New Twist to Thug Killing!

Question for the Irish Ram......your are house sitting for your grandparents......before he left your grandpa put his shotgun in the corner of your bedroom....telling you it is loaded and if you need to use it all you have to do is point it at the intruder, burglar or whoever and pull the trigger.

You are sound asleep in the upstairs bedroom when you hear someone break down the front door....then you hear steps coming up the stairs.

What would you do?

If someone was stupid enough to make enough noise by breaking down the door, I'd have a bead on them and shoot as soon as they got through. I would aim low, shoot, and then tell the cops to check the hospitals for the perp.

I'll do you one better. I'm sitting alone in my home. No phone, no electric. Hurricane Rita causing the creek to wipe out the garage, the electric poles, phone lines etc. Most evacuated. I did not. The hill behind my house was my exit should the water rise into the house. At 1am 2 men showed up to rob the house. I could see their silhouettes on the honeycomb shade. I reached over and took the loaded rifle in my lap. There is one loaded in nearly every corner in every room. I shoot skeet for sport, I also shoot snakes, raccoons that are killing the ducks, possums killing the chickens and other various vermin.
So, as they stood there deciding which window to enter, I sat 10 feet away. They had a flashlight in their hands. I had a gun with the safety off. So I pondered my options while they pondered their entrance. I knew there would be no need to kill them. I thought about popping one off right over their heads but I didn't want to break the window. I decided to let them go ahead and let one break in and then hit him in the shoulder.
BECAUSE even though I was the one in danger, due to their actions, had I shot them outside in my yard, I would be the one going to jail, not them.
In fact, in your scenario, if someone is coming up the steps, I am now obligated by law to try to climb out of a window or hide in a closet or some stupid shit before I act defensively. Not bloody likely.

And, if someone jumped out of the bushes somewhere and aimed a shotgun at me, I would instinctively try to get it away from the threat. So would you. That man was not putting the shooters in danger. It was the other way around.
Do you understand the 'CastleDocrine' .....what state do you live in? pointed out earlier there are only a few states that require you to retreat....and none of them specify you have to jump out a window or climb up inside a chimney etc. They simple tell you if you have the ability to retreat you should do so...if you can do so safely.

Which is a terrible law and that is why so many states have and or are enacting the stand your grouond law.

A person may think they can escape or retreat safely...but that might be a big mistake on their part as they run from the intruder coming through the front door by going out the back door there may be another bad guy in the back yard....or the intruder might chase them down and do whatever he wants to them.

The reason for the law that requires one to retreat obviously was designed to keep criminals alive.....thus they stupidly created that law because they had more concern for the perp than for the innocent homeowner.
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Question for the Irish Ram......your are house sitting for your grandparents......before he left your grandpa put his shotgun in the corner of your bedroom....telling you it is loaded and if you need to use it all you have to do is point it at the intruder, burglar or whoever and pull the trigger.

You are sound asleep in the upstairs bedroom when you hear someone break down the front door....then you hear steps coming up the stairs.

What would you do?

If someone was stupid enough to make enough noise by breaking down the door, I'd have a bead on them and shoot as soon as they got through. I would aim low, shoot, and then tell the cops to check the hospitals for the perp.

I'll do you one better. I'm sitting alone in my home. No phone, no electric. Hurricane Rita causing the creek to wipe out the garage, the electric poles, phone lines etc. Most evacuated. I did not. The hill behind my house was my exit should the water rise into the house. At 1am 2 men showed up to rob the house. I could see their silhouettes on the honeycomb shade. I reached over and took the loaded rifle in my lap. There is one loaded in nearly every corner in every room. I shoot skeet for sport, I also shoot snakes, raccoons that are killing the ducks, possums killing the chickens and other various vermin.
So, as they stood there deciding which window to enter, I sat 10 feet away. They had a flashlight in their hands. I had a gun with the safety off. So I pondered my options while they pondered their entrance. I knew there would be no need to kill them. I thought about popping one off right over their heads but I didn't want to break the window. I decided to let them go ahead and let one break in and then hit him in the shoulder.
BECAUSE even though I was the one in danger, due to their actions, had I shot them outside in my yard, I would be the one going to jail, not them.
In fact, in your scenario, if someone is coming up the steps, I am now obligated by law to try to climb out of a window or hide in a closet or some stupid shit before I act defensively. Not bloody likely.

