New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

You just love to make up “dog whistles” when it’s a Republican you’re going after, but a demo like Biden? Or Watters, there’s nothing to see there
It comes down to cause and effect.
Something stirred up thousands of people to commit felonies on January 6th.
Calling people “naive” is what right wingers say when they want people to believe something that they have zero evidence for.
If you don't believe in the latest conspiracy theory, you must be naive.
Calling people “naive” is what right wingers say when they want people to believe something that they have zero evidence for.
No, it’s how postman sounds in that post….Nothing more troll
Of course she did, scumbag. It's thoroughly documented.

We've been over that bullshit for years, there was never any finding like that by investigators.

And If you still belive it was "thoroughly documented" then how come Trump's DOJ, headed by Republicans he appointed, didn't use that "thorough documentation" to prosecute Clinton? How does that all add up in your silly head?
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Actually destroying subpoenaed evidence is a very serious crime.
One more nail in Trump's coffin.

First of all, the right to privacy is paramount.
Second is that if it is not known for sure that the video absolutely has evidence, then it is known as "an illegal fishing expedition".
You are not legally supposed to be able to subpoena unless you already have solid proof.
All the subpoenas are illegal since there is no crime to warrant any subpoenas.
Presidents have absolute and complete arbitrary authority over all classified docs of their administration.
Trump can give himself all the copies he wants.
Moron, if it was "thoroughly documented" then how come Trump's DOJ, headed by Republicans he appointed, didn't use that "thorough documentation" to prosecute Clinton?

How stupid can you be?

Because Trump IS NOT a wannabe dictator.
If it was "thoroughly documented" then how come Trump's DOJ, headed by Republicans he appointed, didn't use that "thorough documentation" to prosecute Clinton?

How does that all add up in your head?
Trump wanted to be a nice guy. He didn't understand that he was dealing with tarantulas. He also picked a spineless AG.
It comes down to cause and effect.
Something stirred up thousands of people to commit felonies on January 6th.

The only "felony" I saw on Jan 6 was when Bryn deliberately shot Ashlie Babbett in the neck from less than 10' away, without any warning.
Trump wanted to be a nice guy.


Why did Trump the "nice guy" lie to you morons about locking up Clinton once he gets into WH?

Thats not nice, is it?
No, it’s how postman sounds in that post….Nothing more troll
People aren’t naive just because they don’t believe your unsupported accusations.

You need evidence. Calling people names isn’t evidence.

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