New Trump ad mocks Obama

Did anyone notice that in the OP link an explanation was given as to why President Obama showed a need to get to the screening of the movie? There was a room full of families of fallen soldiers waiting for him so the movie could begin. Imagine, the President arranged for a special screening of a long-awaited movie and invited the kids and other family members of our fallen soldiers to visit the White House during the holiday season. He gave some children and other relatives of fallen soldiers a special honor and treat and reminded the nation about the families of our fallen soldiers. As the nation's leader, he reminded us that the families needed to be remembered and kept in our hearts during the holiday. Trump and his supporters are mocking the President for showing special attention to the families of fallen soldiers. Guess that means Trump would never think of doing something like that.
This foul hateful ad makes Trump a genuine POS. So much for the assholes concern for veterans and active duty military.
Uh huh. Foul and hateful to make fun of obama in a hurry to honor soldiers and their families by joining them to watch a movie. Boo hoo so mean. Remember how GWBush got ridiculed for finishing a story he was reading to school children on 9-11? Stop whining.

Trump is turning the GOP nomination process into an even bigger freak show than the one 4 years ago, and that was a pretty damn big freak show in and of itself.

Let's up the entertainment value. I say bring back Michele Bachmann, Alan Keyes, and Sarah (you remember her, don't you?) Palin.
Oh yes. Don't we all miss the good ole days of campaign freak shows... such as obama's oh so classy remark about Palin/ lipstick on a pig...

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