New Twist to Thug Killing!

They shot that man in cold blood.

If someone breaks into my home with the intent to murder me, according to our government, not only am I suppose to NOT shoot the intruder, I am expected to climb out of a window or hide up a chimney or under a bed. That is supposed to be my first option to avoid a murder.

All those men needed to do to avoid a murder was to keep driving...
Again you are in error....saying that and I quote: "if someone breaks into my home with the intent to murder me, according to our government, not only am I suppose to NOT shoot the intruder, I am expectedto climb out of a window or hide up a chimney or under a bed. That is supposed to be my first optiojn to avoid a murder."

Well first of all I wonder what state this person 'Irish Ram' lives in? Does anyone know?

Now for the truth.....................even in the states that require one to retreat if possible when confronted with an attacker....they do not say things like: hide under the bed, climb out the window or climb up the maybe she would...that would be on her....the few states that do require one to retreat if possible only say that must retreat if possible.

. The substantial majority view among the states, by a 31-19 margin, is no duty to retreat. Florida is thus part of this substantial majority on this point. And most of these states took this view even before the recent spate of “stand your ground” statutes, including the Florida statute.
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Most posters make an occasional mistake from time to time but I have never seen any poster on this board in all the years I have been on here to consistently be wrong or in error as much as I have observed the Irish
Ram to be.
If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Who cares? People get murdered every day. But when White guys do the deed ,it becomes political.
If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Who cares? People get murdered every day. But when White guys do the deed ,it becomes political.

Yes ....the infamous double-standard is always at play when there is a black involved....they get preferential treatment by the media especially but in many cases by the authorities as well.....due to the doctrine of political correctness.

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Nah, they're done. The father is an ex-cop who will git the royal treatment in prison and his son is gonna cook.

Didn't you say something similar to that about George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason Stockley, Jeronimo Yanez, and Betty Shelby ? :biggrin:

All of them shot an unarmed black guy. All were acquitted.
The poster called Irish ram refuses to listen to anyone ...refuses to consider the evidence....and either has not watched the real video or refuses to see what it shows....letting his extreme bias blind him.

He just keeps spamming the board with the same ole crap from days ago....he should be reported for spamming

The poster called The Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I am entitled to post my opinion just as you are. And can do it without insults and put downs. Sorry that you can't.

We'll see what a jury of their peers think. Those good old boys are going to prison....
Do you think they will really get a jury of their peers?

Would you consider blacks as peers of the defendants?

Care to guess how many blacks will be on the jury?

I predict at least 6.

Irregardless.....yes you are entitled to your opinion....but that is all you have and it is not enough.
"Would you consider blacks as peers of the defendants?"

Scratch a conservative, find a racist. ^^^
Nah, they're done. The father is an ex-cop who will git the royal treatment in prison and his son is gonna cook.

Didn't you say something similar to that about George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason Stockley, Jeronimo Yanez, and Betty Shelby ? :biggrin:

All of them shot an unarmed black guy. All were acquitted.
No, only Zimmerman.
We'll see what a jury of their peers think. Those good old boys are going to prison....
for what?

Have you answered what the kid with the gun was supposed to do after the runner grabbed his gun? just curious.
The quality of life has gradually gone down in all of our big cities since they were invaded by African so called Americans....the rampant crime, violence etc. have made our cities into little more than places some go to work in the daytime and leave as quickly as possible when they get off work.

So what can be done to improve the situation in our large cities.

I think armed patrols both white and black volunteers would be a good place to start....sort of like the 'guardian angels' but with teeth.....organized on a similar basis as the 'posses' of the old west.......armed and authorized to shoot criminals, or arrest them ....they could get rid of all the thugs hanging out on the corner waiting to pounce on the first weak target they see.

Also they should stop building low income housing in our cities.....create camps way out in the country or in the desert for these kinds of people who are little more than parasites....get them out of our cities and confine them and those that can be re-habilitated should have the opportunity but for the rest...strict observation and control for them...monitor them with video cameras ankle bracelets whatever if need be....make them work in the fields to help pay for the costs of making sure they pose no threat to anyone.

All those deemed habitual offenders should be stripped of their citizenship and any legal rights so as to not allow them to clog up the judicial system....these criminal parasites should have no rights whatsoever until they demonstrate they can control themselve and become useful citizens...hard working people should not have their taxes used to support vicious thugs, parasites etc.

