New Rules for debates

He's not crying.


Kaine damaged the ticket last night. How much is hard to say - not enough in any case.

He's got a valid point that the debates in this election cycle have lost all semblance of decorum. Yes, Kaine came off like a partisan poster here--rude and inane talking points that gave little substance. But it has been done by both sides in past debates. Either forget the debates or "teach 'em" how to behave.

Part of the debate is to see who has the ability to control the dialogue, that is important to know. We are talking about our rulers who must deal with rulers from other nations and with our Congress.
I'll say this once and not argue about it. To be fair, Kaine was behaving atypically last night. I've seen some of his stump speeches and interviews, and he does not act like that normally. He has experience before the legislatures at the state and federal level, and I imagine he knows how to hold his own. Whatever he was doing last night was ill advised, I agree.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  • Only one microphone is on at any time
  • The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  • Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)

In other words, Kaine came off as a petulant toddler throwing a fit, while Pence wiped the floor with him based on a command of the fact, and you are crying...
He's not crying. He's got a valid point that the debates in this election cycle have lost all semblance of decorum. Yes, Kaine came off like a partisan poster here--rude and inane talking points that gave little substance. But it has been done by both sides in past debates. Either forget the debates or "teach 'em" how to behave.

I was looking forward to Trump vs Clinton in the debates, but it's been nearly unwatchable so far. I doubt I'll tune in for the rest. Both sides are to blame.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  • Only one microphone is on at any time
  • The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  • Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)

In other words, Kaine came off as a petulant toddler throwing a fit, while Pence wiped the floor with him based on a command of the fact, and you are crying...
He's not crying. He's got a valid point that the debates in this election cycle have lost all semblance of decorum. Yes, Kaine came off like a partisan poster here--rude and inane talking points that gave little substance. But it has been done by both sides in past debates. Either forget the debates or "teach 'em" how to behave.

I was looking forward to Trump vs Clinton in the debates, but it's been nearly unwatchable so far. I doubt I'll tune in for the rest. Both sides are to blame.
There could be a riot and bloodshed at the Town Hall.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  • Only one microphone is on at any time
  • The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  • Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)
how about just no moderator and let the candidates go at each other. that will stop moderator interruptions. I really didn't care what their agenda is, it isn't mine or the country's. let the candidates decide the agenda.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  • Only one microphone is on at any time
  • The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  • Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)
Dueling pistols at 40 paces would be more entertaining.

Stay specifically on the issues, specifically (1) what they plan on doing when in office & why, and (2) hypothetical situations and how they would react.

No silly gotcha questions or time spent flinging mud at the other debater.

Just kidding, the press would never do that. Too boring, too important.
Why is it unimportant to hold a fucking manchild accountable for his manchild/erratic behaviour, when he is running for POTUS? Same in reverse, woman child...?

Its relevant.
Looks like we all have our priorities.
walk and chew gum or whine at folks who can
Yes, I know how you folks are.

YOUR priorities are "right", mine are "wrong".

Grow the fuck up.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  • Only one microphone is on at any time
  • The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  • Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)

In other words, Kaine came off as a petulant toddler throwing a fit, while Pence wiped the floor with him based on a command of the fact, and you are crying...
He's not crying. He's got a valid point that the debates in this election cycle have lost all semblance of decorum. Yes, Kaine came off like a partisan poster here--rude and inane talking points that gave little substance. But it has been done by both sides in past debates. Either forget the debates or "teach 'em" how to behave.

I was looking forward to Trump vs Clinton in the debates, but it's been nearly unwatchable so far. I doubt I'll tune in for the rest. Both sides are to blame.
Usually I fall asleep during Town Hall formats. There is much less back and forth, so you might actually find it more to your liking.
Stay specifically on the issues, specifically (1) what they plan on doing when in office & why, and (2) hypothetical situations and how they would react.

No silly gotcha questions or time spent flinging mud at the other debater.

Just kidding, the press would never do that. Too boring, too important.
Why is it unimportant to hold a fucking manchild accountable for his manchild/erratic behaviour, when he is running for POTUS? Same in reverse, woman child...?

Its relevant.
Looks like we all have our priorities.
walk and chew gum or whine at folks who can
Yes, I know how you folks are.

YOUR priorities are "right", mine are "wrong".

Grow the fuck up.
You brought up priorities.

Then, you brought up "you people," yea someone needs to grow the fuck up cuz hea a lil girl
In the OP I wrote, " Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues."

Those who don't care, or believe the D's and R's are the same, ought to take up a new hobby.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  1. Only one microphone is on at any time
  2. The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  3. Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)

Suggestion #2 obviates the need for the other two suggestions. FWIW, I agree with suggestion #2.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  1. Only one microphone is on at any time
  2. The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  3. Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)

Suggestion #2 obviates the need for the other two suggestions. FWIW, I agree with suggestion #2.

I don't understand how #2 make #1 & #3 unnecessary.

#1 Makes talking over the other person impossible for those watching on TV or listening on the radio; #3 allows for a rebuttal, and #2 keeps the speaker on task and s/he must answer the question, not give a canned speech.
Last night was a waste of time for those of us interested in hearing the participants take on issues. How do you feel about these rule changes:
  1. Only one microphone is on at any time
  2. The microphone of the speaker will be shut off when the time set by the moderator is reached
  3. Rebuttals will be provided equal time (2 minutes for each, the initial question, and the rebuttal)

Suggestion #2 obviates the need for the other two suggestions. FWIW, I agree with suggestion #2.

I don't understand how #2 make #1 & #3 unnecessary.

#1 Makes talking over the other person impossible for those watching on TV or listening on the radio; #3 allows for a rebuttal, and #2 keeps the speaker on task and s/he must answer the question, not give a canned speech.

Oh, dear....

  • If a speaker's microphone goes off when they reach their time limit -- be it for an initial remark or for a rebuttal -- the other person's how many microphones can possibly be on at that moment? The answer is "only one at most."
  • Did the moderator offer differing amounts of time to the respective debaters for rebuttals? I'm not aware that happened. Perhaps I missed it?

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