NEW: Trump speaks out on murder of Laken Riley, Biden still Silent!

Of course it would have nothing to do with the thousands and thousands of citizen that called their reps to oppose the bill, in your fantasy land, everything you don't like, is Trumps fault. The bill was a bad bill, it's just that simple.

Bullshit, if Trump supported it and Republicans weren’t spreading falsehoods about it all the MAGAtards like you would be onboard.

I have yet to hear a single sane explanation what there is for rightwingers to not like about a deport-more-illegals-right-now bill.
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Bullshit, if Trump supported it and Republicans weren’t spreading falsehoods about it all the MAGAtards like you would be onboard.

I have yet to hear a single sane explanation what there is for rightwingers to not like about a deport-more-illegals-right-now bill.

Poor commie, I'm sure you are totally clueless as to why most reasonable people opposed that sham bill. Who would want a bill that allowed low level bureaucrats the authority to grant asylum and immediate work permits. We all know what kind of bureaucrats you commies would hire. We see it all over the commie States.

Here's a thought, stop letting the fuckers in and we won't have to worry about deporting them.

Poor commie, I'm sure you are totally clueless as to why most reasonable people opposed that sham bill. Who would want a bill that allowed low level bureaucrats the authority to grant asylum and immediate work permits. We all know what kind of bureaucrats you commies would hire. We see it all over the commie States.

Here's a thought, stop letting the fuckers in and we won't have to worry about deporting them.

Hey dumb shit,
When you are a blind cultist follower of the guy (Trump) who first got elected with the help of a commie (Putin) and whose presidency was propped up by that commie.....and who said he admires that commie and wants to be more like that commie...and when you support the commie invasion of Ukraine over the U.S. support of Ukraine...and when commie TV uses your MAGAt talking points as commie propaganda in their commie country (Russia).....

You look pretty damned retarded constantly calling other people "commies."
Poor commie, I'm sure you are totally clueless as to why most reasonable people opposed that sham bill. Who would want a bill that allowed low level bureaucrats the authority to grant asylum and immediate work permits. We all know what kind of bureaucrats you commies would hire. We see it all over the commie States.

Here's a thought, stop letting the fuckers in and we won't have to worry about deporting them.


They can deflect all they want. Fact is what we are saying is much closer to the truth then what they are spewing.

The reason they are soooooooo upset is-------->as of right now, every poll says the border is the number 1 issue. It seems even Black voters agree in massive numbers. It so far ahead of everything else right now, Biden 100% reversed course and now wnats to try and do EOs to save his Presidency, when just a few short weeks ago, he claimed to the country he could do nothing. All Americans now know that was a mistruth.

Add to that, the bastions of the Left........the big cities......are claiming they are all going broke and naming illegal migrants and Joe Biden as the reason. That is NOT the Right saying this, it is the Left.

The people on here can deflect all they want, but to their surprise, the country is not buying it, and EVERY poll proves that point! Watching them attempt an exercise in futility is almost comical if you ask me!
This is the getting stuffed full of bullshit I’m talking about.

Poor little commie, you don't even know what the fuck was in that piece of shit bill. Why the hell do you think xiden asked for more asylum officers than border patrol agents?

Hey dumb shit,
When you are a blind cultist follower of the guy (Trump) who first got elected with the help of a commie (Putin) and whose presidency was propped up by that commie.....and who said he admires that commie and wants to be more like that commie...and when you support the commie invasion of Ukraine over the U.S. support of Ukraine...and when commie TV uses your MAGAt talking points as commie propaganda in their commie country (Russia).....

You look pretty damned retarded constantly calling other people "commies."

Wow, you still believe in the russian collusion delusion even though it's been debunked by Mueller, and you think you have the room to call others retarded? ROFLMAO

They can deflect all they want. Fact is what we are saying is much closer to the truth then what they are spewing.

The reason they are soooooooo upset is-------->as of right now, every poll says the border is the number 1 issue. It seems even Black voters agree in massive numbers. It so far ahead of everything else right now, Biden 100% reversed course and now wnats to try and do EOs to save his Presidency, when just a few short weeks ago, he claimed to the country he could do nothing. All Americans now know that was a mistruth.

Add to that, the bastions of the Left........the big cities......are claiming they are all going broke and naming illegal migrants and Joe Biden as the reason. That is NOT the Right saying this, it is the Left.

The people on here can deflect all they want, but to their surprise, the country is not buying it, and EVERY poll proves that point! Watching them attempt an exercise in futility is almost comical if you ask me!

Anything xiden can do now he could have done 3 years ago, the campaign ads will write themselves if he attempts any grand gesture at this point.

Poor little commie, you don't even know what the fuck was in that piece of shit bill. Why the hell do you think xiden asked for more asylum officers than border patrol agents?