Perhaps we could work out a deal with some African nation to deport those deemed un-redeemable. Remove them permanently from our nation.

Just a few ideas...I am sure there is much more that could be done...if we get the liberals out of the loop. if the liberals are so concerned about their darlin darkies....let them adopt some of them....bring them into their homes and support not expect others to have to pay for these parasites welfare and all the free stuff they are given.
We'll see what a jury of their peers think. Those good old boys are going to prison....
for what?

Have you answered what the kid with the gun was supposed to do after the runner grabbed his gun? just curious.

For what? For murdering an unarmed civilian. They went hunting. It's why they needed to be well armed. The "kid" with the gun should never have left his vehicle, to point his weapon at the jogger. That action required the jogger to react. You can follow someone so they don't get away without killing them. In fact, I don't know if you have ever shot a gun, but you can halt a jogger just by shooting them in the foot. No need to end his life.
The well armed men created the situation, took advantage of the situation, and result was the murder of an UNARMED man.

Just a few of the questions that are going to be asked in court:
Do you believe you were in mortal danger from the jogger?
Was he trying to get into the truck to harm you?
Was he shouting obscenities at you?
Did he threaten to kill you?
Did the jogger point his weapon at you?
Would there have been the need for you to "self defend" if you would have just stayed in your truck?
Did your truck have locks on the door that would have prevented the jogger from assaulting you?
Did the jogger insist you stop and get out of the truck so he could fight you for the gun?
Did you instigate the need to defend yourself by getting out of his truck with a weapon and aiming it at the unarmed jogger?
Did pointing your weapon at the deceased create the need for the jogger to defend himself?
Could you have defused the situation by simply sitting in your vehicle and waiting for the police?
Is there anyway you could have avoided killing the jogger?
With so many options to prevent the deadly escalation, why did you get out of your truck?
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We'll see what a jury of their peers think. Those good old boys are going to prison....
for what?

Have you answered what the kid with the gun was supposed to do after the runner grabbed his gun? just curious.

For what? For murdering an unarmed civilian. They went hunting. It's why they needed to be well armed. The "kid" with the gun should never have left his vehicle, to point the weapon at the jogger. That required the jogger to react. You can follow someone so they don't get away without killing them. In fact, I don't know if you have ever shot a gun, but you can halt a jogger just by shooting them in the foot. No need to end his life.
The well armed men created the situation, took advantage of the situation, and result was the murder of an UNARMED CIVILIAN.

Do you believe the rednecks were in mortal danger from the jogger? Was he trying to get into the truck to harm the driver? Was he shouting obscenities at them? Did he threaten to kill them? Did the jogger point his weapon at those in the truck? Were the lives of men in the truck in mortal danger? Is there anyway they could have avoided killing the jogger? Did the jogger insist they stop and get out of the truck so he could have fought them for the gun? Did the driver instigate the need to defend himself by getting out of his truck with a weapon and aim it at the unarmed jogger? Would "self defense" have been necessary if the shooter would have remained in the truck? Did the truck have locks on the door to prevent any attempt of the jogger to assault them? Is there any way the murders could have prevented killing the jogger? Could the shooter have defused the situation by remaining in the truck?
Just a few of the questions the murders are going to have to answer in court....
again, what did you expect the kid with the gun to do when the black man running lunged and grabbed the shotgun. go!!!
We'll see what a jury of their peers think. Those good old boys are going to prison....
for what?

Have you answered what the kid with the gun was supposed to do after the runner grabbed his gun? just curious.

For what? For murdering an unarmed civilian. They went hunting. It's why they needed to be well armed. The "kid" with the gun should never have left his vehicle, to point the weapon at the jogger. That required the jogger to react. You can follow someone so they don't get away without killing them. In fact, I don't know if you have ever shot a gun, but you can halt a jogger just by shooting them in the foot. No need to end his life.
The well armed men created the situation, took advantage of the situation, and result was the murder of an UNARMED CIVILIAN.

