New Proposed Laws Threaten Obama's 2012 Re-Election Prospects

I have, numerous times. As a matter of fact I've carried one in my flight bag/brief case/back pack for decades.....

In other words, you're not saying anything of relevance here. You're just saying that some people think such and such. Well some people think that Elvis is still alive somewhere. But there's no need to bring up every little thing that some people believe. Let's stick to presenting positions that can be supported by argumentation and evidence.
Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law than you do, dive-boy, so you're the outsider looking in - you just don't know which side of the glass is which. the laws will pass. rely on it. Then what excuse will you make up?

1. If legislators were perfect then there would never have been any law overturned by the courts. However, I think that there have been many laws overturned, which shows that when legislators pass laws for political purposes their efforts may no stand.

2. I don't think DiveCon or I have said that there would probably not be one or two states (at least) that would pass a birther law. The question (and I speak for myself) has been the likelihood that they would pass Constitutional review. Personally I think invidious laws targeting one specific person (which if you are honest, most of the attempts do) will fail. Personally I support Maine's proposed law because it applies to all elected officials and specifies candidates must submit proof of eligibility. Maine's law is much more likely to pass judicial review. All MHO of course.


The laws apply to all candidates. There's nothing that targets Obama by name or "a sitting president". Done.

No the laws do not apply to "all candidates". Most apply ONLY to candidates for President (and in some cases I think Vice President). As far as I know Maine is the only one considering a law that would apply to basically all elected officials (President, Vice President, Senator, Congressman, Governor, State Legislators, etc...) that would require each to submit proof of eligibility for the position they are seeking.

I'm sorry you may not wish to publicly acknowledge that the laws are targeting Obama and the 2012 election or if you don't realize that, I'm sorry - not much I can do to help you.

I also like that you think they won;t pass constitutional review but all those legislators and constitutional authorities and lawyers see a likelihood at least.

Of course those proposing (and supporting) the laws will not see the Constitutional issues of one state mandating the data requirements to be included on another state birth certificate.

Hint - they are the ones proposing a law.

However there will be a slew of lawyers and Constitutional authorities that will challenge the law, if passed the final determination will be with the SCOTUS.

I also like that you think they won;t pass constitutional review but all those legislators and constitutional authorities and lawyers see a likelihood at least.

And there will be a slew of lawyers and constitutional authorities that will present the other side of the coin regarding one state mandating the data fields that another state must include on their birth certificate and it's validity under the Full Faith & Credit clause.

If one of the true birther laws passes, it will be interesting to watch in court.

You must be pretty hot stuff, huh.

My wife thinks so, she's the only one with an opinion on that matter that I care about.

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I have, numerous times. As a matter of fact I've carried one in my flight bag/brief case/back pack for decades.....

In other words, you're not saying anything of relevance here. You're just saying that some people think such and such. Well some people think that Elvis is still alive somewhere. But there's no need to bring up every little thing that some people believe. Let's stick to presenting positions that can be supported by argumentation and evidence.

Feel free to express your comments as you see fit.

If you don't like mine, just scroll on by.

This post is qualified by two linked articles, below, one from pro-GOP WND, and the other from left leaning Associated Press, for balance. This is not a "fringe theory" though some will try to paint it as such - the information here is fact. Check the links.

Several states are in various stages of preparing laws to force any presidential candidate to show his original and/or long form (depending on the state) birth certificate. Even uber-liberal Mother Jones News has suggested that Obama may in fact not be constitutionally eligible by saying these laws may stop Obama cold in 2012.

The stakes have been upped as of this week, however; state Rep. Mark Hatfield, R-Ga., is taking it one step further with his proposed eligibility requirement – making it illegal for an elector to cast a ballot for an unapproved candidate.

The state's Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act would specify, "It is unlawful for any presidential elector from this state to cast his or her electoral college vote for a candidate who is not approved by the Secretary of State as having submitted adequate evidence of eligibility. Any person who violates this Code section shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature."

Intellectually dishonest liberal activists have been dismissing people who want to know what Obama is hiding in his past with such pithy classifications as "Birthers", "Birfers", Wingnuts and lots of other unsubstantial, childish, school-ground name-calling instead of legitimate debate, and to some extent it has worked to silence many critics. But no longer. If Obama is clean, then great, and all we have to wonder about is why he spent taxpayer money fighting disclosure for 3 years, like a selfish asshole, and people will want to know - if nothing else, he needs to repay that money out of his own pocket. But if he isn't it's probably no exaggeration to say that with the November republican landslide as a benchmark, if obama served knowing he was unqualified after all the damage he has dome to this country, it will cripple the democrat party for generations. Such statements will frighten liberals, and that fear will enrage them and they strike out at this, but tough shit: facts are facts

"Birfer"? Very cute. But all it takes is one of these several laws to pass and Obama is stopped cold in 2012. Period. Then we'll see how much name-calling helps them.