And, if someone jumped out of the bushes somewhere and aimed a shotgun at me, I would instinctively try to get it away from the threat. So would you. That man was not putting the shooters in danger. It was the other way around.
Do you understand the 'CastleDocrine' .....what state do you live in? pointed out earlier there are only a few states require you to retreat....and none of them specify you have to jump out a windorw or climb up inside a chimney etc. They simple tell you if you have the ability to retreat you should do so...if you can do so safely. the state of Georgia is not against the law to go around armed....that is why you see so many pickups with a rifle or shotgun hung across the back of the cab.

The black guy was quite a distance from the parked truck...he had plenty of time to go in another direction even after he saw they were armed. At no time did anyone point a gun at him until he attacked.

No one was physically restraining him or place him under arrest. He had complete freedom of movement at all time. If you watch the complete video you will see him going to the right and then swerve left to attack....the angle of his approach is to surprise attack the guy with the shotgun....not to keep on jogging down the road.

Anyhow.....I still think you watched the edited video put out by the msm.
Question for the Irish Ram......your are house sitting for your grandparents......before he left your grandpa put his shotgun in the corner of your bedroom....telling you it is loaded and if you need to use it all you have to do is point it at the intruder, burglar or whoever and pull the trigger.

You are sound asleep in the upstairs bedroom when you hear someone break down the front door....then you hear steps coming up the stairs.

What would you do?

If someone was stupid enough to make enough noise by breaking down the door, I'd have a bead on them and shoot as soon as they got through. I would aim low, shoot, and then tell the cops to check the hospitals for the perp.

I'll do you one better. I'm sitting alone in my home. No phone, no electric. Hurricane Rita causing the creek to wipe out the garage, the electric poles, phone lines etc. Most evacuated. I did not. The hill behind my house was my exit should the water rise into the house. At 1am 2 men showed up to rob the house. I could see their silhouettes on the honeycomb shade. I reached over and took the loaded rifle in my lap. There is one loaded in nearly every corner in every room. I shoot skeet for sport, I also shoot snakes, raccoons that are killing the ducks, possums killing the chickens and other various vermin.
So, as they stood there deciding which window to enter, I sat 10 feet away. They had a flashlight in their hands. I had a gun with the safety off. So I pondered my options while they pondered their entrance. I knew there would be no need to kill them. I thought about popping one off right over their heads but I didn't want to break the window. I decided to let them go ahead and let one break in and then hit him in the shoulder.
BECAUSE even though I was the one in danger, due to their actions, had I shot them outside in my yard, I would be the one going to jail, not them.
In fact, in your scenario, if someone is coming up the steps, I am now obligated by law to try to climb out of a window or hide in a closet or some stupid shit before I act defensively. Not bloody likely.

And, if someone jumped out of the bushes somewhere and aimed a shotgun at me, I would instinctively try to get it away from the threat. So would you. That man was not putting the shooters in danger. It was the other way around.
Do you understand the 'CastleDocrine' .....what state do you live in? pointed out earlier there are only a few states require you to retreat....and none of them specify you have to jump out a windorw or climb up inside a chimney etc. They simple tell you if you have the ability to retreat you should do so...if you can do so safely. the state of Georgia is not against the law to go around armed....that is why you see so many pickups with a rifle or shotgun hung across the back of the cab.

The black guy was quite a distance from the parked truck...he had plenty of time to go in another direction even after he saw they were armed. At no time did anyone point a gun at him until he attacked.

No one was physically restraining him or place him under arrest. He had complete freedom of movement at all time. If you watch the complete video you will see him going to the right and then swerve left to attack....the angle of his approach is to surprise attack the guy with the shotgun....not to keep on jogging down the road.

