New Poster Obvious Fake News

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Prove the article was intentionally misleading concerning the efforts being made in Puerto Rico..........go ahead and please link your sources.


Doubling down on stupid? I wish I could have gotten a screen shot of the thread so I could show you giving rep to a fake story posted on a website to sell t-shirts.

You talk about how well you can collect information to expose the truth, yet you got played by a fake site.

I want you to prove that the contents of the article was fake......since you read it? You obviously must have proof that the contents were fake. Like the tweets obviously must have been faked and you can prove that. Just because someone does a "cut and paste" job and puts it on a website doesn't make the information invalid unless proven otherwise.

So get busy, Baby Huey.........

You fell for a fake news site. Why can't you just admit it and let it go?

What was fake about the article, Baby Huey? There are plenty of articles on FB and videos on Youtube showing the massive effort going on to help the people of Puerto Rico. It contradicts the message of the butthurt leftard clown posse that Trump is doing nothing...and that just galls the shit out of those of your admit it.

Man I feel sorry for you.

Dude, I feel sorry for you. You can't back up your contention that the contents of the article was faked and you have no clue on where to place a comma.

Doubling down on stupid? I wish I could have gotten a screen shot of the thread so I could show you giving rep to a fake story posted on a website to sell t-shirts.

You talk about how well you can collect information to expose the truth, yet you got played by a fake site.

I want you to prove that the contents of the article was fake......since you read it? You obviously must have proof that the contents were fake. Like the tweets obviously must have been faked and you can prove that. Just because someone does a "cut and paste" job and puts it on a website doesn't make the information invalid unless proven otherwise.

So get busy, Baby Huey.........

You fell for a fake news site. Why can't you just admit it and let it go?

What was fake about the article, Baby Huey? There are plenty of articles on FB and videos on Youtube showing the massive effort going on to help the people of Puerto Rico. It contradicts the message of the butthurt leftard clown posse that Trump is doing nothing...and that just galls the shit out of those of your admit it.

Man I feel sorry for you.

Dude, I feel sorry for you. You can't back up your contention that the contents of the article was faked and you have no clue on where to place a comma.

Dale get some help. I will tell you this, do not ever threaten me again, as next time I won't be talked out of reporting it to the authorities.
I want you to prove that the contents of the article was fake......since you read it? You obviously must have proof that the contents were fake. Like the tweets obviously must have been faked and you can prove that. Just because someone does a "cut and paste" job and puts it on a website doesn't make the information invalid unless proven otherwise.

So get busy, Baby Huey.........

You fell for a fake news site. Why can't you just admit it and let it go?

What was fake about the article, Baby Huey? There are plenty of articles on FB and videos on Youtube showing the massive effort going on to help the people of Puerto Rico. It contradicts the message of the butthurt leftard clown posse that Trump is doing nothing...and that just galls the shit out of those of your admit it.

Man I feel sorry for you.

Dude, I feel sorry for you. You can't back up your contention that the contents of the article was faked and you have no clue on where to place a comma.

Dale get some help. I will tell you this, do not ever threaten me again, as next time I won't be talked out of reporting it to the authorities.

Baby Huey, learn where to place a comma. If you think that I "threatened" you? Please, by all means, alert the authorities. The fact that you even feel slightly "threatened" by a poster that has no clue on what you look like or where you live should tell the entire forum that you are not the "bad ass" prison guard pulling down 15 bucks an hour you claim to be.

The OP was a Spammer, and I treated as such.

Eh Hello everyone but it was a spammer...Lewdog was correct, now why is anyone still arguing..?


Spamming doesn't make it "fake news" you know what the difference is? Someone did a cut and paste job and put it on their site and started spamming the internet with large audiences......that's a HUGE difference.
The OP was a Spammer, and I treated as such.

Eh Hello everyone but it was a spammer...Lewdog was correct, now why is anyone still arguing..?


Spamming doesn't make it "fake news" you know what the difference is? Someone did a cut and paste job and put it on their site and started spamming the internet with large audiences......that's a HUGE difference.