World Net Daily pro-GOP version here (more detailed)
Associated Press uber-liberal,Obama-supporting pro-Democrat version here. (shorter version)

Remember, all it takes is one of these laws to pass in any state in the US and Obama is finished if he doesn't have the records. Not theory or speculation. Fact.

The term "Birther"? You didn't get the memo: it isn't working anymore. No one is intimidated by this in 2011 and state legislators are actively going after the records, and they'll get them, one way or another, or Obama will be off the ballots or both.


Why pick on the people who want to make sure the Constitutional requirements for the most powerful job in the world are followed? It's a simple concept, the Constitution requires that the candidate proves he is qualified for the job. It's a shame that the democrat party has become so corrupt and it's a shame that the republican majority has to offer a bill after more than 250 years that requires the president to prove he was born in the USA.
Why pick on the people who want to make sure the Constitutional requirements for the most powerful job in the world are followed? It's a simple concept, the Constitution requires that the candidate proves he is qualified for the job. It's a shame that the democrat party has become so corrupt and it's a shame that the republican majority has to offer a bill after more than 250 years that requires the president to prove he was born in the USA.

Just think, if we Republicans had required all candidates to provide proof of eligibility for all candidates prior to assuming office Chester Arther (Republican) would not have held the Vice-Presidency or Presidency after being born to a U.S. citizen mother and a British citizen father who was not naturalized until 14 years after Chester was born.

You guys are true idiots, seriously. Did you not read a single thing that US Army Retired wrote?

There is extreme reason to doubt that a person can be a natural born US citizen if one parent is not a citizen, especially if born out the USA. The reason McCain was allowed to run is because both parents were citizens and it was on a US Military base (and even that is highly questionable, and I, for one, never defended his qualification to seek the office).

Of course, all those profound, absolute assertions you dorks have made in this surreal circle jerk you have devised would be unnecessary if Obama would simply stop paying lawyers on taxpayer money to keep his records hidden from the taxpayers who are paying for those lawyers and simply show the records, but I suppose you dorks never heard of "probable cause", either.

And of course, you three know better than all the legislators in several states, some of whom are lawyers, all of whom are being guided by lawyers, passing laws demanding Obama produce his long form birth certificate, because you know constitutional eligibility, where he was born - for a fact - the exact details which would govern the mother's right to confer, etc, all of which are issues that those dozens upon dozens of lawyers and legislators have concluded need to be addressed and ascertained by seeking the original records, and you know all that better than they do because you're INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD PARTICIPANTS!!!!

All this to justify why Obama should not stop paying his lawyers with our money to keep his records hidden!

Fucking pathetic. Just fucking pathetic.... When you idiots wake up in the real world, drop us a line.

Anyway, at least one state will pass a law and very probably several, and if Obama doesn't have what he needs or continues to hide it, he may very well get away with keeping it hidden, but not on the taxpayer dime because he won;t be president because without the records the new laws will stop him from getting on the ballot in those states. So that's that.
no, its you and he that are the idiots

Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law than you do, dive-boy, so you're the outsider looking in - you just don't know which side of the glass is which. the laws will pass. rely on it. Then what excuse will you make up?
the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)
Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law...

the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)

If I remember previous posts correctly, there are some states that won't accept their own birth document that they issue when someone requests a birth certificate.

That was probably well thought out by those "lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law...".

Why pick on the people who want to make sure the Constitutional requirements for the most powerful job in the world are followed? It's a simple concept, the Constitution requires that the candidate proves he is qualified for the job. It's a shame that the democrat party has become so corrupt and it's a shame that the republican majority has to offer a bill after more than 250 years that requires the president to prove he was born in the USA.

Just think, if we Republicans had required all candidates to provide proof of eligibility for all candidates prior to assuming office Chester Arther (Republican) would not have held the Vice-Presidency or Presidency after being born to a U.S. citizen mother and a British citizen father who was not naturalized until 14 years after Chester was born.


