New Twist to Thug Killing!

It's amazing this story gets practically no coverage, yet it's obvious this elderly couple were murdered strictly because they were white:

Elderly couple murdered in cemetery by sniper who then opened fire on first responders: “Revenge killing”?

At least the asshole that murdered the couple died, as well. Another thug PERMANENTLY off the streets.
I did. They hunted down an unarmed man and blew him away in broad daylight, for looking at a house being built. He stole nothing, he had no way to defend himself. At best, his worse crime would be trespassing for 2 minutes. He did nothing to deserve the sentence that was carried out by a couple of rednecks.
I watched the video and grieved for the mother that also watched the video...
1. They didn't "hunt" anybody.

2. They had no way of knowing if Arbery was armed or not.

3. He could have defended himself by not running by the truck. He could have turned away from it. Instead he lunged at Travis, and attacked him.

4. He deserved to get shot. He was punching Travis, who shot him in selfdefense.

5. "rednecks" is a racial slur against white people.
The men following the suspect were completely justified to stop, question and figure out if the suspect posed a threat to the neighborhood as his many intrusions onto private property seemed to indicate

Where in your scenario, does it say, and then they get to kill him if they want? They mowed down an unarmed man. Apparently they concluded he needed to be murdered as he may be a threat to the neighborhood. They were judge and executioner. Nothing justified about it. Nothing legal about it.

I can't blow you away even if I feel you are a threat to my neighborhood. I have to call the police and explain to them why I feel you are a threat. They take it from there. There were others that checked out the house under construction. There were others that had walked onto that property. Only one was followed and murdered.

I have people/strangers that kayak right through my front yard. They slow down and check out the house, the get out of the creek and take a leak. Pretend to take aim and shoot my ducks. They annoy my dogs. They have threatened my dogs. I have a rifle, they have an oar. If I shot a few of them, the police would come. Not to arrest them, but to arrest me for murder.
Those men took justice into their own hands. They need to pay the consequences, asshole.
MacTheKnife, post:
The men following the suspect were completely justified to stop, question and figure out if the suspect posed a threat to the neighborhood as his many intrusions onto private property seemed to indicate

Where in your scenario, does it say, and then they get to kill him if they want? They mowed down an unarmed man. Apparently they concluded he needed to be murdered as he may be a threat to the neighborhood. They were judge and executioner. Nothing justified about it. Nothing legal about it.

I can't blow you away even if I feel you are a threat to my neighborhood. I have to call the police and explain to them why I feel you are a threat. They take it from there. There were others that checked out the house under construction. There were others that had walked onto that property. Only one was followed and murdered.

I have people/strangers that kayak right through my front yard. They slow down and check out the house, they get out of the creek and take a leak. Pretend to take aim and shoot my ducks. They annoy my dogs. They have threatened my dogs. I have a rifle, they have an oar. If I shot a few of them, the police would come. Not to arrest them for trespassing, but to arrest me for murder.
Those men took justice into their own hands. They need to pay the consequences, asshole.
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Apparently, it wasn't the first time the thug was seen wondering around the neighborhood casing houses:

The Feb. 11 encounter had been prompted by a motion-sensor security camera video in the construction site that had pinged the property owner who was two hours away. The owner, Larry English, texted the video to Perez, who lived near the construction site.

Perez, who has spoken to the GBI, had offered to keep watch, and told English he’d be happy to check on the property any time. English told the AJC that he did not know the McMichaels or provide them with any camera footage. Nothing was taken from his property, he said.

Perez said he was armed when he left his home and walked up Satilla Drive that night. As he walked toward the house under construction, Perez said Travis McMichael drove up from the opposite direction, and stopped his truck.

“Travis saw him in the yard and Travis stopped,” Perez told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday. “He confronted (the man) halfway into the yard. He said (the man) reached for his waistband, and Travis got spooked and went down the road. “

When McMichael returned, his father, Gregory McMichael, was with him and armed, said Perez, who added the elder McMichael had called the Glynn County Police Department.

Going on the assumption that Arbery was casing houses for potential break-ins, the fact remains that when "jogging" down the street, he was "unarmed and not carrying stolen property." As no apparent felony was in progress by him, the shooters had no right to attempt a "citizens arrest" which can only be done if a felony is in progress and they certainly had no right to shoot Mr. Arbery.
That being said, if, however, he had actually been inside someone's home in the process of burglarizing, then by all means, they should be able to "blow him away," thus getting rid of one more lousy thief. I hate thieves, with a passion and they should be killed.
MacTheKnife, post:
The men following the suspect were completely justified to stop, question and figure out if the suspect posed a threat to the neighborhood as his many intrusions onto private property seemed to indicate

Where in your scenario, does it say, and then they get to kill him if they want? They mowed down an unarmed man. Apparently they concluded he needed to be murdered as he may be a threat to the neighborhood. They were judge and executioner. Nothing justified about it. Nothing legal about it.

