New Video Shows Rittenhouse Punching a Woman Pre Shooting, Classy

So, a substantial portion of the Trump thugs here are advocating beating small women who "have it coming."

And I think nobody is surprised. After all, Trump cultists are the lowest form of life that has ever existed on the planet.

You don't hit smaller females. It doesn't matter if she hit you first. You just don't do it.

If a woman hits you with her hand, you walk away, or block her, or grab her wrist, but you do not slug her back. Punching a much smaller female is saying "I am one dickless little manbitch".

And many of the Trump cultists here are proud of saying just that, over and over.

That is genderism. Sorry, but if someone of any sex wants to mix it up, they should be ready for the consequences.
That's sexism. You don't know that someone has any sex, wants any sex, or even knows what sex is!

its always some form of ism or ist.


Oh my how the tables have turned so quickly

So he punched a woman that was attacking someone else.

This is the best you got? You guys are so desperate to make it look like Kyle is “the bad guy”.

Yea since when is that how we do things?

What are you some basement dwelling boomer/

Since when do men do anything but break up a fight between women? THey don't


All he had to do was grab the little one and look at her. Instead he was swinging cuz he's a giant pussy.

Like you

Wrong, if any person is assaulting another, any one can subdue that person. Besides, this is the crowd that wants “equality”, so why would anyone hold back against a violent woman?

Uh huh the rules have changed because she's a liberal woman?

So pathetic.

This is why Kyle has time to come out and fuck with protestors. The kid had social problems

Like you

Hey “Juicin”, here is your hero’s rap sheet from Arizona:

“But, but, but, he was a peaceful protester attacked by a 17-year old”.

Darwin finally caught up with him

Excellent delivery but significant momentum is somehow getting lost in her wrist or something..


Oh my how the tables have turned so quickly

So as a gentleman who would let women punch you without you responding, you're absolutely disgusted with Democrats who target conservative women like Sarah Palin, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Condie, Betsy Devos, Kathleen Harris, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingrahm and other conservatives, aren't you?

Wait, Jucin, where'd you go???
So, a substantial portion of the Trump thugs here are advocating beating small women who "have it coming."

And I think nobody is surprised. After all, Trump cultists are the lowest form of life that has ever existed on the planet.

You don't hit smaller females. It doesn't matter if she hit you first. You just don't do it.

If a woman hits you with her hand, you walk away, or block her, or grab her wrist, but you do not slug her back. Punching a much smaller female is saying "I am one dickless little manbitch".

And many of the Trump cultists here are proud of saying just that, over and over.
This is simply touching. How close are we to returning to big strong men opening those heavy doors For the little woman?


Oh my how the tables have turned so quickly

So he punched a woman that was attacking someone else.

This is the best you got? You guys are so desperate to make it look like Kyle is “the bad guy”.

Yea since when is that how we do things?

What are you some basement dwelling boomer/

Since when do men do anything but break up a fight between women? THey don't


All he had to do was grab the little one and look at her. Instead he was swinging cuz he's a giant pussy.

Like you

Wrong, if any person is assaulting another, any one can subdue that person. Besides, this is the crowd that wants “equality”, so why would anyone hold back against a violent woman?

It is clear the smaller woman runs up to the taller one and looks like she initiated the attack...

Kyle was not subduing, he was hitting a woman from behind... This was straight assault... Two people attacking one...

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