I agree that it seems like the north east states seem like a foreign country sometimes but we have to give President Arthur a little slack. He was born in Vermont.
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no, its you and he that are the idiots

Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law than you do, dive-boy, so you're the outsider looking in - you just don't know which side of the glass is which. the laws will pass. rely on it. Then what excuse will you make up?
the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)

You just refuse or do not have the intellectual capacity to understand this: What they "issue", depending on your use of the term, is irrelevant. Every state HAS a long form birth certificate for everyone of obama's generation if they were born here. What is the candidate going to say as a refusal? - "The state has one but i refuse to get one or get and and give it to you?" As a federalist republic the states have the power to determine how they qualify candidates and determine if they qualify, as long as it meets a general criteria. Saying, "we want John Does's and Joe Mainstreet's long form birth certificates as eligibility proof because we have been told the documents exist, is so constitutional it isn't funny.

You obviously do not want obama to have to turn over the documents. that's fine. But whether you win or lose an argument here will mean nothing out there where it's all actually happening. Obama has been an arrogant, Marxist son of a bitch who ruined the economy and much else, the states know that most people understand that from last November's election results, and if it inconveniences the other candidates by all of two minutes of their time, so be it.

This is actually extremely important. Much of obamacare has already been funded in the bill which was mostly never read. But if obama is ineligible, the bill, the 2 SCOTUS judges and the rest go into the ash heap of history, along with the 3 trillion dollars Obama wasted on an utterly failed stimulus bill.

Too improbable? No one ever would have imagined that Monica Lewinski would have saved Bill Clinton's sperm as a memento. Stranger and more outrageous things than what will happen if obama is found ineligible have happened in US presidential politics, though few events will be as enormous.

And so far Obama is still actively fighting disclosure of the records. That isn't how a normal human being handles these kinds of things. so the question is, of course, why is obama's behavior abnormal? These laws are in part designed to make a determination on that issue.

You are REALLY wrong. This is very much and very comfortably within the bounds of constitutional law. If you have followed this closely over the months, these laws were drafted very slowly and carefully and with much input for exactly the concerns you (in this case wrongly) cite. Don't fool yourself. This is happening.
no, its you and he that are the idiots

Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law than you do, dive-boy, so you're the outsider looking in - you just don't know which side of the glass is which. the laws will pass. rely on it. Then what excuse will you make up?
the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)
If Obama still refuses to show his original vital records and wants to take the states to court and delay the presidential election after other candidates have submitted their original BCs and proved they are natural born citizens born to TWO U.S. citizens (plural), then it will surely prove he is hiding something in the American voters eyes. Palin will have this election wrapped up if it comes down to that scenario.
Why pick on the people who want to make sure the Constitutional requirements for the most powerful job in the world are followed? It's a simple concept, the Constitution requires that the candidate proves he is qualified for the job. It's a shame that the democrat party has become so corrupt and it's a shame that the republican majority has to offer a bill after more than 250 years that requires the president to prove he was born in the USA.

Just think, if we Republicans had required all candidates to provide proof of eligibility for all candidates prior to assuming office Chester Arther (Republican) would not have held the Vice-Presidency or Presidency after being born to a U.S. citizen mother and a British citizen father who was not naturalized until 14 years after Chester was born.

The problem with Arthur was that it was found out after his presidency ended that he wasn't eligible. He lied just like Obama has done. Please read this from the man who found Chester Arthurs dads naturalization papers. It's very facinating and you can see the parallels happening today with Obama.

Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law than you do, dive-boy, so you're the outsider looking in - you just don't know which side of the glass is which. the laws will pass. rely on it. Then what excuse will you make up?
the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)
If Obama still refuses to show his original vital records and wants to take the states to court and delay the presidential election after other candidates have submitted their original BCs and proved they are natural born citizens born to TWO U.S. citizens (plural), then it will surely prove he is hiding something in the American voters eyes. Palin will have this election wrapped up if it comes down to that scenario.
dream on
Palin wont even get the GOP nomination
Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law than you do, dive-boy, so you're the outsider looking in - you just don't know which side of the glass is which. the laws will pass. rely on it. Then what excuse will you make up?
the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)

You just refuse or do not have the intellectual capacity to understand this: What they "issue", depending on your use of the term, is irrelevant. Every state HAS a long form birth certificate for everyone of obama's generation if they were born here. What is the candidate going to say as a refusal? - "The state has one but i refuse to get one or get and and give it to you?" As a federalist republic the states have the power to determine how they qualify candidates and determine if they qualify, as long as it meets a general criteria. Saying, "we want John Does's and Joe Mainstreet's long form birth certificates as eligibility proof because we have been told the documents exist, is so constitutional it isn't funny.