The bottom line is simply that nothing the men did violated any law in Georgia. In Georgia if you want to stand by the road with your can do that legally until hell freezes over. You can sit in your truck all day long or forever how long you want to sit in your truck....sitting in your truck is not violating Georgia law.....standing by your truck with a gun is not a violation of Georgia law. Following someone is not a violation of Georgia law.....telling someone you need to talk to them is not a violantion of Georgia Law.

Anyhow.....I still think you watched the edited video put out by the msm.
What would you do if someone charged you and tried to take your shotgun way from you?

If someone was trying to attack me and take my weapon, I'd stay in the truck, with my weapon, and lock the doors until the police arrived. A truck with locks is a place of safety in that situation.

What was the driver doing in front of the truck if not trying to get a better aim?
I live in 2 states. One is stand your ground, kind of, and one is not. And it matters not. If I or any of my family was in mortal danger, my first thought wouldn't be what some congressman thinks I should do.
Now, just so you don't think I have retreated to a rabbit hole, I have to put this debate on hold while I start dinner.
Take a break and rest your mind. I'll go cook something...
What would you do if someone charged you and tried to take your shotgun way from you?

If someone was trying to attack me and take my weapon, I'd stay in the truck, with my weapon, and lock the doors until the police arrived. A truck with locks is a place of safety in that situation.

What was the driver doing in front of the truck if not trying to get a better aim?

Only he can answer that......maybe he just wanted to stretch his legs....maybe he wanted to talk to the jogger or at least try again to talk to the jogger.

Trying to assume these guys were guilty of something because of where they were is nonsense.

These fellows had no idea that the jogger would attack....that was a compete surprise.....all of this will come out in court.

The bottom line being that the media turned this into a racial circus.....if the jogger had been white....this case would never have been national news.

The media is guilty of trying to incite the black community whilst pursuing their narrative of evil white racists and black victimhood.
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Question for the Irish Ram......your are house sitting for your grandparents......before he left your grandpa put his shotgun in the corner of your bedroom....telling you it is loaded and if you need to use it all you have to do is point it at the intruder, burglar or whoever and pull the trigger.

You are sound asleep in the upstairs bedroom when you hear someone break down the front door....then you hear steps coming up the stairs.

What would you do?

If someone was stupid enough to make enough noise by breaking down the door, I'd have a bead on them and shoot as soon as they got through. I would aim low, shoot, and then tell the cops to check the hospitals for the perp.

I'll do you one better. I'm sitting alone in my home. No phone, no electric. Hurricane Rita causing the creek to wipe out the garage, the electric poles, phone lines etc. Most evacuated. I did not. The hill behind my house was my exit should the water rise into the house. At 1am 2 men showed up to rob the house. I could see their silhouettes on the honeycomb shade. I reached over and took the loaded rifle in my lap. There is one loaded in nearly every corner in every room. I shoot skeet for sport, I also shoot snakes, raccoons that are killing the ducks, possums killing the chickens and other various vermin.
So, as they stood there deciding which window to enter, I sat 10 feet away. They had a flashlight in their hands. I had a gun with the safety off. So I pondered my options while they pondered their entrance. I knew there would be no need to kill them. I thought about popping one off right over their heads but I didn't want to break the window. I decided to let them go ahead and let one break in and then hit him in the shoulder.
BECAUSE even though I was the one in danger, due to their actions, had I shot them outside in my yard, I would be the one going to jail, not them.
In fact, in your scenario, if someone is coming up the steps, I am now obligated by law to try to climb out of a window or hide in a closet or some stupid shit before I act defensively. Not bloody likely.

And, if someone jumped out of the bushes somewhere and aimed a shotgun at me, I would instinctively try to get it away from the threat. So would you. That man was not putting the shooters in danger. It was the other way around.
Do you understand the 'CastleDocrine' .....what state do you live in? pointed out earlier there are only a few states that require you to retreat....and none of them specify you have to jump out a window or climb up inside a chimney etc. They simple tell you if you have the ability to retreat you should do so...if you can do so safely.

Which is a terrible law and that is why so many states have and or are enacting the stand your grouond law.