Do you believe the rednecks were in mortal danger from the jogger? Was he trying to get into the truck to harm the driver? Was he shouting obscenities at them? Did he threaten to kill them? Did the jogger point his weapon at those in the truck? Were the lives of men in the truck in mortal danger? Is there anyway they could have avoided killing the jogger? Did the jogger insist they stop and get out of the truck so he could have fought them for the gun? Did the driver instigate the need to defend himself by getting out of his truck with a weapon and aim it at the unarmed jogger? Would "self defense" have been necessary if the shooter would have remained in the truck? Did the truck have locks on the door to prevent any attempt of the jogger to assault them? Is there any way the murders could have prevented killing the jogger? Could the shooter have defused the situation by remaining in the truck?
Just a few of the questions the murders are going to have to answer in court....
again, what did you expect the kid with the gun to do when the black man running lunged and grabbed the shotgun. go!!!
Why do you leave out how Travis charged towards Arbery?
We'll see what a jury of their peers think. Those good old boys are going to prison....
for what?

Have you answered what the kid with the gun was supposed to do after the runner grabbed his gun? just curious.

For what? For murdering an unarmed civilian. They went hunting. It's why they needed to be well armed. The "kid" with the gun should never have left his vehicle, to point the weapon at the jogger. That required the jogger to react. You can follow someone so they don't get away without killing them. In fact, I don't know if you have ever shot a gun, but you can halt a jogger just by shooting them in the foot. No need to end his life.
The well armed men created the situation, took advantage of the situation, and result was the murder of an UNARMED CIVILIAN.

Do you believe the rednecks were in mortal danger from the jogger? Was he trying to get into the truck to harm the driver? Was he shouting obscenities at them? Did he threaten to kill them? Did the jogger point his weapon at those in the truck? Were the lives of men in the truck in mortal danger? Is there anyway they could have avoided killing the jogger? Did the jogger insist they stop and get out of the truck so he could have fought them for the gun? Did the driver instigate the need to defend himself by getting out of his truck with a weapon and aim it at the unarmed jogger? Would "self defense" have been necessary if the shooter would have remained in the truck? Did the truck have locks on the door to prevent any attempt of the jogger to assault them? Is there any way the murders could have prevented killing the jogger? Could the shooter have defused the situation by remaining in the truck?
Just a few of the questions the murders are going to have to answer in court....
again, what did you expect the kid with the gun to do when the black man running lunged and grabbed the shotgun. go!!!

She consistently ignores the facts of the case.

Thus her comments are not relevant.....she is down there in the rabbit hole composing her latest fantasy of what happened.
again, what did you expect the kid with the gun to do when the black man running lunged and grabbed the shotgun. go

Stay in the truck.
Now you:
Is there any way the "kid" could have prevented the murder of an unarmed man? go

If someone followed me. Stopped their vehicle, jumped out with a shotgun, and pointed it at me, you bet your ass I would use MY only form of defense, my hands, to fight for my life. So would you. The one that needed to defend himself was NOT the one with the weapon.
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Question for the Irish Ram......your are house sitting for your grandparents......before he left your grandpa put his shotgun in the corner of your bedroom....telling you it is loaded and if you need to use it all you have to do is point it at the intruder, burglar or whoever and pull the trigger.

You are sound asleep in the upstairs bedroom when you hear someone break down the front door....then you hear steps coming up the stairs.

What would you do?
She consistently ignores the facts of the case.

Thus her comments are not relevant.....she is down there in the rabbit hole composing her latest fantasy of what happened

She's right here defending her case. Ram it...
If you were correct, those men would be out collecting roadkill today. Instead, they are contained in a cell, charged with murder. Your facts are the same facts the police used to come to the conclusion that your boys didn't need to murder that man.
Are you using the video to compose your fantasy of what happened? I used it to come to my conclusion. It's the same one the police used to arrest the killers, and the same video the jury will use to come to their conclusion.
There will be blacks and whites on the jury and they will come to a unanimous decision. Guilty of murder.

In their own words: "We chased him down...."
She consistently ignores the facts of the case.

Thus her comments are not relevant.....she is down there in the rabbit hole composing her latest fantasy of what happened

She's right here defending her case. Ram it...
If you were correct, those men would be out collecting roadkill today. Instead, they are contained in a cell, charged with murder. Your facts are the same facts the police used to come to the conclusion that your boys didn't need to murder that man.
Are you using the video to compose your fantasy of what happened? I used it to come to my conclusion. It's the same one the police used to arrest the killers, and the same video the jury will use to come to their conclusion.
There will be blacks and whites on the jury and they will come to a unanimous decision. Guilty of murder.

In their own words: "We chased him down...."

I see you were unable to answer my surprise there.

