New Study Finds People in Red and Blue Districts Largely Agree


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
A new Study was conducted to measure the polarization in America.
Interestingly enough, America isn't as polarized as Washington, DC or USMB. What a surprise, well maybe not.
In Washington, when our elected officials aren't out raising funds, they are in the chambers playing politics for the pleasure of their donors and their die-hard base.
Regarding the general populace, they aren't glued to the cable news propaganda machines. They get their news from less politicized resources, their local news, their evening networks news and maybe their newspaper. They think for themselves and really don't care for outside interference.
Of course, USMB's demographics don't really match up with this countries demographics. USMB is over-loaded with very strong partisanship basically led by the far fringes.
Personally, I hope the American landscape stays that way.
New Study Finds People in Red and Blue Districts Largely Agree on What Government Should Do
A new study released July 2 by Voice Of the People finds remarkably little difference between the views of people who live in red (Republican) districts or states, and those who live in blue (Democratic) districts or states on questions about what policies the government should pursue. The study analyzed 388 questions asking what the government should do in regard to a wide range of policy issues and found that that most people living in red districts/states disagreed with most people in blue districts/states on only four percent of the questions.
“A Not So Divided America,” contradicts the conventional wisdom that the political gridlock between Democrats and Republicans in Congress arises from deep disagreements over policy among the general public. The study was a joint project of Voice Of the People and the Program for Public Consultation (PPC), affiliated with the University of Maryland.

Here is the link to the study:
People who love the United States of American, love the "United" part because it is essential to this country's survival.
A new Study was conducted to measure the polarization in America.
Interestingly enough, America isn't as polarized as Washington, DC or USMB. What a surprise, well maybe not.
In Washington, when our elected officials aren't out raising funds, they are in the chambers playing politics for the pleasure of their donors and their die-hard base.
Regarding the general populace, they aren't glued to the cable news propaganda machines. They get their news from less politicized resources, their local news, their evening networks news and maybe their newspaper. They think for themselves and really don't care for outside interference.
Of course, USMB's demographics don't really match up with this countries demographics. USMB is over-loaded with very strong partisanship basically led by the far fringes.
Personally, I hope the American landscape stays that way.
New Study Finds People in Red and Blue Districts Largely Agree on What Government Should Do
A new study released July 2 by Voice Of the People finds remarkably little difference between the views of people who live in red (Republican) districts or states, and those who live in blue (Democratic) districts or states on questions about what policies the government should pursue. The study analyzed 388 questions asking what the government should do in regard to a wide range of policy issues and found that that most people living in red districts/states disagreed with most people in blue districts/states on only four percent of the questions.
“A Not So Divided America,” contradicts the conventional wisdom that the political gridlock between Democrats and Republicans in Congress arises from deep disagreements over policy among the general public. The study was a joint project of Voice Of the People and the Program for Public Consultation (PPC), affiliated with the University of Maryland.

Here is the link to the study:
People who love the United States of American, love the "United" got to love part because it is essential to this country's survival.

The disagreement isn't about the issues on which the government should focus but on HOW to go about doing it.
You should read The Big Sort. It's available on Amazon.

Thanks for the heads up.
The book was written eight years ago. At that time people were moving to homogeneous environments ala "the suburbs". Now there is movement towards to city.
The New American Dream Is Living in a City, Not Owning a House in the Suburbs
Americans Increasingly Want to Live in Cities Not Suburbs
Of course a city offers much more diversity which in turn opens the doors to more diverse trains of thought, unlike a homogeneous setting where people seem to think alike. As noted in the article, the people moving to the city are typically younger.
However, it's pretty clear (and several polls verify this), that people are getting tired of all the bickering, politicization and the partisanship in Washington by both parties. People in general from all sides of the fence agree on this frustration. Therefore, as times have changed people's opinions change and people are just plain sick of the polarization. It's an ugly distraction.

The majority of Americans want what's best for their country.

Partisan ideologues want what's best for their party.

The country would be better off if the partisan ideologues would find another hobby.

You should read The Big Sort. It's available on Amazon.

Thanks for the heads up.
The book was written eight years ago. At that time people were moving to homogeneous environments ala "the suburbs". Now there is movement towards to city.
The New American Dream Is Living in a City, Not Owning a House in the Suburbs
Americans Increasingly Want to Live in Cities Not Suburbs
Of course a city offers much more diversity which in turn opens the doors to more diverse trains of thought, unlike a homogeneous setting where people seem to think alike. As noted in the article, the people moving to the city are typically younger.
However, it's pretty clear (and several polls verify this), that people are getting tired of all the bickering, politicization and the partisanship in Washington by both parties. People in general from all sides of the fence agree on this frustration. Therefore, as times have changed people's opinions change and people are just plain sick of the polarization. It's an ugly distraction.

The government wants people in high density, urban housing. I see no factual evidence that people actually want to be herded into these cages. Central planners seek what it best for government, not what is best for people.

