New special envoy for LBGTQ rights

I swear I can’t make this up ??
Last I checked they had the same rights as any
Yes, fly the flags especially high in the Muslim nations. Works for me.

View attachment 451383

Kind of makes you wonder why the Clintons receive money from Saudi Arabia. :D

Now that i am about 20 years older when i got out of the Air Force, i wonder about how the Air Force started training for desert warfare in 1987. Then 4 years later we go into the Middle East. Maybe George Bush 43, did make a deal with Saudi Arabia and brought the towers down so he could avenge his daddy's attempted assassination by Saddam. Too many things about the establishment that really irritates me.
Nobody gives a shit about the sex lives of somebody like frankie graham or jerry falwell
Most people are disgusted by anal sex.
The rainbow flag just shows rejection of this agenda, support for its victims, and support for human rights in general
Noah had a rainbow, too, rejecting the flood of sin and reaffirming God's covenant with man.

Noah was not gay.

Tell that to the Catholic priests.
Yeah, up to the 1970s Homosexuals were not allowed in Catholic Churches, but finally they were, and soon, the boy rapists soon showed their ugly faces. When you give a progressive an inch, they take a mile.
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.

I don't disagree with that but now it seems they are going overboard. It is ok to be gay or a trans, but there is no need to be flying flags about it. That seems more like an agenda then anything. People could really care less about their sex lives.

The issue is not limited to anybody's sex life. Nobody gives a shit about the sex lives of somebody like frankie graham or jerry falwell, who clearly have an "agenda," and the duggars seem to advertise theirs quite a bit. The issue is attempting to marginalize LGBTQs, deny them equal rights, silence them, harass them out of society, and make them invisible, which is aggression. The rainbow flag just shows rejection of this agenda, support for its victims, and support for human rights in general.

Then why are they teaching it in schools to children?

What is your exact question? Children have been taught that heterosexual people exist, and probably know many, so this is just supplemental information that other people exist, as well. Children have always been taught from a white, straight male perspective, so why not teach children about the whole of society that they live in? Women, people of different races, colors, and ethnicities, LGBTs, etc. also exist and have existed and have accomplished many things. It certainly can't hurt.

Sorry, but teaching kids that being LGBTQ is perfectly normal is non-scientific and is detrimental to our society. It should be lumped under the topic of how we should be sympathetic to those with handicaps and how they can be assisted to overcome their handicap, instead, it is taught they they are just as ”normal” as a heterosexual male or female and that is simply not the case.

It occurs and has occurred among all populations. It is natural, but occurs in a minority of the population, like a recessive gene for eye-color. There does not seem to be any reason why it would be detrimental to our society. There is no need to treat it as a handicap and no need to "overcome" it. No gay guy or lesbian whom I have ever known ever interfered with my being a heterosexual, although they did advance opinions about some of the guys I dated. They were just looking out for my welfare.
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.

I don't disagree with that but now it seems they are going overboard. It is ok to be gay or a trans, but there is no need to be flying flags about it. That seems more like an agenda then anything. People could really care less about their sex lives.

With all due respect to your last sentence, it does seem that a lot of people DO care a lot about their sex lives.

Why else are there gay bashers? (Some people think that those gay bashers are somewhat insecure about their own predilections.)


Just read a fascinating article in a liberal magazine (either the London or the New York Review of Books) that claims that at the Vatican, if a bishop calls for gay rights, he is probably NOT gay; if a bishop lambastes gay rights, he MAY will be one himself.
Nobody gives a shit about the sex lives of somebody like frankie graham or jerry falwell
Most people are disgusted by anal sex.
The rainbow flag just shows rejection of this agenda, support for its victims, and support for human rights in general
Noah had a rainbow, too, rejecting the flood of sin and reaffirming God's covenant with man.

Noah was not gay.

Tell that to the Catholic priests.
Yeah, up to the 1970s Homosexuals were not allowed in Catholic Churches, but finally they were, and soon, the boy rapists soon showed their ugly faces. When you give a progressive an inch, they take a mile.

Both the boy rapists and the girl rapists got exposed, although people emphasized the boy rapists and pretty much ignored the girl rapists. The Catholic Church always had both throughout history. This shit started centuries before the 1970's.
The issue is attempting to marginalize LGBTQs, deny them equal rights, silence them, harass them out of society, and make them invisible, which is aggression

For a minute there I thought you were admitting what the left are doing to conservative voices. Silly me
What is the "left," whoever they are, doing to "conservative voices"? There are plenty of forums. Who are "conservatives," anyway? The people who identify as "conservatives" seem incapable of saying anything that doesn't involve violence, blaming someone else, attacking the rights of someone else, or demanding that someone else obey them. Do "conservatives" actually have any substance?
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.
Bullshit, it makes the US a laughing stock around the world
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.

I don't disagree with that but now it seems they are going overboard. It is ok to be gay or a trans, but there is no need to be flying flags about it. That seems more like an agenda then anything. People could really care less about their sex lives.
It's only during Pride Month. I get what you mean, though--do they fly flags for Black History Month? Women's History Month? Hispanic Heritage Month? Is there a month for Asians? Jews? Do they all have flags?

I'm kinda old fashioned about our flag. I like to see it at the top of the flagpole, not at halfmast all the time. The state flag included at state institutions and at embassies the flag of the host country is reasonable, but I'd rather see a big banner on the embassy wall, kind of like a giant poster, honoring a special interest group during their official month, instead of flying them on the flagpole. That's just me though.

