New Testament Contradictions

It's all right there in Genesis 5, that's all the proof you need.

Anyone can write a book of fiction. That's like believing that Alice in Wonderland was a true story and solid PROOF of god's existence.
Dude, please sober up next time before you post.
It's all right there in Genesis 5, that's all the proof you need.

Anyone can write a book of fiction. That's like believing that Alice in Wonderland was a true story and solid PROOF of god's existence.
Dude, please sober up next time before you post.

Tell ya what tofu brains, YOU write a book that is still talked about 2,500 years later, and then we'll talk.

Until then.......take your atheist bullshit elsewhere.
It's all right there in Genesis 5, that's all the proof you need.

Anyone can write a book of fiction. That's like believing that Alice in Wonderland was a true story and solid PROOF of god's existence.
Dude, please sober up next time before you post.

Everything else in the Bible that we can verify is true. There is no reason not to believe this is also true without some reason.
"Everything else in the Bible that we can verify is true. There is no reason not to believe this is also true without some reason." ok, prove to me that a guy lived for 900 years. Then prove to me that noah got 2 of every species (and their food for 40 days) onto 1 boat. Then prove to me that the flood actually happened. If you prove those, I will be very impressed.
When did the fig tree hear of its doom? (Matthew 21:17-19) Jesus cursed the fig tree after purging the temple. (Mark 11:14-15 & 20) He cursed it before the purging.

Jesus owes Sheila a couple of quarters.
Tell ya what tofu brains, YOU write a book that is still talked about 2,500 years later, and then we'll talk.

Until then.......take your atheist bullshit elsewhere.

Make sure you mark that in your appointment book because you're sure to forget it by then.
It's all right there in Genesis 5, that's all the proof you need.

How dare ye question the existence of the dark lord Sauron. The prophet Tolkien has written of him in the Eternal Tomes of Middle Earth!

The bible's not really a book. It's a library that changes over time and aries between churches
Tell ya what tofu brains, YOU write a book that is still talked about 2,500 years later, and then we'll talk.

Until then.......take your atheist bullshit elsewhere.

Nice try but that is the bandwagon fallacy. Just because a belief has existed for a long time or is very popular does not make it truth. Read the following:

The Uniqueness of the Bible

"Because of their commitment, these believers circulated the Bible, translated it, and protected it more than is usual for books. No one denies that zealous commitment has long been characteristic of Bible believers, but much more than this is required to establish the truth of any philosophical belief."
"Everything else in the Bible that we can verify is true. There is no reason not to believe this is also true without some reason." ok, prove to me that a guy lived for 900 years. Then prove to me that noah got 2 of every species (and their food for 40 days) onto 1 boat. Then prove to me that the flood actually happened. If you prove those, I will be very impressed.

According to the Bible, God created the first humans—Adam and Eve—without sin and with the ability to live forever. God gave the first human couple everything they needed for their eternal health and happiness in the Garden of Eden; but He warned them not to eat fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or they would die, as indeed would all their descendants after them (Genesis 2:16–17). When Satan’s deception prompted Eve to disobey this command and then Adam willfully disobeyed, their minds and bodies profoundly changed (Genesis 3). Not only did they become subject to death, but their firstborn child (Cain) became the world’s first murderer. Truly, the wages of sin is death, physically and spiritually. It is sobering to think that the Bible would have been only a few pages long—from creation to the fall into sin—were it not for the undeserved love of God who both promised and sent the Messiah to save us from sin and death (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 25:8; Psalm 49:14–15; 1 John 5:13).

Noah's Ark was three stories high (Genesis 6:16). Its total deck area was equivalent to the area of about 20 standard college basketball courts or 36 lawn tennis courts. The rectangular dimensions of the Ark show an advanced design in ship-building. Its length of six times its width and 10 times its height would have made it amazingly stable on the ocean. Remember it was made more for floating than sailing, because it wasn't headed anywhere. The Ark was made to withstand a turbulent ocean voyage, not to be at a certain place at a certain time.
It's not up to any believer to prove anything to any non-believer when the non-believer comes not in truth. Knock the dust off your feet and move on. You're wasting time arguing with these non-believers who demand to know the truth but deny its existence.
It's not up to any believer to prove anything to any non-believer when the non-believer comes not in truth. Knock the dust off your feet and move on. You're wasting time arguing with these non-believers who demand to know the truth but deny its existence.

I would think it would take more faith to believe all life derived from one single cell, than to believe in the Biblical account of creation. IMHO
"Everything else in the Bible that we can verify is true. There is no reason not to believe this is also true without some reason." ok, prove to me that a guy lived for 900 years. Then prove to me that noah got 2 of every species (and their food for 40 days) onto 1 boat. Then prove to me that the flood actually happened. If you prove those, I will be very impressed.

I never said I could show you empirical evidence to prove everything in the Bible. I said everything which is in the Bible for which empirical evidence exists shows that the record in the Bible is accurate. If you disagree with that statement then the onus is on you to find empirical evidence which shows that something in the Bible is in inaccurate.