I can't blow you away even if I feel you are a threat to my neighborhood. I have to call the police and explain to them why I feel you are a threat. They take it from there. There were others that checked out the house under construction. There were others that had walked onto that property. Only one was followed and murdered.

I have people/strangers that kayak right through my front yard. They slow down and check out the house, they get out of the creek and take a leak. Pretend to take aim and shoot my ducks. They annoy my dogs. They have threatened my dogs. I have a rifle, they have an oar. If I shot a few of them, the police would come. Not to arrest them for trespassing, but to arrest me for murder.
Those men took justice into their own hands. They need to pay the consequences, asshole.

What a dwumb fwuck.......before you come on here and demonstrate your ignorance in front of the whole board......get the facts of the case.

As has been pointed out many,,many times enough times that even in your cave out in da shoulda heard about it.......the black boy assaulted the white down here in river city USA.....that means the white boy was justified to use lethal force in self defense.

Dat black boy should have just kept on jogging.....he had a open road in front of him....he was not under arrrest, he was not handcuffed and in fact he was not restrained or detained....had complete freedom of movement and he could have kept on running until the cops caught up with him and they were on the way ...make no mistake about that...the McMichaels had called the police prior to their pursuit of the suspect.
Where in your scenario, does it say, and then they get to kill him if they want? They mowed down an unarmed man. Apparently they concluded he needed to be murdered as he may be a threat to the neighborhood. They were judge and executioner. Nothing justified about it. Nothing legal about it.

I can't blow you away even if I feel you are a threat to my neighborhood. I have to call the police and explain to them why I feel you are a threat. They take it from there. There were others that checked out the house under construction. There were others that had walked onto that property. Only one was followed and murdered.

I have people/strangers that kayak right through my front yard. They slow down and check out the house, the get out of the creek and take a leak. Pretend to take aim and shoot my ducks. They annoy my dogs. They have threatened my dogs. I have a rifle, they have an oar. If I shot a few of them, the police would come. Not to arrest them, but to arrest me for murder.
Those men took justice into their own hands. They need to pay the consequences, asshole.
The one thing you seem to be dodging here, is that Travis was ATTACKED. And when he fired his gun, it was in self-defense. And self-defense law has nothing to do with armed or unarmed. Cops and citizens shoot unarmed men all the time (in self-defense). Many instances of it over the past few years. And in all of them, the shooters were acquitted. Get it ?
Going on the assumption that Arbery was casing houses for potential break-ins, the fact remains that when "jogging" down the street, he was "unarmed and not carrying stolen property." As no apparent felony was in progress by him, the shooters had no right to attempt a "citizens arrest" which can only be done if a felony is in progress and they certainly had no right to shoot Mr. Arbery.
That being said, if, however, he had actually been inside someone's home in the process of burglarizing, then by all means, they should be able to "blow him away," thus getting rid of one more lousy thief. I hate thieves, with a passion and they should be killed.
Everyone has the right to shoot in self-defense. down here in river city USA.....that means the white boy was justified to use lethal force in self defense.

They killed an unarmed man for jogging. You river city rednecks may think you can take the law into your own hands, but if that were the case the good old boys would be out noodling today. Instead they have been arrested for murder. Apparently, river city disagrees with you too.

From the horse's mouth:
The McMichaels told police they chased Arbery down because they believed he matched the description of a burglary suspect caught on surveillance video.

You don't get to murder someone because you believe the person may have done something. You don't get to murder someone because you assume the person may have done something.

We'll find out what a jury decides after they have listened to the facts. I bet those two big shot vigilantes are going to go to prison for chasing down and killing an unarmed man... down here in river city USA.....that means the white boy was justified to use lethal force in self defense.

They killed an unarmed man for jogging. You river city rednecks may think you can take the law into your own hands, but if that were the case the good old boys would be out noodling today. Instead they have been arrested for murder. Apparently, river city disagrees with you too.

From the horse's mouth:
The McMichaels told police they chased Arbery down because they believed he matched the description of a burglary suspect caught on surveillance video.

You don't get to murder someone because you believe the person may have done something. You don't get to murder someone because you assume the person may have done something.

We'll find out what a jury decides after they have listened to the facts. I bet those two big shot vigilantes are going to go to prison for chasing down and killing an unarmed man...

