New Poll Shows Trump Has Won The American Men !!

Trump is a great example how progs are emotional as opposed rational. By objective measures Trump has more than proven his worth as POTUS. He's accomplished more than the last three POTUS combined.

Yet progs suggest he's incompetent and "unfit" to be POTUS. In other terms, the objective doesn't matter, nor do the competent. Thus progs are driven by irrational behavior.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic
Thanks for posting that -- it reveals the less educated one is, the more they like trump.


Net worth proves the worthless degree people have been brainwashed to enrich the professors

Student debt and high cost cities

Trumps supporters are too wise to be fooled and that's why they have the highest net worth !!
Net worth does not prove wisdom as many wealthy people achieved their wealth from inheritance. Net wealth also fails to reveal education as many wealthy people are educated and many are not.

Lastly, according to your poll, people earning $50K or more (the highest income level listed in the poll), disapprove of trump by a margin of 51% to 46%.

So your point is that people earning less than 50K are dumb?
Democrat males squat when they pee and then wipe.
Republican males pee in their pants or in their beds.
Ha ha, you poor pitiful wretched loser.
Trump has the active duty men.. Active Duty is 1.3 mil
Trump has the well trained vets 20.3 mil in a landslide
Trump has the citizen men

Trump has the most powerful group ever in history white men in a landslide

Trump has the law enforcement

What does all of this above prove???

This proves its over for the deep state and democrats

The dominoes will now start its falling to bring down the crooked deep state

They are in a panic because of who are supporting trump

You prove absolutely nothing. Law enforcement also includes both sexes, all races and ethnicities, and all religions. I live within five miles of the Pentagon. The people I see in the uniform of the military of the United States of America are an amazingly diverse group of people. Don't assume that any of these people is going to follow you.

Obama ran in liberals on active duty. The women. But the men are still for trump strong So if trump calls them out the men will make the women stand down

Calls them out? You mean gives them an unlawful order to fire on American citizens on American soil? No. Most of them won't.

Wrong. Lawful orders and unlawful orders are simply the military's view on what is harm and what is not

Did Abe Lincoln break the laws ??

Did Andrew Jackson tear up paper orders

Did the founders tear up harmful orders

It all depends on what the real power view as harm or help

Wake up to reality

Wake up to the laws of life that are universal

Yes the democrats are toast anyone now with a half of brain can see

Barr is ready to charge the deep state with high treason

Then trump will call out the military if needed to enforce
"Wrong. Lawful orders and unlawful orders are simply the military's view on what is harm and what is not

Did Abe Lincoln break the laws ??

Did Andrew Jackson tear up paper orders"


Dumbfuck, both Lincoln and Jackson were president before the passage of the Posse Comitatus Act. :eusa_doh:

You really do have shit for brains.
Men are generally more rational and capable. It's not PC to say, but it's supported by facts and history.

As a result of feminism, propaganda, and even a spoiled public, a greater number of people make emotionally-based decisions. This works to the Democrat/prog advantage.

Men are more capable of getting us into wars. The most evil people in history were men.

Men who support Trump are delusional.

You might reference science before opening your feminist mouth. Males go to war because of females.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

The only poll that matters happens on election day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Learn from history


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

Not real men.

The men who follow this jerk are terrified of the same things he is.

And "deep state". Funny.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

There will not be enough white men to save Trump on November 3, 2020. Trump will start packing that night to leave the Whitehouse.
Men are generally more rational and capable. It's not PC to say, but it's supported by facts and history.

As a result of feminism, propaganda, and even a spoiled public, a greater number of people make emotionally-based decisions. This works to the Democrat/prog advantage.

Men are more capable of getting us into wars. The most evil people in history were men.

Men who support Trump are delusional.

You might reference science before opening your feminist mouth. Males go to war because of females.

yeah, I noticed all the women dropping bombs on Pearl Harbor -

Men who recognize alternative thinking have to be patient a while longer.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That's because Trump IS a man, all man, not some sissified, pussified, politically castrated version that the democrats want him to be.

The word I would use is bully. Being sensitive and respectful of others is not a weakness. That is a sign of strength. Trump is the one who is sissified, pussified and castrated. He gives men a bad name.

You think so? Trump is a businessman CEO. How many CEOs would ever BECOME CEOs by being nice sensitive people? Have you ever KNOWN a CEO? Worked directly with one? They are strong-headed, willful, demanding. They make snap decisions. You jump at their orders or die. You get the job done, on time, on budget, or you are OUT. Trump's just not your usual politician and you are an idiot.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That's because Trump IS a man, all man, not some sissified, pussified, politically castrated version that the democrats want him to be.

The word I would use is bully. Being sensitive and respectful of others is not a weakness. That is a sign of strength. Trump is the one who is sissified, pussified and castrated. He gives men a bad name.

