New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

Zzz. It’s not really a new indictment, first of all. It’s just been modified with some additional charges.

And an indictment is merely an accusation. It isn’t evidence of a single word of anything it claims.
I love how the right-wing retards on this site label every piece of news as either Fake News! or challenge the dems to prove this or the other.

Listen, retards... this is the news. Just because you idiots won't accept it doesn't mean that charges don't exist or that your orange fuhrer will not have to answer for it.

So, keep denying it. Heck, label every single post as fake news etc... it still won't change the fact that your orange douchebag has been indicted twice and there may be two more on the way.

And he has to answer for it in every single jurisdiction that the cases have been filed in. Get it now? Good.
Zzz. It’s not really a new indictment, first of all. It’s just been modified with some additional charges.

And an indictment is merely an accusation. It isn’t evidence of a single word of anything it claims.
Awww... are you disappointed it isn't a new indictment? Not to worry. The third one is on the way. Sit tight.
Awww... are you disappointed it isn't a new indictment? Not to worry. The third one is on the way. Sit tight.
Nah, lass. I’m simply trying to correct another none of your numerous errors.

Minimus, you suck at this.
OK, cleaned up the thread. Try to keep the trolling and flaming to a minimum. And. . .

Yes, that IS strange.
Huber had 7 years to investigate.
Couldn't find anything in 4 years.
Then 3 years later, makes these claims.

It's almost like Trump himself, was investigating.
A clusterfuck of an investigation.
It is what it appeared to be.
The AG and the FBI director prevented them from conducting the investigation properly.
The AG and the FBI director prevented investigations on Biden, Obama, and Hillary but then turned around and decided that these same offenses merited indictments against Trump, even though there's no missing emails or destroyed cell phones or Bleachbit servers.
Everything this administration does is purely political.
That's how it appears, and that is what is going on.
And as usual the reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.
That's rich, especially since you seem to be supporting people who want to teach our kids to cut off their tits and their peckers, and want them watching middle-aged men flapping their privates in public and in girl's bathrooms.
Zzz. It’s not really a new indictment, first of all. It’s just been modified with some additional charges.

And an indictment is merely an accusation. It isn’t evidence of a single word of anything it claims.
An indictment is an accusatory pleading and not a finding of guilt. It is based on a standard of proof consisting of strong suspicion or probable cause as opposed to "proof beyond reasonable doubt” which is required for a conviction in a court trial.
you have evidence Hillary ordered a deletion?
We have her own statements that she said she had the right to decide what was private and what was government business.

She said "That decision was made by an official....I was the official".

you have evidence Hillary ordered a deletion?
We have her own statements that she said she had the right to decide what was private and what was government business.

She said "That decision was made by an official....I was the official".

He tried to....according to Jack Smith...which isn't the same as actually doing it.
There is no evidence here that Trump destroyed evidence.
There is, however, not only evidence that Hillary destroyed evidence, but there is her own admissions that she destroyed evidence.

Can you tell the difference here, Dumbass?

What I'm seeing here is Jack Smith is trying to convict Trump for his thoughts, but James Comey refused to charge Hillary for what she actually did and admitted to doing.

If I were to say to my lawyer; "I wish you would cheat on my taxes", is that a crime?


The crime is telling your lawyer to cheat on your taxes and he goes ahead and does it. That is a conspiracy to commit a crime.

What I'm seeing is a crooked prosecutor using some sort of threat or bribe to obtain a false-statement from a Trump employee. That's why he's just now issuing the indictment. Because he's been able to scare someone into flipping on Trump.
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Awww... are you disappointed it isn't a new indictment? Not to worry. The third one is on the way. Sit tight.
Yes. This one is about Trump's evil intentions....not about anything he actually did.
There is no conspiracy here because on it's face this indictment is nothing more than an allegation that Trump was telling giving orders to which they said they can't legally do it. That is the worse case scenario they're trying to apply, which may not even be true. My suspicions are that Jack Smith offered a deal to a Trump employee to get them to sign a false-statement.
There's no crime here. Not even the hint of a crime, (other than the crime of leaking sealed indictments to the press and later presenting perjured testimony in court. That is the crime).

However, the gullible assholes here on USMB think there's a Trump crime involved here. Maybe even worth sending someone to jail for the rest of their lives so they can never run for POTUS ever again.

I can't wait for the judge that overseas this crock of shit to tear these prosecutors a new asshole in court. That would be fun to watch. I would pay to see that happen.
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