New Statement From Trump, Just In

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When people act like assholes they should be roughed up. There's nothing racist about it at all. black, white, yellow, brown...act like an asshole you should get bitch slapped. Enough with the racist accusations BS.
It seems that Trump followers take their inspiration from historic examples.

You're being ridiculous...

If some other person stood up in the middle of Hillary's rally and acted like an asshole, the same rules would apply. Doesn't matter the color/race of the person....

Someone standing up and mouthing off at a political rally does not deserve a beating.

Beatings and being roughed up are two different things, and I'd agree if we were talking about beatings

that's absurd

if the president had said that about some ignorant teatard, the right would be having a breakdown.

By the same token if a NRA member did it at a Hillary speech and the supporters roughed him up you'd be cheering them on...deny it and you're lying
I'm pretty sure that's what Trump saying "Get them out of here" meant at the rally, though apparently in the alternate reality of this thread it /actually/ means "beat the shit out of them." Now that I understand the rules

How dare Trump!!
Nice deflection.

Trump's comment was, "maybe he should be roughed up," about someone who was merely being vocal.

Now all these glibertarians are crawling out of the wood work to applaud his comment. Hysterical!

I agree with Trump, sorry, the guy was looking for trouble and he found it. It's not like he wasn't swinging at people himself. It was a brawl at a political rally.
When people act like assholes they should be roughed up. There's nothing racist about it at all. black, white, yellow, brown...act like an asshole you should get bitch slapped. Enough with the racist accusations BS.
It seems that Trump followers take their inspiration from historic examples.

You're being ridiculous...

If some other person stood up in the middle of Hillary's rally and acted like an asshole, the same rules would apply. Doesn't matter the color/race of the person....

Someone standing up and mouthing off at a political rally does not deserve a beating.

Beatings and being roughed up are two different things, and I'd agree if we were talking about beatings
No they are not.

Sure they are. Being roughed up is being forcefully removed via pushing/grabbing/physically restraining. Being beaten involves fists, feet, and anything else that could be used as a weapon.
Trump’s Lying, Racist ‘Black On White Crime’ Tweet Is Actually Neo-Nazi Propaganda (IMAGES)

Donald Trump has had an interesting week. Just when we thought the guy couldn’t be any more of an outrageously bigoted imbecile, he goes and decides that it would “absolutely” be a good idea to have a Nazi-esque database and identification program of all Muslims living in America. And of course, for his grand, racist finale, The Donald tweeted out an incredibly racist, and patently false, graphic that claims that most white homicide victims are killed by black people. It turns out, though, that this particular scandal isn’t over.

It appears that the graphic that Trump tweeted out is not only really, really racist, and completely false — it is also neo-Nazi propaganda.

Read more: Trump’s Lying, Racist ‘Black On White Crime’ Tweet Is Actually Neo-Nazi Propaganda (IMAGES)
It seems that Trump followers take their inspiration from historic examples.

You're being ridiculous...

If some other person stood up in the middle of Hillary's rally and acted like an asshole, the same rules would apply. Doesn't matter the color/race of the person....

Someone standing up and mouthing off at a political rally does not deserve a beating.

Beatings and being roughed up are two different things, and I'd agree if we were talking about beatings
No they are not.

Sure they are. Being roughed up is being forcefully removed via pushing/grabbing/physically restraining. Being beaten involves fists, feet, and anything else that could be used as a weapon.

You are still wrong. Cool to learn you support police state tactics, though.
That's funny. Radical leftists think "protesters" have an inherent right to loot, burn down cities, and beat people up, but people have no right to defend themselves against these bullies and thugs.
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Act like a jackass, get treated like one. I fail to see the problem.

Criminals and Thugs often use other peoples actions as an excuse for their own. We already know you're a criminal so...
Actually like a jackass to my face and you'll find out what "so..." means. Color is irrelevant

Well then, I guess its might Convenient that you talk tough on a keyboard then huh? Or you'd show me *snaps* Darnnit
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