You think so? Trump is a businessman CEO. How many CEOs would ever BECOME CEOs by being nice sensitive people? Have you ever KNOWN a CEO? Worked directly with one? They are strong-headed, willful, demanding. They make snap decisions. You jump at their orders or die. You get the job done, on time, on budget, or you are OUT. Trump's just not your usual politician and you are an idiot.

Yes, Trump is a CEO. But, unlike most CEOs, he is not a particularly good one. How many times has he declared bankrupcy? And lying as a CEO is one thing. Lying, especially the blatant ones, as POTUS is something else entirely.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That's because Trump IS a man, all man, not some sissified, pussified, politically castrated version that the democrats want him to be.

The word I would use is bully. Being sensitive and respectful of others is not a weakness. That is a sign of strength. Trump is the one who is sissified, pussified and castrated. He gives men a bad name.

You think so? Trump is a businessman CEO. How many CEOs would ever BECOME CEOs by being nice sensitive people? Have you ever KNOWN a CEO? Worked directly with one? They are strong-headed, willful, demanding. They make snap decisions. You jump at their orders or die. You get the job done, on time, on budget, or you are OUT. Trump's just not your usual politician and you are an idiot.

Yes, Trump is a CEO. But, unlike most CEOs, he is not a particularly good one. How many times has he declared bankrupcy? And lying as a CEO is one thing. Lying, especially the blatant ones, as POTUS is something else entirely.

Oh please. Do you have any idea how many businesses he's had? Even the best companies and CEOs can declare bankruptcy. Sometimes its nothing you've done, its the economy or market or timing. I know. I've been CEO to two S-Corps. And a lot of times, bankruptcy is merely a tool for reorganization, not the end of the business.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That's because Trump IS a man, all man, not some sissified, pussified, politically castrated version that the democrats want him to be.

The word I would use is bully. Being sensitive and respectful of others is not a weakness. That is a sign of strength. Trump is the one who is sissified, pussified and castrated. He gives men a bad name.

You think so? Trump is a businessman CEO. How many CEOs would ever BECOME CEOs by being nice sensitive people? Have you ever KNOWN a CEO? Worked directly with one? They are strong-headed, willful, demanding. They make snap decisions. You jump at their orders or die. You get the job done, on time, on budget, or you are OUT. Trump's just not your usual politician and you are an idiot.

Yes, Trump is a CEO. But, unlike most CEOs, he is not a particularly good one. How many times has he declared bankrupcy? And lying as a CEO is one thing. Lying, especially the blatant ones, as POTUS is something else entirely.

Oh please. Do you have any idea how many businesses he's had? Even the best companies and CEOs can declare bankruptcy. Sometimes its nothing you've done, its the economy or market or timing. I know. I've been CEO to two S-Corps. And a lot of times, bankruptcy is merely a tool for reorganization, not the end of the business.

And sometimes it is inept leadership. Or, in the case of the "university" he started, it is outright fraud.

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

That's because Trump IS a man, all man, not some sissified, pussified, politically castrated version that the democrats want him to be.

The word I would use is bully. Being sensitive and respectful of others is not a weakness. That is a sign of strength. Trump is the one who is sissified, pussified and castrated. He gives men a bad name.

You think so? Trump is a businessman CEO. How many CEOs would ever BECOME CEOs by being nice sensitive people? Have you ever KNOWN a CEO? Worked directly with one? They are strong-headed, willful, demanding. They make snap decisions. You jump at their orders or die. You get the job done, on time, on budget, or you are OUT. Trump's just not your usual politician and you are an idiot.

Yes, Trump is a CEO. But, unlike most CEOs, he is not a particularly good one. How many times has he declared bankrupcy? And lying as a CEO is one thing. Lying, especially the blatant ones, as POTUS is something else entirely.

Trump had four business bankruptcies, however he owned or operated over 500 businesses during his career. Doing that math, that's less than one bankruptcy for every 100 businesses he operated.

If you ask me, not too bad of a record.
Just a little FYI for the OP. Women make up 51% of the population.

And, it is quite possible to win the most votes but lose the election.

And many of the votes Trump got were from people who hated Hillary. They voted against Hillary as much as they were voting FOR Trump.

Well....... you might be on to something there if not for the record midterm turnout. No Hillary in sight. Both parties had record turnouts. On the right, it was Trump and his unbelievable accomplishments. On the left, pure hate as usual. Hate won out that election, but it's questionable if that model will work all the time.

Sorry Trump and the Republicans were pushing hate. The reason why Democrats won the midterms is their hatred pushed suburban voters who reluctantly supported Trump in 2016 switched to Democrats. Democrats recently won a Republican leaning legislative seat in Pennsylvania by 8 points. Democrats won suburban House seats in swing states like Virginia, blue states like New Jersey and red states like Texas.

