortion as murder of a us citizen

This is more killings of us citizens than all the wars combined

What has this caused ??

Caused this death sentence by this gigantic

Imbalance of young to old.

This proves educators are corrupt to the core for covering up science and not going with science
Science has come on strong to now say abortion is murder of a us citizen

Educators who are suppose to go with science today do not and they just lie to brainwash students

All 18 yr olds should be voting against abortion since they are recent grads of schools that follow science

Just shows how uterlly crooked the educators are

With the men's polling it is showing men have had enough

Wow...................."abortion is murder of a us citizen"? What if the abortion is performed in Ireland (it's legal there now)? Wouldn't that negate your claim that it is "murder of a us citizen"? Might wanna ease up on the foaming at the mouth rhetoric.

Modern science now says that the fetus has its own unique DNA

Modern science says the fetus has a heartbeat at 7 or 8 weeks

Ultra sound shows that the fetus is a baby

So modern science is screaming abortion as murder of a us citizen

This is more killings of us citizens than all the wars combined

What has this caused ??

Caused this death sentence of this gigantic

Imbalance of young to old.

This proves educators are corrupt to the core for covering up science and not going with science

Utterly irrational conclusion.
Science has come on strong to now say abortion is murder of a us citizen

Educators who are suppose to go with science today do not and they just lie to brainwash students

All 18 yr olds should be voting against abortion since they are recent grads of schools that follow science

Just shows how uterlly crooked the educators are

With the men's polling it is showing men have had enough

Wow...................."abortion is murder of a us citizen"? What if the abortion is performed in Ireland (it's legal there now)? Wouldn't that negate your claim that it is "murder of a us citizen"? Might wanna ease up on the foaming at the mouth rhetoric.

Modern science now says that the fetus has its own unique DNA

Modern science says the fetus has a heartbeat at 7 or 8 weeks

Ultra sound shows that the fetus is a baby

So modern science is screaming abortion as murder of a us citizen

This is more killings of us citizens than all the wars combined

What has this caused ??

Caused this death sentence of this gigantic

Imbalance of young to old.

This proves educators are corrupt to the core for covering up science and not going with science

Utterly irrational conclusion.

Does the fetus have the same DNA as the woman's body or has its own unique DNA proving its his own body and not the woman's

See there science has come on to prove abortion is murder of a human being
Science has come on strong to now say abortion is murder of a us citizen

Educators who are suppose to go with science today do not and they just lie to brainwash students

All 18 yr olds should be voting against abortion since they are recent grads of schools that follow science

Just shows how uterlly crooked the educators are

With the men's polling it is showing men have had enough

Wow...................."abortion is murder of a us citizen"? What if the abortion is performed in Ireland (it's legal there now)? Wouldn't that negate your claim that it is "murder of a us citizen"? Might wanna ease up on the foaming at the mouth rhetoric.

Modern science now says that the fetus has its own unique DNA

Modern science says the fetus has a heartbeat at 7 or 8 weeks

Ultra sound shows that the fetus is a baby

So modern science is screaming abortion as murder of a us citizen

This is more killings of us citizens than all the wars combined

What has this caused ??

Caused this death sentence of this gigantic

Imbalance of young to old.

This proves educators are corrupt to the core for covering up science and not going with science

Utterly irrational conclusion.

Does the fetus have the same DNA as the woman's body or has its own unique DNA proving its his own body and not the woman's

See there science has come on to prove abortion is murder of a human being

Who do you imagine yourself to be arguing with, you fucking mental patient?

Do you hear a lot of plumbers or hairdressers speaking out against this? In the rotted fruit of your little brain does this mean that plumbers and hairdressers are corrupt to the core and denying science and covering up deliberately for something? What the hell is the source of your absolute lack of critical thinking ability?
Science has come on strong to now say abortion is murder of a us citizen

Educators who are suppose to go with science today do not and they just lie to brainwash students

All 18 yr olds should be voting against abortion since they are recent grads of schools that follow science

Just shows how uterlly crooked the educators are

With the men's polling it is showing men have had enough

Wow...................."abortion is murder of a us citizen"? What if the abortion is performed in Ireland (it's legal there now)? Wouldn't that negate your claim that it is "murder of a us citizen"? Might wanna ease up on the foaming at the mouth rhetoric.

Modern science now says that the fetus has its own unique DNA

Modern science says the fetus has a heartbeat at 7 or 8 weeks

Ultra sound shows that the fetus is a baby

So modern science is screaming abortion as murder of a us citizen

This is more killings of us citizens than all the wars combined

What has this caused ??

Caused this death sentence of this gigantic

Imbalance of young to old.

This proves educators are corrupt to the core for covering up science and not going with science

Utterly irrational conclusion.

Does the fetus have the same DNA as the woman's body or has its own unique DNA proving its his own body and not the woman's

See there science has come on to prove abortion is murder of a human being

Who do you imagine yourself to be arguing with, you fucking mental patient?

Do you hear a lot of plumbers or hairdressers speaking out against this? In the rotted fruit of your little brain does this mean that plumbers and hairdressers are corrupt to the core and denying science and covering up deliberately for something? What the hell is the source of your absolute lack of critical thinking ability?

How about you put up or shut up and also call for a high logic ability test for voters
I guess you have run from this thread too. Just like a little bitch. LMAO!!

Why don't you put up or shut up and call for a very high logic ability test for voting

If you don't that proves you do not know what you say and why you are a foolish loser
Wow...................."abortion is murder of a us citizen"? What if the abortion is performed in Ireland (it's legal there now)? Wouldn't that negate your claim that it is "murder of a us citizen"? Might wanna ease up on the foaming at the mouth rhetoric.

Modern science now says that the fetus has its own unique DNA

Modern science says the fetus has a heartbeat at 7 or 8 weeks

Ultra sound shows that the fetus is a baby

So modern science is screaming abortion as murder of a us citizen

This is more killings of us citizens than all the wars combined

What has this caused ??

Caused this death sentence of this gigantic

Imbalance of young to old.

This proves educators are corrupt to the core for covering up science and not going with science

Utterly irrational conclusion.

Does the fetus have the same DNA as the woman's body or has its own unique DNA proving its his own body and not the woman's

See there science has come on to prove abortion is murder of a human being

Who do you imagine yourself to be arguing with, you fucking mental patient?

Do you hear a lot of plumbers or hairdressers speaking out against this? In the rotted fruit of your little brain does this mean that plumbers and hairdressers are corrupt to the core and denying science and covering up deliberately for something? What the hell is the source of your absolute lack of critical thinking ability?

How about you put up or shut up and also call for a high logic ability test for voters

A) Put up what?

B) There will NOT be a poll test, for reasons that have been explained to you several times.

C) You keep using the word “logic,” but clearly do not understand what it means.

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