New Twitter files drop Dec 16th…FBI directly contacted Twitter and told them who to ban…emails to prove it,

No, it does not. The vast majority of campaign ads contain lies and misinformation, and they are put out by the campaigns themselves. No one says the FBI should investigate and suppress "Granny gets pushed off the cliff", for example. Heck, if you want to pursue that line of argument, there would be maybe 2 democrat campaign ads that would be allowed to run during a campaign.

Quid Pro's administration has no business trying to control social media content to get himself re-elected.
Hey dumbass, it was the Trump admin who was in charge of the FBI when it happened.
I've read them. Make your point if you have one.
It’s clear that the FBI, and later the WH were directing Twitter who to target, erase tweets, and ban…If you’ve even been hearing about these releases, there is no way you can say what you did.
Russian collusion is made up and you loons still believe it. Lol
Campaign leadership DID NOT meet with Russian gov representative at Trump tower?

They did not discuss getting Clinton compromat and sanctions against Russia?

Campaign manager Manafort DID NOT feed FSB agent internal campaign polling?

Trump WAS NOT trying to secure a contract for Trump Tower in Moscow during campaign?

Trump WAS NOT running on anti-sanctions platform and publicly defend Putin and say nothing but nice things about him?

Of course that's collusion, it just wasn't proven to rise to the level of Criminal Conspiracy.
Campaign leadership DID NOT meet with Russian gov representative at Trump tower?

They did not discuss getting Clinton compromat and sanctions against Russia?

Campaign manager Manafort DID NOT feed FSB agent internal campaign polling?

Trump WAS NOT trying to secure a contract for Trump Tower in Moscow during campaign?

Trump WAS NOT running on anti-sanctions platform and publicly defend Putin and say nothing but nice things about him?

Of course that's collusion, it just wasn't proven to rise to the level of Criminal Conspiracy.
They lied about it, even the fbi said so.
With, in fact they work under him.
When Trump was in office have you forgotten the legions of career government employees, including within the FBI that were actively working against the administration?

People like you act as though that never happened....
We see here a whole thread illustrating the infallibility of the "Every conservative accusation is a confession" law.

No conservatives are criticizing Musk's current censorship crusade.

No conservatives are criticzing Trump for his pledge to criminalize fact-checking.

No conservative criticized the ongoing book-burning crusade and threat to jail teachers and librarians based on the groomer big lie. Instead, they're all still willingly spread the lie and demanding more censorship.

No conservatives ever criticize the ongoing conservative censorship crusade. They love censoring, and they want to see more conservative censorship.


Because that's how fascists roll.

And because most conservatives know they can't win any debate with a liberal on any topic, so they see censorship as their only viable option.
You are showing your complete one-sidedness for one reference you typed.
"Musk censoring crusade"
Twitter 1.0 literally had over 1000 employees whose only job was censoring.
100,000s of people were shadow banned and outright banned.
They created bot accounts to repeat information they liked, while shadow banning and putting limiters on content they didn't like.
And you call Musk temp banning a handful of people a "banning crusade".

Holy cow. The hive mind is deep within you
Yes and FBI wants "We the people" to not be fooled and manipulated about what day election is, Tweeter shares their concerns.
So, you basically just said you are for the State telling you what to believe, and or say....I think they call that a fascist....
So, you basically just said you are for the State telling you what to believe, and or say....I think they call that a fascist....

Fascists are not known for letting private companies moderate their private forums, or asking them for co-operation.

Fascists are known for authoritarian governing where freedom of speech is not allowed in the PUBLIC domain, there is no independant media and opposition is effectively outlawed.

FBI is not stopping anyone from posting their batshit crazy nonsense on forums that allow it or putting togather peaceful protests in public square.
Yep I'm dense, but you don't even know that Twitter can controll what gets posted on their private platform without violating anyone's 1st Amendment rights.

FBI can report posters. Tweeter can enforce policy against them. You simply don't know wtf you are talking about.
You are crazy if you think this is legal.

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