You obviously do not want obama to have to turn over the documents. that's fine. But whether you win or lose an argument here will mean nothing out there where it's all actually happening. Obama has been an arrogant, Marxist son of a bitch who ruined the economy and much else, the states know that most people understand that from last November's election results, and if it inconveniences the other candidates by all of two minutes of their time, so be it.

This is actually extremely important. Much of obamacare has already been funded in the bill which was mostly never read. But if obama is ineligible, the bill, the 2 SCOTUS judges and the rest go into the ash heap of history, along with the 3 trillion dollars Obama wasted on an utterly failed stimulus bill.

Too improbable? No one ever would have imagined that Monica Lewinski would have saved Bill Clinton's sperm as a memento. Stranger and more outrageous things than what will happen if obama is found ineligible have happened in US presidential politics, though few events will be as enormous.

And so far Obama is still actively fighting disclosure of the records. That isn't how a normal human being handles these kinds of things. so the question is, of course, why is obama's behavior abnormal? These laws are in part designed to make a determination on that issue.

You are REALLY wrong. This is very much and very comfortably within the bounds of constitutional law. If you have followed this closely over the months, these laws were drafted very slowly and carefully and with much input for exactly the concerns you (in this case wrongly) cite. Don't fool yourself. This is happening.
he has turned over all the documents he is required to

and all your tiny text wont change that fact
Except that we agree with the lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law...

the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)

If I remember previous posts correctly, there are some states that won't accept their own birth document that they issue when someone requests a birth certificate.

That was probably well thought out by those "lawyers and legislators who know a hell of a lot more about constitutional and election law...".


That is correct. Both the NE and MO bills did exactly that. The MO bill was then amended such that all the candidate has to do is show whatever documentation issued by the state for proof of citizenship, which is not what the birfers were aiming for.

You are REALLY wrong. This is very much and very comfortably within the bounds of constitutional law. If you have followed this closely over the months, these laws were drafted very slowly and carefully and with much input for exactly the concerns you (in this case wrongly) cite. Don't fool yourself. This is happening.


Yeah, GTardz. That's why the initial bills in MO and NE disqualified candidates from their own states.

It's staggering how much BS flows out of you.
Just think, if we Republicans had required all candidates to provide proof of eligibility for all candidates prior to assuming office Chester Arther (Republican) would not have held the Vice-Presidency or Presidency after being born to a U.S. citizen mother and a British citizen father who was not naturalized until 14 years after Chester was born.

Not true. Arthur was a natural born citizen and was therefore qualified to hold those offices.
Is that Godfather Pizza dude?




Herman Cain has enjoyed a stellar career in the business world. He became the youngest vice president in the history of The Pillsbury Company in 1977 after just three years with the company. He left this position in 1982 to learn the restaurant business at Pillsbury's Burger King subsidiary. In 1986, his success with Burger King prompted Pillsbury to select Cain to assume the presidency of another of its struggling companies, Godfather's Pizza. Finally, he became the first black president of the National Restaurant Association, the food service industry's leading trade organization.

When Cain started working at a Minneapolis Burger King in 1982, he cleaned toilets and flipped hamburgers. After completing the management training program in only nine months, Cain was named vice president and general manager for the Philadelphia region of the Burger King Corporation. Attaining this position was particularly special for Cain, considering that he and several friends were refused service in a restaurant in 1952 when they attempted to buy a hamburger.



Sure... he's actually accomplished something. For this, the left will summarily dismiss him as not smart enough. It oughtta be good... I can hear it now... Uncle Tom, Oreo....

They're already calling him "that pizza guy"......... they elect a community vote buyer and reject an actual successful business man........ amazing.
Just think, if we Republicans had required all candidates to provide proof of eligibility for all candidates prior to assuming office Chester Arther (Republican) would not have held the Vice-Presidency or Presidency after being born to a U.S. citizen mother and a British citizen father who was not naturalized until 14 years after Chester was born.

Not true. Arthur was a natural born citizen and was therefore qualified to hold those offices.

