New Testament Contradictions

You have proof he didn't?

Burden of proof rests with he who claims the positive.

If God loves mankind and wants man to love and understand him- why the convoluted, non-sensible, and ludicrous way of doing things? This could have been done MUCH simpler and more easily

I'm gonna go with occam's razor on this one. You need too many qualifiers and assumptions, making your hypothesis inferior
Hi JBeukema with Agnapostate mentioned:

Burden of proof rests with he who claims the positive.

No sir. The burden of proof is upon the "Topic Starter" claiming that 'Contradictions' exist in God's Living Word. Everybody else 'advocates' your hypothesis, or stands in 'opposition' to your OP proposal on 'two sides' of this deliberation process. JB offered up his cut and paste jobs in the Opening Post to support 'his' conclusion that God's Word contains contradictions, which I answered in Post #154. Now JB ‘can’ write defending arguments for his original argument OR he simply cannot. Period. Rather than try and defend his theory that God’s Living Word contains all of these contradictions, he chose to attack ‘my person’ (wonderful) with charges that I am ‘delusional.’ :0)

Anybody who has to put their own belives in that many quotations and qualify a statement so much is clearly delusional. If you god were real, you could give a straight answer without qualifying every other word.

In other words, I am delusional for actually taking the time to support my arguments using Scripture and a host of diagrams (Acts 13:41 is addressed to you . . .), but this guy has nothing in defense of his original notion that God’s Living Word contains contradictions. No sir. This JB character is pointing his finger at me, which finds three witnesses pointing straight back at him. :0)

If God loves mankind and wants man to love and understand him- why the convoluted, non-sensible, and ludicrous way of doing things? This could have been done MUCH simpler and more easily.

Now God is a simpleton and must do things the easy way, or His Living Word is littered with all of these supposed contradictions. No sir. I challenge JB and everyone here to cut and paste your seeming contradictions to this thread, with my name at the top of your post, so I can come behind and show these readers that God Living Word ‘cannot be broken’ (John 10:35) ‘and’ no contradiction exists anywhere.

I'm gonna go with occam's razor on this one. You need too many qualifiers and assumptions, making your hypothesis inferior

Bullony! Stand up like a man and defend ‘your’ OP theory that God’s Word is filled with contradictions, OR run away and admit defeat by your own inability to send back anything resembling a ‘supported’ defending argument. Bring your USMB friends that support your hypothesis, so we can have a nice one-sided debate; where you guys go down in flames. You guys should be warned that Agnapostate tried this same kind of trickery with a challenge on one of my threads here, which I answered (here) in Post #82. He had no luck trying to defend his nonsense ‘and’ neither will any of you. Your problem is that this side of the debate has 1000 times the Bible knowledge of all of my opponents combined ‘and’ that is a gross understatement of the facts.

Either send me a defending argument against my supported rebuttal in Post #154 (not holding my breath), OR send me some more of your cut and paste ‘seeming’ contradictions to answer using Scripture and more diagrams . . .

Surely you can out-debate just one delusional tinfoil hat-wearing idiot . . . :0)


terral, prove to me that there was a guy who lived 900 years. You can back up your statements with scripture if you want, but you can't prove any scriptures to be true, it's just a lot of hot air written by people who didn't even witness the events and have no proof of any of it happening.
You can delude yourself that it's the word of god, but it was all written by MEN, not gods.
Hi TofuDog:

terral, prove to me that there was a guy who lived 900 years. You can back up your statements with scripture if you want, but you can't prove any scriptures to be true, it's just a lot of hot air written by people who didn't even witness the events and have no proof of any of it happening.

You can delude yourself that it's the word of god, but it was all written by MEN, not gods.

Even the TofuDog (heh) is entitled to his unsupported 'hot air' opinions. Those among you wishing to 'discredit' the truth of God's Living and unbroken Word should perhaps think about writing on things you 'do' believe in :)cuckoo:).


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from a guy who worships yoda, lol.

I believe that you can't prove anything about your book written by men a super long time after the events were supposed to have happened. None of you can.
No sir. The burden of proof is upon the "Topic Starter" claiming that 'Contradictions' exist in God's Living Word.

Wrong. Logic rules, here. Alliebaba made the claim that a man lived for 900 years- it is on him(?) to prove it

Now God is a simpleton and must do things the easy way, or His Living Word is littered with all of these supposed contradictions. No sir.

Correction: You offer a convoluted hypothesis with numerous assumptions and no evidence. That makes your hypothesis inferior to the standard theory. you must prove that you hypothesis- after fleshing it out into a theory- offers a better explanation of the universe. Until you do, you can post all the pictures you want and they mean nothing more than Asimov's detailed history of his universe

no contradiction exists anywhere.
Why does you god change his mind about the Jews being the 'Super race'?

How can those never exposed to your religion be ounished for 'refusing' your deity?

Bullony! Stand up like a man and defend ‘your’ OP theory that God’s Word is filled with contradictions, OR run away and admit defeat by your own inability to send back anything resembling a ‘supported’ defending argument.

If your god is willing that none should perish, why does he harden their hearts and create men he knows will burn? It says that God chooses who is drawn to him. That rules out free will, and makes the 'choice' meaningless. Thus, salvation cannot exist

You need to learn how o use quotations, btw, if you want to be understood at all

terral, prove to me that there was a guy who lived 900 years. You can back up your statements with scripture if you want, but you can't prove any scriptures to be true, it's just a lot of hot air written by people who didn't even witness the events and have no proof of any of it happening.
You can delude yourself that it's the word of god, but it was all written by MEN, not gods.

He can't prove it. so far, he's offered nothing more meaningful than tolkien's very in-depth stories of Middle Earth and images that really mean nothing. He;s done nothing to demonstrate how the images men anything at all
Actually, I didn't make the claim. Tofoo made a sneering reference to it as a lie, and I told him to prove it was a lie.

Just for the record.
the 'bible' as an infallible source of the word of an infallible god: DEBUNKED
'Gogd' can defend and protect his word: DEBUNKED
The NT 'fixes' the OT: DEBUNKED


What pray tell is the fundamental premise in Christianity?

That he was a man is true.
That he was with the Father is also true.
That he was a new Adam is also true.
That he tried to resolve the equality: God is Love. Love is God. The equivalent of diving by zero in mathematics is to do so (commonly call the apple on the Tree of Knowledge). Please Google 'oceanic feeling' a gateway to madness or God, or read Doctor Fromm's book 'The art of loving'. The information I give you here was acquired the hard way!

I feel sorry for the man.
So prove he didn't live 900 years.
that's not how logic works. Prove I'm not 1200 years old, purple, and blessed with a 24 inch member with which I anally violate you every night in your sleep

What pray tell is the fundamental premise in Christianity?

That the biblical texts ae true. Every claim stems from that premise

That he was with the Father is also true.
prove it
That he was a new Adam is also true.
prove it

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