A person may think they can escape or retreat safely...but that might be a big mistake on their part as they run from the intruder coming through the front door by going out the back door there may be another bad guy in the back yard....or the intruder might chase them down and do whatever he wants to them.

The reason for the law that requires one to retreat obviously was designed to keep criminals alive.....thus they stupidly created that law because they had more concern for the perp than for the innocent homeowner.
You're conflating the castle doctrine with the stand your ground doctrine.

What would you do if someone charged you and tried to take your shotgun way from you?

If someone was trying to attack me and take my weapon, I'd stay in the truck, with my weapon, and lock the doors until the police arrived. A truck with locks is a place of safety in that situation.

What was the driver doing in front of the truck if not trying to get a better aim?

Only he can answer that......maybe he just wanted to stretch his legs....maybe he wanted to talk to the jogger or at least try again to talk to the jogger.

Trying to assume these guys were guilty of something because of where they were is nonsense.

These fellows had no idea that the jogger would attack....that was a compete surprise.....all of this will come out in court.

The bottom line being that the media turned this into a racial circus.....if the jogger had been white....this case would never have been national news.

The media is guilty of trying to incite the black community whilst pursuing their narrative of evil white racists and black victimhood.
If the media is guilty of trying to incite the black community, why didn't they report it for 2 months? :cuckoo:
Watched the cbs segment on the shooting just a few minutes ago.....just to see how they would spin it......they still will not show the entire video....which is not that long.....since they have tried to make such a big deal about the incident it seems only fair for them to show the complete video....but they stubbornly refuse to do that.....which makes it pretty clear they do not want the people to know the truth.

And why are the blacks threatening the life of the man who made the video? Obviously because they also do not want the truth known....irregardless of their threats, irregadless of the dishonesty and refusal of msm to show the complete video....the jury will see it. That they cannot prevent.

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Watched the cbs segment on the shooting just a few minutes ago.....just to see how they would spin it......they still will not show the entire video....which is not that long.....since they have tried to make such a big deal about the incident it seems only fair for them to show the complete video....but they stubbornly refuse to do that.....which makes it pretty clear they do not want the people to know the truth.
How do you know the media even has the full video?
I have asked Irish Ram several times to show the video she claims to have watched....she refused....hmmmm I wonder why? is the complete video.

This is the clearest one I have found....note.....the black so called jogger can be seen through the windshield of the truck running to the left to attack the white guy with the happens very,very most likely will have to run the video a couple of times aka stop it back it up and watch thrugh the window of the truck and you will definitely see the black guy running across the front of the truck to attack the white guy.

This is undeniable proof that the so called black jogger attacked the white guy.

At the 20 sec. mark in the video you can see the black jogger running across the front of the truck to attack the white guy.

When this case goes to the jury....with the aid of slow motion and other technology it will be even easier for the jury to see the black guy initiating his attack....with this proof there is no way the prosecution can deny that Travis McMichael was entitled to use lethal force in defense of his life....the grand jury if it is not dominated by political pressure once seeing this video should toss the case out...but of course the political pressure on them most likely will keep them from doing that.

Note: those of you who have some technological ability probably can explain to the other viewers how to increase the size of the video so it is much easier to see the black jogger crossing the front of the truck...i can do it by hit and miss ....clicking around on the video somehow increases the size of the video picture...and if you can do this the image of the black guy running across the front of the truck to attack
Travis is much easier to see.

O.K. I figured out what you have to do to increase the size of the video...a no brainer actually hehheh....just click on the full page button to the bottom right of the video.

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Also...............if you want to run it in slow motion for those of you who do not know how to do on the settings button for the video when it comes up and you will see the speed buttons for the video ....if you want to slow it down as in slow motion click on one of the lower speeds in the settings for the video.
And why are the blacks threatening the life of the man who made the video? Obviously because they also do not want the truth known....irregardless of their threats, irregadless of the dishonesty and refusal of msm to show the complete video....the jury will see it. That they cannot prevent.
Apparently, it wasn't the first time the thug was seen wondering around the neighborhood casing houses:

The Feb. 11 encounter had been prompted by a motion-sensor security camera video in the construction site that had pinged the property owner who was two hours away. The owner, Larry English, texted the video to Perez, who lived near the construction site.