No, just NO!

LGBT Flags Flown at U.S. Embassies around the world
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.
The days of "fag bashing" and bullying of LGBTQ people are long gone, in case you hadn't noticed.
Those folks are protected now by the law of the land. The very fact that Biden's Secretary of State is
taking this step is proof of that.

We aren't talking about protecting LGBTQs anymore. We are making a specially privileged class.
And any disagreement over it all will get you persecuted and attacked yourself.
Who is doubting the US protects civil rights?
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.
The days of "fag bashing" and bullying of LGBTQ people are long gone, in case you hadn't noticed.
Those folks are protected now by the law of the land. The very fact that Biden's Secretary of State is
taking this step is proof of that.

We aren't talking about protecting LGBTQs anymore. We are making a specially privileged class.
And any disagreement over it all will get you persecuted and attacked yourself.
Who is doubting the US protects civil rights?

No, assaults on LGBTQs are NOT "long gone," unfortunately. They should be, but they are not. How is anyone making a "specially privileged class"? Morons keep trying to pass legislation and regulations to exclude them from the protections enjoyed by all others, but no laws and regulations are being passed to give them special privileges above those enjoyed by all others. Who is being "persecuted" or "attacked"?
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.

I don't disagree with that but now it seems they are going overboard. It is ok to be gay or a trans, but there is no need to be flying flags about it. That seems more like an agenda then anything. People could really care less about their sex lives.

The issue is not limited to anybody's sex life. Nobody gives a shit about the sex lives of somebody like frankie graham or jerry falwell, who clearly have an "agenda," and the duggars seem to advertise theirs quite a bit. The issue is attempting to marginalize LGBTQs, deny them equal rights, silence them, harass them out of society, and make them invisible, which is aggression. The rainbow flag just shows rejection of this agenda, support for its victims, and support for human rights in general.

Then why are they teaching it in schools to children?

What is your exact question? Children have been taught that heterosexual people exist, and probably know many, so this is just supplemental information that other people exist, as well. Children have always been taught from a white, straight male perspective, so why not teach children about the whole of society that they live in? Women, people of different races, colors, and ethnicities, LGBTs, etc. also exist and have existed and have accomplished many things. It certainly can't hurt.

Sorry, but teaching kids that being LGBTQ is perfectly normal is non-scientific and is detrimental to our society. It should be lumped under the topic of how we should be sympathetic to those with handicaps and how they can be assisted to overcome their handicap, instead, it is taught they they are just as ”normal” as a heterosexual male or female and that is simply not the case.

It occurs and has occurred among all populations. It is natural, but occurs in a minority of the population, like a recessive gene for eye-color. There does not seem to be any reason why it would be detrimental to our society. There is no need to treat it as a handicap and no need to "overcome" it. No gay guy or lesbian whom I have ever known ever interfered with my being a heterosexual, although they did advance opinions about some of the guys I dated. They were just looking out for my welfare.

The likelihood of an adopted child raised by a homosexual couple having gender issues is significantly higher than average. It isn’t genetic and isn’t a physical trait or genetic in the overwhelming majority of cases. I am not saying people necessarily choose to be gay or have other gender issues, I am saying that something in their upbringing unbeknownst to them triggered this anomaly. Sorry, but I simply do no believe people are born gay. There is far too much evidence to the contrary, but it isn’t PC to talk about it.
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.
The days of "fag bashing" and bullying of LGBTQ people are long gone, in case you hadn't noticed.
Those folks are protected now by the law of the land. The very fact that Biden's Secretary of State is
taking this step is proof of that.

We aren't talking about protecting LGBTQs anymore. We are making a specially privileged class.
And any disagreement over it all will get you persecuted and attacked yourself.
Who is doubting the US protects civil rights?

No, assaults on LGBTQs are NOT "long gone," unfortunately. They should be, but they are not. How is anyone making a "specially privileged class"? Morons keep trying to pass legislation and regulations to exclude them from the protections enjoyed by all others, but no laws and regulations are being passed to give them special privileges above those enjoyed by all others. Who is being "persecuted" or "attacked"?
Really? How about Joe Biden's unilateral decree that permits males to hopelessly and permanently tilt the playing field against females in a prejudiced move that's a slap in the face to females, science and biology.

All to cater to the transgender cult and their supporters in the democrat party
who rule in their favor at the expense of young female athletes.
LGBTQs have been a specially targeted demographic group both in the U.S. and abroad, if you haven't noticed. Their rights and even physical safety have been attacked for a long time. Flying the rainbow flag is a good way of showing that the U.S. supports human rights and is against scapegoating, a practice of evil people that has caused so much misery and death to so many innocent people in so many demographic groups throughout the centuries.
Could you mind tell me what kind of rights has been attacked?
Both the boy rapists and the girl rapists got exposed,
although people emphasized the boy rapists and pretty much ignored the girl rapists. The Catholic Church always had both throughout history. This shit started centuries before the 1970's.
That's because most of the Catholic child-rapists are homosexuals who have taken vows of male celibacy and female chastity, respectively; such vows have not limited or prohibited same-sex contact in any way, shape, or form. Accordingly, most Catholic girl-rapists are female. In almost all cases, female suspects are exempt from criminal prosecution under U.S. Code and general codes of Omertà and respect for women that rule most courthouses in the United States.

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