New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

This is why conservatives are so appropriately despised: the lies, the dishonesty, the ignorance and stupidity.

Are conservatives so stupid and ignorant they don’t even know they’re being dishonest; or are conservatives such blind partisan dishonest hacks that they’re oblivious to their ignorance and stupidity…

It’s a tossup.
I think you need to look in the mirror before you pass judgement on anyone else.

Oh, and FYI, conservatives aren't a monolithic group like you on the left.
We all tend to have individuality, whereas you aren't allowed to have any.
That's why the left uses fear to get what they want and always has.
Democrats will run out of indictments when their printers run out of toner. The cameras were in Trump's private residence he is under no obligation to preserve the footage.
Nixon’s 18 minutes of lost tape….
Could you dopes at least try and be original?
My god. You’re trying the exact same shit.

Trump charged with seeking to delete security footage in documents case​

Federal prosecutors announced new charges against Donald Trump in his alleged hoarding and hiding of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home, alleging the former president and a newly-charged aide tried to keep security camera footage from being reviewed by investigators.

Trump was also hit with a fresh charge, in addition to the 31 counts he already faces, of illegally retaining national defense information.

The indictment charges that Trump and two aides, Waltine “Walt” Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, requested that another Trump employee "delete security camera footage at the Mar-a-Lago Club to prevent the footage from being provided to a federal grand jury.”

De Oliveira is the second Trump aide to be charged in the documents case. Nauta was indicted alongside Trump in June, accused of helping the former president mislead investigators as they sought to retrieve all of the classified documents that remained at the former president’s home and private club after he left the White House.

New charges. And any day now, there is a third indictment on the way. Not to mention a fourth one very soon.

All of the Trumpcucks are dismissing this (and everything else). But if the tables were turned, if this was Biden, they'd be wanting him tarred and feathered.
This is the same exact scenario as Hillary deleting emails.
Haha, you REALLY want to change the subject...
The only case against Trump that could be legally damaging is the Georgia case... however... we all saw the lunatic Trump hating member of that grand jury and Trump's lawyers will use her TV appearances to bust that case apart....
Democrats will run out of indictments when their printers run out of toner. The cameras were in Trump's private residence he is under no obligation to preserve the footage.
Nixon’s 18 minutes of lost tape….
Could you dopes at least try and be original?
My god. You’re trying the exact same shit.
This is where timing is everything. Trump could have erased the tapes, just as Nixon could have, if done BEFORE, they received a subpoena for them.

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