Perez, who has spoken to the GBI, had offered to keep watch, and told English he’d be happy to check on the property any time. English told the AJC that he did not know the McMichaels or provide them with any camera footage. Nothing was taken from his property, he said.

Perez said he was armed when he left his home and walked up Satilla Drive that night. As he walked toward the house under construction, Perez said Travis McMichael drove up from the opposite direction, and stopped his truck.

“Travis saw him in the yard and Travis stopped,” Perez told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday. “He confronted (the man) halfway into the yard. He said (the man) reached for his waistband, and Travis got spooked and went down the road. “

When McMichael returned, his father, Gregory McMichael, was with him and armed, said Perez, who added the elder McMichael had called the Glynn County Police Department.

So he was a common criminal after all.
Apparently, it wasn't the first time the thug was seen wondering around the neighborhood casing houses:

The Feb. 11 encounter had been prompted by a motion-sensor security camera video in the construction site that had pinged the property owner who was two hours away. The owner, Larry English, texted the video to Perez, who lived near the construction site.

Perez, who has spoken to the GBI, had offered to keep watch, and told English he’d be happy to check on the property any time. English told the AJC that he did not know the McMichaels or provide them with any camera footage. Nothing was taken from his property, he said.

Perez said he was armed when he left his home and walked up Satilla Drive that night. As he walked toward the house under construction, Perez said Travis McMichael drove up from the opposite direction, and stopped his truck.

“Travis saw him in the yard and Travis stopped,” Perez told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday. “He confronted (the man) halfway into the yard. He said (the man) reached for his waistband, and Travis got spooked and went down the road. “

When McMichael returned, his father, Gregory McMichael, was with him and armed, said Perez, who added the elder McMichael had called the Glynn County Police Department.

You lost me here. Are you alluding to the A. Arbery issue? Like M. Brown in 2015, he was engaged in activities that was minor and insignificant. And then they both attacked someone questioning their actions and assaulted and tried to take away their firearms. It's dumb on any level suicidal dumb. Like walking up to a mother bear protecting her offspring and punching her, then she bites off your head level DUMB.
Dumb = Dead
This whole case provides nothing but being a national distraction from our real current problems.

It does prove only one thing, so far, that if you really are intent on killing/murdering someone, make sure that you use B. Kidd's preferred weapon, a shotgun!
Mossburg pump with pistol grip. Man stopper.
The owner, Larry English,
Not his real name. Those guys get all incorporated etc. under assumed names. Auctioneers and construction contractors. They've screwed too many people over to live out their natural lives in peace.
Perez, who lived near the construction site
I don't think we have a RealID® for Perez, either. It's the tough-guy MS-13 bodyguard type.
In regards to the above idiot who mentioned oppression.......he has no clue :

According to a US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.
* Most victims of race crime -- about 90 per cent -- are white, according to the survey "Highlights From 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims," published in 1993.
* Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.
* Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the violent racial crimes of whites.
* According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.

Yet the media has duped huge numbers of whites into believing blacks are victims....quite to the contrary as the statistics prove.

A little dated but things have not improved.
This whole case provides nothing but being a national distraction from our real current problems.

It does prove only one thing, so far, that if you really are intent on killing/murdering someone, make sure that you use B. Kidd's preferred weapon, a shotgun!
Mossburg pump with pistol grip. Man stopper.

I prefer the 18 inch barrel Winchester 'defender'.
Extremely reliable for the money.
Remember when this happened in the great left wing state of Oregon? Woman calls 911 cause there was a man breaking in and the police were off duty and the 911 operator asked if she can tell him to just go away...

Woman was choked and raped.

Same state mind you that arrested a man who fired warning shots when a man was breaking into his house. He was a veteran and a guy breaking in, guy fired WARNING SHOTS and the veteran was arrested in the same state where cops were off duty and a woman was brutally raped.


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