Why do I always have to explain the basic concepts of thought and logic to people who supposedly hold rationalism and reason in such high regard?
lonestar, that boat wouldn't hold 2% of the world's animals, and don't forget food for 40 days as well. Plus, only 2 of everything would mean that some species would die off.

hillbilly, so what is there empirical evidence for, except possibly some cities that existed and were discovered through archeology?
So are you saying that because a couple of things might be right, that that makes everything in the book right too? Cuz you know that doesn't make sense I hope.

rr1, thanks for admitting you can't prove anything. Now go back to your play station.
lonestar, that boat wouldn't hold 2% of the world's animals, and don't forget food for 40 days as well. Plus, only 2 of everything would mean that some species would die off.

hillbilly, so what is there empirical evidence for, except possibly some cities that existed and were discovered through archeology?
So are you saying that because a couple of things might be right, that that makes everything in the book right too? Cuz you know that doesn't make sense I hope.

rr1, thanks for admitting you can't prove anything. Now go back to your play station.

Most Hebrew scholars believe the cubit to have been no less than 18 inches long [45.72 centimeters]. This means that the ark would have been at least 450 feet long [137.16 meters], 75 feet wide [22.86 meters] and 45 feet high [13.716000000000001 meters].

The total cubic volume would have been 1,518,000 cubic feet [462,686.4 cubic meters] --that would be equal to the capacity of 569 modern railroad stock cars.

According to Ernest Mayr, America's leading taxonomist, there are over 1 million species of animals in the world. However, the vast majority of these are capable of surviving in water and would not need to be brought aboard the ark. Noah need make no provision for the 21,000 species of fish or the 1,700 tunicates (marine chordates like sea squirts) found throughout the seas of the world, or the 600 echinoderms including star fish and sea urchins, or the 107,000 mollusks such as mussels, clams and oysters, or the 10,000 coelenterates like corals and sea anemones, jelly fish and hydroids or the 5,000 species of sponges, or the 30,000 protozoans, the microscopic single-celled creatures.

In addition, some of the mammals are aquatic. For example, the whales, seals and porpoises. The amphibians need not all have been included, nor all the reptiles, such as sea turtles, and alligators. Moreover, a large number of the arthropods numbering 838,000 species, such as lobsters, shrimp, crabs and water fleas and barnacles are marine creatures. And the insect species among arthropoda are usually very small. Also, many of the 35,000 species of worms as well as many of the insects could have survived outside the Ark.

Doctors Morris and Whitcomb in their classic book,The Genesis Flood state that no more than 35,000 individual animals needed to go on the ark. In his well documented book, Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study, John Woodmorappe suggests that far fewer animals would have been transported upon the ark. By pointing out that the word “specie” is not equivalent to the “created kinds” of the Genesis account, Woodmorappe credibly demonstrates that as few as 2,000 animals may have been required on the ark. To pad this number for error, he continues his study by showing that the ark could easily accommodate 16,000 animals.)

But, let's be generous and add on a reasonable number to include extinct animals. Then add on some more to satisfy even the most skeptical. Let's assume 50,000 animals, far more animals than required, were on board the ark, and these need not have been the largest or even adult specimens.

Remember there are really only a few very large animals, such as the dinosaur or the elephant, and these could be represented by young ones. Assuming the average animal to be about the size of a sheep and using a railroad car for comparison, we note that the average double-deck stock car can accommodate 240 sheep. Thus, three trains hauling 69 cars each would have ample space to carry the 50,000 animals, filling only 37% of the ark. This would leave an additional 361 cars or enough to make 5 trains of 72 cars each to carry all of the food and baggage plus Noah's family of eight people. The Ark had plenty of space.
It's not up to any reasonable person to prove anything to any delusional clinger to myth and superstition when the anti-intellectual comes not in truth. Knock the dust off your feet and move on. You're wasting time arguing with these fools who demand to know the truth but deny its existence.

(Edited for honesty)

I would think it would take more faith to believe all life derived from one single cell, than to believe in the Biblical account of creation. IMHO
That's because you're uneducated and ignorant

Anyone who throws out evolution (a proven/observed FACT) in favor of [ame=""]superevolution[/ame] and vague talk of 'kinds' in some rehashed fairy tale is hopeless

lonestar, that boat wouldn't hold 2% of the world's animals, and don't forget food for 40 days as well. Plus, only 2 of everything would mean that some species would die off.
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trust JB, he's a Reverend
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It's not up to any reasonable person to prove anything to any delusional clinger to myth and superstition when the anti-intellectual comes not in truth. Knock the dust off your feet and move on. You're wasting time arguing with these fools who demand to know the truth but deny its existence.

(Edited for honesty)

I would think it would take more faith to believe all life derived from one single cell, than to believe in the Biblical account of creation. IMHO
That's because you're uneducated and ignorant

Anyone who throws out evolution (a proven/observed FACT) in favor of [ame=""]superevolution[/ame] and vague talk of 'kinds' in some rehashed fairy tale is hopeless

lonestar, that boat wouldn't hold 2% of the world's animals, and don't forget food for 40 days as well. Plus, only 2 of everything would mean that some species would die off.

A canine has always been a canine, through breeding and adaptations there are now many different varieties of canines but they are all fucking canines. To prove REAL evolution show that the canine evolved from a single cell organism or evolved from a fish or some such bullshit.
Lonestar, by your own admission, the ark could contain 16,ooo animals, or a mere 8,000 species. But you forgot to include room for all the food that all these animals would need for 40 days. So what's up, no food?

And sorry, but 8,000 species? Is that how many species you think live on land today? Geez, get an education.

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