You have no evidence whatsoever that people who voted for Trump voted Democrat last midterms. Quit making shit up.
Why do you keep playing identity politics?

Moreover, you have not said which men. There are men running against trump. There are women as well. You have a screw loose.

Can't you read I have spelled it out clearly

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

Let me educate you.

Will definitely vote for Trump 40%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 45%

Will definitely vote for Trump 27%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 63%

Men - White - Not College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 52%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 36%

Men - White - College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 44%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 43%

Women - White - Not College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 46%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 43%

Women - White - College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 25%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 67%

Not good numbers for Trump. You are clearly spinning.

You must be quoting something else

This poll shows men approve trump 49 to 47

So trump has won the men

Next step check the most powerful group whites

Also goes for trump

Next go to the most powerful group in the history of mankind

White men on a landslide

Brainwashing will not work with high logic people

Men pretty much break even and it depends on where they live and their education. Suburban and well educated men supported Democrats in 2018. That included red states like Texas. Men with a high school education support Trump. You are the one who is brainwashed if you have a brain.

Many people who attend college are weak minded. The professors and teachers mold their brains like play dough.
Just a little FYI for the OP. Women make up 51% of the population.

And, it is quite possible to win the most votes but lose the election.

And many of the votes Trump got were from people who hated Hillary. They voted against Hillary as much as they were voting FOR Trump.

Well....... you might be on to something there if not for the record midterm turnout. No Hillary in sight. Both parties had record turnouts. On the right, it was Trump and his unbelievable accomplishments. On the left, pure hate as usual. Hate won out that election, but it's questionable if that model will work all the time.

Is there any room in your head for the thought that many people, myself included, think that his "unbelievable accomplishments" are merely gigantic efforts to undermine and destroy the United States of America? That's not "hate" other than hatred for what he is doing to our nation. He does not even observe our laws and well-established procedures. He mocks them.

And DumBama didn't? You know, Mr. I have a pen and I have a cell phone?
Why do you keep playing identity politics?

Moreover, you have not said which men. There are men running against trump. There are women as well. You have a screw loose.

Can't you read I have spelled it out clearly

Trump has won the men and the white men in a landslide

Before Barr charges the deep state and mueller of high treason with evidence

The deep state is in a panic knowing trump has the men

Fake news are not covering how important it is for a president to have the men on his side and agreeing that the deep state is the enemy of the people

Again let this sink in

Trump has the men citizens plus the men in the military and the vets in a landslide

This has the deep state in a panic

Let me educate you.

Will definitely vote for Trump 40%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 45%

Will definitely vote for Trump 27%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 63%

Men - White - Not College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 52%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 36%

Men - White - College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 44%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 43%

Women - White - Not College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 46%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 43%

Women - White - College Graduate
Will definitely vote for Trump 25%
Will definitely not vote for Trump 67%

Not good numbers for Trump. You are clearly spinning.

You must be quoting something else

This poll shows men approve trump 49 to 47

So trump has won the men

Next step check the most powerful group whites

Also goes for trump

Next go to the most powerful group in the history of mankind

White men on a landslide

Brainwashing will not work with high logic people

Men pretty much break even and it depends on where they live and their education. Suburban and well educated men supported Democrats in 2018. That included red states like Texas. Men with a high school education support Trump. You are the one who is brainwashed if you have a brain.

Many people who attend college are weak minded. The professors and teachers mold their brains like play dough.

That's because Trump IS a man, all man, not some sissified, pussified, politically castrated version that the democrats want him to be.

The word I would use is bully. Being sensitive and respectful of others is not a weakness. That is a sign of strength. Trump is the one who is sissified, pussified and castrated. He gives men a bad name.

You think so? Trump is a businessman CEO. How many CEOs would ever BECOME CEOs by being nice sensitive people? Have you ever KNOWN a CEO? Worked directly with one? They are strong-headed, willful, demanding. They make snap decisions. You jump at their orders or die. You get the job done, on time, on budget, or you are OUT. Trump's just not your usual politician and you are an idiot.

Yes, Trump is a CEO. But, unlike most CEOs, he is not a particularly good one. How many times has he declared bankrupcy? And lying as a CEO is one thing. Lying, especially the blatant ones, as POTUS is something else entirely.

Oh please. Do you have any idea how many businesses he's had? Even the best companies and CEOs can declare bankruptcy. Sometimes its nothing you've done, its the economy or market or timing. I know. I've been CEO to two S-Corps. And a lot of times, bankruptcy is merely a tool for reorganization, not the end of the business.

And sometimes it is inept leadership. Or, in the case of the "university" he started, it is outright fraud.

Weak minded people cover up the successes

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