Were you born stupid or just indoctrinated into it? Anyhow.....look up the legal definition of murder to begin with.

Travis McMichaels was attacked by the black did you miss that? Now if you are black ...then I know your game and please do not respond.

Thus Travis had legal authroity to use lethal force to defend his life.

The McMacMichaels were arrested and jailed because of politics......the authorities feared the blacks would riot if nothing was to placate the blacks they arrested the MacMichaels and the grand jury will look into it....if they want to go to trial....then there will be a trial....I think even if they know or have a strong belief the MacMichaels are innocent the grandjury will opt for a trial as they probably believe the negroes need more time to cool down.
“Your neighbor at XX Satilla Drive is Greg McMichael. Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office,” the text from Officer Rash read. “He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera.”

“When I saw (the texts), I immediately understood that an organization had been developing in that neighborhood since at least December,” Graddy told Channel 2. “It appears that Gregory McMichael had been informally 'deputized' by the Glynn County Police Department.”

Wow. This is an interesting piece of information. If true, this changes the outlook of the case. down here in river city USA.....that means the white boy was justified to use lethal force in self defense.

They killed an unarmed man for jogging. You river city rednecks may think you can take the law into your own hands, but if that were the case the good old boys would be out noodling today. Instead they have been arrested for murder. Apparently, river city disagrees with you too.

From the horse's mouth:
The McMichaels told police they chased Arbery down because they believed he matched the description of a burglary suspect caught on surveillance video.

You don't get to murder someone because you believe the person may have done something. You don't get to murder someone because you assume the person may have done something.

We'll find out what a jury decides after they have listened to the facts. I bet those two big shot vigilantes are going to go to prison for chasing down and killing an unarmed man...

Were you born stupid or just indoctrinated into it? Anyhow.....look up the legal definition of murder to begin with.

Travis McMichaels was attacked by the black did you miss that? Now if you are black ...then I know your game and please do not respond.

Thus Travis had legal authroity to use lethal force to defend his life.

The McMacMichaels were arrested and jailed because of politics......the authorities feared the blacks would riot if nothing was to placate the blacks they arrested the MacMichaels and the grand jury will look into it....if they want to go to trial....then there will be a trial....I think even if they know or have a strong belief the MacMichaels are innocent the grandjury will opt for a trial as they probably believe the negroes need more time to cool down.
That "black dude" legally attacked him in self defense.
“Your neighbor at XX Satilla Drive is Greg McMichael. Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office,” the text from Officer Rash read. “He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera.”

“When I saw (the texts), I immediately understood that an organization had been developing in that neighborhood since at least December,” Graddy told Channel 2. “It appears that Gregory McMichael had been informally 'deputized' by the Glynn County Police Department.”

Wow. This is an interesting piece of information. If true, this changes the outlook of the case.

Exactly....that is why you will not see any liberals touch this thread with a ten foot pole. hehheh Well....some of the REAL stoopid ones might. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I still expect the grand jury to send it to trial since the political pressure is so pervasive.....they will let the jury make the decision...being too cowardly to do it themselves.

A lot of folks still do not get it....this case just like the Zimmerman case is politically motivated...without the politics the state has nothing....just the lying media and biased politicians trying to suck up to blacks.

Time for white folks to wake up to the fact the msm is your enemy and an extreme danger to any white man that has to defend his life or property from a black criminal....the friggin media always sides with the black no matter the circumsances when he is killed by a white.....they could not care less about the thousands of blacks killed by blacks nor the thousands of whites killed by blacks....because such stories do not fit their fallacious narrative of black victimhood.
the black man killed himself. it's on video. you should watch it

I did. They hunted down an unarmed man and blew him away in broad daylight, for looking at a house being built. He stole nothing, he had no way to defend himself. At best, his worse crime would be trespassing for 2 minutes. He did nothing to deserve the sentence that was carried out by a couple of rednecks.
I watched the video and grieved for the mother that also watched the video...
Umm.... except he charged at one of the men, swung at him, and tried to take his gun away. He was shot in self defense, period. If he didn’t want to die he should had ran the other way, or wait for police. He knew neighbors called the cops on him. Reality is he didn’t want to go to jail again so he was willing to murder in order to not get caught.
If you think you live in a country where Arbery's murderers will be brought to justice, then you are fooling yourself.
Fucking ****** deserved it...shitlib.

Poke a rightie, find a racist.

Hopefully the courts will decide in favor of those men who were defending themselves from that vile savage.

Good luck wit that, ya piece o'shit racist.

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