New Trump ad featuring Mexican cop-killer slammed as 'racist' and 'divisive' by experts

You are probably also terrible with a woman.
Don't do a lot of black women. I guess it's ebonics and faces like Stacey Abrahms - yuk!

You probably don't do any women, but you probably like...……

OK, you decide for yourself:

Whadayou, frigging nuts?

I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but that's a bit much!
You aren't serious.
OK, so some like fat black dyks while others are more impressed with more feminenen blond women.

Still, seems a bit weird. I guess you'd have to be black for that to make sense.

I guess your right if a dried up hag is your thing.
Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.

Are they peeing in their pants or pointing out yet another Trump lie. The facts show he was lying, but as usual Trumpers will come out and try to defend the lie.
Care to point out the lie? Should be easy. How is anything in the video a lie?

The lie has already been pointed out. Trump claimed democrats let him come back into this country. Clinton deported him (democrat) and he came back under Bush 43 (republican). That shouldn't be to hard for you to figure out.
Perhaps Trump was thinking of the sanctuary state California that harbored a killer like Bracamontes in it's cocoon of safety for illegals. I can't find any time line of when he was deported and crossed back across the border.

Where is your information coming from?

As fact-checkers from the Sacramento Bee, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, and elsewhere dutifully pointed out, Bracamontes was not "let in" to the country by Democrats, but rather crossed the border illegally and was deported under Republican and Democratic administrations. He illegally entered the country in 1996, was deported in 1997, re-entered, got arrested and released by far-right Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, was deported again in 2001, and came back into the country again during the George W. Bush administration before going on his killing spree in 2014. The video's attribution of blame onto Democrats for Bracamontes being in the country was completely false: "There is no evidence that any Democrat—or anyone, for that matter—allowed Bracamontes to stay," wrote the AP.

The Racist Trump Ad Is Based on a Lie, but That Doesn't Matter

Ignorance is bliss.

Hold your breath until it's done.

Keep whining when Trump keeps some illegals out.
Middle America loves when you shout that secure borders are racist.

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?
All of them.

Which Republicabns are so stupid that they think the rump wall is the solution?

All of them.

That's why they fight so hard against a real, physical barrier. DERP!

Even you aren't stupid enough to believe Dems want a secure border.

….but it's obvious you are stupid enough to believe that they do.
Once we build the wall, who cares?

Hold your breath until it's done.

Keep whining when Trump keeps some illegals out.
Middle America loves when you shout that secure borders are racist.

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?

The same amount as Republicans.

Keep whining when Trump keeps some illegals out.
Middle America loves when you shout that secure borders are racist.

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?
All of them.

Which Republicabns are so stupid that they think the rump wall is the solution?

All of them.

That's why they fight so hard against a real, physical barrier. DERP!

Even you aren't stupid enough to believe Dems want a secure border.

….but it's obvious you are stupid enough to believe that they do.
The ad is for more secure borders. Your comments indicate you agree with it.

That's all it's asking you to do.
Hold your breath until it's done.

Keep whining when Trump keeps some illegals out.
Middle America loves when you shout that secure borders are racist.

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?

The same amount as Republicans.


Hold your breath until it's done.

Keep whining when Trump keeps some illegals out.
Middle America loves when you shout that secure borders are racist.

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?

The same amount as Republicans.


Here we go again. If we don't have a Trump wall, our borders aren't secure.

I get it.

This is what Trump says &this is what his feeble minded supporters believe.
The video is full of lies and he knows they are lies, but he runs with it because he knows Trumpers will do nothing but try and defend his lies.
What lies? Didn't you read the article you posted?

Quoting from the article in the OP:

"President Donald Trump's latest campaign ad featuring an immigrant who was convicted of killing police officers is being criticized as racist and drawing parallels to another controversial commercial that seemed to play on the same fears 30 years ago.

Luis Bracamontes is a Mexican immigrant who was sentenced to the death penalty in April after being convicted of killing two California sheriff's deputies in 2014."

Hello there fellow "reasonable people" Let me run the analysis. Did somebody say Trump?

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?
All of them.

Which Republicabns are so stupid that they think the rump wall is the solution?

All of them.

That's why they fight so hard against a real, physical barrier. DERP!

Even you aren't stupid enough to believe Dems want a secure border.

….but it's obvious you are stupid enough to believe that they do.
The ad is for more secure borders. Your comments indicate you agree with it.

That's all it's asking you to do.

Minus the lies in the ad.

Keep whining when Trump keeps some illegals out.
Middle America loves when you shout that secure borders are racist.

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?

The same amount as Republicans.



I've never heard the President say that the dems want open borders.

I've know that since before Trump was a T.V. star.

So, your meme, is incorrect.

My stands.
Keep whining when Trump keeps some illegals out.
Middle America loves when you shout that secure borders are racist.

Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?

The same amount as Republicans.


Here we go again. If we don't have a Trump wall, our borders aren't secure.

I get it.

This is what Trump says &this is what his feeble minded supporters believe.

Your words have nothing to do with anything I said or feel.