There you go throwing the "commie" word around again.
You DO know that Vlad Putin is a commie don't you?
Donald Trump loves and admires Vlad too.
You love and admire Donald Trump.
That actually makes YOU more commie than any of the other people you use that word on.
Project much dipshit?
Wow, you still believe in the russian collusion delusion even though it's been debunked by Mueller, and you think you have the room to call others retarded? ROFLMAO

Hahaha, Mueller didn't debunk collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians. He plainly stated that there is no crime called collusion, and instead looked for a criminal conspiracy case. He found plenty of contacts, aka collusion, between the two but not enough evidence of a criminal conspiracy between them. He also found that Russia did run an interference campaign that favored Benedict Donald, and Benedict Donald willingly accepted their assistance.
There you go throwing the "commie" word around again.
You DO know that Vlad Putin is a commie don't you?
Donald Trump loves and admires Vlad too.
You love and admire Donald Trump.
That actually makes YOU more commie than any of the other people you use that word on.
Project much dipshit?

Damn commie, you really are clueless. Run along and get tomorrows talking points for the commiecrat party.

Wow, you still believe in the russian collusion delusion even though it's been debunked by Mueller, and you think you have the room to call others retarded? ROFLMAO

Fake news.
There was plenty of contact between the trump campaign and The Kremlin in 2016 and plenty of assistance in interfering with our election in order to defeat Clinton and install Trump in office WHILE the Trump Campaign was lying through it's teeth about having NO contact with Russia during that summer!
It's all in The Mueller report, which I have read in it's entirety but am certain you have not based upon your comment here.
So you're just talking outta your ass again here thinking you could mention something Mueller said when you actually have NO fucking idea what Mueller ACTUALLY said.
Only what your cult has told you he "said."
Right Skippy?
Have I pretty much nailed it here.
Hillary was right. You should have listened to her wisdom.

Hahaha, Mueller didn't debunk collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians. He plainly stated that there is no crime called collusion, and instead looked for a criminal conspiracy case. He found plenty of contacts, aka collusion, between the two but not enough evidence of a criminal conspiracy between them. He also found that Russia did run an interference campaign that favored Benedict Donald, and Benedict Donald willingly accepted their assistance.

LMAO He also said, no American knowingly participated in the attempted russian campaign interference. I think that is pretty much all inclusive of Trump and his campaign. The ruskies also sponsored events on both sides of issues, so their activities weren't just pointed to aid Trump. It's amazing how you commies love to cherry pick shit for your propaganda.

Fake news.
There was plenty of contact between the trump campaign and The Kremlin in 2016 and plenty of assistance in interfering with our election in order to defeat Clinton and install Trump in office WHILE the Trump Campaign was lying through it's teeth about having NO contact with Russia during that summer!
It's all in The Mueller report, which I have read in it's entirety but am certain you have not based upon your comment here.
So you're just talking outta your ass again here thinking you could mention something Mueller said when you actually have NO fucking idea what Mueller ACTUALLY said.
Only what your cult has told you he "said."
Right Skippy?
Have I pretty much nailed it here.
Hillary was right. You should have listened to her wisdom.

See post 113.

LMAO He also said, no American knowingly participated in the attempted russian campaign interference. I think that is pretty much all inclusive of Trump and his campaign. The ruskies also sponsored events on both sides of issues, so their activities weren't just pointed to aid Trump. It's amazing how you commies love to cherry pick shit for your propaganda.

Trump and Vlad's deep state did a pretty good job of covering their tracks on The U.S. side huh?
Poor little commie, you don't even know what the fuck was in that piece of shit bill. Why the hell do you think xiden asked for more asylum officers than border patrol agents?


BS. Quote the part that reduces standards for getting asylum, not simply more processing hands to reduce back-log of applications. 95%+ if those applications get denied currently.

Bill adds 1300 border patrol agents with new powers to deport, that’s a fact.
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You have a point. If you write down on your paperwork, you are here to rape and murder, we should totally reject you.

What we shouldn't do is deny the millions of people who have legitimate asylum claims because some of them might be murderers.

Any more than we should deny every citizen a right to own a gun because a few of them might be school shooters.

If you want to ban all immigrants because some might commit crimes, then you should ban all private gun ownership, because some might be used to commit crimes.

What we shouldn’t do is pretend millions of illegals are entering the US as asylum seekers. The overwhelming majority of illegals are military age men who make no case for asylum.
What we shouldn’t do is pretend millions of illegals are entering the US as asylum seekers. The overwhelming majority of illegals are military age men who make no case for asylum.
taking you off ignore for a moment...

Says who? The actual law is pretty vague.

To be eligible for asylum, you must be:

  • Inside the United States
  • Able to demonstrate that you were persecuted or have a fear of persecution in your home country due to your:
    • Race
    • Religion
    • Nationality
    • Social group
    • Political opinion

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