Read what Lewdog alerted again.. She was making the comment how people were not paying attention and just took it as truth, while the spammer flooded the forum with the link. Sounds to me to be a spammer.

The OP was a Spammer, and I treated as such.

Eh Hello everyone but it was a spammer...Lewdog was correct, now why is anyone still arguing..?


Spamming doesn't make it "fake news" you know what the difference is? Someone did a cut and paste job and put it on their site and started spamming the internet with large audiences......that's a HUGE difference.

Read what Lewdog alerted again.. She was making the comment how people were not paying attention and just took it as truth, while the spammer flooded the forum with the link. Sounds to me to be a spammer.


I'm not a "she." :banned03:
The OP was a Spammer, and I treated as such.

Eh Hello everyone but it was a spammer...Lewdog was correct, now why is anyone still arguing..?


Spamming doesn't make it "fake news" you know what the difference is? Someone did a cut and paste job and put it on their site and started spamming the internet with large audiences......that's a HUGE difference.

Read what Lewdog alerted again.. She was making the comment how people were not paying attention and just took it as truth, while the spammer flooded the forum with the link. Sounds to me to be a spammer.


And read what I posted...........
Perhaps my point is too far over your head. I do not know to which thread you are referring and I was making an observation how you and many other uneducated morons like you dismiss actual facts simply because you don't like the site it came from.

Sort of like the morons who dismiss everything that is written on CNN?

When there are actual facts, yes. CNN seldom reports actual facts. What I'm talking about is when a site that liberals balk at, directly quotes someone, you lefties will dismiss is EVEN IF IT ACTUALLY WAS SAID. Can you comprehend at all? Was my very simple analogy too complicated for all
If you?
Perhaps my point is too far over your head. I do not know to which thread you are referring and I was making an observation how you and many other uneducated morons like you dismiss actual facts simply because you don't like the site it came from.

That's about as low as I can dumb it down for you. Understand yet?


Nothing is dumber than a person who tries to argue about something they haven't even seen and then try to talk down to the person they are arguing with.

There's a valid point to be made on your post especially since you provided zero example of wtf you were talking about.

Are you too dumb to realize that? Yeah most likely.

They just flooded the forum with new posts. :rolleyes:

Did you catch the name at least? I don't see anything.

How could you not catch the name? He flooded the forum in a few short moments of joining the forum.


I have a life, I don't live here. I must have missed it.
It really is totally amazing that a new poster comes to the board, posts fake news from some obscure site that ends in a .tk domain, and Trump supporters take the stories at their word and give the poster rep points and defend the story.

Even a mod posted in a thread, a thread with ALL caps without doing anything about it. What's the point in having forum rules?

I'm drunk, I'll give em the what for!
It really is totally amazing that a new poster comes to the board, posts fake news from some obscure site that ends in a .tk domain, and Trump supporters take the stories at their word and give the poster rep points and defend the story.

Even a mod posted in a thread, a thread with ALL caps without doing anything about it. What's the point in having forum rules?

I'm drunk, I'll give em the what for!

They are gone. You asked what happened to their thread. :laugh:
It really is totally amazing that a new poster comes to the board, posts fake news from some obscure site that ends in a .tk domain, and Trump supporters take the stories at their word and give the poster rep points and defend the story.

Even a mod posted in a thread, a thread with ALL caps without doing anything about it. What's the point in having forum rules?

I'm drunk, I'll give em the what for!

They are gone. You asked what happened to their thread. :laugh:
I kinda figured that after I made an ass of myself in that thread and then saw this one.
I went the whole conservative persecuted route.

Sue me
It really is totally amazing that a new poster comes to the board, posts fake news from some obscure site that ends in a .tk domain, and Trump supporters take the stories at their word and give the poster rep points and defend the story.

Even a mod posted in a thread, a thread with ALL caps without doing anything about it. What's the point in having forum rules?

Report it. Don't start a thread about it. If Mods aren't acting quickly enough for your satisfaction - then PM one of us. You realize we're volunteers right?

I believe this particular fellow and his threads have been dealt with.
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