{A majority prefers houses with small yards and easy walks to schools, stores and restaurants over houses with large yards but where you have to drive to get to schools, stores and restaurants (55 percent to 40 percent).  An even larger majority prefers houses with smaller yards but a shorter commute to work over houses with larger yards but a longer commute to work (57 percent to 36 percent).  A neighborhood with a mix of houses, stores and businesses that are easy to walk to is preferred over a neighborhood with houses only that requires driving to stores and businesses (60 percent to 35 percent).  Nevertheless, when given a choice between a detached, single family house that requires driving to shops and a longer commute to work and an apartment or condominium with an easy walk to shops and a shorter commute to work, a strong majority prefers the single family home – even with the longer commute (57 percent to 39 percent).}
A new Study was conducted to measure the polarization in America.
Interestingly enough, America isn't as polarized as Washington, DC or USMB. What a surprise, well maybe not.
In Washington, when our elected officials aren't out raising funds, they are in the chambers playing politics for the pleasure of their donors and their die-hard base.
Regarding the general populace, they aren't glued to the cable news propaganda machines. They get their news from less politicized resources, their local news, their evening networks news and maybe their newspaper. They think for themselves and really don't care for outside interference.
Of course, USMB's demographics don't really match up with this countries demographics. USMB is over-loaded with very strong partisanship basically led by the far fringes.
Personally, I hope the American landscape stays that way.
New Study Finds People in Red and Blue Districts Largely Agree on What Government Should Do
A new study released July 2 by Voice Of the People finds remarkably little difference between the views of people who live in red (Republican) districts or states, and those who live in blue (Democratic) districts or states on questions about what policies the government should pursue. The study analyzed 388 questions asking what the government should do in regard to a wide range of policy issues and found that that most people living in red districts/states disagreed with most people in blue districts/states on only four percent of the questions.
“A Not So Divided America,” contradicts the conventional wisdom that the political gridlock between Democrats and Republicans in Congress arises from deep disagreements over policy among the general public. The study was a joint project of Voice Of the People and the Program for Public Consultation (PPC), affiliated with the University of Maryland.

Here is the link to the study:
People who love the United States of American, love the "United" part because it is essential to this country's survival.
It sure isn't reflected on election day. They all become creatures of habit when casting votes. If they all agreed, then we're in really deep do-do.
The majority of the country agrees with what Dems are trying to do, but the amount of Pub misinformation and hateful propaganda has misinformed and distracted them about the ISSUES. See also MSM cowardice and refusal to deal in journalism and informing the brainwashed loudmouths and bought off pundits.
You should read The Big Sort. It's available on Amazon.

Thanks for the heads up.
The book was written eight years ago. At that time people were moving to homogeneous environments ala "the suburbs". Now there is movement towards to city.
The New American Dream Is Living in a City, Not Owning a House in the Suburbs
Americans Increasingly Want to Live in Cities Not Suburbs
Of course a city offers much more diversity which in turn opens the doors to more diverse trains of thought, unlike a homogeneous setting where people seem to think alike. As noted in the article, the people moving to the city are typically younger.
However, it's pretty clear (and several polls verify this), that people are getting tired of all the bickering, politicization and the partisanship in Washington by both parties. People in general from all sides of the fence agree on this frustration. Therefore, as times have changed people's opinions change and people are just plain sick of the polarization. It's an ugly distraction.

The government wants people in high density, urban housing. I see no factual evidence that people actually want to be herded into these cages. Central planners seek what it best for government, not what is best for people.

{A majority prefers houses with small yards and easy walks to schools, stores and restaurants over houses with large yards but where you have to drive to get to schools, stores and restaurants (55 percent to 40 percent).  An even larger majority prefers houses with smaller yards but a shorter commute to work over houses with larger yards but a longer commute to work (57 percent to 36 percent).  A neighborhood with a mix of houses, stores and businesses that are easy to walk to is preferred over a neighborhood with houses only that requires driving to stores and businesses (60 percent to 35 percent).  Nevertheless, when given a choice between a detached, single family house that requires driving to shops and a longer commute to work and an apartment or condominium with an easy walk to shops and a shorter commute to work, a strong majority prefers the single family home – even with the longer commute (57 percent to 39 percent).}
Luckily, high rise projects and Robert Moses thruways along waterfronts are seldom approved anymore...
The majority of the country agrees with what Dems are trying to do, but the amount of Pub misinformation and hateful propaganda has misnformed and distracted them about the ISSUES.
Tell all of them to look on Main Street America for all the answers. Tell them to ignore what politicians say, and what biased news media says. The real truth is on Main Street America. Tell them to talk to families, store owners, low wage workers, part-time workers, and temporary workers. Have them talk to Vets, the elderly, the homeless, and the disabled. The real story and truth is right outside their front door. Oh, have them look at the rundown infrastructure also, and the malls that have become ghost buildings. Tell them to go talk to those that have troubled pension funds, and the ones that have lost the equity in their homes. Let them talk to the people that live in the cities that are going bankrupt, and have them look at the closed plants and factories that once provided living wage self-supporting jobs that covered all education and skill levels.

Or, they could talk to the college grads that are living with parents while flipping burgers for a living. Oh, and lets not forget to ask them what their health care cost, and the deductible that comes with their insurance. Yep, both sides will say we're doing great. And, both sides will make a lot of promised to fix each issue.
The usual claptrap...We need a jobs/infrsructure ACT, training for jobs going begging, cheaper college loans, and slightly higher taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, 55% pay NOTHING. Now can you figure out who's for that , and who's against? See sig for how we're doing after 30 years of pander to the rich tax rates and policies.
Anyone know who caused the 2008 WORLD DEPRESSION or the stupidest wars EVER? lol

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