No he wasn't eligible. His father was not a US citizen when he was born. He was subject to the British Crown. Please read:

Why pick on the people who want to make sure the Constitutional requirements for the most powerful job in the world are followed? It's a simple concept, the Constitution requires that the candidate proves he is qualified for the job. It's a shame that the democrat party has become so corrupt and it's a shame that the republican majority has to offer a bill after more than 250 years that requires the president to prove he was born in the USA.

Just think, if we Republicans had required all candidates to provide proof of eligibility for all candidates prior to assuming office Chester Arther (Republican) would not have held the Vice-Presidency or Presidency after being born to a U.S. citizen mother and a British citizen father who was not naturalized until 14 years after Chester was born.

The problem with Arthur was that it was found out after his presidency ended that he wasn't eligible. He lied just like Obama has done. Please read this from the man who found Chester Arthurs dads naturalization papers. It's very facinating and you can see the parallels happening today with Obama.


Which is exactly in agreement with what I said about whitehall's post above who tried to blame the Democrats and on a high horse pointed out that for 250 years there was no law required. The point being that during that 250 year period we as Republicans allowed one of our candidates to assume the Office of President for the same reason that some are now disagreeing with (birth on soil but with one US Citizen parent and one British parent).

If laws had already been written requiring candidates to submit proof of eligibility then we wouldn't have had two Presidents in the same situation: One citizen parent, one not.

So the problem wasn't that Arthur's status wasn't discovered until later, the problem was the legislatures had never required candidates to present proof of eligibility for all elected positions.

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the situation you are not grasping is that none of these laws can constitutionally demand more documentations than any state issues
thus they will ALL have to accept a CoLB from any state that issues them

end of story
if they dont, then they will be challenged and overturned by SCOTUS(if it even gets that far)

You just refuse or do not have the intellectual capacity to understand this: What they "issue", depending on your use of the term, is irrelevant. Every state HAS a long form birth certificate for everyone of obama's generation if they were born here. What is the candidate going to say as a refusal? - "The state has one but i refuse to get one or get and and give it to you?" As a federalist republic the states have the power to determine how they qualify candidates and determine if they qualify, as long as it meets a general criteria. Saying, "we want John Does's and Joe Mainstreet's long form birth certificates as eligibility proof because we have been told the documents exist, is so constitutional it isn't funny.

You obviously do not want obama to have to turn over the documents. that's fine. But whether you win or lose an argument here will mean nothing out there where it's all actually happening. Obama has been an arrogant, Marxist son of a bitch who ruined the economy and much else, the states know that most people understand that from last November's election results, and if it inconveniences the other candidates by all of two minutes of their time, so be it.

This is actually extremely important. Much of obamacare has already been funded in the bill which was mostly never read. But if obama is ineligible, the bill, the 2 SCOTUS judges and the rest go into the ash heap of history, along with the 3 trillion dollars Obama wasted on an utterly failed stimulus bill.

Too improbable? No one ever would have imagined that Monica Lewinski would have saved Bill Clinton's sperm as a memento. Stranger and more outrageous things than what will happen if obama is found ineligible have happened in US presidential politics, though few events will be as enormous.

And so far Obama is still actively fighting disclosure of the records. That isn't how a normal human being handles these kinds of things. so the question is, of course, why is obama's behavior abnormal? These laws are in part designed to make a determination on that issue.

You are REALLY wrong. This is very much and very comfortably within the bounds of constitutional law. If you have followed this closely over the months, these laws were drafted very slowly and carefully and with much input for exactly the concerns you (in this case wrongly) cite. Don't fool yourself. This is happening.
he has turned over all the documents he is required to

and all your tiny text wont change that fact

He has, huh? Well, we'll see, won;t we? but the states still have people better placed and more knowledgeable than anyone here despite what Riverboat Skippy says, and they say he's going to have to turn over the records. one way or another someone is going to get him on this. He's hiding his past and everyone who ever thought he was an asshole smells political blood in the water. If Obama is ineligible he's cooked, totally. The best he can hope for is not run again, citing how racist republicans made his dear family unhappy and the GOP won;t have the cajones to go after the situation and hope it dies out, leaving a deep scar in half of America and a smarmy sigh of relief on the other -a republican president and congress and two SCOTUS judges who will forever have an unresolved cloud over their legacy. it only gets worse for the democrats from there.

I'll say on thing for our swaggering child-president; he may not have brains, but he sure as shit has balls. And you and Skippy seem to think you're intellectual giants on a par with legit constitutional lawyers. Oh, the dreams liberals have.... dreams we know can never come true.
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