YOu are an idiot.
Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?

The same amount as Republicans.



I've never heard the President say that the dems want open borders.

I've know that since before Trump was a T.V. star.

So, your meme, is incorrect.

My stands.

Well let me clear that up for you.
Know you mean racist love to lie that folks don't want secure borders. Amazing how right wingers claim they want secure borders, but they have had all 3 houses and haven't done shit.

Which Democrats want secure borders?

The same amount as Republicans.


Here we go again. If we don't have a Trump wall, our borders aren't secure.

I get it.

This is what Trump says &this is what his feeble minded supporters believe.

Your words have nothing to do with anything I said or feel.

YOu are an idiot.

After you watch the video we will see you are the idiot.

I've never heard the President say that the dems want open borders.

I've know that since before Trump was a T.V. star.

So, your meme, is incorrect.

My stands.

Well let me clear that up for you.

Wow. You really are stupid.

You stupidly claimed that my position was based on being told by Trump what to think.

I told you truthfully, that I have never heard the President saying that "dems want open borders".

I'm not surprised that he has said it, it is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

But I don't generally listen to speeches, unless some point in them becomes a point of debate.

So, your previous claim is debunked, and not revived because you found an example of him saying it.

Are you able to follow that, or is it too complex for your NPC programming?
Which Democrats want secure borders?
All of them.

Which Republicabns are so stupid that they think the rump wall is the solution?

All of them.

That's why they fight so hard against a real, physical barrier. DERP!

Even you aren't stupid enough to believe Dems want a secure border.

….but it's obvious you are stupid enough to believe that they do.
The ad is for more secure borders. Your comments indicate you agree with it.

That's all it's asking you to do.

Minus the lies in the ad.

Then it is effective and another reason to vote for The Don.

No real brotha, super, duper, or otherwise, wants more like him in his hood.
Experts like who? Super bad segregationist?

Don't you just love the way these guys begin a sentence???

Experts say
Some people are saying
Those in the know
Authorities have said
Some have inferred


When you see any of these openings the bullshit alarm should begin to go off immediately. I mean they just spew this stuff out and think that it goes over everyone's head. Amazing.

.......everybody with any intelligence knows the R words are worthless and have been over used
EVERYTHING and ALL Republicans are racist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we get it need to tell us 5 MILLION times
we don't give a FK if anyone is racist anymore
here--read this:
we don't care--in fact we laugh


I've never heard the President say that the dems want open borders.

I've know that since before Trump was a T.V. star.

So, your meme, is incorrect.

My stands.

Well let me clear that up for you.

Wow. You really are stupid.

You stupidly claimed that my position was based on being told by Trump what to think.

I told you truthfully, that I have never heard the President saying that "dems want open borders".

I'm not surprised that he has said it, it is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

But I don't generally listen to speeches, unless some point in them becomes a point of debate.

So, your previous claim is debunked, and not revived because you found an example of him saying it.

Are you able to follow that, or is it too complex for your NPC programming?

There are two Caravans in question here.
The one on its way up from Mexico is full of paid marching needy people who can hardly understand that they're being used as puppets and being turned into victims for the sake of a useless globalist agenda.

The other Caravan is a long parade of zombified, bongtastic automatons marching stiff-legged and lemming like to the beat of the Great Lefty demagogue. Empty of expression and completely devoid of all critical thought.

Combine the two and you truly do have the zombie apocalypse.


I've never heard the President say that the dems want open borders.

I've know that since before Trump was a T.V. star.

So, your meme, is incorrect.

My stands.

Well let me clear that up for you.

Wow. You really are stupid.

You stupidly claimed that my position was based on being told by Trump what to think.

I told you truthfully, that I have never heard the President saying that "dems want open borders".

I'm not surprised that he has said it, it is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

But I don't generally listen to speeches, unless some point in them becomes a point of debate.

So, your previous claim is debunked, and not revived because you found an example of him saying it.

Are you able to follow that, or is it too complex for your NPC programming?

No it's not hard to see through Bullshit.


I've never heard the President say that the dems want open borders.

I've know that since before Trump was a T.V. star.

So, your meme, is incorrect.

My stands.

Well let me clear that up for you.

Wow. You really are stupid.

You stupidly claimed that my position was based on being told by Trump what to think.

I told you truthfully, that I have never heard the President saying that "dems want open borders".

I'm not surprised that he has said it, it is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

But I don't generally listen to speeches, unless some point in them becomes a point of debate.

So, your previous claim is debunked, and not revived because you found an example of him saying it.

Are you able to follow that, or is it too complex for your NPC programming?

There are two Caravans in question here.
The one on its way up from Mexico is full of paid marching needy people who can hardly understand that they're being used as puppets and being turned into victims for the sake of a useless globalist agenda.

The other Caravan is a long parade of zombified, bongtastic automatons marching stiff-legged and lemming like to the beat of the Great Lefty demagogue. Empty of expression and completely devoid of all critical thought.

Combine the two and you truly do have the zombie apocalypse.



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