But regarding the video you claim to have watched. First of all there were several videos or clips of video put out.....the msm put out an edited version that deleted the footage showing the black guy attacking.

Then there was the complete video that showed the whole episode up to and including the black suspect collapsing and dying.

Which video did you watch? Or better yet post the video you watched.....that might clear up a lot of confusion I see on your part.
Question for the Irish Ram......your are house sitting for your grandparents......before he left your grandpa put his shotgun in the corner of your bedroom....telling you it is loaded and if you need to use it all you have to do is point it at the intruder, burglar or whoever and pull the trigger.

You are sound asleep in the upstairs bedroom when you hear someone break down the front door....then you hear steps coming up the stairs.

What would you do?

If someone was stupid enough to make enough noise by breaking down the door, I'd have a bead on them and shoot as soon as they got through. I would aim low, shoot, and then tell the cops to check the hospitals for the perp.

I'll do you one better. I'm sitting alone in my home. No phone, no electric. Hurricane Rita causing the creek to wipe out the garage, the electric poles, phone lines etc. Most evacuated. I did not. The hill behind my house was my exit should the water rise into the house. At 1am 2 men showed up to rob the house. I could see their silhouettes on the honeycomb shade. I reached over and took the loaded rifle in my lap. There is one loaded in nearly every corner in every room. I shoot skeet for sport, I also shoot snakes, raccoons that are killing the ducks, possums killing the chickens and other various vermin.
So, as they stood there deciding which window to enter, I sat 10 feet away. They had a flashlight in their hands. I had a gun with the safety off. So I pondered my options while they pondered their entrance. I knew there would be no need to kill them. I thought about popping one off right over their heads but I didn't want to break the window. I decided to let them go ahead and let one break in and then hit him in the shoulder.
BECAUSE even though I was the one in danger, due to their actions, had I shot them outside in my yard, I would be the one going to jail, not them.
In fact, in your scenario, if someone is coming up the steps, I am now obligated by law to try to climb out of a window or hide in a closet or some stupid shit before I act defensively. Not bloody likely.

And, if someone jumped out of the bushes somewhere and aimed a shotgun at me, I would instinctively try to get it away from the threat. So would you. That man was not putting the shooters in danger. It was the other way around.
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Question for the Irish Ram......your are house sitting for your grandparents......before he left your grandpa put his shotgun in the corner of your bedroom....telling you it is loaded and if you need to use it all you have to do is point it at the intruder, burglar or whoever and pull the trigger.

You are sound asleep in the upstairs bedroom when you hear someone break down the front door....then you hear steps coming up the stairs.

What would you do?

If someone was stupid enough to make enough noise by breaking down the door, I'd have a bead on them and shoot as soon as they got through. I would aim low, shoot, and then tell the cops to check the hospitals for the perp.

I'll do you one better. I'm sitting alone in my home. No phone, no electric. Hurricane Rita causing the creek to wipe out the garage, the electric poles, phone lines etc. Most evacuated. I did not. The hill behind my house was my exit should the water rise into the house. At 1am 2 men showed up to rob the house. I could see their silhouettes on the honeycomb shade. I reached over and took the loaded rifle in my lap. There is one loaded in nearly every corner in every room. I shoot skeet for sport, I also shoot snakes, raccoons that are killing the ducks, possums killing the chickens and other various vermin.
So, as they stood there deciding which window to enter, I sat 10 feet away. They had a flashlight in their hands. I had a gun with the safety off. So I pondered my options while they pondered their entrance. I knew there would be no need to kill them. I thought about popping one off right over their heads but I didn't want to break the window. I decided to let them go ahead and let one break in and then hit him in the shoulder.
BECAUSE even though I was the one in danger, due to their actions, had I shot them outside in my yard, I would be the one going to jail, not them.
In fact, in your scenario, if someone is coming up the steps, I am now obligated by law to try to climb out of a window or hide in a closet or some stupid shit before I act defensively. Not bloody likely.

And, if someone jumped out of the bushes somewhere and aimed a shotgun at me, I would instinctively try to get it away from the threat. So would you. That man was not putting the shooters in danger. It was the other way around.

'That man' you say was trying to take the white guys shotgun away from him...since you do not seem to know that...indicates to me you did not watch the complete video...most likely you watched the edited video put out by the msm.

What would you do if someone charged you and tried to take your shotgun way from you?

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