New Rule Announcement.

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I'm still not getting why positive rep is bad.

Because some people do not use it as positive. They use it to stalk others across the forum.
But it's still a positive on their rep? Stalking with pos rep......the horror. Don't you see how silly that sounds?

You have to ask yourself "What kind of thread is this, when I have to agree with Bodey"? :uhoh3:

Bodey is free to funny my posts as often as she likes, and does. ZOMY! No Bodey is not stalking me and I don't give a crap.
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Could be I hear's that they is losing some their HB visa workers. WWZD?
Most of the Fakebook moderators are in a boiler room in Karachi to begin with....Could be a nice change of scenery for a few around these parts.
I kinda wondered if they wasn't ME peeps. They do have some bloody nasty peeps over there so I kinda understand why a lil jousting about with words may get their panties bunched so easily.

Sure might be an eye opener for some peeps here at USMB.
Hey mods

Why don’t you try this

If someone complains about the posting of funnies just tell them to ignore it

That is what I do

Again. It is not about funnies in and of itself. It is about using them to stalk others. This is not as big a deal as it's being made out to be.

Do you and flacaltenn have lumpy foreheads from beatin them on a brick wall yet?
No you are the one who was going to go through your own posts. I won't hold my breath however.
Why not? We could all use a good laugh.

You first.
No you thought of that first so you go first. You peoples are taking up way too much time with this funny chit. Hubby just asked me if I knew what day of the week it is cause his dinner ain't ready. AND that's not funny so y'all better not funny that.

Thought of what first? Holding breath? I said I would NOT hold my breath....YOU said for me NOT TO.
That hold ur breath was in your head first......kinda like ole Gates bringing up euthanasia for others but he should be going first. I merely said why not for we could all get a laugh imagining you turning blue....

Rod has some funnies that may insults some of you ditch diggers that may fit the funny situation while I go get dinner going.

Two Irishmen, two Irishmen were digging in a ditch. One called the other a dirty son of a .....

Peter Murphy had a dog a very nice dog was he. He gave it to his daughter to keep her company til it jump up her petty pants and bit her on the .....

Country boy from Germany was peeing on a rock. Along came a Bumble and stung him on the ....

Cocktails ginger-ale five cents a glass. If you don't like this little jingle then blow it out your ...

Now think one up for yourself.
You'r gonna get on Leo's bad side.
Wait a minute that's not bad that's where I'm at
Hey mods

Why don’t you try this

If someone complains about the posting of funnies just tell them to ignore it

That is what I do

Again. It is not about funnies in and of itself. It is about using them to stalk others. This is not as big a deal as it's being made out to be.

Do you and flacaltenn have lumpy foreheads from beatin them on a brick wall yet?

:eusa_naughty: Be nice, make fun of rule in a different way.
Hey mods

Why don’t you try this

If someone complains about the posting of funnies just tell them to ignore it

That is what I do

Again. It is not about funnies in and of itself. It is about using them to stalk others. This is not as big a deal as it's being made out to be.
So your funnie count on the post goes from 2 to 3
Most people realize it is not the end of the world

If it bothers you, just don’t click on it

Me? It doesn't bother me. Maybe you're missing the point.
Hey mods

Why don’t you try this

If someone complains about the posting of funnies just tell them to ignore it

That is what I do

Again. It is not about funnies in and of itself. It is about using them to stalk others. This is not as big a deal as it's being made out to be.

Do you and flacaltenn have lumpy foreheads from beatin them on a brick wall yet?

LOL Well, I don't. ;)
Glad to see this got posted. this is long overdue.I have had a certain poster ever since it got invented stalking me.Within seconds of my posts even though it is a long post,he proves he doesnt even read it because he posts a funny SECONDS after my post and EVERYWHERE I post,thats all he does. I know many people who cant believe he has not been permanetly banned same as me. For now on in the future,when he starts doing that,I assume this harrassment will now finally stop if i report his funnys?

Lawdy Lawdy! You IS in turrible interweb danger!

It's all fun and games till someone gets an eye poked out with a stray funny, amirite?
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So if I funny the Chinese posters that flood the board I get the ax?

We'll give you a special button for those. Called the "Take Out" button.. We should deputize like 15 members with a "Take Out" button..

Oooo! Pick me! Pick me!
What shall we pick on you Dlaw?

I vote for mooshoo pork, eggrolls, and crab legs!
I was thinking more like picking and a grinning.
So if I funny the Chinese posters that flood the board I get the ax?

We'll give you a special button for those. Called the "Take Out" button.. We should deputize like 15 members with a "Take Out" button..

Oooo! Pick me! Pick me!
What shall we pick on you Dlaw?

I vote for mooshoo pork, eggrolls, and crab legs!
I was thinking more like picking and a grinning.

Do you wanna be Roy or Buck?
I'm still not getting why positive rep is bad.

Because some people do not use it as positive. They use it to stalk others across the forum.
But it's still a positive on their rep? Stalking with pos rep......the horror. Don't you see how silly that sounds?

You have to ask yourself "What kind of thread is this, when I have to agree with Bodey"? :uhoh3:

Bodey is free to funny my posts as often as she likes, and does. ZOMY! No Bodey is not stalking me and I don't give a crap.

Now that you mention it ......:wink_2:

Like it has been said already......there is a big difference between being spiteful because he/she doesn't agree with you politically giving funny after funny as a way of flaming, without adding anything to the conversation...... and just posting a funny...

Click click yawn yawn? boring :sleeping-smiley-015:
IMO -- speaking personally -- we're not trying to protect the delicates here.. Look at it from a perspective of the general rules. They are ALL designed to get folks to respect topics upstairs in the Zone1,2,3 forums.

Moderation wouldn't allow folks to drop into a thread and post a dozen drive by "laughing Gifs" on a targeted poster. The folks whining that it MIGHT be interpreted as harassment -- pretty much ADMIT it's harassment and everybody knows what it looks like. But to me PERSONALLY -- malicious excess repping is a "no content" comment that destroys the purpose of having a Message Board. Too many folks in the USA are DONE talking. The whole nation is about to hang up on one another. So it makes it harder to EXPECT "Specific Topical Content" in every post in Zone2 for instance.

Instead of discussing the topic -- it's a low effort way to give the "click click" -- "I'm out of ammo and I don't care" signal to people that they WON'T discuss with.

Given the general dysfunction of this country right now -- TO ME (IMO) -- the only way to KEEP a message board interesting, readable, and relevant --- is to REQUIRE folks to continue the discussions when they choose to come into one. .

Thanks chief ... I have spoken my opinion and you have yours (which I understand).

Just because I don't necessarily agree with your approach doesn't mean I don't understand what you are attempting.
Of course I have already had that argument with a mod who is no longer with us ... To no avail.

You have a job to do here ... Good luck with that ... Thanks for your service.
As for me ... Amazingly, I seem to stay out of trouble.


I need a tutor to help me with staying out of trouble.
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